• 2 days ago
A Pinch of Portugal 2024 - New Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Christmas Movies 2024
00:00:08Good morning.
00:00:10Oh, good morning, sweetie.
00:00:11Sleep good?
00:00:13Like a baby.
00:00:14And no bedbugs to report.
00:00:17How long has he been taking out enemy warships?
00:00:19Oh, a good half hour at least.
00:00:25Oh, my. These are sinful.
00:00:27New ingredient.
00:00:29Ricotta cheese.
00:00:30Ricotta? That's a little barefoot, Contessa,
00:00:32if you know.
00:00:33Oh, I finally went through your mom's old cookbooks.
00:00:36And she had this page that was dog-eared,
00:00:38so I guess she was going to cook them for us.
00:00:40So there you go.
00:00:41Cooked with love, just like hers.
00:00:47Oh, Matthew.
00:00:49Don't you have a social studies test today?
00:00:51Yeah, no worries.
00:00:52What does no worries mean?
00:00:53Does that mean you studied for it?
00:00:54Mom, it's not pre-calc.
00:00:56Every grade counts for college.
00:00:58Where's your sister?
00:00:59Um, upstairs.
00:01:00She set a new shower world record this morning.
00:01:04Told us she'd be famous for something one day.
00:01:06Chloe, we're leaving in a few minutes.
00:01:08Did you eat anything for breakfast?
00:01:10Well, grab something on the way out.
00:01:11Do you like this shirt with these pants?
00:01:13You look beautiful.
00:01:14Better than beautiful.
00:01:15But, um, don't put on any more eyeliner.
00:01:18Will you make your bed?
00:01:19I can't tuck the corners your way.
00:01:21Well, my way is the only way,
00:01:22unless you want your bed to be a big lumpy mess.
00:01:24Mom, chill.
00:01:26I'm not in the army anymore.
00:01:29Let's go!
00:01:31Can we go look at dogs after school?
00:01:33What? No.
00:01:34I'm working, and you have homework.
00:01:36You promised that we could get a dog when we left Germany,
00:01:38but you avoid us every time we try to bring it out.
00:01:40I'm not avoiding.
00:01:41It's just a pet is a big responsibility.
00:01:43We will do everything.
00:01:44You don't even have to be involved.
00:01:47Okay, I will put it on the agenda
00:01:48for the next family discussion.
00:01:51Get in. We don't want to be late.
00:02:05Uh, Mr. Alexander?
00:02:09Dr. Hunt is ready for you.
00:02:12Thanks, Melody.
00:02:14Well, your blood work is all within normal range.
00:02:17You have the coronary arteries of a 20-year-old.
00:02:20Well, I just ran the Paris Marathon.
00:02:22My tenth overall.
00:02:23Not that I'm bragging.
00:02:25You're putting the rest of us to shame.
00:02:27Yeah, well, it's not like things are perfect.
00:02:30You know, I turn 61 next week.
00:02:34I'm not superstitious, but that's when my father died.
00:02:38Prostate cancer.
00:02:39I'm sorry.
00:02:41Losing a parent is so hard.
00:02:43Well, if it helps,
00:02:46your PSA is normal,
00:02:48and it has been that way for the last 20 years
00:02:53since you started testing with Dr. Abrams.
00:02:55But a normal level doesn't guarantee
00:02:58that something abnormal is not going on inside me.
00:03:01The MRI will confirm all that.
00:03:03Will you call me as soon as the results come in?
00:03:05Of course. Yes.
00:03:19Hey, I'm, uh, on my way to get a coffee.
00:03:22Want one?
00:03:28Your aura is telling me your mind is someplace else.
00:03:33My aura.
00:03:35Sorry, I guess I am a little bit distracted.
00:03:39My children want a dog.
00:03:42They've been through so much.
00:03:44I just have this feeling that they're going to
00:03:47bury all their pain into an animal
00:03:49and never really express the things that matter.
00:03:52Their kids probably feel overwhelmed
00:03:54at all the changes in their lives.
00:03:56A dog will give them comfort.
00:03:58When they get into a safe zone, though,
00:04:01they'll open up.
00:04:02I'm worried they're never going to open up.
00:04:04They're teenagers.
00:04:08Oh, you're, uh, you're free for a while.
00:04:10Next patient's at 3 p.m.
00:04:20Come on.
00:04:30Hi, buddy.
00:04:43Oh, cute.
00:04:45Oh, thank you. I'm flattered.
