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Kurulus Osman Season 6 Episode 3 Part 2 Urdu Subtitles 167 Bolum


00:00:00This is my son! He made me sit at the same table with the murderer of my son! I ate the same food! Look! No! I don't have a son, Aladdin! No!
00:00:18Guncam! Guncam! Stop! You loved him, he loved you, you and your friend, Guncam!
00:00:26It's over! It's over! It's over, Aladdin! Friendship is over! He was the reason of my son's death! He was the reason of my son's death, Aladdin!
00:00:46It's over!
00:00:48You say that he works with Lukas so that he can harm our trade in these lands and make our state powerless, right?
00:01:00That's right, sir.
00:01:01Mr. Karasi, so you're doing business with us, huh?
00:01:17That's two.
00:01:19He covered his eyes and ears, sir, just like we did with the holy relics, sir.
00:01:25What did he say, sir?
00:01:27He hit us with trade today, tomorrow he will hit us from another front. Now Karasi won't be at ease.
00:01:37Gentlemen, what do you think?
00:01:42I say let's think about tomorrow. Now, what are we going to do about this bridge issue? We need to talk about it first.
00:01:50If trade is cut off, Akca is also cut off, Mr. Osman. Unfortunately, Lukas will finish the construction of that bridge. If Mr. Karasi achieves what he hopes, we can't straighten our backs anymore.
00:02:06They will neither finish the bridge, nor us as they hoped.
00:02:10Tomorrow, Lukas will come with the rest of the materials of the bridge, right?
00:02:23That's right, sir.
00:02:28Mr. Gencer, Mr. Bayhan, get ready. We'll set off in the evening.
00:02:44I entrust this to you.
00:02:46Go ahead, Mr. Gencer.
00:02:48When we are on fire and burn them, they will see what an alliance is.
00:03:10This necklace will look good on your delicate neck, Begüm Hatun.
00:03:40Sir, Mr. Osman will punish Begüm Hatun for her carelessness in Kaledin Castle.
00:03:56That's why we are taking action now.
00:04:01Get a messenger to deliver this letter and the necklace to Begüm Hatun in secret.
00:04:24In secret.
00:04:26Yes, sir.
00:04:30Let's go.
00:04:40Sir, the merchants you summoned have arrived.
00:04:43Peace be upon you.
00:04:45Peace be upon you, too.
00:04:46Peace be upon you, too.
00:04:48Now, the time to set off is over.
00:04:56The road you passed with the tax from the Ottoman lands in 40 days will be cut in half.
00:05:06Now, tell me.
00:05:10Will you drive your caravans on my way?
00:05:13We will, Mr. Gencer.
00:05:35What are we going to do with this, Mr. Gencer?
00:05:37What does Mr. Osman have in mind?
00:05:40Mr. Osman never tells a secret.
00:05:46Mr. Osman tells his move in action, gentlemen.
00:06:01Those who want to climb those walls can't do anything with those trees.
00:06:08Come on.
00:06:13Are the preparations complete?
00:06:14Everything is ready, sir.
00:06:16What are we going to do now?
00:06:21We will dive into the jackal's den like a wolf.
00:06:40Mother, brother.
00:06:42This note was found on Cecilia.
00:06:45From Holofera.
00:06:48What is it, dear?
00:07:07Lukas Köpek.
00:07:09He forces Holofera to marry him.
00:07:12Where is he?
00:07:14When? Is it clear?
00:07:18He will be at the foot of Mount Keşiş tomorrow, mother.
00:07:24Don't tell me to stop.
00:07:32Leave the tribe to me, son.
00:07:36Go and kidnap my daughter-in-law.
00:07:39It's time.
00:07:41I will kidnap her.
00:07:46I will kidnap her.
00:07:51When did you kidnap Holofera, brother?
00:07:54I stopped counting after a while.
00:08:05We will kidnap Holofera the way we kidnapped our daughter.
00:08:12Right, Gonca?
00:08:15Forgive me for this, mother.
00:08:19I am not like you.
00:08:28You can go to that wedding, but...
00:08:30...it is very dangerous, Mr. Orhan.
00:08:34Obviously, you will go to the battlefield.
