• 2 days ago
00:00Every time Apple brings a new iPad to the market, or a new software for the iPad, people in the tech community are like,
00:10Ah shit, here we go again.
00:12Maybe this time, the iPad will be good. Maybe this time is the time that the iPad is what we've always wanted it to be.
00:19What we've hoped it would be right from the beginning.
00:22Now, they just launched iPad OS, and this is a very large change in how the iPad can be used.
00:28It brings new functionality, it brings new features, it honestly breathes new life into this entire platform.
00:34So, one of the things it has now is a native file system, and we've always wanted that on our iPads.
00:39But interestingly, they also have a new download manager for files you download in your browser.
00:45So, if you're in Safari and you download a file, like this is on Battle.net, you can download the Battle.net user interface.
00:52And you can't actually use it on the iPad, but the fact that you can download it, and it'll show up in this file system,
00:57is something that I never would have expected.
00:59You also get full-blown Safari, so instead of like a mobile version of websites that you visit,
01:03you get an actual desktop version experience, which is something that I've personally really wanted.
01:08I think a lot of people want that as well. It's something that really differentiated between laptops and tablets.
01:13You also get mouse support, so you can connect either a Bluetooth or wired USB mouse to the system now.
01:20It's not official support, like it's used right now for accessibility services,
01:24but the fact that they have this feature clearly shows that if they wanted to, they could implement something more robust down the line.
01:30You also get support for USB drives, and this is something that we've been wanting forever.
01:35I mean, a lot of photographers and videographers just want the ability to store stuff on external drives,
01:41and it's not just them, like anybody with files wants access to USB drives, and we finally get that.
01:46And this also works for lightning, so it's not just the USB-C version of the iPad Pro,
01:51like the older ones with lightning connectors. As long as you have an adapter, you can connect USB drives to the system.
01:56And you also get a whole bunch of gestures to navigate a little bit better in the operating system,
02:00and those gestures allow you to edit documents and stuff like that.
02:03So clearly, these improvements aren't just small little tweaks, right?
02:06These feel like they addressed some of the major issues that the iPad had since its inception,
02:12but despite all these extra features and functionality, after using this for a few days,
02:17it really felt like something was still missing.
02:20And it made me wonder, what could they have done to this to make it a more laptop-like experience?
02:25And the first thing that comes to mind, and I think a lot of people might go to the same direction, is apps.
02:30Not, like, regular apps. They have a ton of apps in the App Store.
02:33It's like, people want that full app experience, right?
02:37They want a full version of Final Cut, or Adobe Premiere, or Adobe whatever it is.
02:42Like, they want to have that desktop app that they're used to running the iPad,
02:46because the hardware is more than sufficient, right?
02:48This is very powerful hardware. You could run basically any application you could throw in it,
02:52but we're missing the apps.
02:54So, if you think about software developers, they use this thing called Xcode.
02:57It's a development tool that runs on macOS, so it runs on their laptops and their desktops,
03:02but it does not exist as an app for their iPads.
03:05And now that we're this close, like, we have amazing hardware, and USB connectivity,
03:10and mouse connectivity, and keyboard connectivity,
03:12we're so close, like, all the pieces to making this thing a great laptop replacement are there,
03:18but now we're starting to see the actual limitations of this form factor.
03:22Like, even if you had Xcode running on this thing, or Final Cut, or Premiere,
03:25or whatever professional application that you're used to on a desktop,
03:28if you put it on the iPad, you have limitations like screen size.
03:31Developing apps, editing videos, or even working on stuff in Microsoft Excel
03:35is not that great on a small screen.
03:38Plus, once you bring all your accessories with you,
03:40the difference in weight between a laptop setup and an iPad setup is probably only a few hundred grams.
03:45And keep in mind, they're not actually trying to make a laptop here, right?
03:49A lot of people have been like, hey, I wish they would run macOS on the iPad,
03:53but then it runs the risk of becoming like the Surface,
03:55and this is a device that's a great laptop,
03:57but because Windows 10 was built for desktops and laptops,
04:00the tablet experience is mediocre at best.
04:04And then you also think about Apple's perspective on this, right?
04:07They are not trying to build laptop replacements.
04:10As much as we want them to be with a cheaper device,
04:13they really aren't in the business of selling a $300 or $400 tablet
04:16that'll replace their $2,000 laptop line.
04:19Like, that's clearly not what they're trying to do.
04:21What's probably more likely is they want their iPhone user base,
04:25because there's a ton of iPhone users out there,
04:27they want those people to make the decision to purchase an iPad instead of a Windows laptop.
04:32And with iPadOS, I actually feel like this could be a thing.
04:35I like that they have a separate OS for this.
04:37I like that it's going to have regular updates.
04:39It's clearly a new kind of direction that they're going to take the iPads.
04:43Like, it's going to be a faster-paced development process for this whole ecosystem.
04:47I like that.
04:48And they've just done such a good job with it this time around.
04:50And this is just the first beta.
04:52It's super buggy, but I can already tell that this is a way better primary computer
04:56for the average person.
04:58Like, way better than it would have been a week ago.
05:00I think a lot of people still want that laptop replacement.
05:03I don't know if it'll ever hit that, because if you ask the question of
05:06what's missing from the system, why does it not feel like a proper replacement?
05:10It's not the hardware.
05:11Like, clearly the hardware is very sufficient.
05:14I don't even think it's the software.
05:15I think the limitations that we're seeing right now are just the limitations of the form factor.
05:20It's a tablet, and if you mess with it too much and you tweak it too much,
05:23you lose what it is.
05:25You lose that tablet-y nature of the iPad.
05:28So I think the way we see it right now is the way it's got to be.
05:31Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this video.
05:32Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it.
05:34See you guys next time.