• yesterday


00:00:00Someone went wild last night.
00:00:29Not too bad. As far as the last night of being single goes.
00:00:32I don't get it, man. Why'd she leave without saying goodbye?
00:00:35Maybe she's on the way to the marriage registry to marry you.
00:00:38Yeah, maybe.
00:00:40So, according to your mother's will, as soon as you get married, you'll receive the share she left for you.
00:00:44So I've arranged for someone for you to have a fake marriage with.
00:00:47I trust your taste.
00:00:53Oh, look at that. The woman who agreed to your fake marriage is already on her way.
00:00:57Whoever she is, with that marriage license, that only group of people should become his wife.
00:01:01So why didn't you go with what your grandfather's arranged for you?
00:01:04Man, I'd much rather be that girl from last night, but I don't know if I'm gonna ever see her again.
00:01:17I see you.
00:01:44If I had known that you were the person I was gonna marry, we could have shared a ride from the hotel.
00:01:48Well, I am short on cash these days, so...
00:01:51Same. I had to borrow the suit.
00:01:54It's a good suit.
00:01:56This is all that I have today. Thank you for coming, and you'll get the rest when we divorce in one year.
00:02:08I guess I deserve an Oscar for my performance today.
00:02:12With the shares from your mother's will, you now own 50% of Laura Group.
00:02:21Inform the whole company. A new era starts today.
00:02:25Sure thing.
00:02:27Murderers, better watch your backs. I'm coming for you.
00:02:33I'm gonna avenge you.
00:02:38With the shares from your mother's will, you now own 50% of Laura Group.
00:02:43I guess it's time to show them who's boss.
00:02:46Yes, boss.
00:03:05You guys hear it?
00:03:41Renee! Looks like my stepsister decided to crawl back out of hell.
00:03:45Unfortunately for you, I'm here to kick you two out of my mother's company.
00:03:48Your mother's? You know her name means nothing. Now it belongs to my mom.
00:03:53Speaking of her, great job selling off all the company's shares. I'm sure the new president will award you for that.
00:03:58How did... How did you...
00:04:01That's ridiculous. I think we should settle this in front of everyone.
00:04:07Here they come.
00:04:10As office manager, it is my pleasure to welcome the new president.
00:04:21As office manager, it is my pleasure to welcome the new president...
00:04:27Miss Mara Brown.
00:04:29Who, me?
00:04:30No doubt. Mrs. Brown was the plan B to take over.
00:04:34Are you sure? She's the new president of the company?
00:04:37Who else would it be? Your mother from six feet under?
00:04:44Well, then you must have the invitation from Norman.
00:04:47What invitation?
00:04:48For the party tonight. They've invited all their business partners, including Laura Group.
00:04:56Of course I do.
00:04:57Great. Then I will see you there.
00:05:02Let's see how long we can keep up the act.
00:05:23Excuse me? How dare you? I'm the president of the Laura Group.
00:05:28Sorry, ma'am. I can only accept invitations.
00:05:35Oh, looks like I forgot it at home. Can I speak with your manager?
00:05:39Just admit it, Mara. You're not the president. You don't have an invitation.
00:05:43Where's your invitation, then?
00:05:49Damon, help!
00:05:53This skank is trying to bully me because I didn't have an invitation.
00:05:59Don't worry, honeypuff. As the host of this party, I can guarantee no one's going to mess with you.
00:06:06The whole Norman family doesn't welcome someone like you.
00:06:08The host? So that means you're the heir to the Norman family?
00:06:14Yes, I have a lot going on lately.
00:06:18What the fuck are you doing? Get her out of here!
00:06:21Mr. Norman, is that any way to treat a guest?
00:06:29What the fuck are you doing? Get her out of here!
00:06:31Mr. Norman, is that any way to treat a guest?
00:06:37How did you... No, that has to be a fake!
00:06:48May I?
00:06:54Damon, stop her!
00:07:09Dorothy, can you look up Damon Norman for me and talk to the head of the charity meeting here?
00:07:32Are you all right, my dear wife?
00:07:36What are you doing here?
00:07:39You're working.
00:07:42What about you?
00:07:44I'm... someone's escort.
00:07:50You do know you're married, right?
00:07:53Of course. I can't just rely on my husband's tips.
00:07:58Your husband sounds like a real jerk.
00:08:00He's the worst.
00:08:02Well, I didn't know there was a party for dirty rats.
00:08:05Neither did I, until you showed up.
00:08:15Clean that up.
00:08:21Are you really asking me? Are you really asking me?
00:08:25Well, of course I am. I'm the fiancé of the heir to the Norman family.
00:08:30How could you do that? Do you know how much that costs?