00:08:37May God give you ease.
00:08:45Don't, sister.
00:08:49You used to love Holofera like a sister.
00:08:55That's why...
00:08:59...I feel more pain, Mr. Orhan.
00:09:05I lost my son...
00:09:09...and my sister.
00:10:25My son.
00:10:27Gonca was right.
00:10:29It will be very dangerous.
00:10:31No matter what happens, mother.
00:10:33I will not leave Holofera alone there.
00:10:37I am not telling you to stop.
00:10:39I am just telling you to be careful.
00:10:44With the best of the Alps.
00:10:46In fact...
00:10:49I will come with the sisters, son.
00:10:51No, mother.
00:10:53My parents are not here either.
00:10:55If you come with me, the tribe will be left without a leader.
00:10:59As for the Alps...
00:11:01...the fewer we are, the better.
00:11:07Good, but...
00:11:10...if he keeps this wedding a secret...
00:11:13...he will have taken precautions.
00:11:15I will send you to the fire with my own hands, son.
00:11:23You pray.
00:11:25You pray.
00:11:27I will bring your daughter-in-law safe and sound, I promise you.
00:11:31I hope so.
00:11:33I hope so, son.
00:11:36Take the best of the Alps with you.
00:11:42You choose the Alps.
00:11:45But this is not a matter of our state.
00:11:47It is my personal matter.
00:11:49Let the simple-minded come.
00:11:52We will set off at the first light of the morning.
00:11:54It is up to you, my prince.
00:11:58Now it is your turn, Bay Sungur.
00:12:00A dog named Lukas...
00:12:02...has taken every path to get there.
00:12:04Now tell me.
00:12:06How are we going to get to that wedding?
00:12:10Now, my prince, our path is difficult.
00:12:16...this is...
00:12:19...the shortcut.
00:12:24My mother is right, brother.
00:12:26You will go to the fire.
00:12:28Let's say you kidnapped Ola Fire.
00:12:30How are you going to get out of that hell?
00:12:34Let me...
00:12:37...pull Ola Fire out of there safe and sound.
00:12:41The rest is easy.
00:12:54Commander Lukas sent your wedding dress to Princess Ola Fire.
00:13:08If you wish, try it.
00:13:10If there is anything you want to add...
00:13:13Get out. I want to be alone.
00:13:23Get out.
00:13:59There is no life for me...
00:14:01...other than your soil.
00:14:04I know.
00:14:08If I had taken that amulet...
00:14:10...you would not have left me here.
00:14:16But even if you could not come...
00:14:19...I would not leave you.
00:14:24I will not give up this swamp.
00:14:38I will kill him.
00:14:42I would rather die...
00:14:47...than marry someone else.
00:14:53I would rather die...
00:14:55...than marry someone else.
00:16:53Come on.
00:17:23Come on.
00:17:44I want to meet you tomorrow...
00:17:45...about a very important matter.
00:17:48You will have the opportunity to invite me.
00:17:51I will meet you.
