• 2 days ago
B Extra episode 4 2024


00:02Caramel Week.
00:03How on earth are you still here?
00:05I don't know.
00:06When the bakers got all gooey...
00:08Not only do you look good, your food looks good.
00:11Paul got stuck in.
00:13I'm happy to be punched in the face by a lemon.
00:15And Prue noticed something sticking out.
00:18Just work on your bulge.
00:20They didn't like my bulge, which is a bit of a personal comment,
00:23but, you know.
00:25And she's here tonight, it's Dame Prue Leigh.
00:28Along with comedian Chloe Pence.
00:31And TV judge Oti Mabuse.
00:34Time for an extra slice.
01:02Hello and welcome.
01:04It was Caramel Week in the tent,
01:06although Christian seems slightly confused.
01:09I mean, if it's Cake Week, it's going to be cake.
01:11If it's Biscuit Week, it's going to be biscuits.
01:13If it's caramel...
01:15It's going to be caramel, Christian.
01:18Now, Prue, you had to eat caramel biscuits,
01:22caramel mousse cakes and caramelised pears
01:25covered in caramel.
01:27On those days, did you still go home and have your tea as well?
01:30Well, no, no, to be honest, I don't.
01:32I go home and have a very large glass of wine.
01:43Chloe, what food could you eat all day and never have enough of?
01:47Just something simple like some Greek yoghurt and honey.
01:49What would you eat all day?
01:51I love sticky toffee pudding.
01:54You could eat that all day?
01:56Listen, we don't have that in South Africa.
01:58We don't make it like they do here, so, yes.
02:01I could basically eat everything all day except for aubergines.
02:05Mushrooms? No, I like mushrooms.
02:08They're magic. Anyway...
02:10Not those ones.
02:12No, I wouldn't, no. Have you ever had them? I bet you have.
02:15Look at her top, of course she's had them.
02:19Back to the bakers, and as I watched Jill,
02:22a question formed in my mind.
02:24Jill, are you absolutely sure that's caramel?
02:32It's gone a bit dark, I think, but it'll have to do.
02:34There's nothing I can do at this stage about it.
02:39Meanwhile, Andy was having a quick look round to make sure
02:42no-one had seen him checking his reflection in the oven door.
02:48The baker should have realised how sticky caramel is,
02:51yet Dylan still managed to glue his hand to the back of his neck
02:55just before his interview.
02:57So, when they were sitting there, it wasn't like I was getting anything,
03:00but I was just like, oh, I hope it...
03:02But I didn't even really think about, like, other than who else would...
03:05And then when they said Mike, I was like, oh, my God, that's brutal.
03:12OK, Chloe, what's going on here?
03:17Ah, now, favourite bit of the whole episode,
03:19maybe favourite bit of the whole series.
03:21Noel was doing some of his trademark hijinks
03:24and then he whacked Nelly's caramel off the side.
03:28Yeah! Drama. We need drama in the Bake Off, don't we?
03:32Well, let's just have a look and remind ourselves.
03:35Boom. Boom.
03:40You didn't need that, did you? Yes, I did.
03:45Nelly was so good about it, wasn't she?
03:48I'm glad it was Nelly that that happened to you,
03:50because she's the most unflappable person in the whole tent.
03:54And in some ways, she does have the vibe of, like, a mob boss's wife.
03:59So I thought there was one moment where she was going to go for Noel,
04:02but she was like, it's fine, I've got this,
04:04and I really admire and respect her for that.
04:06I'm quite clumsy. I once... This sounds terrible, but it's true.
04:09I once dropped a baby in a pond.
04:13That breaks the biscuits.
04:15Yeah. That's good.
04:17My mum had a friend, rather. Friends had a baby.
04:19I was about eight, my brother was nine, and the little brother was six.
04:23And they just let us go off for, like, the morning,
04:26and up the road there was, like, a nice little pond and a field
04:29and blah, blah, blah.
04:30And I thought, because it was really hot,
04:32it would be nice to dip the baby's feet in that pond.
04:35So I was, like, lying on a jetty and I dipped her in
04:38and then I let go of her. Oh!
04:41It's all right, my brother rescued her, so it's fine.
04:44But we did have to go home with a baby kind of covered in weeds.
04:49Well, back to the tent and let's remind ourselves
04:51of what happened when the sugar hit the pan.
04:56Week four. Caramel week this week. Uh-oh.
04:59And caramel saw many of the bakers come unstuck...
05:03I just can't get them out. Oh, my God.
05:05..by a biscuit-based signature.
05:08You need to take caramel to it's a rich colour,
05:11almost the colour of my skin.
05:13..while a tart tatin technical saw Georgie come out on top.
05:18Georgie, you're the winner.
05:21The caramel and mousse cake showstopper...
05:23It's totally split.
05:25..proved sweet for some...
05:26I would even say you're the flavour king this year.
05:30..and sour for others.
05:32It is truly, truly horrible, that flavour.
05:36It was Mike's turn to leave the tent.
05:39And a triumphant week for Georgie...
05:43..who was crowned Star Baker.
05:48In a minute.
05:51So, congratulations to Caramel Week.