00:04:47I was referring to the cats, but I think you knew that.
00:04:52Yin and Yang. Huh?
00:04:54Cats make wonderful pets.
00:04:56They're very independent, hardly any work required.
00:04:59I'm here to find a dog.
00:05:01In theory, anyway.
00:05:04Dog person.
00:05:06I guess.
00:05:08Is that really a thing?
00:05:09Yeah, for sure.
00:05:10Cat owners and dog owners have very different personalities.
00:05:15See, I read this study where cat people tend to be creative thinkers
00:05:19and dog people, on the other hand, they're known to be conventional.
00:05:24See, because I read that dogs and their owners
00:05:27tend to be more outgoing and expressive.
00:05:30Yeah, the study also said that cat people
00:05:32exhibit higher levels of intelligence.
00:05:34Albert Einstein had a dog.
00:05:37Did he?
00:05:40Well, it is just a study.
00:05:41Not a good one.
00:05:42No, you might have a point there.
00:05:44But did you know that it is a fact that cats, like their owners, can be mysterious?
00:05:49Dogs and their owners can be quite clever.
00:05:52Yeah, or just loud.
00:05:54Woof, woof, woof, woof.
00:05:56Okay, see? I rest my case.
00:06:00Okay, well, on that note, I really enjoyed our little chat.
00:06:05It was nice to meet you.
00:06:07Thank you, pleasure was all mine.
00:06:08I'm Jack, by the way.
00:06:10I'm Rachel.
00:06:12Enjoy your cats.
00:06:14Thank you, dog person.
00:06:19Cat people are better. We're better, aren't we?
00:06:28Sorry I'm late.
00:06:30Oh, that's okay. I know you're tight for time.
00:06:33I ordered a hat for us.
00:06:39And before you ask, my cholesterol is fine.
00:06:42Who said anything?
00:06:44You didn't have to. Your eyes betrayed you.
00:06:47Hey, what is that over there?
00:06:51Works every time.
00:06:54Hey, do you talk to the twins?
00:06:56Of course I talk to the twins. Why?
00:06:58Well, adjusting from school in Germany to school here can't be easy, but they never tell me anything important.
00:07:04They're two good kids. I wouldn't worry.
00:07:07Promise me you'll tell me if you hear anything.
00:07:10You want me to rat on them.
00:07:13Yeah, I do.
00:07:30Um, Melody?
00:07:35My afternoon meditation, I find it centering.
00:07:39You should try it.
00:07:40You find me off-centered?
00:07:42No comment.
00:07:44But I can teach you how.
00:07:46Maybe later. In the meantime, I need you to check on Mr. Alexander's MRI results.
00:07:51Done. He's fine. No sign of any abnormal tissue.
00:07:54He will be so relieved. Please let him know.
00:07:57I already tried his cell. No answer. And his office wasn't any help.
00:08:01Oh, okay. Well, keep trying, please.
00:08:04Hey, come on, boy.
00:08:12Excuse me, sir. Are you okay?
00:08:14Not really.
00:08:15I'm a doctor. May I help you?
00:08:16I appreciate that.
00:08:17All right. Tell me what's going on.
00:08:19I've got a sharp pain in my stomach.
00:08:21Left or right side?
00:08:24You have a fever.
00:08:26I recognize the hat. You have a fever.
00:08:29You have a fever.
00:08:31I recognize the hat. You served at Geronimo?
00:08:34Yes, ma'am. Afghanistan. Heaven on Earth.
00:08:37I was there, too. Kandahar. Trauma surgery.
00:08:40I got my leg shot up pretty bad on a raid.
00:08:43You folks saved it.
00:08:46Okay. All right. We're going to get you over to the hospital.
00:08:50See what's going on.
00:08:59Hey. May I?
00:09:01Yeah. Sure.
00:09:08Looks like acute diverticulitis.
00:09:11They'll probably keep you here overnight and run some tests.
00:09:13No, no. I can't do that.
00:09:15Oh, hey. You don't have a choice.
00:09:18I got Mickey.
00:09:20He's got a condom in the back. He can't stay here overnight.
00:09:23Well, I'm sure they can figure something.
00:09:25He's all I got, Doc.
00:09:28What if you took him?
00:09:30What? Took your dog?
00:09:32Oh, please. He'd just be for a night or two.
00:09:35He's adorable. We love him.
00:09:38He's well-trained. He loves people.
00:09:42I suppose...
00:09:44Oh. Thank you.