00:17:53Goddess of it
00:18:22Who karakol Sonon G'dayim varalım köprü inşaatını başlarına yakalım
00:18:29Bu kara gecede zemher gibi çökerim üstlerine Bey'im
00:18:36Yardımlarına koşacak kimseler kalmadı Bey'im
00:18:39Tepelerini çökmek için tam vaktidir Bey'im
00:18:43Ama Lukas yarın köprü ile ilgili geri kalan malzemeleri getirecek
00:18:48Onları getirdiği vakit köprü ile birlikte tarumar edeceğiz
00:18:53Bizim yüklerimizi ateşe salmak neymiş
00:18:58Hepsinin bedelini ödeyecek
00:19:17Ayşe Hatun
00:19:19Ben vazifeye giderim
00:19:21Sakın ha ben yokken yaramazlık yapmak yok
00:19:25Sen gidersin de ben kalır mıyım ben de seninle geleceğim
00:19:32E sen gidersen biz akşama ne yiyeceğiz
00:19:37Gülgen Hatun'u önlerim ben Ayşe der o
00:19:49Sen nereden buldun bu hançeri
00:19:55Ben sana bu sandığı açmayacaksın demedim mi
00:19:59Gazinin hep pusatları var benim yok
00:20:01Neredeydim ondan geri mi kalaydım
00:20:05Sen de hep kızarsın
00:20:14Senin dedenin hançeridir he mi o
00:20:16Ondan elletmezsin
00:20:25Süleyman Şah oğlu dedem Sungur Tekin Bey'in hançeridir
00:20:40Ama bizim Kayı sayından olduğumuzu sadece ikimiz bileceğiz
00:20:45Söz dönünce ben sana pusat alacağım
00:20:51Ama şimdi sen de bana bir söz vereceksin
00:20:56Bir daha bu sandığı açmak yok
00:21:00O serinleyin güzel kızım ha
00:21:05Hadi bakalım
00:21:15O kadar çok söz verdirirsin ki neye söz verdiğimi unuturum
00:21:27Yolun açık olsun oğlum
00:21:29Dualarım sizinledir
00:21:31Var olasın ana
00:21:37Orhan Bey
00:21:39Müsaade edersen ben de gelmek isterim
00:21:41Yolların çetinliğini iyi bilirim
00:21:44Var olasın Elif Ağabey
00:21:56Ağabey ben de seninle geleceğim
00:21:58Seni bu vaziyette asla yalnız koymam
00:22:02Bacım sen burada kalasın
00:22:05Ananın sana ihtiyacı var
00:22:24Böyle bir vakitte Gonca Hatun'u yalnız koymak olmaz ha
00:22:28Ağabey ateşe gidersin
00:22:30Şuncacık alpla
00:22:32Orhan Bey
00:22:36İşittim ki sevda ateşini yakmaya gidermişsin
00:22:40Müsaade edersen ben de seninle ateşe atlamaya varım
00:22:44Var olasın Yusuf Bey
00:22:56Haydi atla
00:22:58Haydi Sarıca
00:23:00Sen de git
00:23:04Şimdi Yusuf kendini ateşe atla de
00:23:10Hayrola Sarıca Bey
00:23:12Sende mi gelirsin
00:23:14Şimdi böyle bir vazifem var
00:23:16Sen de git
00:23:27Şimdi böyle bir vazifede seni yalnız koymak
00:23:33Bize yakışmaz Orhan Bey
00:23:37Eyvallah gelesin
00:23:41Sağol ana
00:24:15Haydi yolun açık olsun oğul
00:24:23Eee Bala Hatun
00:24:26Şehzade nereye gider demeyecek misin daha
00:24:31Gelinimi getirmeye gider
00:24:33Hazal Hatun
00:24:51Tez babana haberci çıkar
00:24:53Orhan'ı ateşe yalnız göndermek içime silmez
00:24:55Buyruğundur ana
00:26:04Osman'ın hazinesini kurutacak olan bu köprünün
00:26:06Bir an önce
00:26:08Bitmesini istiyorum
00:26:10Kuruluşa göre olan Türk esirler
00:26:12Bu iş için yaratılmışlar
00:26:16İyice çalışsınlar sonra da gebersinler
00:26:20Onlara da bir ölüme hakkı verdik
00:26:24This bridge will allow the Turks to attack each other.
00:26:33Karasi will win, Osman will attack with ambition.
00:26:46Oh God!
00:26:54Oh God!
00:27:24Oh God!
00:27:40Oh God!
00:27:48Damn it!
00:28:24Bring hell to you!
00:28:29Call for support from the police!
00:28:33Alps, attack!
00:28:55You are generous, Karasi Bey.
00:29:01But I can't accept this gift.
00:29:08What did I tell you when we first met?
00:29:16From Bey to Bey, from Khan to Khan.
00:29:21You deserve the most precious thing in the universe, Begüm Hatun.
00:29:29Okay, don't worry.
00:29:36But let this stay with you.
00:29:42You can wear it whenever you want to cooperate with me.
00:29:55You want this necklace to be the token of your betrayal to Osman Bey.
00:30:01I want it to be the token of your loyalty to Karasi Bey.
00:30:06I won't give it to you with one hand like Osman and take it back with the other.