05:54Star Baker, now.
06:03She certainly deserved to be given Star Baker,
06:06especially after showing such restraint when Paul did this.
06:10I think the beautiful delicacy of the chocolate
06:12balanced with the peanut and the nougat running through it,
06:15I think it's a lovely caramel biscuit.
06:17I can't do it, because...
06:19Oh, Paul.
06:20..you've wrecked a few here.
06:21I can tell you've done that to me now.
06:23Pru, why is Paul so awful?
06:30I'd like to say it's just his nature.
06:33But it's not.
06:34He is actually so squishy in the middle.
06:37If you saw him when the cameras are off him,
06:39he's often got his arm round a weeping baker.
06:42He's actually...
06:43You would kill me for saying this.
06:45He probably will.
06:46He's a really nice guy.
06:50Pity, isn't it?
06:52You don't buy it.
06:53On the other hand, I'm really horrible.
06:56Now, Georgie's signature caramel biscuits
06:58went down well with the judges.
07:00She came first in the tart tatin technical,
07:03and then guess who was still being a pain in the showstopper?
07:08There you go.
07:11Oh, you're so mean!
07:13No wonder the bakers tried to stop Paul getting to their benches
07:16by building a barricade using whatever utensils they could find.
07:22Just need a few more there, I think.
07:26Now, Pru, you were really impressed
07:28by Georgie's spectacular rose decoration
07:31on her mousse cake showstopper.
07:33But I think that cakes that look amazing
07:36often taste a bit disappointing,
07:38whereas something like a donut...
07:41Doesn't look amazing.
07:42..boring and brown tastes blooming lovely, doesn't it?
07:46Looks aren't everything, are they, Chloe?
07:48I mean, you know, with cake...
07:52What have I done?
07:54Cakes, not you.
07:56Would you prefer something plain that tasted amazing
07:59or something very decorative that you're not quite so sure about?
08:04Yeah, I was recently very hungover at the Edinburgh Fringe
08:08and I bought a burrito which, I'm going to say it,
08:12it looked Scottish in tone.
08:16And I thought, that's not going to be good for me.
08:18I ate it, one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten in my life.
08:21So I'd rather it look awful and taste wonderful.
08:24You, too?
08:25Same, yeah.
08:26Actually, no, I'd rather it look good and taste good, to be honest.
08:30Now, in less happy news,
08:32yet another of the Bakers got turfed out of the tent
08:35and this time it was Mike.
08:39But while he was in there, Prue,
08:41he certainly made an impression on you,
08:43as we can see from this exclusive unseen footage.
08:46Hello, Mark. Hello, Mike.
08:48Hi, Mike.
08:59You know what? I'm too old to learn.
09:02I actually did that twice.
09:06I would have done it three times.
09:09Oti, was Mike the right person to go?
09:12Yes, I do think throughout the week he was slightly struggling.
09:16Do you agree?
09:17Yeah, I feel like it's a really strong year
09:19and I feel like it happened last week as well,
09:22where you just have a dud week and you go.
09:24You can be brilliant up to that point and you just go.
09:26But I'm gutted to lose him,
09:27because I think his laugh is an absolute asset to the tent.
09:33So, let's chat about the challenges.
09:36The signature was to make caramel biscuit bars.
09:39Some of the Bakers' biscuits really sounded mouth-watering,
09:42but then you saw them.
09:44Nellie will be encasing salted caramel
09:46inside chocolate and walnut biscuits.
09:52Quite hard to imagine that being transformed.
09:55It looks more like a dog left the judges a present,
09:58but not to worry, Dylan's on hand to pick it up.
10:05Paul had an odd question for Nellie.
10:08Well, I'll biggie your balls.
10:13And Ileane did well to turn out some almond Florentine biscuits,
10:17which the judges said looked exquisite,
10:20given that she had to do her caramel twice.
10:23I think Ileane tried both the wet and dry methods.
10:27Don't bother to tell me the difference, I don't really care.
10:32What is it? One of them you put a bit of water in,
10:34the other one you just do it over the heat.
10:36Oh, right, that sounds sort of logical, doesn't it, really?
10:39Audience, right, here we go, this is exciting.
10:42Who makes caramel using the wet method?
10:48Who makes caramel using the dry method?
10:53Who makes caramel?
10:57One person.
10:59Who just goes out and buys a Twix?
11:07Now, Oti, something people might not know about you
11:10is that you trained as a civil engineer.
11:12Yeah. Wow!
11:14Yeah, so when it comes to concrete, do you prefer a wet or a dry pour?
11:19Well, first to pour it has to be wet, so wet, always wet.
11:24Oh, OK.
11:26On to Dylan, he seemed to be a bit confused between making caramel
11:30and working undercover in a Mexican drugs cartel.
11:33Caramel is about bravery.
11:37Dylan's biscuits had quite an unusual appearance.
11:40Paul said they looked like a UFO convention.
11:49The thing about Dylan is he's incredibly imaginative
11:52and he loves things to be a bit unusual.
11:54I don't know what they were, but the fact is
11:56the component parts were fantastic.
11:59They all tasted good stuffed in your mouth at once.