00:09:47Of course. I'll make sure he's well taken care of.
00:09:51Thank you so much.
00:09:55Hi, Ross. This is Dr. Hunt.
00:09:58Please give me a call when you get this. Thank you.
00:10:04All right.
00:10:06Come here, you. Let's go.
00:10:10Oh, my goodness. Good dog. Let's go.
00:10:14Oh, Mickey. I hope you like teenagers.
00:10:20Sorry I'm so late.
00:10:24Mom, did you notice the dog?
00:10:26This is Mickey. Sit.
00:10:31Cute face.
00:10:33Boy, he's a big one.
00:10:35Don't get excited, everyone. He's not ours.
00:10:39Someone needed my help, so we're fostering him until he can go back to his owner.
00:10:45Consider it a tryout for the future.
00:10:55I have been trying to reach Ross Alexander since yesterday afternoon.
00:10:59I left a couple of messages. No response.
00:11:01He's got a lake house about an hour north.
00:11:04He likes to go up there and fish.
00:11:06But there's probably no cell service.
00:11:08Maybe. But he was pretty anxious for these test results.
00:11:12Well, I'm sure he'll call you back soon.
00:11:15You know what? I'm going to swing by his house on my way to the office.
00:11:19Well, try his home office. He likes to hang out there and work.
00:11:22Okay. See ya.
00:11:43It's Rachel Hunt.
00:11:51Hello? Anybody home?
00:12:21Were you alone when you found the body?
00:12:27Yes. I stopped by because I had some medical information for Mr. Alexander, and he wasn't answering his phone.
00:12:34What information?
00:12:36The DNA of his prostate.
00:12:38He was remarkably healthy for a man his age.
00:12:42You'll be performing a full autopsy.
00:12:44Not without signs of foul play.
00:12:46Heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage from a stroke or aneurysm are the likely causes.
00:12:51The dilated pupils, the tears...
00:12:54Probably reactions to the event that caused the death.
00:12:57Look, sometimes the body just quits and there's nothing anyone can do.
00:13:07I've known since you were five years old when you eat those candies what that means.
00:13:12You're upset. Why don't you take the rest of the day off and rest?
00:13:16I can't. I have a full afternoon scheduled.
00:13:20Where's Mickey?
00:13:22Upstairs asleep.
00:13:24Speaking of, I heard you again last night.
00:13:27I talked to some vets I know. Nightmare sleeplessness, it's not uncommon.
00:13:32You can get some help.
00:13:34Looking backward is a waste of time. Moving forward is the solution.
00:13:37Rachel, you don't always have to be so strong.
00:13:39Oh, but I do.
00:13:42Kids don't need to see me coming apart at the seams.
00:13:46Okay, well, let's put the war aside.
00:13:48What about what just happened? Finding Ross dead?
00:13:51You need time to process the shock of that.
00:13:54Fortunately, death is a big part of my job.
00:13:56Any idea how he died?
00:13:58No. The coroner thinks it was some unknown natural cause.
00:14:02Well, I suppose that does happen.
00:14:04Maybe. But not usually to someone whose doctor just gave them a clean bill of health.
00:14:11And I can't force him to perform an autopsy, so...
00:14:14What do you think an autopsy might find?
00:14:16Well, his arteries were totally clean, making a heart attack unlikely.
00:14:21I would like to rule out a cerebral hemorrhage.
00:14:25Because then I would know it wasn't a natural cause.
00:14:29And I could start looking for the real reason.
00:14:31You need to talk to Jack Quinn.
00:14:33He's the head detective here in town.
00:14:35If something needs to be found, Jack is the cop to do it.
00:14:39Okay, I can't walk into a police station with nothing but speculation.
00:14:44Well, I know when Jack has his lunch every day, so I'm sure I can arrange an informal introduction.
00:14:52Yeah. Yeah, okay.
00:14:57So, the perp's just waltzed in.
00:15:00Yeah, smells like an inside job to me.
00:15:02Okay, run backgrounds on all of the employees. We'll bring them in for interviews.
00:15:05And double-check to see if there's any security cameras in the area.
00:15:09Okay, thanks.
00:15:10You remember me talking about my daughter, the army surgeon?
00:15:13Oh. It's you.
00:15:15Hi, Jack.
00:15:17You two know each other?
00:15:19We met, sort of.
00:15:21Jack is a highly intelligent man who loves cats.
00:15:27Yeah, yeah, that's me. At least the cat part, anyways.
