• yesterday


00:30明杰时空 繁华如梦
00:41空 遁去无踪 浅若刀锋
00:51只爱月落沙海 故人还未来
01:08生来谁落入苦海 流云还在横刀不败
01:15箭在纵千军袭来 问江山谁来主宰
01:22刀锋禅不开一脉 气心还在勾点不改
01:29谁来除骄论英才 剑指出苍生澎湃
01:39雀羽伴天际去追风 萧丹苍穹
01:43风起云涌一字行踪 万川恩怨骁勋 云波长空
01:48空 凝结时空 繁华如梦
02:14空 敦俱无踪 前若刀锋
02:44空 敦俱无踪
03:15咱们大王为朕天下 受万妖朝拜
03:20行了 石像就赶紧开门吧 免得小命不保
03:25什么靠山王 没听说过
03:29就隔壁山头很厉害的那个 跟你们的飞天王是兄弟
03:34满口胡诌 没有过关令牌 一律杀无赦
03:39We've yet to defeat you!
03:42If you don't open the gate, I'll turn you into snake cakes!
03:55This is a door that even immortals can't break!
04:10What door?
04:12Don't touch us!
04:14If you can't dig up 10,000 spirit keys today, I'll treat you to dinner!
04:29King Feitian is too arrogant!
04:36You want to assassinate your grandfather with the trick of the triangle cat?
04:41My treasure!
04:42King Feitian loves money like his own life.
04:44How dare he has the time to eat and drink?
04:46Just wait and see!
04:48How dare you!
04:50You must pay for my broken spirit key!
04:53I have no money, I can't pay!
04:56I'm sorry!
04:59Such a big trick!
05:01You must have a lot of strength!
05:03Then you stay and dig mine for me!
05:07Make up for it!
05:13You're not qualified to rob my people.
05:17And I'm going to take away all the cities thousands of miles away.
05:23You don't pay for my spirit key, but you want to rob my city?
05:28You're so devious!
05:32Take this!
05:40You big snake!
05:46You forced me to do this!
05:54Is that horrible thing going to escape?
05:58King Feitian is crazy!
06:05What a powerful Wei Ying!
06:13You didn't expect that, did you?
06:15The legendary beast of the Beast Clan, Xuan Feng, is under the control of King Feitian.
06:26Are you scared?
06:27Beg your grandfather.
06:29Then I'll let you go.
06:31Stop bragging.
06:32I think he's just a dog.
06:39His strength is bigger than our family!
06:46You big monkey!
06:49You're going to lose weight!
06:52Go after him!
06:53I'm going to pull his chest out!
07:00I can't pull it out.
07:30How is this possible?
07:33The king defeated Xuan Feng so quickly.
07:35Even the emperor can't tame Xuan Feng.
07:39What did you do?
07:42Maybe he's afraid of me.
07:46Are you still refusing to give me the city?
07:48Don't even think about it!
07:50I'm only interested in the money.
07:55Stone Bone Flower!
08:05Let's see how long you can hold out under my control.
08:11Oh, no!
08:12Xuan Feng has been provoked!
08:16What are you doing?
08:18Your Majesty!
08:19He's coming!
08:22I didn't expect the powerful Xuan Feng
08:24to be several times stronger.
08:31How dare you hit your grandfather!
08:33Xuan Meng Mieshi!
08:38He's also practicing Void Arts.
08:46Oh, no!
08:50Help me!
08:51I knew you were the Fire Bodhisattva!
08:53Let me help you.
09:04Xuan Feng has been subdued!
09:07He must be the city lord sent by heaven!
09:10Welcome, new city lord!
09:12He must be the city lord sent by heaven!
09:14Welcome, new city lord!
09:16Your Majesty, you're the most powerful man in the world.
09:18It's my pleasure to meet you.
09:21If I take the token,
09:23and the news of the defeat of the Demon King is spread,
09:26I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble.
09:28Take the token
09:29and continue to be your Flying King.
09:32Your Majesty, you're so nice to me.
09:33I want to be your best fighter
09:35and conquer the entire Demon Realm!
09:38With the help of Flying City,
09:40there should be no problem
09:42in the upcoming university entrance exam.
09:51Night Clan!
09:52Three Yin Spirits!
09:53One of them will die!
09:54The universe is empty!
09:58You're all dead!
10:00Unseal the seal!
10:01The Demon King is gone!
10:02The world is in chaos!
10:04I won't back down!
10:05I won't back down!
10:08You're a demon from the outside world!
10:10How dare you fight me!
10:14Three Yin Spirits!
10:15I'll kill you all!
10:35To be continued...