00:08:44Well, with the price of the champagne that's on it, I would say your courage has increased in value.
00:08:49It's my stepsister. Sorry that you had to see that.
00:09:02No worries. All families have issues. You should have let me deal with her.
00:09:08Well, I couldn't let you get in trouble.
00:09:10In return, you could have a little authentic husband experience with me.
00:09:20I couldn't afford that.
00:09:29Get the necklace from the safe. Someone deserves a gift.
00:09:40Here's a gift for Ms. Brown.
00:09:50Oh, that's me. Oh, it's beautiful. I bet Damon got this for me.
00:09:57Much better than an invitation, if I do say so myself.
00:10:01Mara, it's not the only way you can make yourself feel valuable.
00:10:04Wait, this is for Ms. Renee Brown?
00:10:09I'm Renee Brown. May I ask who sent this?
00:10:14Sorry, I don't know.
00:10:19You bitch. You set this entire thing up with a fake necklace and everything just to embarrass me.
00:10:25Mara, the only person embarrassing you here is yourself.
00:10:29No one has ever given you a gift because you are an unwanted loser.
00:10:34Unwanted? Says who?
00:10:41Unwanted? Says who?
00:10:47She's with me.
00:10:49Oh, a skank and a server. How fitting.
00:10:53But you know what, sister? I did think you would go with someone more of like a washed up, in his 80s type.
00:10:59No, thank you. But speaking of losers, you should probably go check in with your fiancé.
00:11:04My fiancé is the heir to the Norman Group.
00:11:08One word and he'll have both of you two out on your asses.
00:11:12I would like to see him try.
00:11:15Damon, come to my rescue, please.
00:11:18What's going on?
00:11:20Hello, Damon. So you're her fiancé, the heir to the Norman Group?
00:11:26Yes, speak with some respect.
00:11:29He's full of lies. He's not the real heir.
00:11:36He's not the real heir.
00:11:38Are you accusing him?
00:11:40Why don't you let him speak for himself?
00:11:44I'll make a scene. Let's go.
00:11:48Let me spell it out for you two. He's the cousin to the heir who likes to use the family name to scam people.
00:11:56How do you know that?
00:11:57Because I'm the real heir. Heir's assistant. Right, Damon?
00:12:06And you know the cost of lying, right, Damon?
00:12:17Just, just let me go, please.
00:12:26Damon may have been lying, Mara Brown, but you're not fooling me.
00:12:31Damon may have been lying, Mara Brown, but you're not fooling me.
00:12:34It is not your time to speak, so I would shut it if I were you.
00:12:41Can you tell him to meet me at the ballroom? Thank you.
00:12:45May I speak to the president of the Laura Group?
00:12:47That's me. What do you want?
00:12:50Such an honor to finally meet you. Thank you and your company for the generous donation.
00:12:54It will benefit so many children.
00:12:56Oh, yeah, don't worry about it. It's nothing.
00:12:59Would you prefer the five million as a check or a bank transfer?
00:13:04Five million. What?
00:13:06Your assistant asked me to meet you here. Or you could just sign your name on this contract.
00:13:15You framed me.
00:13:17Oh, well, it's not framing if you're the real president, unless you're lying.
00:13:25You framed me.
00:13:27Well, it's not framing if you're the real president, unless you're lying.
00:13:36Oh, you know what? I don't feel so well. I don't even think I could pick up that pen.
00:13:41You'll have to find me another day.
00:13:47Mara's a fake. I'm such a fool.
00:13:49Oh, don't be too hard on yourself.
00:13:51Where's the real president?
00:13:56I know.
00:13:59The real president?
00:14:03It's in the office.
00:14:17Can I have a dance with you?
00:14:24It seems like everyone has trust issues tonight.
00:14:27Do you?
00:14:30Like what?
00:14:32Are you really just an assistant?
00:14:37What about you?
00:14:39Are you really an escort?
00:14:41Where's your client?
00:14:44It seems like everyone has secrets.
00:14:48Sometimes the best solution is to just ignore the problem.
00:14:52At least for tonight.
00:14:54I agree.
00:14:56But I have to admit, it'll probably be difficult for me to suppress my curiosity.
00:15:00Then I guess I'll have to keep you busy.
00:15:03How so?
00:15:13I'm sorry.
00:15:43I'm sorry.
00:15:53How generous.
00:16:00Dude, Lord Group is dumping our shares.
00:16:02Our stock price is crashing.
00:16:09Do we know who the president is yet?
00:16:11I checked every news source. I can't find anything on who the president is.
00:16:19That's impossible.
00:16:20What is it?
00:16:22Laura Brown?