12:02It looks like someone's put a plate on a Scotch egg.
12:06Let's talk about the technical.
12:08Georgie had been researching tartar tartare the night before,
12:12which was a stroke of luck.
12:14She'd also researched Battenberg, the technical in Cake Week.
12:18Prue, have you been accepting bribes again?
12:21Well, I'm always open to a good bribe.
12:24Fair enough.
12:26So, Georgie was prepped and ready to go with the tartar tartare,
12:30but sadly for Georgie, there was more to the technical than that.
12:34They would also love you to make a caramelised walnut ice cream
12:38to go alongside.
12:40Oh, my God.
12:42All of them did really well at their ice cream.
12:44Yeah, they did. Is it quite easy?
12:46Yes. Right.
12:49When it came to judging the bakers,
12:51I thought Alison sounded quite disrespectful.
12:53Prue and Paul will now rank the tarts from bottom up.
12:57Oh, thank you! Oh, thank you!
13:01How rude!
13:04Nelly had never baked a tartar tartare before,
13:07but you'll be delighted to hear this, Prue.
13:09Will you be trying that again at home, or is it going...
13:13I'm done with tartar.
13:15Whatever it is called, tartar or whatever.
13:17Nope, I'm not doing it again.
13:22The showstopper was to make a caramel mousse cake
13:25with spectacular sugar work decoration,
13:28and Sumaya wins our Extra Slice Award
13:31for Caramel Week Conversation Stopper.
13:40The whole overall decoration is inspired by this glass artist
13:44called Dale Chihuly.
13:51Oti, didn't you dance the Dale Chihuly on TV?
13:57No, I did not!
13:59I wish I had, but no, I didn't. I wish you had, too.
14:02When it came to the judging, Andy needn't have worried.
14:05You couldn't have been kinder about his candyfloss tree, Prue.
14:09It is truly, truly horrible, that flavour.
14:16Finally, can I just say, it was great to hear that Georgie
14:19had finally got round to watching an Extra Slice.
14:23Yeah, it wasn't amazing, but it's better than I thought it would be.
14:30Thanks for that, Georgie.
14:32Now, after the break, Tom will be wielding his whisk
14:35in the faces of our studio audience bakers.
14:38Back in a bit.
14:53Welcome back.
14:54I'm here to discuss all the crack from Caramel Week
14:57with Bake Off fans Oti Mabusey and Chloe Petts
15:00and Bake Off royalty Dame Prue Lee.
15:03So, caramel.
15:04Very sweet, demands attention, but excellent taste.
15:07Sounds just like our Tom.
15:12Oh, my God.
15:14Hello. Hi.
15:18Hello, everyone.
15:20Oh, my.
15:22Can I just say, lovely hat.
15:24Oh, thank you, Joe.
15:26Well, I'm really just very inspired by Dylan.
15:30But first of all, I do want to say, on Cockney Watch this week,
15:34Andy said the most Cockney thing I've ever heard.
15:38We'll get these pears in. Lovely job, Lee.
15:41I mean, I don't know whether he was talking about
15:44the ta-ta-tan or the stairs.
15:49Then he was so Cockney, he even forgot about women.
15:53Thank you, sir. Cheers. Thank you.
15:58Don't worry, Jill hit back with a big Northern Portions.
16:02Actually, Northern Portions sounds like a gay bar
16:05I once went to in Blackpool.
16:08But the thing that really struck me this week was this.
16:11I had a nightmare. I was in, like, Bake Off the other day.
16:15Oh, Dylan, everyone knows talking about dreams is BORING!
16:21Except when I do it.
16:23And I had a dream about Bake Off.
16:25I wasn't sleeping well because I couldn't work out
16:27which popular peanut and caramel chocolate bar
16:30with a brown wrapper Georgie was talking about.
16:33What could it possibly have been?
16:35It really got my Snickers in such a twist.
16:44Anyway, I can't wait to find out what they all get up to next week.
16:54Not everyone can pull off a hat like Dylan and Tom.
16:57I feel like I'm, like, in Peaky Blinders wearing this one.
17:00Which I don't like that programme. It's a lot of violence.
17:04I don't think you do very well in Peaky Blinders. No!
17:09I'm not sure they understand you.
17:12Can't understand them with their brummy accents.
17:16OK, let's enjoy some home baking from around Britain and beyond.
17:20First up, Lindsay in Cornwall made a cake
17:22for her rugby-mad son Roman's 14th birthday.
17:28She says Roman loves coming home after a couple of hours
17:31of tackling and muddy scrums to watch Extra Slice
17:34with a lovely cup of earl grey tea.
17:38Prue, I imagine you know a few grey earls.
17:44Yeah, probably.
17:46Staying with cakes on a sporting theme, Lily,
17:49with a bit of help from her mother, made a cake for the members
17:52of her grandmother's bowls club in Wales.
17:57They certainly seem to enjoy the nail-biting tension
18:00involved in the game, don't they?
18:03Let's have a closer look at those faces.
18:08Their eyes are on storks!
18:11To me, it just looks like they're really bad at snooker.
