• 2 days ago
Salut les amis ! Êtes-vous prêts pour une aventure super amusante ? Attachez vos ceintures, parce qu'aujourd'hui, nous plongeons dans le monde magique des fidget toys en papier ! Et devinez quoi ? Nous n'avons pas un, ni deux, mais bien 12 superbes bricolages à vous proposer ! Tout d'abord, préparez-vous à plier, déplier et replier pour obtenir un cube coloré parfait pour s'amuser à l'infini. Ensuite, préparez-vous à découvrir l'ultime poppeur d'avocat avec un mécanisme de gomme à effacer surprenant à l'intérieur ! Et ce n'est que le début ! Nous avons aussi des singes en papier, des toupies, des grenouilles qui sautent et bien d'autres choses encore. Croyez-moi, les amis, c'est le bonheur en papier ! Vous avez hâte de voir ces merveilles de papier en action ? Ne quittez pas notre vidéo épique qui vous montrera exactement comment procéder. Et le plus beau, c'est que nous gardons les choses très simples pour que vous puissiez vous aussi participer à l'aventure ! Prends ton papier, prépare-toi, et créons ensemble ! Oh, et n'oublie pas de t'abonner pour recevoir des tonnes de bricolages géniaux. Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part. Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/ Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073 Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:06:34And now, the long-awaited moment, Sam's great throw!
00:06:37He did it! He really did it! Hooray!
00:06:41The crowd is cheering, the fans are in delirium!
00:06:44Look at the super spinning top we made! Let's go!
00:06:54I've never had so much fun since I did the race with the frogs in Tibidaba!
00:06:59Excellent idea!
00:07:01I have to wait a long time! I want to jump with the frogs here!
00:07:05Oh, sorry, but I don't have the right paper anymore!
00:07:08Fortunately, there are still a lot of fish in the sea, right?
00:07:11Here, the waste of some is the treasure of others!
00:07:14Well said, Sammy! I like your way of thinking!
00:07:17Are you ready, friends? 3, 2, 1...
00:07:19Let the paper-throw start!
00:07:22So, Sammy, when did you become so wise?
00:07:33It's hard to stay there even after a day surrounded by frogs, Suzanne!
00:07:37Oh, wow! It must have been a very enriching day!
00:07:43We're done! Oh, wait, let's make a friend for our friend!
00:07:48What? What?
00:07:50Jean, Jacques, is that you? I missed you so much, guys!
00:07:53Ouch! Hey! Ouch!
00:07:55What's wrong with you? How could I forget?
00:07:57My frog friends were real ninjas!
00:08:01They even had shurikens and everything! No! Help!
00:08:04Shurikens, you say?
00:08:07How do you find this shuriken, Sammy?
00:08:10You already did it! Wow, that was fast!
00:08:13Now, throw!
00:08:16It doesn't work very well, Sue!
00:08:18Of course not, because it's just a sketch!
00:08:21It's now that I'm starting to make a shuriken!
00:08:24Give me just a minute!
00:08:36I'm tired of waiting! And if we threw those?
00:08:38They could be used as shurikens!
00:08:41Come on, Sammy, don't make a mess!
00:08:44Although these pieces of paper are exactly what I need!
00:08:49Let's put it all together! It should be super cool!
00:09:05Sammy, catch!
00:09:06So cool! You know, it reminds me of something!
00:09:08It's colorful and it spins! I know!
00:09:10It looks like a spinning top!
00:09:13It's so cool that we had the same idea!
00:09:17You said it! Our work is perfectly synchronized!
00:09:34I feel like I can even finish your...
00:09:36Creation! You were going to say creation, weren't you?
00:09:43I was going to say your sentence!
00:09:45But your creation will also do the trick!
00:09:48Oops, I almost just...
00:09:51Look, we're almost done!
00:09:53I just have to insert the toothpick like this
00:09:55and stick two pieces of cardboard on both sides.
00:09:58Spin it here! Spin it hard!
00:10:06Oh no, I don't feel very well!
00:10:09I'm going to have to do it again!
00:10:12Very good!
00:10:14Congratulations, Sue and Sam!
00:10:16You've spent so much time folding paper
00:10:18that you've reached the diamond level!
00:10:20It's time for you to learn the secret and super cool art of origami!
00:10:24Stop that, master of origami!
00:10:26It tickles!
00:10:28Strange, I don't know how,
00:10:30but I just had an idea for my next DIY!
00:10:33So what was it?
00:10:34This end goes here, and then this one goes...
00:10:37Oh, Sue, a little help!
00:10:39Let me see...
00:10:41I think it should be something like this!
00:10:48Yeah, that's right!
00:10:50Now I'm starting to remember everything!
00:10:52Great! So let's continue!
00:11:04From my heart of paper to yours!
00:11:06That's cute!
00:11:07But we'll play with it later!
00:11:10There are still a lot of steps to do!
00:11:13Look at this caterpillar!
00:11:14It's so fun!
00:11:18But I feel like one more thing is missing!
00:11:21Wow! So that's what this top-secret DIY is for!
00:11:34It's nice and all,
00:11:35but I'm a little tired of fixing things!
00:11:37I can feel the energy vibrating in me!
00:11:40Just don't demolish the house!
00:11:41What should I do?
00:11:42Hmm, what do you think about football?
00:11:45Well, Sammy, I'll let you go,
00:11:47but use all that energy to bring me some paper, okay?
00:11:50Holy cannoli!
00:11:51I hope he didn't forget the paper!
00:11:53What? Wow!
00:11:54Oh, don't worry about me!
00:11:55I just went around the world!
00:11:57I picked up some papers you asked me for!
00:11:59You mean, like, around the world?
00:12:01I'd like to have some trombones to wear tomorrow!
00:12:03It's already done!
00:12:04Your trombones, ma'am!
00:12:06Oh, thank you!
00:12:07But let's get back to our DIY!
00:12:09There's a lot of weaving to do!
00:12:22Now I can remove them!
00:12:24So, is this football ball cool or not?
00:12:27It's brave of you to destroy the best football player of all time!
00:12:35Who's the best player now?
00:12:36And since I won,
00:12:37I'll choose the next creation!
00:12:41Hey, look at this!
00:12:42I look like a bread!
00:12:43Oh, you're going to freeze them!
00:12:45You haven't forgotten anything, have you?
00:12:47Try to catch me!
00:12:51As far as our DIY is concerned,
00:12:52this is where we have to glue everything together!
00:12:55It will make a good base!
00:12:57Very good!
00:12:58Now I'm going to assemble all the pieces very quickly!
00:13:00Look at this beauty!
00:13:01Isn't it pretty?
00:13:10But what is it?
00:13:11A whirlwind!
00:13:13Oh, you gave me another idea for a DIY!
00:13:16I'm going to make a ball!
00:13:17I'm going to make a ball!
00:13:18I'm going to make a ball!
00:13:19I'm going to make a ball!
00:13:20I'm going to make a ball!