00:16:24The founder of Laura Group?
00:16:26Didn't she pass away like five years ago?
00:16:28I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
00:16:31Phase one completed.
00:16:32Mara and her mother had heavily invested in Norman Group,
00:16:35so now it's time to watch their assets shrink.
00:16:37By the way, I made the donation in your mother's name.
00:16:40Thank you, Dotty.
00:16:41But I've been meaning to ask,
00:16:43won't doing this also affect Laura Group's assets?
00:16:47Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
00:16:49Don't worry, I have a plan.
00:16:53I trust you, but don't overdo it.
00:16:57I have a feeling I'll be meeting the heir of Norman Group very soon.
00:17:01Dear President,
00:17:03it's time to teach you a lesson.
00:17:07The informant says the president of Laura Group will be here tonight.
00:17:11I'll flush out this rat.
00:17:13I swear.
00:17:20Perrin, what are you doing here?
00:17:22I'm here to meet with the real president of the Laura Group.
00:17:26Have you seen...
00:17:30Damn, Paul.
00:17:32I forgot my wallet in the car.
00:17:34I forgot my wallet in the car.
00:17:36Why don't you order your drink?
00:17:38It's on me.
00:17:47Are you the one messing with the stocks?
00:17:49You're the president.
00:17:50Shouldn't you be asking yourself that?
00:17:52Well, I just wanted to let you know
00:17:54that we'll be selling off some art pieces to cover the losses.
00:17:58And yeah, that's your mom's last piece.
00:18:01The bid goes for one dollar.
00:18:06And yeah, that's your mom's last piece.
00:18:09The bid goes for one dollar.
00:18:13I hope you have your invitation for the auction.
00:18:18You crazy bitch!
00:18:22Things are different now, sister.
00:18:24I'm gonna get every single one of her pieces back.
00:18:26This isn't over!
00:18:32Mom, I'm gonna protect your artwork and your company.
00:18:36I promise.
00:18:39Hey, what's got you so down, chica?
00:18:42Leave me alone.
00:18:44You mean my company.
00:18:50Leave her alone!
00:18:55Who the fuck?
00:18:56I'm her husband.
00:18:58I get it.
00:18:59Someone's unsatisfied.
00:19:11Are you alright?
00:19:13I'm fine. Thank you.
00:19:20You feeling confident?
00:19:21Let's see.
00:19:24Let us go, unless you want to see some blood.
00:19:43They're not there now.
00:19:46Alright, let's go.
00:19:54They're gone.
00:19:58Just to be safe, I think I should hold your hands a little longer.
00:20:03Is just holding my hands enough?
00:20:06Not really.
00:20:09Then what else do you want?
00:20:24The auction's tomorrow.
00:20:2690% of the items are your mother's belongings, starting at $1.
00:20:33They're trying to humiliate her.
00:20:35We can't let them get away with this.
00:20:37Yeah, but Mara's definitely going to have some tricks up her sleeve.
00:20:40And we need a white knight.
00:21:00Are you okay? You sounded urgent on the phone.
00:21:03I need to ask you a favor.
00:21:05As long as I can make it happen.
00:21:07I needed to pretend to be the heir of Norman Group.
00:21:12You want me to impersonate the heir of Norman?
00:21:15The heir's assistant. There's no one better for the job.
00:21:19I didn't ask him for real.
00:21:21These items were supposed to be my mother's legacy.
00:21:23And then she was kicked out of the group that she founded by Mara's mother.
00:21:27And now they're trying to cash in on her belongings.
00:21:30I need the heir to back you at the auction.
00:21:33You're my only choice.
00:21:40Since you're Laura's daughter, do you know who the new president is?
00:21:46Of course.
00:21:48Who is it?
00:21:57Who is it?
00:22:07I'm sorry, that was a bad joke.
00:22:11Thank goodness that you're not a stand-up comedian.
00:22:16Enough said. I can help you to get those things back.
00:22:35Are you being watched?
00:22:37Not yet. I really have to dress like a secret agent.
00:22:41Mara's met you already. She might recognize you.
00:22:45No way. In this outfit, I barely even recognize myself.
00:23:06It's been a long time.
00:23:08Oh, not long enough.
00:23:10Did you even think about saying hello when you got back?
00:23:12Well, I don't exactly fit into the family of thieves and liars.
00:23:15Isn't that right, Ms. President?
00:23:17Oh, sharp tongue, just like your mother.
00:23:20I wonder how many auction items you're going to get to buy before you deplete your pocketbook.
00:23:25I wonder what the value of a useless piece of paper is worth.
00:23:29Don't worry.
00:23:31The only thing you can steal from my mother and I is this coward.