00:30:16I won't humiliate you in front of the Beys like Osman.
00:30:24Who is Osman?
00:30:27There are thousands of Beys like him in my order.
00:30:34I promise you to be as powerful as Osman.
00:30:44Now I have to go to a ceremony.
00:30:50Excuse me.
00:31:03Be careful.
00:31:33Commander Lukas, the soldiers in the police station were killed.
00:31:36Damn it.
00:31:38Those barbarians will get what they deserve.
00:31:41Arkadius, stop.
00:31:42There are more of them than us.
00:31:44Osman's life will burn a lot, but not now.
00:31:47Then there is a wedding we need to catch up with.
00:31:51Come on.
00:31:53Come on.
00:31:55Come on.
00:31:57Come on.
00:31:59Come on.
00:32:01Come on.
00:32:03Come on.
00:32:15Commander Lukas, run.
00:32:18The Beys are after you.
00:32:20Let them run.
00:32:22He was the first to talk about the poison.
00:32:25So I will spare his life for now.
00:32:29Now he will attack like a dog.
00:32:33It's not that simple.
00:32:34They will want to take revenge on Karesebey.
00:32:37We are in trouble.
00:32:39The fire of sedition is over with this bridge.
00:32:42Let them do what they can.
00:32:47This is the closest place to both sides.
00:32:52That's why...
00:32:55You will put the flying arrows here and across.
00:32:58They won't be able to build a bridge here again.
00:33:00Yes, sir.
00:33:10Come on.
00:33:11Look everywhere.
00:33:30Look everywhere.
00:33:34This is the third time we've met today.
00:33:36Did we catch him?
00:33:37It's a miracle, my prince.
00:33:39Lukas is a dog.
00:33:41He is afraid.
00:33:44But there is no point in being afraid.
00:33:55Let's go.
00:34:00They have besieged the whole forest, my prince.
00:34:03We know, Mr. Sungur.
00:34:05Tell Alfaner.
00:34:07I don't know if it will help us.
00:34:09But the priest who will marry Halife Hatun will come here.
00:34:13With what?
00:34:14How many people, Mr. Sungur?
00:34:16A horse and a car.
00:34:17And a few guards.
00:34:22You keep the road.
00:34:26You go to the front.
00:34:28Let's go.
00:34:30What comes to your mind, my prince?
00:34:38Look, I made it with my own hands.
00:34:40You can't eat anything.
00:34:41At least eat this.
00:34:44I won't eat.
00:34:49He can't eat, of course.
00:34:51He lost his baby because of those infidels.
00:34:55Is it easy?
00:35:00He is a devil.
00:35:02He put the poison in my tent.
00:35:07So he knows us well.
00:35:11The traitors are in us.
00:35:14Who did he come with?
00:35:16Was it the princess or what?
00:35:18Maybe he's in the business.
00:35:20Azal Hatun.
00:35:24There is no fault of our daughter.
00:35:28Control your tongue.
00:35:30Don't make the mistake that Begüm Hatun made.
00:35:38Take it.
00:35:39Azal Hatun.
00:35:40Gonca couldn't eat.
00:35:42You eat.
00:35:45Eat and shut up.
00:35:52It's very nice.
00:35:57Bala Hatun.
00:35:58You said bride.
00:36:00Who is the bride?
00:36:03Let me say, Azal Hatun.
00:36:12The one you call devil,
00:36:14the one you call infidel,
00:36:16the one who put the poison in our tribe,
00:36:20is Hulefira.
00:36:34Let's talk.
00:36:36Not now.
00:36:39Not now, mother.
00:36:41But you should know this.
00:36:44If Hulefira comes,
00:36:46I'll go.
00:36:49I'll go.
00:37:03What are we going to do, Bala?
00:37:06It turns the pain into anger, Ulgen.
00:37:09Keep an eye on her.
00:37:12Hard days are waiting for us.
00:37:30Get ready.
00:37:58Let's go.
00:38:00Let's go.
00:38:04Let's go.
00:38:05Let's go.
00:38:19Let's go.
00:38:20Let's go.
00:38:22Let's go.
00:38:24Let's go.
00:38:27Let's go.
