Faut-il mélanger le sport et la politique ? Pour Casper Ruud, ce n'est pas contradictoire. Le Norvégien, 8e joueur mondial, est actuellement présent à Stockholm pour y disputer un tournoi ATP 250. Bien loin de Riyad et l'Arabie saoudite, où se déroule un tournoi exhibition XXL qui permettra au vainqueur d'empocher 6 millions de dollars. Holger Rune et Daniil Medvedev, battus sèchement lors de leur premier match, quittent le pays avec 1,5 million de dollars. Casper Ruud n'a pas été invité à y participer, mais a tout de même donné son avis en conférence de presse, mercredi, pour le média danois Spilxperten, lui qui a déjà refusé d'aller jouer dans le Golfe par le passé.
Video : @SpilXperten
Video : @SpilXperten
00:00I didn't get an offer from the six King slams but I've had offers in the past
00:07and I've chosen not to go. It is obviously a controversial country with
00:11in terms of many things but you know there are other countries that also are
00:16controversial that we go to and we play in you know you can also just for an
00:22example you know you can you can definitely discuss about China human
00:26rights in China but we go there every year obviously they have a lot of money
00:31and I think that's you know I know that what I'm gonna say will probably be
00:38described as sport washing but it seems to me that their new leader someone is
00:45his name I believe if I'm not wrong I'm not sure if I pronounce it right wants
00:51to do something especially a lot of things in sport and wants to maybe
00:55change the country maybe make it a bit more westernized and for better or good
01:02you know athletes going there could lead to a change who knows and I know that I
01:08might look very naive saying this because you know people will say all
01:11that's just sport washing covering up what's actually going on but if they
01:15never start anywhere I'm not sure if there will ever be a change so I've
01:18chosen not to go so far but it seems to me that it's inevitable that they will
01:24they will somehow be big in tennis in the future and they already have the
01:28next and final so let's see what the future brings