00:23:37Welcome to today's auction.
00:23:39Up first, we have a painting by Laura Brown.
00:23:42And we will start the bidding at...
00:23:46One dollar.
00:23:48Laura Brown. And we will start the bidding at...
00:23:53One dollar.
00:24:00One hundred thousand.
00:24:03One hundred and one thousand.
00:24:05Two hundred thousand.
00:24:06Two hundred and one thousand.
00:24:11Five hundred thousand.
00:24:18Sold! Congratulations, guest number eight, who is the heir of the Norman Group.
00:24:30Sold! Congratulations, Mr. Norman, on securing all the items thus far.
00:24:36Mom, I have to go for him.
00:24:38Oh, dear. Don't rush it. You've got to play hard to get.
00:24:41For the final item this evening, we have a set of matching rings.
00:24:46They're sweating rings.
00:24:47They will start at just one dollar.
00:24:52One hundred thousand.
00:24:57Do I hear another bid?
00:25:00Sold! Congratulations on securing yet another item.
00:25:10Before you start talking big, you might want to check your bank account.
00:25:14Yeah, you're screwed. Even Norman's heir is on our side.
00:25:18I wouldn't be so sure about that.
00:25:20Congratulations, Ms. Brown. Mr. Norman has transferred all the items in your name.
00:25:25Here's the transfer document.
00:25:30Who's screwed now?
00:25:35Have you met this heir in person?
00:25:38Yeah, why would Mr. Norman help you?
00:25:40Mr. Norman!
00:25:44Wait a second.
00:25:46I knew it! You're the assistant!
00:25:49Assistant? How is the assistant going to pay for all this?
00:25:53About that, according to my mother's will, these items are always mine.
00:25:58And now they're finally back where they belong.
00:26:00You see that?
00:26:02Chloe, I have to thank you for holding this auction.
00:26:05Otherwise, I never would have known where you'd hidden them.
00:26:08That orphanage has taught you quite a bit, hasn't it?
00:26:18All the items today will go to Renee Brown.
00:26:33I wouldn't have gotten these back so quickly if it wasn't for you.
00:26:36I was just doing my job, as your husband.
00:26:41I have something for you.
00:26:45Even though this is a marriage of convenience, we should still have rings.
00:26:50Are you sure? It was your mom's?
00:26:53More than ever.
00:26:56More than ever.
00:27:04Renee Brown.
00:27:07Will you marry me?
00:27:13You're too late.
00:27:15I've already taken.
00:27:20By you.
00:27:21By you.
00:27:51By you.
00:28:17Wake up, Renee!
00:28:18Norman Group is fighting back! They're buying up our stock in large quantities!
00:28:25Are you sure about that?
00:28:27I'm done lying to her.
00:28:28I'm ready to tell her that I'm the one in charge of the Norman Group.
00:28:36Something urgent?
00:28:37Yeah, it's... I'll explain later.
00:28:47Maybe next time.
00:28:54I didn't see your reservation, Grandpa.
00:28:57I didn't know I needed permission to come to my old office.
00:29:01How's Florida?
00:29:02Not bad.
00:29:04Until I found out that you're married to somebody I don't even know?
00:29:10My ship has sailed.
00:29:12Nothing you can do about it.
00:29:14Is that so? I've already called Fiona back from Europe.
00:29:19Get ready for your marriage with her.
00:29:21I'm already the head of the Norman Group.
00:29:24Not even you can interfere with my life anymore.
00:29:28You don't know what I'm capable of, young man.
00:29:34It's a good thing we reacted quickly.
00:29:36Damage wasn't too severe.
00:29:39How come we're meeting here and not at your house?
00:29:43Aaron's there.
00:29:44Wait, are you two living together?
00:29:46No, not yet.
00:29:48Still haven't told him.
00:29:57Are you available tonight?
00:29:59I have something to tell you.
00:30:09What happened?
00:30:10Nothing. Just some family issues.
00:30:12Well, I'm an expert in that.
00:30:17If you are having family issues, you could always come stay at my place.
00:30:23Are you asking me to move in with you?
00:30:26Will you?
00:30:29Barry, I missed you so much.
00:30:38It's been so long. Do you still like black coffee?
00:30:41No, thank you.
00:30:43I admire your devotion.
00:30:46And who is she?
00:30:48This is Renee. She's my...
00:30:50His blind date.
00:30:54But I have to think twice about whether to continue.
00:30:57Well, I guess I've been gone for too long.
00:31:00But I came back to marry Barrett. Isn't that right?
00:31:05Fiona, I'm already married and Renee...
00:31:08I know.
00:31:09But Benjamin told me that you're willing to divorce her anytime for me.