00:13:21I'm going to make a ball!
00:13:22I'm going to make a ball!
00:13:23I'm going to make a ball!
00:13:25I'm going to make a ball!
00:13:29Oh, here!
00:13:30What would you not do for the right cause?
00:13:32You know you don't need to drink all the water
00:13:34to take the caps off, right?
00:13:36You're kidding, aren't you?
00:13:37Oh no, I must go to the toilet!
00:13:38Hurry up
00:13:39and take the wallpaper in my bag when you leave!
00:13:40Here you go!
00:13:41We'll use it to secure the stick inside our whirlwind
00:13:43and to give it a little weight!
00:13:46All right, I'll make a sketch on it then!
00:13:47I want it to spin faster than
00:13:48any other whirlwind in the world!
00:13:49I want it to spin faster than
00:13:50any other whirlwind in the world!
00:13:54Okay, let's see how it works.
00:14:01It's really the fastest whirlpool that exists!
00:14:04Finally, problem solved!
00:14:07I'm so tired after all this DIY, I also feel like a caterpillar!
00:14:14In this case, we just have to make you a half-caterpillar!
00:14:17It's so nice to lie down like this and do nothing!
00:14:20Why are you lying down?
00:14:21We're not done yet!
00:14:22We have to cut everything according to the pattern!
00:14:25Okay, boss!
00:14:26I'll do it in a flash!
00:14:28Here, I hope it's good!
00:14:31Let me assemble everything!
00:14:33I'll help with the legs!
00:14:35This way, our caterpillar will be able to walk!
00:14:38Look at this pretty little face!
00:14:40I want to call her Dolly!
00:14:41That's it!
00:14:42Now our Dolly can crawl wherever she wants to go!
00:14:47I'm the fastest to crawl in this house!
00:14:49I'm going to beat you!
00:14:52I hope you don't mind if I join you for a meal!
00:14:55I love being a caterpillar!
00:14:57That's weird!
00:14:58Anyway, thank you for being with us today, friends!
00:15:01It means a lot to us!
00:15:02We love you!
00:15:05See you soon, friends!
00:15:22Come on, come on!
00:15:24Where did I put you?
00:15:26Come on, show yourself!
00:15:28Uh, Sue?
00:15:29What are we looking for exactly?
00:15:31This friendship bracelet you gave me for my birthday!
00:15:35It must be here somewhere!
00:15:38It's not here!
00:15:39It's not here!
00:15:40It's not here!
00:15:41It's not here!
00:15:42It's not here!
00:15:43It's not here!
00:15:44It's not here!
00:15:45It's not here!
00:15:46It's not here!
00:15:47It's not here!
00:15:48It's not here!
00:15:49It's not here!
00:15:51Oh, the friendship bracelet, you say!
00:15:59Well, I was going to tell you about it!
00:16:02I think I accidentally destroyed it!
00:16:05Please, don't get mad!
00:16:06I'm not angry!
00:16:07I was just so excited to wear it to Teddy's party tonight!
00:16:10But now I can't!
00:16:11But what would you say to make a new bracelet?
00:16:13And not one, but a whole bunch!
00:16:15You know what?
00:16:16You're right!
00:16:17We're both creators after all!
00:16:20Let's start with a pearl bracelet!
00:16:27Do I have to play music at the party?
00:16:30Because I could!
00:16:33What happened?
00:16:34Oh, Sammy!
00:16:35What if you showed some creativity with the design of the bracelet instead?
00:16:41I call it the chic-notic!
00:16:42What do you think?
00:16:44But it will take at least three days to make it!
00:16:47Could you choose something simpler?
00:16:51You know, the bracelet is the easiest and fastest to make in the world!
00:16:55Very funny!
00:16:56Very good!
00:16:57Let's start!
00:17:01Sammy, could you pass me the pearls for the next row?
00:17:07Of course!
00:17:08Hey, we're not doing your chic-notic!
00:17:13Okay, but you can't find the pearls!
00:17:15So, what do you have on you?
00:17:17Forget the chic-notic!
00:17:19I think I'm allergic to it!
00:17:21Oh, Sammy!
00:17:41It doesn't look like the design at all!
00:17:44It's because you're holding it wrong, Sammy!
00:17:53Isn't it beautiful?
00:17:54I think it's one of the most beautiful bracelets I've ever made!
00:17:57What do you think, friends?
00:18:02I want to try it too!
00:18:03Give it to me!
00:18:04Give it to me!
00:18:07If I had braids, I could do this all the time!
00:18:14Braids, you say?
00:18:15That gives me an idea for the next bracelet!
00:18:19First, let's make a chain bracelet!
00:18:21Wait, wait, wait!
00:18:22Stop it!
00:18:23I already have one!
00:18:24Oh yes?
00:18:25That will be less work for me!
00:18:27Here, a train bracelet!
00:18:28I said chain bracelet, not train bracelet, Sammy!
00:18:32Oh, I understand!
00:18:33I thought our job had nothing to do with trains!
00:18:37Well, let's get down to business!
00:18:40How do I put the ends together?
00:18:42You can put the ends of the string through the bead.
00:18:45It's easy!
00:18:46That's a great idea, Sammy!
00:18:48Why didn't I think of that?
00:18:54Here's another great idea!
00:19:03The first chain bracelet is ready!
00:19:05There are two left to make!
00:19:07Two more?
00:19:08Why is it so hard to make bracelets?
00:19:11Sammy, stop being such a diva!
00:19:12I was just kidding!
00:19:13I already made them!
00:19:16What a relief!
00:19:17Wait, do we still have to braid them?
00:19:19Oh no!
00:19:21Come on, it's not as hard as it looks!
00:19:24Let me just put these pieces together first!
00:19:30And here's the third chain!
00:19:31Let's go!
00:19:37Sam, can you help me with this candy?
00:19:39Concentrate, Susan!
00:19:40We have a lot of DIY to do today!
00:19:43What do we have here?
00:19:44Oh yes!
00:19:45A simple braid!
00:19:47I did a good job!
00:19:48Is your candy worth it?
00:19:53It's crazy how much energy sugar can give you!
00:19:55Well done!
00:19:59What a beauty!
00:20:00I'm hypnotized!
00:20:01Wait a minute!
00:20:02Why can't I see anything?
00:20:06My love for pretty bracelets has almost made me blind!
00:20:11What about a heart-shaped bracelet?
00:20:15This time we're going to make a bracelet with elastic bands!
00:20:18It's my favorite!
00:20:19It's a children's game!
00:20:20I've already done it!
00:20:22Not this kind of elastic band, Sammy!
00:20:24We need those!
00:20:26But you can't wear an elastic band like that,
00:20:28in a necklace!
00:20:29Unlike me, it's jewelry!
00:20:31But we can make a great bracelet out of it!
00:20:37First of all,
00:20:38let's put the necessary number of elastic bands on the hook.
00:20:41Look at my hands!
00:20:42It can be a little confusing!