18:16Now, Nick in Lancashire recently celebrated his 60th birthday
18:20and his friend Jack wanted to come up with something special for him.
18:24She decided to take as her theme the fact that for 40 years
18:28Nick's worked in the funeral industry.
18:31Here's his celebration cake.
18:37Let's hope during his career Nick's never actually had anyone
18:41climb out of the coffin during the funeral service.
18:44Thanks to Nick's partner, Brian, for sending the picture in.
18:48It's a pity it's not a coffin and walnut.
18:56Coffee's really kicking in.
18:58I just think it's nice to have a look at Noel's bedroom.
19:04Staying in Lancashire, Ian in Skelmersdale decided to make a cake
19:07to reveal the news to his mother that she was going to be a nan.
19:11What a wonderful way to let her know.
19:13She must have been thrilled at the thought of a future grandchild.
19:16Let's take a look.
19:23Oh, my God.
19:25That's sweet.
19:30Ian says he's aware that technically the foetus shouldn't have teeth.
19:37I'd say the teeth are the least of that cake's problems.
19:41Keep your pictures coming. Details below.
19:43Use the hashtag EXTRASLICE
19:45or go to channel4.com forward slash TAKEPART.
19:49Now our studio bakers are about to face interrogation.
19:53Tom, it's over to you.
19:56Well, thanks, Jo.
19:58I'm thrilled to be here with our studio audience bakers.
20:01First up, we've got Dilys and Amy.
20:04Over here. Hello, hello, hello.
20:07Hello, hello. Dilys?
20:09Dilys. Sorry, Dilys.
20:11What have you brought?
20:13I've brought Pierce Brosnan.
20:17Let's have a look.
20:19Oh! Is it not Liza Minnelli?
20:29Definitely Pierce? Well, I hope so.
20:31It started out as Pierce.
20:33Yes. Shall we compare with Pierce?
20:35Let's see if we've got a picture of Pierce.
20:37Now, I see.
20:40Now I see Jonathan Ross.
20:43Why have you made a cake dedicated to Pierce Brosnan?
20:46Well, he's my celeb crush. He's your celeb crush, is he?
20:49Yes, you love him. Why do you like him so much?
20:51Well, in my eyes, he's the best-looking Bond ever.
20:54Is he? Gosh, Daniel Craig will be annoyed, won't he?
20:57I know.
20:59Have you ever met Pierce Brosnan? No.
21:01Oh, fine. Would you like to? Oh, I would.
21:03He's not here, he's not here. No.
21:07If I realised as I said that,
21:09that might sound like I was about to bring him out.
21:12I don't know if you've looked at the set here,
21:14but we really don't have that sort of budget.
21:17And are you part of this fan club as well, Amy?
21:20No. No.
21:22What's your favourite Pierce Brosnan Bond film?
21:25Tomorrow Never Dies? Yeah, something like that.
21:27Something like that.
21:29Or one of the other ones? Yeah, one of the other ones.
21:32One of the other ones you like.
21:34Die Another Day would be another one.
21:36And indeed, we have done that.
21:41Thank you very much. Thank you, Amy.
21:43Thank you so much for coming. Lovely to see you.
21:45Lovely, delicious, Amy.
21:47Now, Janine, Lee, Amber and Emma.
21:49Oh, there's a lot of people. Janine? Janine? Janine?
21:52Janine, Lee? Emma. Lee?
21:54Amber? Yeah. Emma. Emma.
21:56Emma, great. Janine, Janine. Yes.
21:58What do you do for a living?
22:00I'm an environmental help officer.
22:02Oh, good! Yeah!
22:04Yeah, that sounds exciting.
22:06It is. Is it as thrilling as it sounds?
22:08The proof is in the cake.
22:10Oh, what a lovely cake you've made here,
22:12full of environmental risks.
22:15It's not exhaustive. It's not exhaustive.
22:17There's a lovely-looking rat on top,
22:19which is always very appetising, isn't it?
22:21Do you do the numbers, do the hygiene rating numbers on restaurants?
22:24Yes. That's one of your things, is it?
22:26Is something on fire? It's a bonfire.
22:28It's a bonfire. Smoke nuisance, yes.
22:30So that's on top of the bonfire? That's the fire?
22:32The smoke is a nuisance. Oh, that's smoke.
22:34Air pollution. Air pollution, that's an environmental...
22:36Noise. Health and safety. Health and safety.
22:38Gosh, you have a lot of fun, don't you?
22:42And what do you do? Environmental health. Environmental health.
22:44What's your favourite bit of environmental health?
22:46Oh, that's a good question. It is, isn't it?
22:51You love a public health funeral. I do love a public health funeral.
22:54A public health funeral, that sounds like a laugh.
22:58And what... Do you have a specific area you look after?
23:00I'm the boss. You're the boss? I am.
23:02OK. Whereabouts do you boss?
23:04Erm, Woking Borough Council.
23:06Woking! Sorry. Sorry, yes, I know where Woking is, thank you.
23:11Woking, you do environmental health.
23:12And what do you look after in the environmental health department?
23:14I'm the principal, so the team. You're the principal, but...
23:16Yeah. This is the boss. Head of environmental health.