00:15:30Yeah, well, I'll let you two chat.
00:15:32Bye, honey.
00:15:33Bye, Dad.
00:15:34Two coffees, please.
00:15:36This is a coincidence?
00:15:38Yes, it certainly is.
00:15:40Rick mentioned that you're in the military.
00:15:42Served overseas.
00:15:44So, what did you do there?
00:15:46Mostly battlefield surgery, sir.
00:15:49Mostly battlefield surgeries, to start.
00:15:52And then I was assigned to the military forensic team. Thank you.
00:15:56We look into losses that were in any way questionable.
00:16:00We needed to be absolutely certain and be able to prove to the brass and the press who died from what.
00:16:07It was difficult, but essential work.
00:16:10I thought it was important to help in any way that I could.
00:16:13Well, it certainly seems like you did that. And more.
00:16:17About yesterday.
00:16:19I'm really sorry if I came off.
00:16:21No, I'll forgive you on two conditions.
00:16:23Name them.
00:16:24First, promise me you'll never bark in public again.
00:16:29Secondly, help me get an autopsy for Ross Alexander.
00:16:34I was his doctor, and something about his death doesn't sit right with me.
00:16:39Coroner's report already ruled that as natural causes.
00:16:42After the most cursory look-see ever.
00:16:45Autopsies rarely tell us anything new.
00:16:48Other than being very expensive.
00:16:50It's not like combat.
00:16:52In this town, you're not going to find many cases of intentional death.
00:16:55I'm sure that you know your stuff, but I can't call the coroner's office without something more concrete.
00:17:11Well, even for a family member, that would be an unusual request.
00:17:14I just have a terrible feeling I might have missed something.
00:17:17And if I could examine him, that would really put my mind at ease.
00:17:21Well, as long as it stays between the two of us, I don't see what harm a little once-over would do.
00:17:39May I?
00:17:40Of course.
00:17:44If you'll excuse me.
00:17:56Meredith, Leonard, I am so sorry for your loss.
00:18:00This is my brother, Phil.
00:18:02Ross was so respected in the community. His loss is a great tragedy.
00:18:07It's very kind of you to say thank you.
00:18:09I know we came unannounced, but we're hoping we can see him now, if possible.
00:18:13Well, if you'll give me a few minutes, I can prepare him for viewing.
00:18:17I'll check the schedule. Excuse me.
00:18:35Hello. I'm Dr. Rachel Hunt.
00:18:38Yes, you're the doctor that found Ross.
00:18:41Yes, I am. Mrs...?
00:18:43Meredith Alexander. Ross was my brother-in-law.
00:18:46Leonard Alexander. He was my brother, and this is my wife's brother, Phil Lewis.
00:18:52I'm so sorry for your loss.
00:18:55Ross was in excellent health when I saw him. Nothing suggested this outcome.
00:19:00I'd like to know what happened, and as his brother, you can authorize an autopsy.
00:19:06You want permission to cut him open? Are you serious?
00:19:09The coroner's office handles these procedures with great discretion and respect.
00:19:15I appreciate your concern, but I can't let you put our family through that. I'm sorry.
00:19:24I see. I'm so sorry for your loss.
00:19:35Dr. Hunt.
00:19:38What happened back there was very upsetting.
00:19:41I am so sorry. That was not my intention. I'll go apologize.
00:19:44No, don't. The best thing you can do right now is keep your nose out of our family's business.
00:19:52You know, Rach, you are the spitting image of your mom.
00:19:58You think so?
00:19:59Yeah. Especially in that lab coat.
00:20:03You know, I think I might have been her very first patient.
00:20:06Oh, I think that was probably my dad.
00:20:09I'm sure you're right.
00:20:12We're so glad to have you back home, Rachel.
00:20:16And I'm very sorry for your loss.
00:20:19Thank you, Lynn.
00:20:21This has always been home.
00:20:23And Steve and I had planned to come back here after our military careers were over.
00:20:28How are the kids doing?
00:20:29Well, I will feel a lot better once they've settled in.
00:20:33Well, just give it time. With a mother like you, they'll find their way.
00:20:38So, your blood work is excellent.
00:20:43And everything else is well within normal.
00:20:45That's a relief.
00:20:47Our health is everything.
00:20:50I mean, look at poor Ross. I was devastated by his sudden death.
00:20:56It was a shock to all of us.
00:20:58He was such a dear friend.
00:21:00He and his late wife, Katie, they were like family.
