• 4 days ago
As his school days draw to an end, Yuuki Wakura worries about his future. While lamenting the prospect of living an ordinary life, he is suddenly drawn into the world of Mato: an alternate dimension filled with dangerous monsters called Shuuki. Over the years since the existence of Mato was first confirmed, incidents of people accidentally wandering into the other world have become commonplace. To combat the threat of the Shuuki and rescue victims like Yuuki, the all-female Demon Defense Force was established. Its members have been blessed with the power of "Peaches"—Mato fruits that grant supernatural abilities only to women. Though Yuuki's situation is dire, he is saved in the nick of time by Kyouka Uzen, the chief of the Demon Defense Force's seventh unit. Despite Kyouka's impeccable skills in battle, she has long been held back by her Peach-granted ability, Slave. Slave allows Kyouka to put a living being under her control and draw out its strength, but the Shuuki that she had enslaved until now had all proven to be exceedingly weak. When Yuuki and Kyouka become surrounded by a horde of Shuuki, Kyouka resorts to something she has never tried before: using her ability on a man. To her surprise, Yuuki's slave form is much more powerful than she could have imagined. Believing the young man to be the key to unlocking her true potential, Kyouka invites Yuuki to join the Demon Defense Force, but not as a regular member.


00:00What in the world is going on?
00:30What in the world is going on?
01:00What in the world is going on?
01:06What in the world is going on?
01:13What in the world is going on?
01:20What in the world is going on?
01:27What in the world is going on?
01:57What in the world is going on?
02:04What in the world is going on?
02:12What in the world is going on?
03:18Alright then.
03:21Make it quick.
03:49I learned how to step up my game during our training sessions.
03:56And I have something worth fighting for!
04:19It won't stop!
04:27Miss Kyoka!
04:28Here it comes!
04:49I could even channel my strength into my mouth!
04:55Talk about dangerous!
04:56I kind of like this guy.
05:19I can see that you're extremely angry.
05:22That's too bad.
05:23Because my rage burns a hundred times hotter!
05:35Miss Kyoka!
05:40This is where you perish.
05:44The technique I learned to carve you into pieces.
05:49Howling Cherry Blossom!
05:53No countering or dodging me this time!
05:56With the unyielding blade of my blade,
05:59you will die!
06:06The time has finally come
06:08to bow down!
06:10The time has finally come
06:12to bow down!
06:25Miss Kyoka.
06:38She's gone.
06:40Go gather up the others.
06:42Got it.
06:52This victory...
06:56is for my hometown.
07:11That was quite the spectacular battle.
07:14The commander of the 7th Squadron is pretty impressive, too.
07:18But more importantly,
07:20that man...
07:22I find him quite interesting.
07:33Big Sis!
07:34Are you hurt?
07:35Just a few scratches.
07:37I'll heal quickly.
07:41Miss Tenka?
07:42Hey, everyone.
07:43You didn't have to come back right away!
07:46This is a family issue,
07:48so I had to be here.
07:49You don't have to worry about the others.
07:52Nei's doing a great job handling the situation.
07:56So what are you going to do now?
08:00I can't say I feel like leading a revolt.
08:03The Shuki we rallied are gone.
08:05Plus, they abducted Koko Nan.
08:08But I still have to save them.
08:10Are you willing to let me protect you?
08:14If you don't plan on causing trouble,
08:16there's no need for us to keep fighting.
08:18You're a victim of a Mato mishap.
08:21I'll do everything I can to rescue your friends.
08:24Same for me.
08:25I want to help you, too.
08:28We won't let the Onmyo Bureau touch you, either.
08:31Big Sis?
08:35I trust Tenka and Kyoka,
08:37but I can't trust the organization as a whole.
08:40But why?
08:41You can't stay here anymore!
08:43We've got other villages,
08:44and my friends are already on the move.
08:47It's my job to look after them.
08:51If they have somewhere to hide,
08:53then choosing not to accept our offer
08:55would be a sensible decision.
08:58Supreme Commander Yamashiro,
09:00if the Onmyo Bureau is conducting these experiments,
09:03there's a decent chance she's already aware of it.
09:07The Supreme Commander of the Demon Defense Force.
09:11But why does that matter?
09:13It's reassuring to have a Supreme Commander who's so patriotic.