00:20:49Not for me!
00:20:50I excelled in my grandmother's knitting class,
00:20:52so it will be a children's game!
00:20:54Glad to hear it!
00:20:55So the next steps won't be difficult for you!
00:21:00Let's go!
00:21:06Come on!
00:21:07These elastic bands have taken me hostage!
00:21:09Holy moly!
00:21:10Grandma didn't prepare me for this!
00:21:14Don't worry, Sammy!
00:21:15It can happen to anyone!
00:21:16In fact, can you pass me your hook, please?
00:21:22Of course!
00:21:23Chapter 3 is full of inspiring quotes!
00:21:26That's not what I asked for!
00:21:27Oh, sorry!
00:21:28But you know,
00:21:29my grandmother wrote this book
00:21:30and it's really useful!
00:21:34I would like to be able to write a book
00:21:35on the hook one day, too!
00:21:43Listen, Sue!
00:21:44The hook is not just knitting,
00:21:46it's an art!
00:21:47You're right, Grandma!
00:21:49You're so right!
00:21:51That's nice,
00:21:52but I still need help around here,
00:21:54if you don't mind!
00:21:55Step aside, Sue!
00:21:56Step aside, Sue!
00:21:57I know exactly what to do!
00:22:02There you go!
00:22:04Thank you, Sammy!
00:22:05Great job!
00:22:07But we need more!
00:22:10Now we're talking!
00:22:13Oh my!
00:22:14Grandma would have been so impressed!
00:22:17Thank you!
00:22:18It looks good!
00:22:20I agree!
00:22:22Forget the hook,
00:22:23I could be the next top model!
00:22:25Let's go!
00:22:27No, no, no!
00:22:29Are you OK?
00:22:30What's with all these hearts today?
00:22:35For the next bracelet,
00:22:36we'll need colored pearls!
00:22:39I smell candy!
00:22:41I can't believe it!
00:22:42A whole mountain of candy!
00:22:46It's my lucky day!
00:22:47Come here!
00:22:51Sammy, those are pearls!
00:22:54You can't eat pearls!
00:22:55First of all,
00:22:56they don't taste good,
00:22:57even if they look so appetizing!
00:23:01And secondly,
00:23:02you'll have a stomach ache
00:23:03if you eat them,
00:23:04and we want to avoid that!
00:23:11That's not possible, Sue!
00:23:13They're too pretty
00:23:14to just be pearls!
00:23:15I have to try them!
00:23:18Oh no!
00:23:20They're not edible!
00:23:22I told you!
00:23:23But it's a good thing
00:23:24they look so delicious!
00:23:25It makes our bracelet
00:23:26even more unique!
00:23:40shake them a little!
00:23:42It's done!
00:23:43Oh, Sammy, look!
00:23:47I love the result!
00:23:48This bracelet is so pretty!
00:23:51It looks great!
00:23:52I want one too, Sue!
00:23:55Let's copy this one,
00:23:56but with our color,
00:23:57we'll be matched!
00:23:59I like it!
00:24:00Let's go!
00:24:04You know what?
00:24:05Friendship bracelets
00:24:06can look different.
00:24:08So why not create
00:24:09something absolutely unique?
00:24:12Hey, Sue!
00:24:13Look what I got!
00:24:14That should be enough!
00:24:16Are you sure?
00:24:17I'm ready to bet on it!
00:24:23I was right!
00:24:24You see, Sammy,
00:24:25we have to buy more elastic
00:24:26for this one!
00:24:35Next time I tell you
00:24:36we need friendship bracelets,
00:24:37you just laugh, OK?
00:24:38That was exhausting!
00:24:40Please, Sue,
00:24:41tell me you're done!
00:24:44You can rest for now.
00:24:53There you go!
00:24:54Four very colorful bands!
00:24:55Now I'm going to braid them
00:24:56in a very special way!
00:25:15It looks so good, Sue!
00:25:16We're going to be super cool
00:25:17at this party!
00:25:18I can't wait!
00:25:19I can't wait!
00:25:20I can't wait!
00:25:21I can't wait!
00:25:22I can't wait!
00:25:23I'm going to be super cool
00:25:24at this party!
00:25:25I'm going to be super cool
00:25:26at this party!
00:25:27Let me try it on!
00:25:29You look fantastic!
00:25:30How do you like me?
00:25:31You look absolutely beautiful!
00:25:35Where are you going?
00:25:38I need more ideas,
00:25:39another bracelet to do...
00:25:42Show me around
00:25:43what you've got,
00:25:44my Cookie Man!
00:25:45What do you want for
00:25:46Dad's birthday?
00:25:47And you?
00:25:49It's got to be something!
00:25:50Did anyone know who this guy was?
00:25:56Here we are! The perfect candy ultimate bracelet!
00:25:59I worked so hard on it!
00:26:01It looks great, Sam! Can I try it on?
00:26:03Oops! Oh no! I didn't mean to! I'm really sorry!
00:26:07But what? How?
00:26:10I'm really sorry, Sammy. I don't think candy is the best material for bracelets.
00:26:14But we can make a bracelet so beautiful and colorful that you won't be able to tell it apart from the candy.
00:26:21You're right. It's not a good time to be sad.
00:26:26And here's exactly what we need.
00:26:29Why am I not moving?
00:26:31Oh, wait!
00:26:34Are you okay?
00:26:37Are you okay, Sam?
00:26:39Well, at least we can finish the bracelet!
00:26:50Have fun if you're having fun! But hurry! Give me the bracelet!
00:26:54Yay! I love it!
00:26:57So, are you ready to make a last bracelet for today?
00:27:00Of course! This time I'm ready! This hook is double-sided.
00:27:04Ha! You can take it!
00:27:06With that, I'll finish this naughty boy in no time!
00:27:10So, is it over?
00:27:11No, Sammy! I've just started!
00:27:20I've chosen a costume for the party. I've named it the Sticky Slime. What do you think?
00:27:25I don't see anything. Move, please!
00:27:27Hmm, okay. And this one? It's called the Hurdy-Gurdy Candy.
00:27:32Please, Sammy! Five more minutes and I'll be done!
00:27:34Well, where was I?
00:27:36But I'm so bored!
00:27:38Oh, I know!
00:27:51Hey, Teddy! What's new?
00:27:54Hurry up! The party starts in ten minutes!
00:27:59What? Oh no! I'll be right there!
00:28:13Ha ha ha! That's what I call a good joke!
00:28:16I'm sure it'll go faster now!
00:28:18Sammy! So, was it you?
00:28:20Oh no! She unmasked me!
00:28:22You know what? You can finish this bracelet on your own!
00:28:25But I don't know how to knit it!
00:28:27But I have an idea!
00:28:29Grandma always taught me to have a magic hook on me just in case!
00:29:19Hi everyone! We're ready to party with our new accessories!
00:29:25We're beautiful, aren't we?
00:29:31Do you like it, Teddy?