00:38:29Let's go.
00:38:36Peace be upon you.
00:38:40Who are you?
00:38:50Tie up the priest and get ready.
00:38:52We'll set off when we're ready.
00:38:55My prince.
00:38:59I don't mean to be impudent.
00:39:01But how are we going to raid
00:39:03the place where hundreds of soldiers guard?
00:39:07Thank God, we raided.
00:39:09How are we going to get out?
00:39:11If you're afraid, stay back, Saruca.
00:39:14This is not fear.
00:39:15It's a precaution.
00:39:16We're going to sneak in there
00:39:18and get out of there in one piece.
00:39:23How is that possible, my prince?
00:39:26It will be possible, İrbay.
00:39:28It will be possible.
00:39:31Now, gather all the dry grass in the forest.
00:39:34We don't have time.
00:39:35Let's go.
00:39:36Yes, sir.
00:39:46My prince.
00:39:48What are we going to do with the priest?
00:40:16Look at me.
00:40:34Look at me.
00:40:38Look at me.
00:40:44Look at me.
00:40:46Look at me.
00:40:53Soon, you'll be my wife.
00:40:57You'll love this man
00:40:59whom I'll stay with
00:41:01until the end of my life.
00:41:04You'll be a little sad.
00:41:17Commander Lucas.
00:41:18Mr. Karasi is here.
00:41:20Let him in.
00:41:39Mr. Karasi.
00:41:41It's an honor to meet you.
00:41:43Mr. Karasi.
00:41:45It's an honor to meet you.
00:41:47I'm not here for a wedding.
00:41:49I'm here to get information from you.
00:41:53You said it was a trust.
00:41:55You took Osman.
00:41:57You said it was a bridge.
00:41:59Osman destroyed it.
00:42:04what is your account, Lucas?
00:42:13On this road,
00:42:15there is winning
00:42:17and there is losing.
00:42:19Either we stay here
00:42:21and burn
00:42:23or we make a plan together
00:42:25and finish
00:42:30You decide, Mr. Karasi.
00:42:52Who is this man with wings?
00:42:55He is from our army, sir.
00:42:59My brave man.
00:43:01What is this hurry?
00:43:03Sir, Bala Hatun sent me.
00:43:16What happened to my brother, father?
00:43:21is trying to force Olafur to marry.
00:43:25When Orhan heard this,
00:43:27he went closer with a handful of horses.
00:43:33Sarhoca and Yusuf are with me.
00:43:36Well done, my son.
00:43:38He didn't leave our prince alone.
00:43:40He didn't leave our prince alone.
00:43:43But Lucas
00:43:45will come out with an army.
00:43:48If they get Olafur out of there,
00:43:51they can't get out of there without a loss.
00:43:56What are we going to do, Mr. Osman?
00:44:02Of course, we won't leave them alone.
00:44:04We will take them from the hands of the infidels.
00:44:06Come on!
00:44:10Come on!
00:44:40Come on!
00:44:45My prince.
00:44:47The prince is here.
00:44:54When the mayor hears this,
00:44:57it will be very bad.
00:45:04Come on, Bismillah.
00:45:10Come on, Bismillah.
00:45:40Come on!
00:46:00Commander Lucas, the chief is here.
00:46:04The chief is here.
00:46:06Come on, get up.
00:46:10Come on.
00:46:28Let me go.
00:46:29Give me your hand,
00:46:30or I'll hit you and you'll run away.
00:46:41Here comes the holy, dear master.
00:46:54Step forward.
00:46:57Step forward
00:47:00so that your unity
00:47:02is connected to the holy oath.
00:47:05Step forward.
00:47:07Step forward.
00:47:08Step forward.
00:47:16dear father.
00:47:18You honored us.
00:47:26This couple is attached to each other with passion.
00:47:31in front of their father,
00:47:34they will swear an oath.
00:47:37will give them a good future
00:47:40and bless them with noble children.
00:47:59We are ready, father.
00:48:02We can start the ceremony.
00:48:05Let's go.
00:48:23I'm talking to you, father.
00:48:25Please start the ceremony.
00:48:35I'm not here
00:48:38to beg.