00:21:04I just had lunch with him last week. He seemed fine.
00:21:08I mean, he was upset about something that day, but...
00:21:12What do you mean upset?
00:21:14Well, he had to step away from the table to take a call and...
00:21:19I could hear how heated it became.
00:21:23It's almost like he was being threatened.
00:21:25Threatened how?
00:21:26I don't know.
00:21:28I certainly didn't want to ask, but I had never seen Ross so upset.
00:21:34That was the last time I saw him.
00:21:38Your witness sounds pretty vague about what she heard.
00:21:41Detective Quinn...
00:21:44Jack, something is not right with Ross Alexander's death.
00:21:49I had a look at the body. He almost certainly didn't have a heart attack.
00:21:52And the other indicators tell me he didn't die of natural causes.
00:21:56The question is, what happened?
00:21:58Who let you look at the body?
00:22:02The funeral home and the family.
00:22:06Regardless, this is the kind of thing we saw a lot of in Afghanistan.
00:22:10A death would seem like one thing and then turn out to be something else entirely.
00:22:15Rachel, I'm sorry. This isn't Afghanistan.
00:22:17This sort of thing just doesn't happen here.
00:22:19Can you be certain?
00:22:20What are you suggesting?
00:22:22An autopsy.
00:22:25As much as I would love to do that for you, I can't just ask for an autopsy,
00:22:28which is very expensive and invasive based on you having a funny feeling.
00:22:35What I can do is I can look into the phone records and see if there's anything there about the call.
00:22:39And if there is, then we can move in that direction.
00:22:41But if there isn't, we leave it at that.
00:22:43Okay. Fair enough. Thank you, Jack.
00:22:45It sounds a little ghoulish poking around a dead body.
00:22:49I'm sure the family wasn't too pleased.
00:22:54But learning that somebody threatened Ross, that's important.
00:22:57I don't think Jack Quinn was very impressed with me.
00:23:00I'm going to keep poking around.
00:23:02I owe that to Ross.
00:23:04I admire your intention.
00:23:06But nothing can be done about the most important thing.
00:23:10Ross is gone.
00:23:11Nothing can be done.
00:23:14That's what the doctor said when Mom was sick.
00:23:17You know me. I can't rely on others. I need to figure things out for myself.
00:23:22What about that brother-in-law?
00:23:24Didn't he warn you to stay away from the family's business?
00:23:27Made you guys cookies.
00:23:28Thanks, honey.
00:23:29Oh, don't mind if I do.
00:23:31He was just reacting emotionally. The whole family is broken up.
00:23:34I'm sure they would be very grateful if you could help.
00:23:37Wait, what help isn't wanted?
00:23:40Your mom's investigating Mr. Alexander's death. She feels it wasn't natural.
00:23:44I just have suspicions. That's all.
00:23:47Mom, you should go to where he works and ask about enemies.
00:23:50Like, that's what they do in SVU.
00:23:53Special Victims Unit.
00:23:55Smart kid.
00:24:15Rachel, Ross's doctor, right?
00:24:18Avery Smith.
00:24:19Nice to meet you.
00:24:20Pleasure. Please, let's go to my desk.
00:24:22You know, I can't begin to tell you how shaken up we all are here.
00:24:25None of us knew Ross was ill.
00:24:27Well, that's the thing, Mr. Smith. He wasn't. He was very healthy.
00:24:31Please, call me Avery.
00:24:33Avery. Can you think of anyone who may have...
00:24:36Um, well, who may have wanted to harm Ross?
00:24:40No. And you're not going to find that person here.
00:24:43His writers, editors, publishers, everyone who worked for Ross loved him.
00:24:48That seems to be the universal opinion.
00:24:51And yet, you're asking if he had any enemies.
00:24:53Yes. Well, he was threatened in a phone call last week.
00:24:57You know, Ross prided himself on our hard-hitting investigative work.
00:25:01He never pulled any punches when it came to what he was prepared to print.
00:25:04Did he ruffle anyone in particular?
00:25:07Dave Stringer comes to mind. Do you know him?
00:25:11He's a local nursing homeowner accused of corruption.
00:25:14Ross did some of the investigating himself.
00:25:16Wait a second. I remember seeing that name on some papers when I found Ross.
00:25:21So, was there bad blood between Ross and this Stringer guy?
00:25:25Certainly on Stringer's part.
00:25:27You know, I'm pretty sure Ross had a file.
