• 2 days ago


00:00So Apple has this new $400 iPhone, and I feel like it's going to be an incredibly important phone this year.
00:05Not just for Apple, not just for like iOS users that are hoping to upgrade,
00:09not even for Android users that want to upgrade.
00:11It's for the entire phone industry.
00:13Because when you look at that phone, you look at the specs that they've put into this iPhone SE,
00:17it really feels like a completely different type of like decision making went into this device.
00:22It feels like a, hey, how much can we pack into a $400 phone?
00:26How much can we give our customers for that money?
00:28Like what do people actually want at that price point?
00:31And that's not normally what we see.
00:32The typical thinking it feels is with any kind of brand name phone,
00:36it's what crazy amount of tech can we stuff into this phone?
00:39And then how much can we sell it for?
00:40What's the highest price we can jack this thing up to before people stop buying it?
00:44That really feels like the trend that we've seen for the past five, six years.
00:48It's just crazy increase in price of all the flagship phones, like $1,200, $1,500.
00:54Now we're seeing $2,000 smartphones.
00:56These are the phones at the top end, right?
00:58The premium expensive stuff.
00:59But when these brands make their mid-tier market phones, like the $400 or $500 phones,
01:04they have to gimp these phones so hard so that the top end stuff
01:07doesn't look terrible in value by comparison, right?
01:10You got to make the $400 phones appropriately specked out
01:16so that the super expensive stuff looks good.
01:18But last year, there was an exception, the Pixel 3a.
01:21And I thought that this was one of the most important phones that came out last year
01:24because it was a phone that prioritized the camera.
01:27When I did the video on this thing, I remember thinking,
01:29I'd like to see Apple's response.
01:31I want to see what Apple does now, knowing that there is a $400 phone out there
01:35with a killer camera.
01:36And I think the iPhone SE is the response.
01:39Maybe not direct, right?
01:41Maybe this was planned a long time ago.
01:42Maybe it was never really in response to the Pixel 3a.
01:45But I love what this thing brings.
01:47And I hope it becomes a thing, right?
01:49I want more smartphone companies to have this mindset of like,
01:52hey, how good of an experience can we deliver for 400 bucks?
01:56Instead of this idea of like, hey, how do we con people into buying $2,000 smartphones, right?
02:00Those are very different mindsets.
02:02And the thing I find most interesting is I don't think there's a lot of companies
02:07that can pull this off.
02:08Like if you think about Apple, think about what's going on here.
02:10When they have a $400 smartphone that sits on the shelf with the rest of the lineup,
02:15if you're a potential customer, you walk into an Apple store,
02:18there are people out there that were gonna buy an iPhone 11 or maybe an iPhone 11 Pro.
02:21And now they see this?
02:23Yeah, I'll go for that.
02:24Hell yeah, I'll save like the 4, 5, 600 bucks.
02:27I will buy the cheaper $400 phone.
02:29So they're losing some revenue in that sense.
02:32But they're probably gaining a huge chunk of people that would never even consider an Apple phone.
02:36But now they got a $400 option and they come over.
02:39So if you think about how many other companies are willing to make a good $400 smartphone
02:44that makes the rest of their lineup look weirdly overpriced, right?
02:47Not many.
02:48And maybe that's the play.
02:49Maybe that's Apple's ultimate like Chad move where they're like,
02:53hey, smartphone industry, we don't even care about hardware anymore.
02:56Like, yeah, we got our expensive stuff, but we'll sell this cheap thing.
02:59It doesn't matter what you got.
03:00It doesn't matter if you come up with your Snapdragon 10,000 and 32 gigs of RAM.
03:05It doesn't matter because we have a $400 smartphone that people want to buy.
03:09And when people buy this thing, we can sell them services.
03:12And that's how Apple can make their money.
03:14So this whole idea of a $400 smartphone is just like,
03:17this is going to change so many things in the industry.
03:20I love it.
03:21And I'm just, I want to see how this thing plays out.
03:24Now, it's probably not a phone that's for the hardcore tech enthusiast, right?
03:26It's got a big forehead, big chin,
03:28and the screen itself is lackluster compared to the amazing options we have available.
03:32But a lot of people just don't care about that stuff.
03:34It does have wireless charging.
03:36It does have water resistance.
03:37And it does have that super fast A13 processor.
03:39It can shoot 4K 60 video.
03:41And because it's an Apple iPhone, it's going to have years of software support.
03:44I'm expecting five plus years of software updates.
03:47What other $400 smartphone can boast that, right?
03:51To have that kind of software support for that many years?
03:55That's iPhone for you.
03:56Now, there is one thing that I feel like Apple kind of left out,
03:59like they just got one in.
04:02It's the fact that they don't have a night mode on the iPhone SE.
04:06With that A13 processor, with the neural engine,
04:08I feel like they could have done it, maybe, but it's not in there.
04:11And there's also, I feel like, some collateral damage when it comes to the iPhone SE.
04:15Like the existence of this $400 smartphone heavily affects the resale market of everything.
04:21Not just iPhones, but every phone out there, right?
04:23Especially the older, like the ones that look like the iPhone SE,
04:27like the 8, the 7, the 6S, the 6.
04:30All of those, like those are worth very little now because of this $400 phone.
04:34And even the more expensive iPhones and Android phones,
04:37the whole market just gets shifted around a little bit because of the existence of this phone,
04:41which is kind of interesting.
04:43But this is the thing that's most interesting to me.
04:46What is Android's answer to this?
04:48What is an equivalent $400 smartphone?
04:53Like, I've been thinking about this.
04:55The closest thing I came up to was the Pixel 3a, right?
04:57But there's some deficiencies with that product that the iPhone SE does not have,
05:03like particularly processing strength.
05:04And the new one, the Pixel 4a, when that eventually comes out,
05:08that's probably the closest stuff.
05:10Because when you try to look at everyone else in this space, right?
05:14Any other $400 smartphone, there's a half dozen phones out there that are really good,
05:18but they all can't compete with this iPhone SE.
05:21At least, I don't think it can.
05:22Like, you need a phone from a reputable company that's gonna last with good software support.
05:28Who's doing that at $400?
05:30I'm not saying that it can't be done, and this is why this is so cool.
05:33Because I think companies will try to step in.
05:35I mean, they have to.
05:36If you don't, you lose, right?
05:38Someone's gonna, like every company now has to compete with the $400 iPhone.
05:42Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this video.
05:43Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it.
05:45I'll see you guys next time.