00:29:33Wow! You're so elegant, kids!
00:29:37Now it's time to shake those bracelets!
00:29:39Come on, everyone, join us!
00:29:44Oh, I'm having the best time of my life!
00:29:48That's for sure! Thank you for joining us today, friends!
00:29:51Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss our new videos! See you soon!
00:29:55See you soon, everyone! Bye!
00:30:19Oh! What's going on with all those stars?
00:30:21And what is it?
00:30:23A spaceship?
00:30:25Give it to me! Give it to me!
00:30:27Oh, they're thermopolar pearls! That's great!
00:30:29I've got tons of them!
00:30:31Oops! Sorry, I'll pick them up in no time.
00:30:33But what are we going to do with them?
00:30:35Something with the help of this thing.
00:30:40Look carefully, Sammy.
00:30:42What is it?
00:30:46Look carefully, Sammy.
00:30:48We take a pearl and put it here.
00:30:50Then we add more pearls, like this.
00:30:53It's so boring!
00:30:55I'm out of ideas!
00:30:57I'm just going to pick these things up.
00:30:59Oh, yes! Let me show you how to do it.
00:31:02Like this, you see?
00:31:04That's exactly what I'm talking about.
00:31:06Oh, what is it?
00:31:08Wait a minute.
00:31:10What are we supposed to get in the end?
00:31:12What do you think it looks like, Sammy?
00:31:16A little man doing a dance battle?
00:31:19What? No, Sammy! Get out of here!
00:31:22Or I can't add more pearls?
00:31:24It takes too long, I'm telling you.
00:31:27Let me help you.
00:31:29Thank you, it's so much easier this way.
00:31:32Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about.
00:31:34OK, are you ready, friends?
00:31:36And 3, 2, 1, let's go!
00:31:40Look what we've got!
00:31:42A really cool astronaut!
00:31:44Cool? It's not just cool, it's super-mega-cool!
00:31:47Actually, I have an idea. Give me a second.
00:31:50Where did I put this thing?
00:31:52Ah, here it is!
00:31:54Here, we'll need this canvas.
00:31:57Let's paint the space.
00:31:59Do you have any space paintings?
00:32:01Of course, Sammy, any color you want.
00:32:04Let's start with the darkest.
00:32:06First, we'll paint the edges of our future canvas.
00:32:10Hey, can I ask you something?
00:32:12Which planet are you from?
00:32:14Oh, wow, I see, I see!
00:32:17Hmm, I think the next color should be pink.
00:32:21Wait, we need to put some blue first.
00:32:24There we go.
00:32:27Oh, it looks so cool from this angle!
00:32:30Don't distract me, Sammy.
00:32:32It takes a lot of concentration.
00:32:35Let's add a new color.
00:32:37Purple, the most cosmic of all!
00:32:41Psst, when do we use pink?
00:32:44Be patient, Sammy.
00:32:46A few more strokes, and voila!
00:32:48Pink, finally!
00:32:50But it's a little weird.
00:32:52Are you trying to make a black hole or what?
00:32:55No, it's not a black hole, Sammy.
00:32:58Wait a minute, you'll see for yourself in a little while.
00:33:01So maybe this pink stain is supposed to represent me?
00:33:04That would be cool!
00:33:06Sorry, Sammy, but no.
00:33:08Space is incredibly beautiful and colorful,
00:33:10so I'm just going to mix these colors to make it bright.
00:33:13In that case, I'll look when it's finished,
00:33:16so we can admire its beauty later.
00:33:20Wow, I can't believe how beautiful it is!
00:33:23But we're not even done yet!
00:33:25Bring me some brushes, please.
00:33:27Oh, okay, I'll take care of it.
00:33:32I think we had some somewhere.
00:33:34Over here, maybe?
00:33:35Oh, here they are!
00:33:37Here you go, sir.
00:33:38I don't understand why you need them.
00:33:41For a clever little trick,
00:33:43we take a brush and tap it against another one.
00:33:46The splashes of white paint will look like stars.
00:33:49Great, isn't it?
00:33:52Not as cool as my new space suit!
00:33:56Hey, here it is!
00:33:57It's mine!
00:33:58Our space seems rather empty,
00:34:00so let's add the moon!
00:34:04Here, give me one!
00:34:06Thank you!
00:34:10Tampon, tampon, tampon!
00:34:12Ah, that's fun!
00:34:14A little more!
00:34:15And that's it!
00:34:17Phew, I did what I could, it's your turn!
00:34:20Thank you, I'm just going to add a little more dark colors.
00:34:23Now we can remove our handkerchief.
00:34:26What do you say?
00:34:27Oh, it's so beautiful!
00:34:29Hey, astronaut!
00:34:31Hey, my friend, good news!
00:34:33You can finally go into space!
00:34:35Look, you can get ready to land on the moon!
00:34:38Can we send it into space now?
00:34:40Wait, just a few more touches.
00:34:42Ah, okay.
00:34:43I want to add another planet to our painting,
00:34:46but it won't be an ordinary planet.
00:34:48It will have rings.
00:34:50Do you know any, friends?
00:34:54I know a lot about space.
00:34:56In fact, I'll take you there.
00:34:59Yes, just let me remove the adhesive tape.
00:35:02Well, how do you like it?
00:35:04I think it's amazing!
00:35:07Yeah, it's amazing!
00:35:08It's really our planet!
00:35:09I can't believe we painted it!
00:35:12And here's the astronaut, ready to land!
00:35:17Bring it to me, Sue.
00:35:19I have enough space to put it.
00:35:21Oh, it's a space for a space painting.
00:35:24You got it!
00:35:27I have something else here.
00:35:29Give me just a minute.
00:35:32Hey, Sue!
00:35:33I made another pearl creation.
00:35:35Hurry up and get it.
00:35:36It's going to be a nice tinkering.
00:35:38Oh, well, I didn't think it was going to be that easy.
00:35:41But I'm sure you'll like it.
00:35:43It's going to be a nice tinkering.
00:35:45Oh, well, I didn't waste time either.
00:35:47But I'm not really done.
00:35:48What, really?
00:35:50I didn't even notice.
00:35:52What would I do without you?
00:35:53I wonder what we're going to get.
00:35:55Don't worry, I'll finish it in no time.
00:35:58In fact, I'm also looking forward to seeing what it's going to look like.
00:36:04So, is it ready?
00:36:07It's a real spaceship!
00:36:09I'm flying!
00:36:10Yes, look, I'm flying!
00:36:14That was a difficult landing.
00:36:16For this painting, I'm just going to press the paint directly from the tube.
00:36:20Like this.
00:36:23And we're going to paint with this wide brush.
00:36:26Be bold and make big strokes with the brush.
00:36:29We add a lighter shade.
00:36:31I'm going to press, press, press the paint.
00:36:33Now I'm going to spread it out with a brush on the canvas.
00:36:36Like this.
00:36:38Let's also add something extra.