23:18Head of... And you're the boss as well? Principal.
23:20Principal. Environmental health. Environmental health.
23:22Boss. Yeah. Principal.
23:24Sound very similar jobs to me.
23:27And what's your job? I suppose you have to do all the work, do you?
23:31OK, thank you very much.
23:35OK, Sandra and Patrick. Where's Sandra and Patrick?
23:38Over here, over here, over here, over here.
23:40Hello. Hello.
23:41Are you Kirstarmer?
23:46OK, hello!
23:48Sandra, Patrick. Hello.
23:50Hello. What's this? Now, what's this, Sandra?
23:53It's the Chippendale Troop.
23:55The Chippendale Troop.
23:57Who are these four at the front? They seem like they're very...
24:00The Bake Off judges. Oh, these are the Bake Off...
24:02Oh, this is the Bake Off team.
24:04Can you not tell?
24:08Well, we've got one here we can compare with.
24:11So I think... Well, we do want to, actually.
24:13You do actually? Yes, and I'm sure...
24:15Well, we don't need... It's like Prue is here and there.
24:21Gosh, that's so much like her.
24:23There we go.
24:25Oh, Prue!
24:30Even a necklace. Even a necklace. Yes, exactly.
24:32Prue, how do you feel about being made in that form?
24:35I'm rather flattered.
24:39Sandra, what do you do for a living?
24:41I'm a doctor's receptionist. Oh!
24:43Oh, well, it's... I mean, the irony that you're...
24:45You're trying to speak to me!
24:51Is it...?
24:53So, can I get an appointment? Yes.
24:55And when is it? Will it be in the next four to eight years?
24:59I'm talking to you about that, I suppose, shouldn't I?
25:04Well, thank you very much, Sandra and Patrick.
25:06Lovely, lovely to see you.
25:08OK, now, Maggie and Jed. Where's Maggie and Jed?
25:11Right, I'm here to have a...
25:13Maggie and Jed. Hello.
25:15You must be Maggie. I am.
25:17Hello, lovely to see you. Jed. Hello.
25:19And you are related? Yes. Yes?
25:21Yeah, Maggie's my mum. Say that again? Maggie's my mum.
25:24Yes, I can tell, cos you look exactly the same.
25:27And, Maggie, have you brought a gig
25:29or just some cleaning equipment here?
25:31We're celebrating the NHS.
25:33I used to be a nurse, but I've also been on the receiving end
25:36of very talented and skilful health professionals.
25:41But when I was 18, on my very first ward,
25:45the first job I had to do before I was allowed to do anything else
25:48was to polish up all the stainless-steel bedpans
25:52with surgical spirit.
25:54What a treat.
25:56Oh, suddenly I'm getting an idea of what might be under that cloth.
26:00Whenever the bedpan had been used,
26:02we always covered it with a cloth while we took it back to the sluice.
26:05Yes, very, very elegant way of doing things.
26:07So it's hard to cover.
26:09Can I just check? We are going to see a cake here.
26:18How delicious.
26:22Mmm, I can't wait to tuck into that.
26:24And, Daniel, what have you brought?
26:26What have you brought here?
26:28As Mum said, she's had a lot of...
26:30Been on the receiving end of some care,
26:32and she's been on crutches all year, and so I've made the crutches.
26:35Oh, that's very lovely. Oh, that's very nice.
26:39Oh, that's very good.
26:41Well done. Thank you both. Thank you both very much.
26:43That's lovely. Thank you so much.
26:48Wow, wasn't that fun?
26:50So much fun.
26:51And I'm delighted to announce that this week's star baker is...
26:57..Maggie and Jed, for their wonderful tribute to the NHS.
27:07Now I have the awful job of announcing
27:10who will be leaving the studio this week.
27:14This week, I'm really sorry to say,
27:17it's Sandra and Patrick for bringing everything down
27:20with that disgusting Chippendale cake.
27:22It gives me a shame.
27:28But the good news is,
27:30they each take away one of our fabulous extra-sliced wooden spoons.
27:39That's it.
27:41And if you think you can do better
27:43than the bakes this lot cobbled together,
27:45then go to channel4.com forward slash take part.
27:49Details are down here.
27:51But a big thank you to all of our wonderful studio bakers.
28:01Oh, thanks, Tom.
28:04Right, thanks, Tom.
28:06After the break, the latest baker to leave the tent, Mike,
28:09will be here. Back in a bit.
28:25Welcome back.
28:26I'm poring over all the action from Caramel Week
28:29alongside Oti Mabusey, Chloe Pett.
28:33And Bake Off big boss Prue Leith.
28:36OK, who wants to meet the latest baker to leave the tent?
28:43Fresh from the farm, please give a warm welcome to Mike, everyone.
28:57Hello, Mike. Hello.
29:00Hello, Mark.
29:02Thank you, Prue.
29:05So, how is life now you're back on the farm?
29:08Yeah, really good. I mean, it's literally been absolutely manic
29:11ever since we finished the tent because we were straight into harvest.
29:14So it was all systems go and I just went into my little bubble
29:17of reclusiveness with my family on the farm.