00:31:13Is that so? Good to know.
00:31:17Excuse me for a moment. You two can wrap it up.
00:31:23Renee, let me explain first.
00:31:25Explain what?
00:31:27You have a gravely ill grandfather, you have to marry a wealthy woman to pay for his treatment?
00:31:32That is such a cliche, even for a soap opera.
00:31:35Wait! It's not true.
00:31:42Oh, what's going on? You two had a fight?
00:31:45None of your business.
00:31:46Barry, I haven't had time to book a hotel yet. Why don't I stay at your place?
00:31:53Such a gentleman would never say no.
00:31:56Sweet dreams, both of you.
00:32:01Enough! I'm not going to divorce Renee and I'm certainly not going to get married to you.
00:32:05So she's your quickie wife? Now I know why Benjamin called me.
00:32:10She's not a quickie. She's the love of my life.
00:32:22You invited me. Now take it back, she's...
00:32:58I thought you were going to leave me.
00:33:01No chance.
00:33:07The thing I fear the most is deceit and betrayal.
00:33:12I know. And I won't do either of those things.
00:33:17You promise?
00:33:19I promise.
00:33:23And one kiss is never enough.
00:33:35I don't recall ever seeing any jokes in that.
00:33:38No, man. I moved in with Renee.
00:33:41Oh, yeah. Totally normal thing to do. For a married couple.
00:33:46Okay, look, I'm just waiting for the right time to properly propose.
00:33:50What do you think about me purchasing the Laura Group as a gift for her?
00:33:54You think she'll like it?
00:33:56Oh, my God, I hate rich people.
00:33:58Come on, man. I mean it.
00:34:01Look, it was founded by her mom, right?
00:34:03I know we still don't know who the president is,
00:34:05but the company deserves to be back in the hands of its rightful owner.
00:34:09All right, Romeo.
00:34:12The front desk handed this to me.
00:34:15Said it was from someone anonymous.
00:34:20Wait a second.
00:34:22Isn't this the room that me and Renee first met?
00:34:25Don't tell me she's planning on proposing officially as well.
00:34:29We'll see.
00:34:41Oh, hi.
00:35:04I just keep loving you, boy.
00:35:07Yeah, me too.
00:35:09What the hell?
00:35:12Don't worry.
00:35:14What happens here stays here.
00:35:17No, you're psychotic.
00:35:20Does she know who you really are?
00:35:22You two are from completely different worlds.
00:35:25There's no future for you and her.
00:35:27Thanks for your input.
00:35:29If you leave, you're gonna regret it.
00:35:31If I stay, I'll regret it.
00:35:33Don't think about pulling any more tricks.
00:35:35I can pull all of your company's investments in a second.
00:35:59You have something for me?
00:36:00I'm sorry, but you deserve to know.
00:36:06I know you're married to him, and I said no at first, but...
00:36:10As you know, his passion is unstoppable.
00:36:15Don't be sad over a man who doesn't love you.
00:36:21Is that it?
00:36:23What do you mean?
00:36:25Are you okay with your husband cheating on you?
00:36:27Why not?
00:36:29I already told Renee everything.
00:36:32Your plan failed.
00:36:37Better luck next time.
00:36:40Nope, stop. That won't work on me.
00:36:43You could make some real money on all the fans, though.
00:36:46Go back to Europe, Fiona.
00:36:48And don't ever come back.
00:36:51Renee, do you really trust your husband?
00:36:55Don't bother.
00:36:57I know he has his secrets.
00:37:00And I've got mine.
00:37:02We've promised to give each other space.
00:37:05Enjoy your flight, Fiona.
00:37:32What's got you so happy?
00:37:37You don't have to wait for tonight.
00:37:39I know.
00:37:40Gotta keep some level of surprise and suspense in our relationship.
00:37:44Drama queen.
00:37:49Renee, Norman Group just became our largest shareholder.
00:37:52I need you at the office now.
00:38:05What's wrong? Something happen?
00:38:07Something urgent just came up. I gotta go.
00:38:10Don't forget to be back by seven.
00:38:12I've got something important planned.
00:38:18What's going on?
00:38:20How did Norman Group buy into our company?
00:38:22Mara and Chloe sold their shares to Norman Group to cash out.
00:38:25Plus the other shares that Norman bought at high prices.
00:38:29Norman Group now owns 50% of the company.
00:38:32Well, do we know who's behind this?
00:38:35The company is now expecting their president out there.
00:38:38Are you sure about this?
00:38:41What are you doing here?
00:38:47What are you doing here?
00:38:50I've been meaning to introduce myself properly.
00:38:52I'm the president of Lora Group.
