• 2 days ago
00:00Last one, dude. You gotta get this. This is it.
00:09Hey, how's it going, guys? This is Dave2D, and I just got back from CES 2017.
00:14Now, I don't go to this event with the intention of making, like, a particular type of video.
00:18I just kind of go in. If I see something cool, I make a video.
00:21Last year, at the beginning of 2016, Skylake H processors were coming out,
00:26and in the middle of last year, the GTX 10 series for laptops came out,
00:29and those things just blew the laptop industry wide open.
00:32They basically provided the graphics powers to make your laptop into a desktop replacement.
00:38It was that awesome. So that kind of big step up in performance,
00:43you're not going to get that from the processor upgrades that we're getting right now that we saw at CES.
00:48So we're getting the Kaby Lake H processors, so the quad-core Kaby Lake processors.
00:53The big graphics card improvements are the new GTX 1050 and the GTX 1050 Ti.
00:58Now, I was able to play with both of them.
01:00I was kind of disappointed because my expectations were unrealistically high.
01:04I was so blown away by the 1060 to the 1070, 1080 cards.
01:08Those things were just amazing. I kind of thought the 1050 would be also really cool.
01:12It is. It's just that it's more tuned down.
01:15So I would say that the 1050 is about a 20%, maybe 25% improvement over the 960M.
01:21From what I saw, I had limited time working with it.
01:24The 1050 Ti, we're looking at slightly better performance than a 970M,
01:29or actually, in some cases, equivalent to the 970M.
01:32But overall, very cool cards. I'm excited to give you full reviews of those shortly.
01:36The two laptops that kind of stuck out for me.
01:38First, the Dell Inspiron 7000, $800 laptop, GTX 1050, Kaby Lake CPU.
01:44It's a very capable machine, and the pricing is really good.
01:47I think it looks better than last year's model, and the trackpad feels nicer than last year's trackpad.
01:52I wouldn't say it's a perfect trackpad or anything, but for $800, pretty good value.
01:56The other one is the Acer VX15. It's also the same kind of idea.
02:00$800 gaming laptop, reasonably priced, good performance.
02:04Now, both of them have that black and red thing going on, which I don't love.
02:08But overall, the performance, for the money, I'm very happy with.
02:11Now, on that note, in general, I think companies are kind of cluing into the fact
02:15that we don't love black and red gaming laptops.
02:18I mean, maybe they sell in a particular type of demographic that I'm not familiar with,
02:23or maybe it's just my personal distaste for black and red gaming laptops,
02:27but, I mean, those are just so played out.
02:30Look at this laptop. It's called the Samsung Odyssey.
02:33They probably spent a good chunk of money, in terms of R&D, to develop this thing.
02:37And it comes onto the market looking very dated.
02:40Now, again, maybe this stuff sells really well in Asia or something,
02:43but for me, personally, I'm just not a fan.
02:45Other cool stuff that I saw, I finally got to play with the Acer 21X Predator.
02:49We saw this thing a few months ago at, I forget, some convention,
02:52but this thing is a beast.
02:54$9,000, 20 pounds, but, I mean, it's 20 pounds of just sheer awesomeness.
02:59120 Hz G-Sync panel, mechanical keyboard, and I mean, like, a real mechanical keyboard.
03:04I think these are Cherry MX Browns.
03:06Great sound system, and the whole laptop is just completely over the top.
03:09Now, I tried to get a battery life estimate from one of the reps there,
03:12and he wouldn't really give me one.
03:13He kind of danced around the topic, but I think if I played this thing
03:16with max screen brightness, max gaming volume,
03:19max, like, everything across the board with RGB lighting going,
03:22I think I could kill the battery in, like, 20 minutes.
03:24It's kind of nuts.
03:25It's not supposed to be a super portable device,
03:28but it's just a very impressive product to begin with.
03:31$9,000 kind of makes it not really affordable for most people,
03:35but, yeah, it's a pretty cool thing.