00:36:40I think you're going to love this, Sammy.
00:36:42Come on, look.
00:36:46Clouds in space?
00:36:47I wasn't expecting that.
00:36:49And since you love pink so much, here's a pink cloud.
00:36:52Pretty creative, isn't it?
00:36:54But, uh, it doesn't really look like space.
00:36:57Now I see it!
00:36:58There are stars in space!
00:37:03OK, let's hurry up and launch our rocket.
00:37:08Come on, Sue, how much longer?
00:37:11Wait, I'm not done yet.
00:37:13OK, then I'll go to the other moon.
00:37:15Let's use the same trick as before,
00:37:17and scatter a few more stars in the night sky.
00:37:25I knew the other moon would have a proud look on this painting.
00:37:27And what is...
00:37:29Come back here!
00:37:30His place is here, Sammy.
00:37:32I see, so I'm going to get the rocket.
00:37:34So where did this rocket go?
00:37:36Excuse me, friends, do you see where it is?
00:37:39Wait for me!
00:37:41Landing successful!
00:37:46Finally, it's so beautiful!
00:37:48Come on, let's hang it!
00:38:07So, where should we hang them?
00:38:10Here, maybe?
00:38:13Let's try to find the right place.
00:38:16It's too far!
00:38:17Oh, there's a free spot.
00:38:18That's much better.
00:38:22What a view!
00:38:23Now it's not just a room,
00:38:25but a real space room.
00:38:27I think I could be an astronaut.
00:38:30Of course, with these inspiring paintings.
00:38:33Friends, give us a like if you enjoyed our video about space!
00:38:37And subscribe to our channel!
00:38:39Goodbye, everyone!
00:38:40Let's go eat!
00:39:03No, no, no!
00:39:04Please, no!
00:39:05Help me!
00:39:06Why can't I find it when I need it?
00:39:08Where is this rule?
00:39:09It's such a mess!
00:39:10I beg you, don't eat me, the lawyer!
00:39:12I beg you!
00:39:15What's going on?
00:39:19Hey, Samy, wake up!
00:39:21Oh, Susie, a huge lawyer chased me!
00:39:23It was so scary!
00:39:24Now I'm afraid to go back to my room.
00:39:32Now I'm afraid of lawyers.
00:39:33I will not eat and never look at lawyers again.
00:39:36Never again!
00:39:39Oh, Samy, don't worry.
00:39:41It was just a dream.
00:39:43A dream!
00:39:44A nightmare, yes!
00:39:45Well, you're awake now, so everything is fine.
00:39:48Um, what would you say to create something that would make the lawyer more fun?
00:39:52Well, I guess I can try.
00:39:55Let's prepare the equipment!
00:40:00Hi everyone!
00:40:01Today we are going to make a lawyer-shaped case.
00:40:04It will be a nice lawyer with a nice look to keep our pens and pencils well organized.
00:40:09To start, you have to prepare these items.
00:40:14Not yet!
00:40:15Hey, what's wrong?
00:40:17I think the lawyer wants to eat me!
00:40:20No, it's just a reference image of a lawyer.
00:40:23Are you sure?
00:40:24A hundred percent!
00:40:26Look, I'm cutting it.
00:40:28Friends, always be careful when using scissors.
00:40:33You're so shy, Louey!
00:40:35Now I'm going to put this silhouette on the cardboard.
00:40:38Can you help me get these strips of cardboard over there, Samy?
00:40:41Of course!
00:40:42I'm ready to help!
00:40:45Here we go!
00:40:46We got two copies of the model.
00:40:48We also have to cut them.
00:40:52Let's put these silhouettes aside for now.
00:40:55Zizi, I brought the strips of cardboard as you asked.
00:40:58That was fast, thank you!
00:41:01Now let's prepare the foam sheets.
00:41:05Here we go!
00:41:06We have the silhouettes of green, pink, brown and rainbow lawyers.
00:41:11Let's wait for them.
00:41:13Friends, be extremely careful when using hot glue.
00:41:17It's very, very hot!
00:41:18Don't forget that you can always ask for help from an adult.
00:41:22Now I'm going to stick the cardboard on the foam sheet.
00:41:26Make sure it's perfectly glued.
00:41:28Let's stick the other side with a pink foam silhouette.
00:41:31It will be inside the case.
00:41:33This camera needs a good cleaning.
00:41:35Let me clean it.
00:41:36Ha ha!
00:41:37That's better!
00:41:38You know, there are usually several shades of green inside a lawyer.
00:41:44So we're going to reproduce it to make it look like the original.
00:41:49Let's give the lawyer a roll!
00:41:52Camille, you idiot!
00:41:53Ha ha!
00:41:54It's true that it looks a bit like a sushi roll.
00:41:56When you think of delicious food, lawyers are not so scary, are they?
00:42:01Yeah, you're absolutely right.
00:42:05Oh la la!
00:42:06My stomach is growling!
00:42:07I'm coming back right now!
00:42:09Oh, Sammy, can you wait a little longer?
00:42:11We're a little busy here.
00:42:14I want two double cheeseburgers, two chicken wings, two fries and two jumbo sausages.
00:42:18Can I have a little slime?
00:42:19Ha ha ha!
00:42:20It's for both of us.
00:42:21I'll never let you starve, Suzy.
00:42:23Oh, thank you, Sammy.
00:42:24You've always been a careful partner.
00:42:27Oh, and two bananas!
00:42:29Now we have to fold the foam paper strip gently like this so that it doesn't create bubbles.
00:42:34We've finished the basic elements.
00:42:36Now it's time to assemble.
00:42:40Watch out, everyone!
00:42:42We've come to the tricky part.
00:42:44Don't forget to use sharp tools with a lot of caution.
00:42:47This is where we're going to cut.
00:42:49Let's go!
00:42:50Oh, and don't put too much pressure.
00:42:52In fact, you'll just have to cut it in half.
00:42:57Yes, yes, look, it's great!
00:42:59What do you mean?
00:43:00It's just a banana peel, Sam.
00:43:02That's right, it's the perfect disguise.
00:43:04If I look like a fruit, maybe giant avocados won't eat me.
00:43:08Oh, Sammy, you don't need a disguise.
00:43:10There are no big avocados trying to eat you.
00:43:13Come on!
00:43:15Oh, well, I'll be right back.
00:43:18Wait, wait, Sammy!
00:43:19Sam, where are you going?
00:43:21Oh, he's starting again.
00:43:23Very well, we have to fold this strip little by little like this so that it becomes flexible.
00:43:29Then we'll apply hot glue on one side.
00:43:33And we'll assemble these two pieces together.
00:43:36Like this.
00:43:38Look, no need to glue these ends together.
00:43:41Leave them as they are.
00:43:44Great! Fruitman is ready to fight the evil giant fruit.
00:43:48Stop your nonsense right now.
00:43:50But I have to do something to save the world from the evil giant fruit.
00:43:54There's no such thing, Sammy, I told you.