00:38:55Even if you are the president,
00:38:57I know that you don't have any power because of the Norman Group.
00:39:00What a shame.
00:39:02But Norman Group is well on its way to taking over this company.
00:39:05I wonder how long your struggle will be before your defeat.
00:39:08Security, kick her out.
00:39:10I don't want her going anywhere near the office.
00:39:12Don't let her even take a picture.
00:39:14No, until Norman Group holds their shareholder meeting,
00:39:17I still have control of this company. Let me go.
00:39:19Are you really gonna let them steal from my mom again?
00:39:22It still belongs to our family.
00:39:24Family? How can you use that word, you coward?
00:39:28Well, it looks like the wild child is lacking etiquette.
00:39:33I think you need a lesson.
00:39:36Don't you dare.
00:39:41Don't you dare.
00:39:47This is my final warning.
00:39:50This is a Brown family matter. You need not get involved.
00:39:53Bunny, I don't see myself standing in the Brown family matter.
00:39:56I don't see myself standing in the Brown family household.
00:39:59Is the heir's assistant always so audacious?
00:40:02Actually, I'm here on behalf of Mr. Norman
00:40:05to appoint Renee as the new president of the Laura Group.
00:40:10Are you serious?
00:40:11You heard me right.
00:40:12Now I assume you would like to clear out these three?
00:40:15I am so sorry, but since you've traded away all of your shares,
00:40:18you no longer have any stake in the Laura Group.
00:40:22Please leave.
00:40:24Let's go, ladies. Let's go.
00:40:32Let me get this straight.
00:40:34Norman Group, as the largest shareholder of Laura Group,
00:40:37wants me to be president?
00:40:38It did.
00:40:39Well, I don't understand why they would do that.
00:40:41I don't have any connection to them.
00:40:50I don't have any connection to them.
00:40:56Well, I was going to tell you tonight.
00:40:58Actually, I...
00:40:59Are you really just Mr. Norman's assistant?
00:41:02My relationship to him is through you.
00:41:04How did you convince him to do it?
00:41:06Does he know I've been opposing him the whole time?
00:41:08Opposing him? What do you mean?
00:41:10I should have told you sooner.
00:41:15I've been president of Laura Group all along.
00:41:17Wait, so you're the reason for the stock drop?
00:41:22Well, let's take it as a happy coincidence.
00:41:28It must have taken you a lot to make this happen.
00:41:31You have to let me meet Mr. Norman.
00:41:38What are you waiting for?
00:41:51Why didn't you come clean back there?
00:41:53It's too much for her to process today.
00:41:55I'll take it to her another day.
00:41:56What are you hesitating for, man?
00:41:58Isn't it a good thing for the husband to be loaded eye candy?
00:42:03Renee isn't shallow like that.
00:42:05If she finds out that she lost to me in this business arrangement,
00:42:08she's not going to be happy.
00:42:10Well, you played the game and you won.
00:42:12She needs to accept that.
00:42:14She can lose, okay?
00:42:16But not to me in disguise.
00:42:18It's different.
00:42:20I guess marriage is hard.
00:42:22Can't wait to see your wedding day.
00:42:28The thing I fear most is deceit and betrayal.
00:42:38Congrats, Renee.
00:42:39I always knew you were something special.
00:42:42Then who was it that mistook Mara for the president?
00:42:45Well, everyone makes mistakes.
00:42:48But that won't happen again now that you're in charge.
00:42:51Whoa, that necklace is gorgeous.
00:42:54Only someone like you could pull it off.
00:42:56What, this?
00:42:57No, this is a knockoff.
00:42:58Barrett gave it to me at a party to show off,
00:43:01and I wear it for fun.
00:43:03No way.
00:43:04I've never made mistakes in a luxury.
00:43:07There's no chance that's a knockoff.
00:43:09All right, I'm not going to hold you accountable for the past.
00:43:11You can stop with the flattery.
00:43:12For short, stop sucking up.
00:43:15Don't you have work to be doing?
00:43:17Yeah, yeah, I'm on it.
00:43:19But seriously, that necklace is real.
00:43:22No flattery, just facts.
00:43:27That necklace is real.
00:43:29No flattery, just facts.
00:43:34One of Carl's, right?
00:43:36How much would that cost?
00:43:38Even though he works for Norman Group,
00:43:39something like this would still be a stretch.
00:43:44Because I'm the real heir.
00:43:47I came back to marry Barrett.
00:43:49I was going to tell you tonight, actually.
00:43:54No, Barrett is nothing like those trust fund kids.
00:43:59Hold on.
00:44:03The necklace is real.
