• ayer
Los amigos y actores mexicanos compartieron un divertido video junto con dos de los personajes más conocidos del programa de televisión infantil.


00:00Best, best, best friend, Gael, we are here to show you that we are better best friends than these two.
00:08Oh, well, good luck with that. Ernie and I have known each other for years.
00:15Does your hair always do that, Bert?
00:17What are you talking about?
00:18It's all sticky up on top.
00:19Would you cut that out?
00:21We are going to ask questions to see which best friends know each other better.
00:27Gael, if Diego were an animal, what animal would he be?
00:33An elephant.
00:35An elephant?
00:36Yes, of course, of course. Of course an elephant.
00:40How did I guess that?
00:41Of course.
00:42You know me so well, my best friend.
00:44What? How did I do that?
00:47Okay, Ernie, tell me, what's the morning coffee order be for Bert?
00:53Oh, this one's easy. Bert would simply hold the coffee and have an oatmeal instead.
01:01That's right. It's the best way to get that extra pep to start your day.
01:05How come they didn't answer together at the same time, just like them?
01:08That's because we're better best friends than them, Bert.
01:10We've been friends for years.
01:12If Gael opened his own store, what would it sell?
01:18That's very simple. This is so easy.
01:22Yes, I'm going to say it. Books.
01:29There's a discrepancy in the answers.
01:31Books with food, like with hamburger.
01:33Oh, the book and the hamburger together.
01:36You know, you know.
01:37Book burger?
01:38Bert, this is a very tough one, all right?
01:41If Ernie had a pet parrot, what would the first word he teach?
01:48Bert. He would teach the parrot to say Bert just to annoy me.
01:51Oh, no, just to entertain you, Bert. You know.
01:53Bert, Bert, Bert, Bert.
01:56Who won? Did we even keep the score?
01:59Gee, I think we forgot.
02:01But one thing is for certain. We, all of us here, are best friends.
02:07And we're very snappy dressers, too.