29:19So that was quite good to keep me preoccupied and keep my mind
29:22off of everything that happened in the tent.
29:25Oh, they're going on. But you were great in the tent.
29:28Oh, thank you. Honestly, it was lovely.
29:30What's life been like since leaving the tent?
29:32Have you been recognised much?
29:34I have a couple of times. As I say, it's quite nice because I live
29:37on the farm in the middle of nowhere, so the sheep don't care,
29:40which is really good, so I can go quite incognito.
29:43And then when I go into town a couple of times,
29:45people have noticed me. It's very odd, but very lovely.
29:48Aw. Prue, where's the strangest place you've been recognised?
29:52Well, it's not so much strange, but I really hate it,
29:56which is when I'm in a public loo at a local station or something
30:01and somebody wants a selfie, and I really don't want a selfie
30:04with, now please wash your hands.
30:07Oddly, Alison followed me into the loo.
30:10Alison followed you into the loo.
30:12You know where the loos are, by the house?
30:14And I was going to the loo and Alison came in with me
30:17and we had a lovely chat.
30:19You know you can put a complaint into the BBC?
30:22Channel 4.
30:24Channel 4, sorry. Channel 4, I think.
30:28Fair game.
30:30Yeah, we'd love it if you put the complaints into the BBC.
30:35In the tent, you're used to using ingredients
30:38that you brought from your farm, but I have to say,
30:41you barely mentioned it, Mike.
30:44Can we just have a look at this?
30:46Oh, God.
30:48So, this lamb is from our farm at home.
30:51So, the malted barley does come from our farm,
30:53so this just gives that nice, earthy flavour to the biscuit.
30:56The flowers from the farm, I literally was picking them
30:58yesterday afternoon on the way here.
31:00And these are my dad's favourites.
31:02We always, always, always make them on the farm.
31:04Yes, the rosemary and the mint are both from the garden at home.
31:06I'm going with lemon and linseed, which are from our farm.
31:09The eggs are all from the farm. From our farm at home.
31:12From our farm. From our farm. From the farm.
31:14From the farm. Everything... Well, not everything.
31:16The lemons, I didn't grow them in Wiltshire.
31:20Oh, my God.
31:22Yes. Good.
31:24Natural, donated. Good.
31:26Is there anything left on your farm?
31:28Not much. They wouldn't let me bring the sheep or the goats in.
31:31But other than that... Oh, I would have liked that.
31:34Were there any, like, little rituals you had in the tent?
31:37Georgie and I, actually, there's a beautiful pink horse chestnut
31:40tree just outside of the tent, and I love chestnut trees.
31:43They're my favourite. They flower on my birthday.
31:46But the pink ones are quite unusual, and I said this to Georgie,
31:49because we love nature and everything,
31:51and so every time before we went in the tent,
31:53we would go and hug the tree, and the tree would give us...
31:56Energy. ..give us some energy.
31:58Although we did say that, actually, on Camel Week,
32:00because Georgie won Starbaker and I went home,
32:02I think she just hugged it a bit too hard.
32:07You love a trip to the cinemas, don't you, for a film and popcorn,
32:11and there's one actor in particular that you love.
32:14Who's that?
32:15I adore Dame Judi Dench.
32:18She is my absolute icon.
32:20I just love her so much, and Matt, my fiancé,
32:23knows that if Judi was here, I would leave him immediately
32:27and walk off into the Champs-Élysées with her.
32:29So I do love her so much.
32:31Now, you've also had a lot of comments on social media
32:34pointing out your resemblance to another famous actor.
32:38Who do you think it is, Chloe?
32:40I don't know.
32:42Russell Crowe? Oh, not bad.
32:44Yeah. A compliment.
32:46David Walliams, maybe?
32:48Otis. Worse.
32:53It was funny because Alison, actually,
32:55it was one of the first things she said to me
32:57when we met in the tent, she said,
32:59I've met him several times, you know exactly who you remind me of,
33:02Stephen Fry, and actually, since then, like,
33:05actually, before then, people had said it to me,
33:07but I've had hundreds of comments and messages saying,
33:10is Mike Stephen Fry's love child?
33:14My mum has reassured me that I'm not.
33:17Let's briefly chat about Caramel Week,
33:19when you managed to present your signature biscuits
33:21with a little help from Jill.
33:23That was so nice of her. How did you return the favour?
33:26We've named one of our goat kids Jill, in honour of Jill.
33:30So, which I promise is a compliment.
33:33Jill loves it.
33:37You produced one of the baking highlights of the series so far,
33:40with your brilliant stack of books, Showstopper.
33:43They were fantastic.
33:51The flavours sounded delicious, too,
33:53chocolate coffee and butterscotch.
33:55I mean, what was the hardest thing about that bake?
33:58The timing, trying to get everything wrapped
34:00and getting them just to look crisp and neat round the outside.
34:03When I did it in practice, actually, they had a lot more detailing
34:06in the leather and the binding and things like that,
34:08and I was meant to do five, but I got four,
34:11which was, at one point, I didn't think I was going to get any, so...
34:15Drew, how impressive was that for week one?
34:18It was amazing.
34:19That was such a... It was so beautiful.