00:44:06Your Barrett is Barrett Norman,
00:44:08the heir to the Norman Group.
00:44:14Dude, don't bother confessing.
00:44:16Looks like someone already did it for you.
00:44:20Who did this?
00:44:25Get the PR team in here.
00:44:26I want this article redacted and any rumors squashed immediately.
00:44:32Uh, you have a visitor.
00:44:34Not now!
00:44:39So the article was true.
00:44:42Let me explain.
00:44:43I was going to tell you earlier,
00:44:45but then I found out that you were the...
00:44:46Well, I found out that I was the president of the company you acquired.
00:44:49You're a defeated opponent, right?
00:44:51Not true.
00:44:52Then what is the truth?
00:44:53Were you afraid to hurt my pride,
00:44:55or was it just fun for you to watch me be fooled?
00:44:58You don't get it, Renee.
00:44:59I acquired the Norman Group for you as a gift.
00:45:02I know how important it is to you and your mom.
00:45:04Hey, don't talk about my mother!
00:45:06I don't get it.
00:45:07You were so excited about this before you knew who I was,
00:45:09so why not now?
00:45:10Because I don't need your mercy!
00:45:12I had a plan.
00:45:13I was capable of doing it myself.
00:45:15Your husband.
00:45:16I wanted to help you carry the burden.
00:45:18Is that so wrong?
00:45:22Not anymore.
00:45:25What's that supposed to mean?
00:45:31Have your lawyer contact mine.
00:45:33We're getting a divorce.
00:45:40Did you really mean it about the divorce?
00:45:42Shouldn't you two talk things over?
00:45:44What is there to talk about?
00:45:46We're just different kinds of people.
00:45:48Pretty much the same to me.
00:45:50Both executives, both enjoy identity games.
00:45:52I thought that you were supposed to be on my side.
00:45:55I am.
00:45:58I feel like you're being a little too impulsive.
00:46:00If Barrett had known you as the president,
00:46:02maybe he wouldn't have acted like this.
00:46:04Maybe he would have assisted you in a different way.
00:46:06Maybe that's my issue.
00:46:08The Browns think money can solve anything.
00:46:11Including love and dignity.
00:46:15I don't know if Barrett's like that too.
00:46:18You do.
00:46:20You know deep down Barrett isn't like that.
00:46:30Should I trust you, Barrett?
00:46:38Renee, what do I have to do to get you back?
00:47:03You're back.
00:47:06I'm sorry. I did it out of love for you.
00:47:09Please forgive me.
00:47:11It's okay. I have my faults too.
00:47:14So you're not divorcing me?
00:47:16Why should I?
00:47:18I'm not dreaming, am I?
00:47:25This is real.
00:47:30I'll get you to bed.
00:47:38Come here, Renee.
00:48:08What the hell are you doing here?
00:48:11What the hell are you doing here?
00:48:14Don't you remember?
00:48:16It was you who suggested we get together last night.
00:48:19No way. Last night it was...
00:48:21It was Renee.
00:48:24It was you.
00:48:26Don't get close to me.
00:48:30Keep your mouth shut.
00:48:32Keep your mouth shut.
00:48:34If you don't, I won't let you live it down.
00:48:57Where are the photos?
00:49:03You seem... not mad.
00:49:05He made his decision.
00:49:07Aren't you guys getting a divorce?
00:49:09You seem well-informed.
00:49:11Regardless, Barrett is still a shareholder in my company,
00:49:14and it's my job to protect our reputation from people like you.
00:49:21I admire your sanity.
00:49:25Have a drink with me, and I'll give you all the photos.
00:49:28And I'll leave Barrett alone.
00:49:44Did you drug me?
00:49:47Yes. I did.
00:49:50And by the way,
00:49:52I was the one who wrote the article revealing Barrett's identity.
00:50:11Remember to sign these papers.
00:50:13The company rightfully belongs to you.
00:50:16That was my promise.
00:50:19Maybe my last one.
00:50:33I love you.
00:50:39Mr. Norman?
00:50:41What are you doing here? Where's Renee?
00:50:43I need your help. Renee's missing.
00:51:02Do we really have to?
00:51:04She's still my daughter.
00:51:06Zip it. You want the money or not.
00:51:08Dad, as long as he's willing to sign, we'll let her go.
00:51:21You must be starving.
00:51:24You know I'm allergic to nuts, right?
00:51:28Look, Renee.
00:51:30Just sign the documents.
00:51:32Sign your shares over to Chloe,
00:51:34and I guarantee you she'll let you go.
00:51:37Let me go?
00:51:39Did you give my mom that choice?
00:51:41Just kill me, if you dare.
00:51:51My detectives are still searching.