03:37Another thing I got to play with was Razer's super cool working concept called Project Valerie.
03:43It's based off the Razer Blade Pro, but with three monitors.
03:45Now, I gotta be honest.
03:46When I first saw this thing in press, like, before the event,
03:49I thought it was cool looking, but I didn't think it would be very practical.
03:52But after using it in person, it's really changed my perception of usability and even desirability.
03:57I mean, it's still not something that I think everyone's gonna buy or should buy,
04:00but the triple monitor gaming thing is more immersive than I thought it would be.
04:04Now, I've played with triple monitors on my desktop before in the past,
04:06and because your screen is kind of a certain distance away from your face,
04:10you just, I mean, the immersion is there on a desktop as well,
04:13but when you're playing on a laptop, your face is just naturally closer to the screen,
04:17and the immersion is just that much better.
04:19Now, in terms of getting applications and programs running on this,
04:22the Razer Media Suite didn't have them running,
04:24so I couldn't really test out Premiere on this thing,
04:26but I legitimately want to try one when they come out.
04:28One other thing to note.
04:29I mean, they don't work right now, but they're aiming for automatic deployment.
04:32Like, you press a button, and the screens will automatically come out and get into position.
04:36How cool is that, right?
04:38Another thing I saw was the Asus water-cooled laptop.
04:41It's not new, but let's step back for a second and understand what is going on here.
04:45This is a water-cooled laptop.
04:47They're pumping water into this laptop and then cooling it with a rad to maximize overclockability.
04:52Now, in terms of just practicality, we're looking at a solid zero,
04:55but in terms of, like, sheer coolness, it's over 9,000.
04:58Okay, other cool stuff.
05:00The Dell 8K monitor.
05:01It's super sharp, super high resolution.
05:03It's not the first of its kind, but it's the first one that's kind of hit consumer grade.
05:07It's still very expensive, $5,000,
05:09and it needs a ridiculously powerful card to run it.
05:11You're looking at a GTX 1070, maybe a 1080 to power those pixels,
05:15and you need two display ports to power it.
05:17So if you have a Mac and you're trying to set this up,
05:19you're going to have to use two of your USB-C ports to get this thing going.
05:23Actually, they might have an adapter that can do...
05:25I don't know.
05:26It needs a lot of power.
05:27It needs a lot of cables to make this thing run,
05:29but it's an 8K screen, and it looks awesome.
05:31Dell also had something called the Canvas,
05:33which is a 27-inch monitor that's touch-enabled,
05:36reminiscent of the Microsoft Surface Studio,
05:39but they market this thing as a secondary screen.
05:41Now, I actually got to spend quite a bit of time on this thing.
05:43I don't know how useful it is for my particular workflow
05:46because they didn't have Premiere installed.
05:48I tried to get used to...
05:49I forget what video editing application they had going on there.
05:52I mean, it's entirely software dependent,
05:54so I can't really give this thing even, like, a rough opinion.
05:57I would need to try it on Premiere, but the idea is really cool.
05:59I definitely want to check it out when I can get one in.
06:01The TVs were on point, as usual.
06:03Lots of super thin stuff with great image quality.
06:05There were a lot of cars.
06:07Volkswagen, in particular, had a sweet electric concept with blue tires.
06:12I mean, these blue tires would turn black on the road in, like, five seconds,
06:15but it looked super cool on the show floor,
06:17hence their inclusion in this video.
06:19One last thing.
06:20I have a couple items that are still under NDA that are sitting...
06:22One of them is actually right off frame there.
06:24I can't do a review of them quite yet because the NDA has to lift,
06:27but when it does, and it will be soon,
06:29you'll be seeing a full review on a couple cool things
06:31that I'm pretty sure you guys will be interested in.
06:33These are things that I'm, like, super amped about personally.
06:36That's the end of this video.
06:37Hope you guys liked it.
06:38Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it.
06:39It's been nice.
06:40See you guys next time.
06:41[♪ music playing ♪