34:21And the books were just...
34:23You really did feel you could pick them up and open them up
34:26and there'd be pages, you know, you could do that.
34:28It was fantastic.
34:29In Bread Week, your Zeus-themed cornucopia impressed the judges
34:33with its rosemary and olive flavours.
34:36You put a lot of practice into that bake,
34:38and here's a video of you at home in the early 1800s,
34:41by the look of it.
34:45And what on earth is going on there, Mike?
34:48So, my bread dough broke my stand mix when I was kneading it,
34:52and then that caused a power cut,
34:54so I had to knead the dough by hand, which took hours,
34:58because I had rye dough and wheat dough,
35:00and there's so much of it to do all the plaits,
35:02and I did all the plaits in the dark,
35:04and I plaited the whole cornucopia together,
35:06and then the power never came back on, so it overproved.
35:09You couldn't bake it? I couldn't bake it,
35:11and it all fell off, and it looked so miserable.
35:13We had to scrape it off the table in the morning.
35:15So, that was one of about half a dozen practices,
35:18so they slowly got better.
35:20And just remind us where that was.
35:22Well, that's in my house. On the farm.
35:24On the farm, yeah.
35:27So, as we've got a farming expert with us in the form
35:30of old Mike Donald,
35:33how about a quick challenge?
35:35You're going to hear some noises, right?
35:37And all you have to do is say whether it's someone
35:39from inside the tent or a barnyard animal.
35:44So, is it Bake Off or Barnyard?
35:47Here's your first one.
35:51What do you think, Chloe? Bake Off or Barnyard?
35:53I think it's Bake Off, and I think I know exactly who it is.
35:56Who do you think it is? Andy.
35:58I think Bake Off as well. And who do you think it is?
36:01No idea. Right.
36:03I think Barnyard.
36:05Let's hear it one more time.
36:09I think it could be Andy.
36:11I feel like it could also be a Nellie noise.
36:13She's quite good at vocalisation.
36:15That's an interesting shout.
36:17Well, we've got several sort of options there.
36:19Shall we find out? Yeah. OK.
36:24It was indeed Andy.
36:27Well done.
36:30Next one.
36:35Sorry about that.
36:38Let's hear that again.
36:42Wow. OK, Bake Off or Barnyard?
36:44That's Paul Hollywood, if ever I've heard him.
36:46It's either Prue standing on Paul's foot or it's a cow.
36:50I think it's Barnyard.
36:52I think a cow. Yeah. OK.
36:54Let's see.
36:59Correct. Well done.
37:01It's not cows. No wonder I recognised them.
37:03Let's have the next one.
37:09What was that?
37:10Sounds like solid Nellie.
37:12You think it's Nellie, so Baker, Baker, Nellie.
37:15I think it's a baker. I'm not sure it's Nellie.
37:17I remember this very clearly from a couple of episodes ago.
37:20I can't remember why she was woofing.
37:22I think it might have been to chase Noel off again or something.
37:25No, that's a unanimous Nellie woofing.
37:27Let's have a look. Listen.
37:29Woof, woof.
37:32Well done, Evan.
37:40And here's your last one, OK?
37:44Oh, my God.
37:45What on earth was making that noise?
37:47It sounded like a pig, but I feel like it's Bake Off.
37:51I feel like that might be me laughing.
37:54I think it's a barnyard.
37:56What sort? A pig in a barnyard.
37:58OK, let's have a look.
38:11God bless you.
38:17That's such a brilliant answer.
38:19I'm jealous. Oh, my God.
38:21Oh, that was brilliant.
38:24You were so sad, it was so funny.
38:26Have you got any idea why you made that noise?
38:31Well, you were judging Andy's Moosecake Show software.
38:34Clearly, all that apple-flavoured candy floss repeating on you.
38:39Now, Mike's staying with us because Tom's on his way
38:42with a special memento, and we'll be finding out
38:45which of our guests will be this week's top wafter.
38:48See you shortly.
39:03Welcome back. I'm here with Mike, Oti, Chloe and Prue.
39:07Oh, and I'm just being told that there's some breaking news
39:10regarding nuts.
39:12This is Nut News.
39:14My mother's favourite nut was Brazil nut.
39:17That was my mum's favourite as well.
39:19Are you crazy? I do love it, yeah.
39:29OK, let's have a look at some more of your home-baking pictures.
39:33You'll like our first one, Mike.
39:36Amy and her five-year-old daughter, Florence,
39:39have been busy in their kitchen in Worcester,
39:41making a cake inspired by one of your designs.
39:44They loved your stack of books illusion cake
39:46and wanted to have a go at making something similar.
39:51God bless her. So adorable.
39:53What do you think, Mike?
39:54That's made me cry again.
39:57Next, we're going to Cheshire,
39:59where mum Marion was tasked with making a spooky bake
40:02for her daughter's seventh birthday.
40:04And nothing so spooky like...
40:07..a human brain.
40:09That's cool.
40:10Who fancies a slice of that?
40:13Pauline in Norwich made a birthday cake
40:15for her twin boys, Nico and Marcus.