00:51:53Her last location update was 12.
00:51:55All right, keep me in the loop.
00:52:04What are you doing here?
00:52:06Barry, why do you look so stressed?
00:52:09How did you get in?
00:52:11I just walked in, as your fiancé.
00:52:14Get out.
00:52:16You're the last person I want to see right now.
00:52:19You're the last person I want to see right now.
00:52:25Kick me out, and you'll never see her again.
00:52:31Where is she?
00:52:33She's alive, for now.
00:52:36But only if you agree to one condition.
00:52:40What do you want?
00:52:43Marry me.
00:52:48What do you want?
00:52:51Marry me.
00:52:54You're sick.
00:52:56You kidnapped Renee just so that you could marry me?
00:52:59Don't flatter yourself.
00:53:01It was never you that I wanted.
00:53:03What do you mean?
00:53:05Well, ever since I was born,
00:53:08everyone swore to me that I was going to be the future Mrs. Norman.
00:53:11So this is all just about power.
00:53:15Blame it on being the head of the Norman Company.
00:53:18You were always destined to be my husband.
00:53:25Take your time to think about it.
00:53:27But not too long.
00:53:29She's got a lot of enemies.
00:53:41Paul, find Damon for me.
00:53:43Right now.
00:53:53Just give me three days,
00:53:55and I'll get your money back, I promise.
00:53:57Where is Maura Brown?
00:53:59I wouldn't know.
00:54:01She broke up with me a long time ago.
00:54:05Do you want me to call your creditors over here?
00:54:07Okay, okay.
00:54:08But I swear it had nothing to do with the kidnapping.
00:54:11How much do you know?
00:54:13Maura asked me to help her.
00:54:15I didn't, I didn't.
00:54:17Wait, then how could you know where she is?
00:54:19I have Maura's GPS.
00:54:22This is her location.
00:54:36We can't tip them off until we make our move.
00:54:41I agree to get engaged with you.
00:54:46Paul, you need a new suit.
00:54:50You need a new suit.
00:55:09Didn't Miss Norman just get married?
00:55:12Why is he getting engaged again?
00:55:14It's a business marriage. It's pretty common.
00:55:17If you're going to act, do it right.
00:55:21I'm not as fake as you.
00:55:23I can't pull it off.
00:55:25Make me happy, and that woman might stay alive.
00:55:35Excuse me, Your Majesty.
00:55:37I have a very important phone call to make.
00:55:39I'll be back.
00:55:47I need her dead, now.
00:55:54I have a very important phone call to make.
00:55:56I'll be back.
00:56:03Here's the keys to your rental.
00:56:05It'll keep them from spotting you.
00:56:07Thanks, man.
00:56:09I really appreciate you coming through for this.
00:56:11You got to hurry.
00:56:13I don't want to be late.
00:56:15Okay, I don't want to be here for too long.
00:56:19Let's play.
00:56:26Go kill her.
00:56:27Fiona will hand the company over to us.
00:56:29Do it fast, Dad.
00:56:31Or we'll meet you outside.
00:56:36I'm so sorry.
00:56:46I'm so sorry.
00:56:52Did you ever feel sorry for my mother?
00:56:54It was my fault.
00:56:55I had no choice.
00:56:56But you did.
00:56:57And you chose to sacrifice her.
00:57:01Just do it.
00:57:02I'm ready.
00:57:18Oh, my God, are you all right?
00:57:21Let's get you out of here.
00:57:23Not so fast.
00:57:26Toodle-oo, lovebirds.
00:57:34What took you so long?
00:57:45Where's Barrett?
00:57:49I'm here.
00:58:00Not so fast.
00:58:03Toodle-oo, lovebirds.
00:58:12Game over.
00:58:16You're alive?
00:58:18You seem surprised.
00:58:22What happened to you?
00:58:24Why don't you ask Fiona?
00:58:25I didn't do anything.
00:58:26This was a setup.
00:58:27Maybe you should ask them instead.
00:58:39Uncle Ben, help me.
00:58:41Weren't you always on my side?
00:58:44Well, I'm no longer your head of the family.
00:58:48Do whatever you need to do.
00:58:52Let go of me.
00:58:58This isn't over.
00:59:07Till death do us part.
00:59:09Till death do us part.
00:59:14Till death do us part.
00:59:26My stock just hit an all-time high.
00:59:29Double that and it might be worth half our price.
00:59:32Well, give me a year and I'll definitely surpass you.
00:59:37Sure thing.
00:59:39Miss Brown, about the divorce application you submitted a few months ago...
00:59:43We won't need it.
00:59:47What do you say, Miss Brown?
00:59:49Shall we do this now?