• last year
During the 1980s the US is hit by a wave of nuclear attacks, and after the fallout those who remain pretend like everyth | dG1fbGNuY2J6WDNfdjA
00:00And that was the last day I saw her, the day I was taken.
00:21Was that the first and only time you've been abducted?
00:26Does anyone copy my transmission?
00:31Urban legend has it that Space Rock is a place with healing powers that originated
00:36from the crashed spaceship in Roswell. So, anyone believe in aliens?
00:43What a freak. Loser.
00:46If anything ever happens, I'm going to save you.
00:48Didn't that place go sour after the attack?
00:50Nobody knows if that's true or not. It's not like anybody ever found it.
00:55We're going to try.
00:56I don't know if it's a distress call or what,
00:58but that transmission has been repeating for the last 51 days.
01:02Do you know that you exposed a top secret military exercise which alerted the Soviets?
01:08So I didn't make contact with them?
01:09I'm sorry, them?
01:12The unidentified has to be an alien spacecraft.
01:15We need to find that black box and see what really happened.
01:18They took her.
01:19Who took her?
01:22What happened to Firefly?
01:26Do you know where she is?
01:34The White House has just been evacuated.
01:36No sign of how many more are headed this way.
01:44Where are the aliens going?
01:53I think we've come to the end of this journey.
01:55It's time to say goodbye to Space Rock.