00:25:30He always kept detailed notes on all the stories he was investigating on.
00:25:33Can we see it?
00:25:34Yeah, let me go grab it.
00:25:53Hey girl, how you doing?
00:25:55I'm drowning in homework. I can't believe how much they give us.
00:25:58Well, I've got something that might turn that frown around.
00:26:00Don't that be welcome?
00:26:03A spot just opened up on the cheerleading squad. Interested?
00:26:06I've never even cheered a minute in my life.
00:26:08Like, wouldn't I have to try out or something?
00:26:11We'll teach you a couple moves.
00:26:13Okay, yeah. When do you want to do this?
00:26:16How about now?
00:26:18Oh, well I was just going to go home with my brother.
00:26:21Look who's coming.
00:26:24And if you persist in publishing defamatory articles,
00:26:28I will have no choice but to ruin you professionally and personally.
00:26:33Where did you get this?
00:26:34I met with Avery Smith at the Observer. It was in a file that Ross had.
00:26:38Did you see the articles?
00:26:40Drafts. One of them was on Ross' desk.
00:26:42Huh. Okay.
00:26:44Well, it's a potential motive, but still, there's nothing on means and opportunity and there's still no proof.
00:26:48Proof? Oh, foul.
00:26:50So, no grounds for you to open an investigation?
00:26:53Well, maybe. It's a start.
00:26:55That, combined with a threatening phone call.
00:26:58Yeah, I was going to tell you about that.
00:27:00So, the call was unidentifiable, so it was most likely a burner phone.
00:27:04Certainly raises more questions.
00:27:06You know what would provide some clarity?
00:27:09An autopsy.
00:27:11You don't like to take no for an answer.
00:27:14It's a dog person trait.
00:27:27Um, excuse me.
00:27:29It's family time.
00:27:30I understand and I apologize for the intrusion.
00:27:33I'm with Metro PD and I have a court order to have the body searched.
00:27:36I'm sorry.
00:27:37I'm sorry.
00:27:38I'm sorry.
00:27:39I'm sorry.
00:27:40I'm sorry.
00:27:41I'm sorry.
00:27:42I'm sorry.
00:27:43I understand and I apologize for the intrusion.
00:27:45I'm with Metro PD and I have a court order to have this body transferred for an autopsy.
00:27:50Don't you have any decency?
00:27:52Please, we're doing this for you and your family.
00:27:55This is a terrible time for our family.
00:27:58Can't you just leave us alone?
00:28:01You're only making it worse.
00:28:03I'm telling you, stay out of our business.
00:28:05We'll be in touch.
00:28:13That did not go well.
00:28:20No, it didn't.
00:28:21Listen, I'm going to bring Stringer in, see if I can rattle his cage a bit.
00:28:25So we're on the same team, Detective Quinn.
00:28:28We've always been on the same team.
00:28:30I just didn't want you getting your hopes up until we knew that a homicide actually
00:28:33took place.
00:28:34I'm really hoping the autopsy is going to prove that.
00:28:37All right, I'll drop you off and then I'll call you after the interview, let you know
00:28:41how it goes.
00:28:42Can I be there for it?
00:28:45You know, we generally don't allow-
00:28:48At least let me watch?
00:28:50I have some experience with this.
00:28:53Okay, you can watch, but what you see and what you hear stays there.
00:29:03You and Mr. Alexander enjoyed an extensive correspondence.
00:29:07I didn't enjoy anything about Ross Alexander.
00:29:10We know, Dave.
00:29:11We have the emails.
00:29:12Well, he was trying to ruin me.
00:29:15That angered you?
00:29:17How would you react?
00:29:18Not with the kind of threats that you made.
00:29:21I'll rip your heart out if you continue.
00:29:25It's a figure of speech.
00:29:26Besides, I thought he died of a heart attack.
00:29:29Now, why would you say that, Dave?
00:29:33Because the cause of death hasn't been stated.
00:29:34Do you know something that I don't know?
00:29:37Do you want to tell me, Dave?
00:29:40Why don't we start with where you were the night that Ross Alexander died?
00:29:47I was hoping he'd confess and beg for mercy.
00:29:51The cases are rarely that dramatic.
00:29:53Mostly we build them one piece at a time.
00:29:56Hey, chin up.
00:29:58We're just getting started.
00:29:59Hey there.
00:30:00How are you feeling today?
00:30:02Can you tell them I'm okay to go?
00:30:03Not so fast.