40:17The two boys have different interests,
40:19so the challenge for Pauline was to combine one's love for football
40:23and the other's for bugs.
40:25And if you're not keen on creepy-crawlies, look away now.
40:32It's a dung beetle football cake, of course.
40:35Never has a Victoria sponge creeped me out so much.
40:39What do you think? Would you have a slice of that?
40:42I probably would, yeah.
40:43It's very creative as well.
40:45Would you have the football or would you have the beetle bit?
40:49I'd go for a leg.
40:52Thanks to everyone who sent their pictures in this week.
40:55Keep them coming and use the hashtag...
41:02Details at the bottom of the screen.
41:04OK, thanks for that, everyone.
41:06And now here comes Tom and his trolley!
41:22It's something I imagine you'd use on the farm.
41:27Mike, what was the best thing about being on Bake Off?
41:31I'm very proud to be the first farmer to go on Bake Off.
41:34Flour, eggs, sugar, butter, everything all comes from farms.
41:37So to be able to bring that from the farm into the tent
41:40was just an absolute honour and a privilege.
41:42And just getting to ask about it in a tent,
41:44in a field with Prue and amazing Alison,
41:46who are two people I've always dreamed of meeting,
41:49and they're as wonderful in person as you would think.
41:52Bit of a slam to Paul and Noel there!
41:56They're lovely.
41:57Noel is as crazy as you would think he is,
41:59but actually the most helpful person in the world.
42:01Like, my biscuit showstopper almost fell apart
42:03and he came over and held it together while I glued it
42:05and I could have kissed him. He was so helpful.
42:08And, yeah, Paul's lovely.
42:12I just feel really bad for Paul.
42:14No, he is, he really is lovely.
42:16Mike, it's been wonderful having you on the show.
42:19It's been great that you've stopped crying.
42:21Only just.
42:22Cos now it's my turn to try and make you cry,
42:24otherwise they won't pay me.
42:26Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike,
42:28you've been a wonderful heartbeat of the show,
42:30but guess what, we just heard that the farm's gone to seed
42:34and Judi Dench just wrote in to say she hates you.
42:40Go on, cry, cry a bit, cry.
42:44She was glorious.
42:46Was that her or was it me in a wig?
42:52Got you!
42:54Mike, you've been a joy to watch and thank you so much
42:56for being a part of this year's Bake Off.
43:04Thank you, Tom, and now let's enjoy a look back
43:08at your time in the tent, Mike.
43:10My style of baking is quite rustic,
43:12so hopefully that's still OK here.
43:15Looks like a scrambled egg on the top.
43:17Thanks, Paul. That's what I was going for.
43:19Things get serious.
43:20It's really melting in my mouth's biscuit.
43:22It's a great-looking roll. That lamb is delicious.
43:24And that means that this is the winner.
43:28That's a beautiful cake and a fantastic idea.
43:30Executed very well.
43:31Have you read my book, Just Out Of Interest?
43:33It was fabulous. No, I haven't.
43:35I can't believe some of the things that they've said
43:37for stuff that I've made.
43:39I love the cornucopia.
43:40It's a real treat on the eyes, isn't it?
43:42Mm, that is lovely.
43:44Oh, that has definitely given me such a boost.
43:48It's lovely. The sweetness comes through that ginger
43:50really, really nicely.
43:52It's been a joy. It's been an absolute joy.
44:04So, Tom, if you'd like to do the grand unveiling...
44:16So, there you are, Mike.
44:18Popcorn in hand with your wonderful stack of books
44:21and your tractor from your farm.
44:23Let's say a big thank you to Mike, everybody.
44:34So, it's time for our grand finale now.
44:37It's oven gloves on for Celebrity Waft Off!
44:45You all know how it works.
44:47You're up against the clock to see who will be first
44:49to waft their baking bean over the finish line.
44:52John Richardson is still our reigning champion
44:54after he managed it in a record three seconds,
44:57so that's the time to beat if you want to knock him off
45:00the top spot. All right.
45:02And I wish someone were, cos I'm sick of mentioning his name.
45:06Are our competitors ready? Yes.
45:08Get ready, set...
45:14Oh, oh, oh!
45:16Oh, my God!
45:18So close!
45:22Well done. I'm sorry.
45:24I would have been very disappointed.
45:27I would have been very disappointed.
45:29Chloe was first with 5.17 seconds.
45:37Oti was second with 8.13.
45:42Prue was third with 2 hours 50...
45:47No, you weren't. Prue was third with 15.62.
45:51Woo! Very good, very good.
45:55Very good.
45:56So, let's take a look at the leaderboard.
45:58Chloe, you are now in fourth place
46:00and Prue is just behind Alison Hammond.
46:03That's it for this week. Now, remind me, Jill,
46:06what week is it next week?
46:08So, it's Pastry Week! I'm an oldner, it's Pastry Week!
46:10Setting myself up for a fail here, aren't I?
46:12But it's Pastry Week! So excited for Pastry Week.
46:15So, a big thank you to Tom, to our baker, Mike,
46:18and to our celebrity guests, Chloe Pett, Oti Mabuse
46:21and Dame Prue Leith.
46:24See you same time next week. Goodbye!