00:43:56They were only in your dream and they're not real.
00:44:00You'd better help me with the DIY.
00:44:04In that case, I have to be ready.
00:44:05If they come back in my dreams.
00:44:07Oh, Sammy, they won't come back, I assure you.
00:44:10Really, I promise.
00:44:11I promise.
00:44:13Friends, have you ever had a nightmare like our little fruitman Sammy?
00:44:19Don't be afraid.
00:44:20It only happened in your dreams.
00:44:22It's not real.
00:44:24And you can tell your friends and family about it so that they can help you overcome it.
00:44:29Maybe doing something fun like DIY can also help you forget the nightmare.
00:44:34Well, let's go back to our lawyer.
00:44:36It already looks like a case, doesn't it?
00:44:39We just need to glue these sides together.
00:44:41That's it.
00:44:42Not bad, huh?
00:44:43I have to make a new cut for this brand.
00:44:46You can repeat the cut to make sure it's well done to the end.
00:44:51Let's do the same thing on the back.
00:44:57Now look at that.
00:44:58It opens and closes like a lid.
00:45:02And there are some compartments for supplies.
00:45:05Now it's ready for some decoration.
00:45:08It looks like my nightmare's lawyer!
00:45:12Let's be friends.
00:45:15That's not funny at all.
00:45:18Come on, Sammy.
00:45:19There's still a lot to do to finish the case.
00:45:22Can you help me?
00:45:24What do I do with this?
00:45:26This inner line has to be the same color as the outer line.
00:45:29You see?
00:45:33How did you get this genius idea?
00:45:35I love it!
00:45:37It's done!
00:45:38Am I doing a good job, Suzy?
00:45:40You're doing a great job, Sammy!
00:45:45Now this inner line will cover the edge of the case
00:45:47to make it look neat and pretty.
00:45:49We also need the case to be some kind of lock,
00:45:52don't we?
00:45:54It will make sure the supplies are well stored inside.
00:45:58This incredible velcro band will be perfect.
00:46:01Now I'm going to glue the other band to this part.
00:46:06Oh, yes!
00:46:07I already know what I want to keep in this case!
00:46:09Markers, highlighters, pens, colored pencils, a ruler!
00:46:12I'm sure they'll all fit.
00:46:14But what does a lawyer do without a core?
00:46:16Let's do it right now!
00:46:20Heat and shape a piece of foam
00:46:22to make it look like a little dome.
00:46:26I feel it!
00:46:27I feel it!
00:46:28I feel it!
00:46:30I have a feeling you're going to need this!
00:46:33Do you read my mind?
00:46:36I guess I've lived with you for too long!
00:46:39I guess so!
00:46:40Then we'll fill in the recess with the brown dome.
00:46:43Like this!
00:46:44Now let's seal it with glue.
00:46:46Press a little to make sure it adheres well.
00:46:51It's so soft and bouncy like a pillow!
00:46:55Or like a pillow that's perfect for a nap!
00:46:59I have to check the nap time!
00:47:01Wait, wait!
00:47:02Don't you want to decorate our lawyer?
00:47:04Oh, you need my expertise!
00:47:06Very well, let's make it shine!
00:47:08It'll be a masterpiece!
00:47:09I promise!
00:47:14Just look at this combination of colors!
00:47:18Sammy, the core really shines!
00:47:20And it looks so cute!
00:47:21How adorable!
00:47:24I'll never let you down!
00:47:25It's a part of my natural charm!
00:47:28That's true!
00:47:30A friendly personality is always appreciated!
00:47:32That's exactly what we want for this lawyer look!
00:47:40Two friendly little eyes!
00:47:46And a sweet smile!
00:47:50I think a little spark can bring life to your face, right, friends?
00:47:54What if we chose a pink shade on top?
00:47:56You know I love pink!
00:47:59We can add a little pink on both cheeks!
00:48:03I also want to add a touch of white
00:48:05to balance all the colors!
00:48:12And voila!
00:48:13Our amazing and cute lawyer look is ready!
00:48:16What do you think, Sammy?
00:48:19Yes, I think the lawyer is smiling at me!
00:48:21Oh, he's so cute!
00:48:23Oh, hi buddy!
00:48:24What do you think about a little nap this afternoon?
00:48:28Guess what?
00:48:29Now you can take all the supplies you want in this bag!
00:48:33Oh yeah, baby, I'll be right back!
00:48:35Here you go!
00:48:36The supplies are coming!
00:48:39Now let's organize all this in our new bag,
00:48:41the colored pencils, ok?
00:48:43It's a compartment for a type of supply.
00:48:47We can close the bag by hooking the velcro band together
00:48:50and take it off when we want to open it.
00:48:54Your supplies will be safe, won't they, Sammy?
00:48:58And don't forget this beautiful lawyer as a bonus!
00:49:24THE END
00:49:29So, Sammy, are you still afraid of lawyers?
00:49:32You know, Suzy, now I'm free from all my fear!
00:49:36Because DIY really helps!
00:49:38Glad to hear it!
00:49:40Ah! I'm so tired now!
00:49:47Good night! Sweet dreams!
00:49:49He's so peaceful when he sleeps!
00:49:51See you on our next creative adventure, friends!
00:50:22Look at all this mess here!
00:50:24We have to do something about it!
00:50:26We have to organize this or do something else!
00:50:29Great idea!
00:50:30Give me two strips of cardboard and I'll make this!
00:50:38The strips are coming right away!
00:50:40Wow! I'm going to fall like this!
00:50:43I'll take them!
00:50:44Now we're going to stick the strip of cardboard
00:50:46on one of the pieces I made.
00:50:48Like this!
00:50:49All along the edges!
00:50:57Look! We already have two trays for compartments!
00:51:00It reminds me of a pizza box!
00:51:02Oh, now I'm hungry!
00:51:04Let's have a snack!
00:51:07In second place, we need a bigger piece of cardboard.
00:51:10We'll also use our good old glue gun.
00:51:13Be careful, Sammy!
00:51:15This strip goes on the side,
00:51:17and here's what you should get.
00:51:20Let's move on to the next step.
00:51:22Can you use this to cover the edges?
00:51:27Thank you, Sammy!
00:51:28We'll need a lot of adhesive tape.
00:51:31Sammy, hold it straight, please!
00:51:33I'm doing my best, too!
00:51:35The sides of the cardboard are much cleaner now!
00:51:38Let's assemble everything!
00:51:40I'll take this piece of cardboard,
00:51:43It's great!
00:51:44I've never seen a drawer like this in my life!
00:51:49Thank you! I'm delighted!
00:51:51We'll need four pieces of cardboard of this shape and size.
00:51:55These look familiar to me!
00:51:57We haven't used them in a long time!
00:51:59Yes, Sammy, you're right!
00:52:01It's a psychological step.
00:52:03We'll need a lot of glue,
00:52:05and we'll need a lot of tape.
00:52:07We'll need a lot of glue,
00:52:09and we'll need a lot of tape.