09:17But she's a little unnerving.
09:19I couldn't bring myself to attack Alba during our fight.
09:23But the Supreme Commander wouldn't have hesitated.
09:27Whether something's right or wrong, it doesn't matter.
09:30That's just how she is.
09:32Which is why hiding might actually be a safer option at the moment.
09:36Luckily, our conversations haven't left this cave.
09:40And we can investigate the Onmyo Bureau.
09:43Then how long will my sister and her friends have to hide?
09:47That's an easy one.
09:58The Next Day
10:08Hi, Mei. We're back from...
10:11You made it back home! I'm glad you're okay.
10:15Sorry for making you worry.
10:17I owe everyone else for saving me.
10:19How are Himari and the others?
10:21They'll be clear to come back after two or three days of bed rest.
10:24Good to hear.
10:26Then I'm off to get my injuries looked at as well.
10:29I'll check on Himari and the others while I'm in the area.
10:36Miss Tenka!
10:40The next time we're alone, I expect a very generous reward.
10:48I'll catch you later.
10:51The Next Day
10:54Mei has to go drop off a change of clothes for Miss Himari and Miss Yushu.
10:58Please feel free to unwind in the bath.
11:00I think I'll do just that.
11:02Yuki, stand by in your slave form.
11:05Come get me at the first sign of an attack.
11:08Yes, ma'am.
11:09You must be hungry by now.
11:11Are you up to eating some dinner?
11:13Uh, sure.
11:16Are you okay? Are you in any pain?
11:20No, I'm fine.
11:22It's just, the others are...
11:24The Demon Defense Force has a talented medical team.
11:27They'll bounce back soon enough.
11:29Yeah, that's what Miss Kyoka said.
11:34If something happens, it's your job to work extra hard on behalf of everyone who's in the hospital.
11:41So eat something when you can, and try to cheer up.
11:45Senpai's orders.
11:47You got it, thanks.
11:52It's okay, I'll go grab you some food.
11:54Oh, take your time, and be careful.
11:57Don't worry, I'm your senpai, remember?
12:11I'm disengaging my ability.
12:20Go rinse off in the shower before your reward begins.
12:24Once you're finished, meet me in my room.
12:28Be quick about it.
12:34What is this?
12:41What is this?
12:53Apparently, your reward is sleeping in my bed with me.
12:57Oh, alrighty then.
12:59I know that rest is important, but...
13:02Lack of clothing is dumb.
13:11You're such a pervert.
13:13Sorry about that.
13:14You'll be exhausted if you don't get some sleep, and the reward won't end.
13:18I feel wide awake.
13:23In that case, perhaps we should do something else.
13:28Sit still, trust me on this.
13:31The power of sleep.
13:33I can't sleep.
13:37Sit still, trust me on this.
13:40The price of my ability only lets me move so far, but...
13:43What exactly is the point of this again?
13:46To make sure you understand that I am your master.
13:49Yes, yes, I am fully aware of that fact.
13:51Except you ignored my orders.
13:53Then obeyed your sister instead and got yourself captured.
13:58I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
14:01It was just a knee-jerk reaction, it's an old habit.
14:03I surrender!
14:05You said your sister always used to put you in a headlock.
14:08You'll need extensive disciplining.
14:10But I'll start with the same methods she used.
14:13The fact that I'm okay with this is a little concerning.
14:21I swear.
14:25Now you get some rest.
14:34Why did you bring two of them here?
14:36For insurance.
14:38For when the time comes that it decides to be picky about its food.
14:41We spoil that damn thing.
14:43Then again, it does need food to grow.
14:47It's the only god that ever has.
14:50That just means it's going to be a powerful one.
14:54Hear that?
14:55You get to live forever inside a god.
15:03This seems promising.
15:04Our newest friend.
15:06And look, she's about to be born.
15:13A whole beast!
15:15To celebrate your return and as a way of showing my gratitude, we pulled out all the stops.
15:19So this is one of Yuki's famous meals.
15:22It looks and smells delicious.
15:25We'll make ramen with the leftover broth.
15:27Yes, please!
15:28I can't believe you have an appetite for something so lowbrow.
15:31Well, you're welcome to not eat it, Yachiho.
