No matter how much pain the dog was in, everyone who passed by continued to ignore him.
①00:00 犬がどれほど酷い痛みに苦しんでも行きかう人々の誰もが彼を無視し続けました
②04:44 犬は恐ろしい痛みに耐えながら薄れゆく意識の中、懸命に誰かの助けを求め力尽きました
We've compiled a list of the most popular animal rescue videos.
①00:00 No matter how much pain the dog was in, everyone who passed by continued to ignore him.
②04:44 As the dog was enduring the terrible pain and losing consciousness, he desperately called for help until he ran out of strength.
An inspiring animal rescue document.
#animal rescue
①00:00 犬がどれほど酷い痛みに苦しんでも行きかう人々の誰もが彼を無視し続けました
②04:44 犬は恐ろしい痛みに耐えながら薄れゆく意識の中、懸命に誰かの助けを求め力尽きました
We've compiled a list of the most popular animal rescue videos.
①00:00 No matter how much pain the dog was in, everyone who passed by continued to ignore him.
②04:44 As the dog was enduring the terrible pain and losing consciousness, he desperately called for help until he ran out of strength.
An inspiring animal rescue document.
#animal rescue