00:52:11It's a similar step to the previous one,
00:52:13but this time I need something to support them.
00:52:15Any ideas?
00:52:18I know some things!
00:52:22I can make some marks now.
00:52:26We have to draw these lines
00:52:28to align the compartments evenly.
00:52:31Let's go!
00:52:34Now we have to take the glue again.
00:52:41And after a few seconds of gluing,
00:52:43we get this!
00:52:46The last piece goes on top.
00:52:48We assemble the two finished parts
00:52:50and we mix a few small compartments on top.
00:52:53We mustn't forget to add white stripes on the edges.
00:52:56That's it! It's great!
00:52:59Now let's move on to the fun part,
00:53:01the coloring part.
00:53:03But first we need a basic paint
00:53:05to make the colors stand out better.
00:53:12I want to color too, Suzy!
00:53:14You know how much I like that!
00:53:16Oh, that was easy!
00:53:18In the meantime, I'll make our organizer yellow,
00:53:21just like the bright sun that illuminates the sky.
00:53:31Suzy, I'm pink!
00:53:33I mean, everything is finished!
00:53:35Good job, Sammy!
00:53:37And I've decided that we can't do without pink.
00:53:40We can't do without orange.
00:53:42Here's another piece.
00:53:44Easy as pie!
00:53:46And don't forget the colorful shelves!
00:53:54Wow! It looks like a rainbow was in the room!
00:53:57So bright! So colorful!
00:54:01I know, right?
00:54:02But we're not done yet.
00:54:04Let's add more colors.
00:54:06I also did this to secure the shelves.
00:54:09Excellent idea! Let's attach them right here.
00:54:15Look at that!
00:54:18I know, we also need a handle
00:54:20and even more colors.
00:54:22This texture is so pretty!
00:54:27And this combination of colors makes me so happy!
00:54:30Let's hang these doors on the sides.
00:54:33It's the right place!
00:54:36It's time to tidy up, my friends!
00:54:39Sam and I love this part the most!
00:54:42Let me help you with that too.
00:54:44I want to tidy up these markers first.
00:54:46Of course, Sammy! Let's do it!
00:54:49Move a little bit!
00:54:51Wow! Easy, champ!
00:54:53You really have a lot of paperwork.
00:54:55But there's enough space for that.
00:54:58Now we need a few pieces of foam paper
00:55:01as a separation tool.
00:55:03We'll just stick them between the markers like this.
00:55:06It's not hard at all!
00:55:09Adding this strip of foam paper will serve as a support.
00:55:12I'll stick it like this and we're done!
00:55:15This is the kind of organization I need!
00:55:17Keep working here!
00:55:20Your wishes are my commands!
00:55:22Let's go!
00:55:28All that's left is to make a few cuts
00:55:30between the markers here.
00:55:34Just be careful with the cutter, my friends!
00:55:41We're almost done here!
00:55:43Just a few more cuts!
00:55:46Oh, and we also need to make a kind of shelf down here.
00:55:49There! It's so convenient!
00:55:52I've already done the same thing with the other shelf.
00:55:55You see?
00:55:56Yay! This is the moment I've been waiting for!
00:55:58I want to put all my foam paper there.
00:56:00I'll be right back!
00:56:02Let's put the stickers here.
00:56:06There's enough space for everything.
00:56:09Now we need to add another element of support.
00:56:12Look at my hands, my friends!
00:56:14It's going to be easy and very functional!
00:56:18Now the glue goes here.
00:56:21Yes, I'm also done!
00:56:23Well done!
00:56:24I'm so proud of you!
00:56:26I'm so proud of you!
00:56:27I'm so proud of you!
00:56:29I'm so proud of you!
00:56:31I'm so proud of you!
00:56:33I'm so proud of you!
00:56:35I'm so proud of you!
00:56:37I'm also done! Come see this!
00:56:40Wow, Sammy! Excellent work!
00:56:42But there's still a bit of space left.
00:56:45We can add even more colored foam paper on this side.
00:56:48You're already familiar with this method.
00:56:51Look at this! Incredible!
00:56:53Yes! Bad news!
00:56:55We completely forgot about the upper part!
00:56:57Don't worry, Sammy! I have everything under control!
00:57:00We're going to make some special supports now!
00:57:08It's going to be a kind of pen and pencil case.
00:57:10I'm really using small scissors here to make sure it's well-kept.
00:57:27We've made a lot of these cups. They're so cute, aren't they?
00:57:31Let's make another little section here.
00:57:34This is the perfect place to put the adhesive strips.
00:57:37All kinds, actually!
00:57:42Wow! And I added my special design!
00:57:45You're so creative!
00:57:49A few last touches, and we'll have one last look at our rainbow organizer.
00:58:04I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:06I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:08I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:10I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:12I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:14I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:16I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:18I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:20I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:22I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:24I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:26I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:28I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:30I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:32I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:34I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:36I'm going to make a little space here.
00:58:40Thank you for joining us today, friends!
00:58:42Please like and subscribe to our channel!
00:58:44We love you!
00:58:46See you later!
00:59:02I hope Sam will take all the measures correctly this time.
00:59:26I don't want to start all over again.
00:59:28A little more pressure?
00:59:31Oh Suzy, don't be grumpy!
00:59:33I did everything correctly, I assure you!
00:59:35Really? So what is the width?
00:59:375 centimeters, no more, no less!
00:59:40Yeah, that's right! Well done, Sammy!
00:59:42Now I'm going to glue these pieces together like this.
00:59:46Oh, I almost forgot!
00:59:48Sammy, could you now give me two large pieces of cardboard, please?
00:59:52Hehe! Right away!
00:59:55Wait, when are we going to need goblets?
00:59:58Later, just the cardboard for now.
01:00:00Got it!
01:00:01He is so impatient like Slime!
01:00:03There is nothing good to rush!
01:00:06Oh, Sammy, don't tell me we don't have any more cardboard!
01:00:09No, no, here it is!
01:00:10Finally! Where was I?
01:00:12You wanted to make the side walls of our DIY!
01:00:15Oh, that's right! In this case, I will also need a ruler!
01:00:21Here, this is the biggest ruler I could find!
01:00:24But I also need a pencil!
01:00:26Here you go! You can have my favorite!
01:00:28How generous!
01:00:31Great! Now the edges of this room will be uniform and will have a neat appearance!
01:00:38Great! All we have to do is cut it!
01:00:41Uh, I think I lent our best cutter to Roger!
01:00:44Don't worry, I'm just going to use the magic of DIY!
01:00:47Look at that!
01:00:51We completely forgot our viewers!
01:00:54Oh, you're right!
01:00:55Hi friends! You are probably trying to understand what Sam and I are doing here!
01:00:59Well, it's going to be ...
01:01:00Wait, let me tell the story!
01:01:02I was at a basketball game and they chose me to shoot a three-point!
01:01:09The crowd encouraged me!