15:33Oh no, it's my responsibility to assess your taste in food, no matter how disastrous it is.
15:39But Yachi, what are you talking about?
15:41You love that kind of stuff.
15:43And you're always sneaking snacks and sweets, silly.
15:45Hey guys, I think we should, uh...
15:48Let's raise a toast!
15:49Yeah, everyone grab a glass.
15:56Oh, that's right.
15:57You are the star this time around.
15:59You should give a speech.
16:01Huh? Me, give the speech?
16:07Okay then, uh...
16:10I want to thank each and every one of you for coming to save me.
16:13It's something I'll never...
16:15Toast up! Kampai!
16:21Now what should I eat first?
16:24I mean...
16:25Yeah, I can do it myself!
16:27This is Yuki's cooking, it's the best!
16:30Yeah, and they got to help out a lot too!
16:32Are you absolutely sure I can't have Yuki?
16:35Shut up.
16:37Um, guys?
16:39That reminds me, Yuki.
16:42We forgot to tell you something while we were in the hospital.
16:45Welcome home, Yuki.
16:53Glad to be here.
16:58Big Sis...
17:01That's an easy one.
17:05I just have to become Supreme Commander.
17:10I'll change the Demon Defense Force's policies.
17:13I'll exterminate the Shuki,
17:15protect Aoba and her friends,
17:17and then find a way to cure them.
17:19How does that sound?
17:22In that case, we might finally get to rest easy.
17:25In that case, we might finally get to rest easy.
17:27Big Sis!
17:30An earthquake?
17:32The cave's collapsing! We need to leave now!
17:35Got it!
17:37Let's get to the exit together!
17:41Big Sis!
17:48Fix that for me.
17:52Hold on!
17:55It's all right. I'll be watching over you.
18:00Time's running out.
18:02I swear, I will find a way to help you!
18:05I will always fight for you!
18:08You've gotten so strong!
18:10You'll get an A+.
18:21Up till now,
18:23I've been fighting because I wanted to be a hero.
18:26But now I have a much more important purpose.
18:30To cure my big sister.
18:32That's my reason for fighting!
18:44Good morning.
18:46What are you doing in my room?
18:48I told you tonight that I expected a generous reward when we were alone.
18:53I was admiring your adorable face while you slept.
18:57Yuki! How long are you going to stay in bed?
19:06Given your recent absence, don't you have paperwork to catch up on?
19:09How right you are!
19:14We'll get back to this at a later date. Okay, Yuki?
19:20What? No!
19:21Tenka was just dropping by to say hello, I swear!
19:26That honestly was meant for you!
19:29Evidently, you still don't understand who your master is.
19:33You need discipline. Brace yourself.
19:37Please, please, please, please, I surrender!
19:43Why are you already tired when I just called you?
19:46Sorry, Miss Kyoka really put me through the wringer.
19:48Oh? Extra training? Sounds like something she'd do.
19:52What did you want to talk to me about?
19:54I want to hone my Peach ability too.
19:57You mean learning, right?
19:59I want to be an asset to the Commander. I need to get stronger.
20:05Which is why I need your help, Yuki.
20:12Be patient, Shushu. Now is not the time to act.
20:17Remember what you uncovered on the internet during the hospital stay?
20:21The art of war applies to romance too!
20:24Instead of vying for attention, I need to act aloof!
20:27According to my analysis, Yuki's love levels look something like this!
20:31If I don't use my brain, I can't win the game!
20:34It is all exactly as I envisioned it.
20:37What is she doing?
20:42Hey guys! A gateway just opened up!
20:45Get ready for battle!
20:48What's the situation?
20:50Currently, I'm not detecting anyone in need of rescue near the gateway.
20:53However, more and more Shuki are converging!
20:56Then we'd better hurry!
20:58We're all counting on you! Got it?
21:06Alright, let's get...
21:08Let's get...
21:10Let's get moving, Commander!
21:18Faster, Yuki!
21:35Got it!
21:36It's time to bow down!
21:39This is how I became...
21:41This is the story...
21:43Supreme Commander!
21:45Of how I became a hero!
21:55From now on...
21:57I swear on my life I will find you.
22:06To be continued...
22:36Thank you for watching!
23:06Subbed by Dreadopp and Zedopp.
23:36See you next time!