00:30:04I spoke to the doctor in charge, and she said your diverticulitis has improved, but they're
00:30:05not quite ready to discharge you yet.
00:30:06This is where you need to be for now.
00:30:07Do you have a regular doctor?
00:30:10Well, you do now.
00:30:11As soon as you're discharged, I want to see you in my office.
00:30:12We're going to get you better.
00:30:16I'll see you in my office.
00:30:30Hey, David.
00:30:31You got a deal?
00:30:32Yeah, sure.
00:30:33Thanks, Doc.
00:30:34I just can't wait to see Nikki.
00:30:38I miss her.
00:30:40I'm sure he misses you, too.
00:30:42I promise you, he is getting a lot of love and attention.
00:30:47Okay, then.
00:30:50David, you didn't list an address or whether you have a job on your admittance form.
00:31:01I haven't been able to make rent, so they're going to kick me out.
00:31:06I've been looking for work, but I'm having trouble finding a job.
00:31:10Ever worked in a kitchen?
00:31:12Yeah, I learned how to cook in the Marines.
00:31:15They love my cooking.
00:31:16You never tasted a burger until you tasted one of mine.
00:31:20Nikki will tell you.
00:31:22The cafe I go to is looking for some help.
00:31:25I think they'd like you.
00:31:27You think so?
00:31:28I do.
00:31:29I'll speak to them.
00:31:30I'm sure we can work something out if you're okay with that.
00:31:33Oh, yeah.
00:31:40Is that my slipper?
00:31:42Yeah, he found it.
00:31:44I've been looking for that.
00:31:47So, I just heard from Chloe.
00:31:49She's trying out for cheerleaders.
00:31:54I think it's good for her, a chance to make some new friends.
00:31:58I guess.
00:31:59If those are the kind of friends you want.
00:32:05How about you?
00:32:07Are you still thinking of joining the chess club?
00:32:11I think it's good to get involved.
00:32:13I'm just not as confident and outgoing as Chloe is.
00:32:17Honey, not everyone is outgoing, and that is fine.
00:32:23You are so many other things that are special.
00:32:26Okay, Mom.
00:32:27I will give it some thought.
00:32:32Um, Chloe mentioned that you're investigating a patient who died.
00:32:39You think someone may have killed him?
00:32:41Well, I'm not sure, but I do think somebody might have wanted to hurt Mr. Alexander.
00:32:47And I want to figure out who that could be.
00:32:50Qui bono.
00:32:54Who benefits?
00:32:56Who benefits?
00:33:13Mr. Flexner, thank you for seeing me.
00:33:15Of course.
00:33:16Ross Alexander was a dear friend, as well as a client.
00:33:20As you know, I treated him just before his untimely passing.
00:33:25You know, he was one of the smartest businessmen that I'd ever met.
00:33:32Dr. Hunt, I have to ask you.
00:33:34Why exactly is Ross's doctor coming to visit with his accountant and business manager?
00:33:39I was hoping to ask you some questions.
00:33:41Well, I'm not really sure what kind of help I could be.
00:33:44And the police said if they need any more information, they call.
00:33:48I'm wondering who might benefit from his death.
00:33:52Well, I'm sure you can appreciate that I can't really discuss any business that I have with Ross.
00:33:56Of course.
00:33:57Still, I'm hoping there are a few things you can talk about.
00:34:00There's really not much more to say.
00:34:02He ran a chain of very successful newspapers.
00:34:06Solid investments.
00:34:07No debt.
00:34:08Now it's really just a case for the courts.
00:34:10What do you mean?
00:34:11Well, Ross was very superstitious about planning for his inevitable future.
00:34:15He died without a will.
00:34:17And with his wife having passed and no children, I assume that his assets will simply be passed along to his brother.
00:34:25Leonard, that's right. He's next of kin.
00:34:27Does Leonard know this?
00:34:29You know, to be absolutely honest, I don't really think he and Ross ever spoke about it.
00:34:43Dr. Hunt.
00:34:45Hello, Meredith.
00:34:46I was going to call you.
00:34:47I'm glad we bumped into one another.
00:34:49I wanted to apologize for yesterday.
00:34:52How we all acted about the autopsy.
00:34:54It was unfortunate timing.
00:34:56You're doing what you think is best for Ross.
00:34:58And we all respect that.
00:35:00I mean, if there is something really amiss, then we should know.
00:35:04His memory deserves the truth, as do you and his whole family.
00:35:09Thank you so much. We all appreciate that.