01:01:11Sammy! Sammy!
01:01:13It was all or nothing!
01:01:14So I focused, I took my post and ...
01:01:26In fact, it was just a dream!
01:01:28Sorry Suzy, I didn't want to!
01:01:30Then all of a sudden, I said ...
01:01:33What if we made a cardboard table basketball game?
01:01:36That's great!
01:01:37So I can train whenever I want!
01:01:39Maybe I'll even play NBA!
01:01:41Calm down, Tiger!
01:01:42Our project looks great, but it's not finished yet!
01:01:45So why do you keep talking?
01:01:47To work!
01:01:48Yes sir!
01:01:49Well, we already have these side walls and now we have to cover the front and back!
01:01:53I found this piece of cardboard with an opening, it will be just perfect!
01:01:57It goes here!
01:02:01Hey, Brown Samuels, what's going on?
01:02:03Have you already started your NBA routine?
01:02:05Yes so much!
01:02:06These orange impostors don't even look like basketball balls!
01:02:10Well, we can improve them a bit!
01:02:12Just bring me a black marker, please!
01:02:14Really? I'll get it right away!
01:02:16Oh, Sammy, Sammy!
01:02:18Ok, this goes here!
01:02:20And the back wall should be very big!
01:02:22Oh, I really like this combination of colors!
01:02:25Someone asked for a marker?
01:02:27I have one here!
01:02:29Hmm, why did you take so long?
01:02:32Well, let's say that now Roger has a mustache!
01:02:35What? Sammy, your jokes again?
01:02:38Well, don't get me involved in this!
01:02:41When Roger comes to take his revenge, don't ask me to take part!
01:02:45It doesn't matter, I'll have my basketball balls by now!
01:02:53Hey, I'm going to lose them if this goes on!
01:02:56They're already all on the floor!
01:02:59Oops, sorry!
01:03:00I forgot this important part of the DIY!
01:03:03Now the balls will fall on this tray and you won't lose anything!
01:03:06You see?
01:03:08Wow! Impressive!
01:03:10You're a great sport!
01:03:12I mean, a great DIY master!
01:03:14Well, thank you for your compliments!
01:03:17But we haven't finished this game yet!
01:03:19I still have some coins here!
01:03:21More coins?
01:03:22But when are we going to cut the cups?
01:03:24Sammy, please don't rush me!
01:03:26We have to do this first!
01:03:27Oh, these coins look so strange!
01:03:29What are they for?
01:03:30Well, our game will be very different from real basketball!
01:03:33We're going to throw balls into the basket with a catapult!
01:03:36And here are the coins to do it!
01:03:38Cool, isn't it?
01:03:39Everything is quite easy to do, so I prepared them in advance!
01:03:42Holy cannoli!
01:03:43It was breathtaking!
01:03:45Here, I think it's yours!
01:03:47Oh, thank you!
01:03:48Now this piece of wooden stick goes through the openings right here!
01:03:51In fact, we're going to need a few more pieces!
01:03:56And that's where it should go!
01:03:58Sammy, I need an ice cream stick!
01:04:00Bring it to me, please!
01:04:02Yum-yum! Of course, Suzy!
01:04:04You know I eat really fast!
01:04:06Especially when it comes to ice cream!
01:04:08Sammy is kidding, friends!
01:04:10We always use only clean accessories!
01:04:12Uh-huh, I'm done!
01:04:14No, not yet! Something's wrong!
01:04:19Oh, it's true!
01:04:21Well done, Sammy! I almost forgot to do that!
01:04:26Very good! Let's try it!
01:04:28Wow! I didn't know you were so good at basketball, Suzy!
01:04:32Ha ha ha! Thank you!
01:04:34But I'm still better at manual work!
01:04:36Here's how we're going to secure our catapult!
01:04:38Look at this!
01:04:40It can turn in all directions to aim better, and it won't fall!
01:04:45Great! But where are we going to put this gadget?
01:04:49Oh, yes! Let me show you!
01:04:51Here's our very basic mechanism!
01:04:53You'll see why we need it!
01:05:03Look! Roger sacrificed his favorite stickers on the basketball theme!
01:05:08Ha ha! And that's it!
01:05:11And this one will look great here!
01:05:14I'm done with the decoration!
01:05:16Now it's definitely time for the goblets!
01:05:18That's right! Bring them here!
01:05:23If only someone had told me earlier that it was going to be painful!
01:05:27Come on, Sammy! It's fun!
01:05:29We're just going to cut the openings, and we're already done!
01:05:33Holy cannoli! Did we make a mistake?
01:05:36How are we going to place so many banners on our DIY?
01:05:39I'm not going to start all over again!
01:05:41Relax, Sammy! I already told you that we're not going to make an ordinary basketball game!
01:05:47Cool! They look so real, don't they?
01:05:50All that's left to do is to place everything in the game area!
01:05:58Now I understand! I can stick the last one, right?
01:06:02Of course! Have fun!
01:06:04Now the Grand Master is going to show you how real pros do it!
01:06:08You're going to be blown away!
01:06:12Let's go!
01:06:16Did you see that? It really worked!
01:06:18Well done, Sammy! Your turn will bring us a lot of likes!
01:06:21Did you hear that, friends?
01:06:23OK, this is really the final step! I promise!
01:06:28This way, we won't lose our basketballs in case something goes wrong!
01:06:33And here's what I found in my secret sticker box!
01:06:37I hope Sammy won't find out where I'm hiding them!
01:06:40Wow! I know it's not good to brag, but this game turned out to be even better than I imagined!
01:06:45You really outdid yourself today, Sue! And now, let the game begin!
01:06:49Team Sue is here! Who's ready for a slam dunk?
01:06:52Oh, come on! Try not to do a double dribble in the middle!
01:06:56Ha ha ha! Very good!
01:06:59I'll be a gentleman! You can go first, Suzy!
01:07:03Oh, thank you! Let's go! Please, shoot three points!
01:07:07Yes! One more try!
01:07:12She did it!
01:07:14I'm a gentleman! You can go first, Suzy!
01:07:17Oh, thank you! Let's go! Please, shoot three points!
01:07:21She did it! One more try!
01:07:25Yippee! One more try!
01:07:31Okay, okay, I got it, it's good!
01:07:33Now, put yourself aside, it's my turn!
01:07:35And I'll be your pop-pop girl! Come on, Sammy, you can do it!
01:07:38Let's go!
01:07:51Oh yeah! Basketball, I love it!
01:07:54The balls are the right size and it's easy to play with!
01:07:56Thank you, Suzy!
01:07:58Oh, Sammy, you're welcome! I like to play too!
01:08:00Now you can practice whenever you want!
01:08:03Or even better, I'll open my own table basketball school for slimes
01:08:07and I'll make a lot of money!
01:08:09What? Are you serious?
01:08:10What about all this NBA stuff?
01:08:12It'll never change!
01:08:13Thanks for watching, friends! See you soon!