00:48:42I'm here to take lives.
00:48:49God damn you!
00:48:50God damn you!
00:48:55God damn you!
00:48:57God damn you!
00:48:59God damn you!
00:49:01God damn you!
00:49:03God damn you!
00:49:38You will never get out of here alive.
00:50:02Catch them, bastards!
00:50:06We are behind you.
00:50:07Get their horses.
00:50:09Kill them both.
00:50:11Come on!
00:50:13I will kill you!
00:50:20How is the situation in Karadin, Begüm Hatun?
00:50:26There is no room for weakness.
00:50:29You know that, right?
00:50:31I increased the measures.
00:50:33I distributed the duties.
00:50:35Everything is under control, Bala Hatun.
00:50:44I will never
00:50:49Osman Bey again.
00:50:52Don't doubt it.
00:50:56we won't forgive you.
00:51:05But you know what?
00:51:09I appreciate
00:51:11your confidence.
00:51:16this is the biggest mistake you made.
00:51:20You were sure
00:51:22that Hazal Hatun was guilty, right?
00:51:31it's time to make up for one more mistake.
00:51:36You will apologize to Hazal Hatun.
00:51:43Ask for everything.
00:51:45But don't ask me for this, Bala Hatun.
00:51:50Will I apologize to Hazal?
00:51:52I don't want anything from you,
00:51:53Begüm Hatun.
00:51:55I give you my word.
00:51:56I give you my word.
00:52:03Are you going to break my promise now?
00:52:19The knights in all the castles
00:52:22will surround the forest
00:52:23as soon as possible.
00:52:54Come on.
00:53:00Orhan, my dear.
00:53:02Orhan, stop.
00:53:18Orhan, stop.
00:53:29Are you okay?
00:53:30I'm fine.
00:53:33You have a wound.
00:53:34You need to cry.
00:53:36It's not important.
00:53:38It's not important, Alifra.
00:53:41I pulled you out of there.
00:53:44No wound can hurt me.
00:53:47If you hadn't come,
00:53:49I would have either killed that cruel woman
00:53:54But I came, Takfur's daughter.
00:53:56I made it.
00:54:06My prince.
00:54:09I don't know how we're going to do this,
00:54:11but what do we do?
00:54:12What do we do to get out of this forest?
00:54:15We'll get out, Mr. Sungur.
00:54:18We'll get out and go to our tribe.
00:54:23We'll set up a grand wedding, God willing.
00:54:31What's this?
00:54:34There's a smoke like a skyscraper.
00:54:43Send a signal to the troops around.
00:54:46They're going to cut us off.
00:54:47They'll surround the whole forest.
00:54:48We're stuck here.
00:54:50We'll get out, Yusuf.
00:54:52We'll find a way out.
00:54:57We'll find our own way.
00:55:01Come on.
00:55:02Everyone to the horses.
00:55:03Everyone to the horses.
00:55:16Spread out.
00:55:17Find Orhan and Oluf.
00:55:19Come on, hurry up.
00:55:33Let's go.
00:55:46Osman Bey is approaching from the north.
00:56:01My Bey.
00:56:02Osman Bey is approaching from the north.
00:56:05So he's coming to save his prince.
00:56:09Let him come.
00:56:14Enmity between us
00:56:17now casts a shadow on our unity.
00:56:25Begum Hatun thinks so, too.
00:56:29Right, Begum Hatun?
00:56:32Of course.
00:56:38First of all,
00:56:39I want you to know that I'm glad
00:56:41that you didn't
00:56:44do such a lowly thing.
00:56:47It's obvious.
00:56:48Your skirts ring the bell of love.
00:56:50Hazal Hatun.
00:56:57I blamed you for being impulsive, Hazal Hatun.
00:57:03Please forgive me.
00:57:06It's not that easy, Bala Hatun.
00:57:09I almost died.
00:57:15Forgiveness is not the expense of every heart.
00:57:18I know that.
00:57:22I also know that
00:57:26Begum Hatun was impulsive.
00:57:29people are surprised.
00:57:32She is aware of her mistake.
00:57:38you deserve to grow up,
00:57:40Hazal Hatun.
