• yesterday
This World Is Not Real Episode 9 English Subtitles Chinese Romance
00:30让记忆像碎片一样消失 Let memories disappear like pieces of broken glass
00:34我依旧会被你吸引 I will still be attracted to you
00:37在无处落脚的人海里 In the endless sea of people
00:41你的降临是岛屿是陆地 Your landing is the land of the island
00:45谁知道你的位置 却装作不在意 Who knows where you are, but pretends not to care
00:50满心想你却只字不提 My heart is full of you, but I can't stop thinking of you
01:01月球战车 Season of the Moon
01:14谢谢 Thank you
01:17这次收购月球战车 This acquisition of the lunar vehicle
01:18多归秦总的战略眼光和果断决策 was determined by Mr. Qin's strategic vision
01:21要不然差一点就让据实抢了先机 Otherwise, the strategist would have taken the lead
01:24我收购他们看中的不是月球战车的盈利 I don't value the profits of the lunar vehicle
01:27而是他们公司的人才和专利 but the talents and expertise of their company
01:29秦总可了解我的意义 Mr. Qin knows what I mean
01:31以后大家多向他学习 Let's learn from him more in the future
01:33一切以公司的利益出发解决问题 Solve problems based on the interests of the company
01:35好了 都去工作吧 Okay, go back to work
01:46她一个小姑娘 知道什么是大公司的运作逻辑吗 She is just a little girl. Does she know what the operating logic of a big company is?
01:50余总 您对公司的付出才是奠定事成的基础 Mr. Yu, your dedication to the company is the foundation for the success of the company
01:54还是蓝轩你通透 You are smart
01:56以后有什么好事 多想着我点 If you have any good news in the future, think more about my shop
02:04恭喜你啊 秦总 年度特别贡献奖 Congratulations, Mr. Qin. You won the Annual Special Contribution Award
02:08整个显游几年也搬不出一个 而你只是大笔一挥签了字而已 You haven't moved a single one in a few years, and you just signed it with a big pen
02:13运气眷顾的基础是实力 The foundation of luck is strength
02:17让我签字的主意是你给余总出的吧 It was you who gave Mr. Yu the idea to let me sign
02:23明明是余总您贡献了的托托 It was Mr. Yu who made the contribution
02:25不是你说的主意 It wasn't your idea
02:26今天是他运气 但是运气不会一直眷顾上 It was his luck today, but luck won't always take care of you
02:32是又怎么样 So what if it is?
02:34你觉得你这个副总名副其实吗 Do you think you are a real vice president?
02:37你觉得你真的能帮到林总 Do you think you can really help Mr. Lin?
02:40你太高估自己了 You are overestimating yourself
02:42究竟是我高估自己 还是你自己的内心在作祟 Is it me who is overestimating myself, or is it your heart?
02:48贺秘书 这儿没有别人 Secretary He, there is no one else here
02:52秦总比我想得要厉害啊 Mr. Qin is better than I thought
02:55那我们就拭目以待吧 Let's wait and see
03:19又是咖啡 果然生活是个剧本 It's coffee again. Life is a script
03:56我没事 谢谢 I am fine. Thank you
04:04不能大意 我屋里有药 Don't be careless, there is medicine in my room
04:08怎么了 What's wrong?
04:10I'm fine. Thank you.
04:17You can't be careless. I have medicine in my room.
04:21Does it hurt?
04:26It will be fine in a minute.
04:32By the way, how did you know that Ju Shi wanted to buy the stealth technology of the tank?
04:37My brother often plays Ju Shi's games.
04:40He always complains to me that Ju Shi's games have a poor sense of experience.
04:44So I played all of his games.
04:47I found that there are the same problems.
04:50Although they don't have enough Nizhen blocks,
04:53they are good at open-world games with narrative elements.
04:56In addition to the main plot, there are also very rich retro events for players to explore.
05:02If they can make up for the shortcomings of the Nizhen block,
05:06their game experience will also improve.
05:10You are right.
05:14Thank you, Mr. Lin.
05:15Don't pour coffee yourself.
05:17Coffee is a high-end item in your and your brother's hands.
05:20Give it to Helan Xu.
05:21Give it to him?
05:26I dare not use it.
05:27I mean, isn't he your secretary?
05:38Mr. Lin, if there's nothing else, I'll go first.
05:40Thank you, Mr. Lin.
05:55Why is this person haunting me?
06:03Excuse me.
06:19You're not going to wait here all the time, are you?
06:23Wow, thank you.
06:26I know you work overtime at night.
06:28Let's go.
06:29I'll take you to eat something delicious.
06:30No, thanks. I worked overtime at night.
06:33Then walk with me.
06:36I'll take you home later.
06:39Let's go.
06:44Do you remember?
06:46When you were a kid, you always pestered me to play together.
06:49If there was anything delicious, you would secretly give it to me.
06:53And you took good care of us.
06:55I remember breaking the glass of Qin Shu's house.
06:58You broke the glass of Qin Shu's house, didn't you?
07:01You remember everything.
07:04Time flies.
07:06By the way, Fan.
07:07Are you going back to China this time?
07:11I'm going to stay here.
07:12I'm going to be a member of He Fan.
07:16I have my job here.
07:18And there are people I care about.
07:29You seem to be in a good mood.
07:31Is there any good news?
07:40The good news is coming up.
07:42It's so mysterious.
07:44It's a mystery.
07:45Have you decided which company to go to?
07:59I'm not cold. Thank you.
08:01Be careful of the sun.
08:03It seems that you have an idea.
08:05Which company can get Fan?
08:09Keep it a secret for the time being.
08:15Why does he always show up?
08:25Fan, I'm home.
08:27Go back now. It's too late.
08:29Do you hear me?
08:30Don't stay here.
08:31Leave now.
08:34Can I go in?
08:36I have something to tell you.
08:37What are you doing?
08:38It's so mysterious.
08:45Let's go.
08:46I don't know if I can go home today.
08:57Who did this?
09:10I can't believe you did this.
09:13Have you forgotten?
09:14Qingtian is my classmate.
09:18What about Qingtian?
09:57优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
10:27优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
