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The New Scooby-Doo Movies l Episode 5 l Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner l 1-9 l


00:00It's going to be dark pretty soon. We should have come to Pinecrest Mountain Lodge hours
00:14ago. We'll get there as long as we keep heading
00:16north. But we're heading east. We're going west.
00:23It's like who knows where we're going. We're lost.
00:30Better sleep on the headlamps. Scoob's right. We're lost. And any minute
00:37we're going to get caught in a typhoon. A typhoon only happens on the ocean, silly.
00:43We'll probably get caught in a flash flood. Thanks a lot. I feel much better.
00:52No need to panic. We'll just ask directions. Like who do we ask?
00:56Whoever lives in that big estate. Okay. Somebody open the gates.
01:04The sign says keep out. The sign doesn't say keep out. It says Moody
01:11Manor. Like to me that means keep out.
01:15Let's go and ask directions at some friendly gas station.
01:20What gas station? Oh, all right. I'll open the gates. A gate
01:25is a gate. Simple, right? Somebody else can close them when we leave.
01:35Wow. This is like driving through a tunnel.
01:49This is as far as we go. Lightning must have struck it.
01:55Well, we'll have to walk the rest of the way.
02:01Oh, my goodness. Lead the way, Scoob.
02:06Oh, send a message to me? You're the leader.
02:09The leader? Wow.
02:19We're going to spend all night in the woods just trying to ask someone how to
02:23get out of the woods. Come on.
02:31What did you see, Scooby? Like you saw a tree?
02:43He saw a fallen tree. So, we all saw that.
02:49You saw the tree stand up? That's impossible.
02:56It can't happen. Like, Scooby, you didn't see it.
03:01Come on. Let's find the house.
03:05Little do they know they're walking right into goldenrod.
03:21Huh? Huh? Huh?
03:25They don't make glue like they used to.
03:56Huh? Huh? Huh?
04:05Now what did you see? A lot.
04:16Where? There.
04:18Nothing. Well, what do you see?
04:23Nothing. Well, what do you think you saw?
04:35That was an owl, Scooby. Like you saw a creepy man?
04:41Huh? Huh? Huh?
04:48This place is getting to him. He's seeing things.
04:51Look, Scoob, like cool it. You're flipping.
04:54Darn knots in a place like this.