00:57:47Okay then, Bala Hatun.
00:57:50Let me grow up.
00:57:53I forgive you.
00:58:03You did the right thing, Hatuns.
00:58:06Now, it's your turn.
00:58:23Begum Hatun,
00:58:24you are so depressed.
00:58:33You want to be the queen of the state.
00:58:37But I will take everything from you, Bala.
00:58:43Your place
00:58:45and your hand.
00:59:03Begum Hatun,
00:59:04you are so depressed.
00:59:05You want to be the queen of the state.
00:59:07But I will take everything from you, Bala.
00:59:09Your place
00:59:11and your hand.
00:59:15My prince,
00:59:16everything is closed.
00:59:18There are too many of them.
00:59:20We can't deal with so many men.
00:59:26Lukas is smart.
00:59:27He works like a devil.
00:59:29More soldiers will come.
00:59:32This way, come on.
00:59:38My prince,
00:59:39I will get them through.
00:59:41You go from here safely.
00:59:43What are you saying, Ilbay?
00:59:44I will get on my horse and go.
00:59:45They will all follow me.
00:59:47You can go safely.
00:59:49I won't let you risk your life alone.
00:59:53My prince,
00:59:54he won't go alone.
00:59:56We will go too.
00:59:58We will go too.
00:59:59We will go too.
01:00:00We will go too.
01:00:01We will go too.
01:00:06Come on, catch them.
01:00:11They are getting closer.
01:00:13My prince,
01:00:15there is no other way.
01:00:17Otherwise, we will all be caught.
01:00:19Don't get into a fight.
01:00:22We will meet at Boz Valley
01:00:23after we get the soldiers through.
01:00:25Come on.
01:00:26Don't worry, my prince.
01:00:28We will come, God willing.
01:00:30Come on.
01:00:33We will meet, God willing.
01:00:47Come on.
01:00:48Come on.
01:00:49Come here, you bastards.
01:00:52They are running away.
01:00:53Catch them.
01:01:08Hurry up.
01:01:09Hurry up.
01:01:10Hurry up.
01:01:27Get up!
01:01:29Get up!
01:01:43Orhan and his life are in danger.
01:01:46They know that we're coming.
01:01:48How could this be possible?
01:01:49Nobody knows that we're coming.
01:01:51So they know.
01:01:52Yes, treachery is done in secret, but it is revealed for sure.
01:01:58We were caught too easily.
01:01:59This is not good at all.
01:02:03Where do the arrows come from?
01:02:04They come from everywhere, sir.
01:02:06There are too many of them.
01:02:14They can't act, sir.
01:02:17They believed that we were a crowd.
01:02:20You will pay for going against your will, Osman.
01:02:33Yes, sir.
01:02:34The archers should move their arrows forward a little.
01:02:37Yes, sir.
01:02:44Sir, we need to get out of their line of sight.
01:02:46Otherwise, we will be lost here.
01:02:50Alpar, we will retreat.
01:02:53This way.
01:02:54Don't split up.
01:02:55Go, Osman. Go.
01:02:58You hurt me.
01:03:01Now, it's your turn.
01:03:03Alpar. Alpar.
01:03:07Come from behind.
01:03:08Alpar, we are in unity.
01:03:10Come on, gather up.
01:03:19Come on.
01:04:09Come on, you go.
01:04:11Come on.
01:04:12No, Orhan.
01:04:13I won't go.
01:04:14Take this.
01:04:17This is our war.
01:04:20Either we fight together...
01:04:22...or we die side by side.
01:04:40Don't be afraid, Afira.
01:04:42We will get out of here.
01:04:44I'm not afraid.
01:04:46Kill them both.
01:05:44Come on.
01:05:50Sir, we are almost out of their line of sight.
01:05:52Come on.
01:05:53I don't know if Osman Sakal's mind is deceived...
01:05:58...but the wolf is his husband.
01:06:01He will never leave his prey.
01:06:42You are like a pack of wolves.
01:06:52We are stuck here.
01:06:53There is no place to go.
01:06:55You are everywhere to the tyrant.
01:06:56I'm sure he will pay for what he did to us.
01:07:00Of course.