00:35:11Of course.
00:35:18Hey, so I just learned something really interesting.
00:35:23What is it?
00:35:24Ross died in test date. He had no will.
00:35:29Yeah, that is surprising, considering his obvious wealth.
00:35:32Only update I have for you is we are still chasing down Stringer's alibi.
00:35:37So a confession and plea for mercy are still in play.
00:35:40The autopsy shows nothing suspicious about Alexander's death.
00:35:44And with no evidence of foul play, this investigation probably isn't going to go that far.
00:35:49I know that's very disappointing.
00:35:51Something feels off, Jack.
00:35:53There's more to it.
00:35:55A healthy man dies for no apparent reason, leaves no will.
00:35:58An angry businessman threatens his life.
00:36:01There are too many unanswered questions.
00:36:03There certainly is a lot to discuss.
00:36:07Perhaps over dinner, if you're up for that.
00:36:10If you're up for that.
00:36:13Yeah, yeah, sure.
00:36:16I know a fantastic Italian place that you might not have discovered.
00:36:20That sounds great.
00:36:25The police brought in Stringer. Of course he denied having anything to do with Ross' death.
00:36:30Does he have an alibi?
00:36:32They're running it down.
00:36:34Avery, Ross didn't die naturally. I am certain of it.
00:36:39But I can't prove it, much less convince the police.
00:36:43So, I did get more on Mr. Stringer.
00:36:51He was arrested two years ago. Assault with a deadly weapon.
00:36:55Apparently he took a tire iron to some poor guy.
00:36:58I mean, he beat him up pretty bad.
00:37:00What happened?
00:37:01Charges were dropped.
00:37:02Let me guess, the victim's memory disappeared?
00:37:04The victim did.
00:37:07Yep, just up and vanished. No forwarding address, nothing.
00:37:10One day he was just gone, police never heard from him again.
00:37:13Does Quinn know this?
00:37:15Avery, if Ross was murdered, is Stringer capable of that?
00:37:19And if not him, then someone else, and why?
00:37:21Do you have another threat he can pull?
00:37:23I don't know. The coroner wasn't very helpful, and neither was Ross' accountant.
00:37:27Ah, just a bump in the road.
00:37:29More like a brick wall. There has to be something more to this.
00:37:33If I gave up every time I hit a dead end, I'd have exactly zero pieces of investigative journalism published.
00:37:38Can you lend me any journalistic expertise?
00:37:44Keep asking questions, Rachel.
00:37:46You never know when the story's about to break wide open.
00:37:52Nothing in the autopsy suggests heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage.
00:37:56Then how do you explain his death?
00:37:58I'm not sure.
00:37:59And I'm okay with that.
00:38:01A toxin in his system would explain the dilated pupils and excess tears.
00:38:06It might.
00:38:07So we ran a standard preliminary analysis looking at a hundred or so compounds like alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines,
00:38:14and some common poisons such as arsenic and strychnine.
00:38:17That's it?
00:38:19I also used our gas chromatograph, which tests for certain metals and subtle compounds.
00:38:24I appreciate your hard work, but that leaves hundreds of other potentially poisonous substances.
00:38:32But I can't test for what I don't know.
00:38:36If you bring me a name, I can try.
00:38:39Short of that, you're out of luck.
00:38:41Okay, I'm going to send you a list of just a few more toxins to test for.
00:38:47I'll be on the lookout for it.
00:38:50Amitin digoxin ricin.
00:38:54Yes, yes, yes.
00:38:55Melody, do me a favor.
00:38:56Will you please call the coroner's office and give her this list of toxins to test for?
00:39:01It's five o'clock.
00:39:02Don't you have a big date to get ready for?
00:39:04It's not a big date.
00:39:05It's a professional dinner.
00:39:08Okay, we can call it that.
00:39:10Either way, you better get going.
00:39:12Will, I just need my keys.
00:39:15Will, I just need my keys.
00:39:18I don't think that I put them in...
00:39:23Are you nervous about tonight?
00:39:25Does it show?
00:39:26Oh boy, does it?
00:39:27Just take a moment, okay?
00:39:29Close your eyes.
00:39:31Take a deep breath.
00:39:35That was good, thank you.
00:39:37I am so proud of you, Chloe.
00:39:40A cheerleader!
00:39:44You'll make a lot of new friends.
00:39:46I guess.
00:39:48They asked me to work on a car wash fundraiser.
00:39:50Ooh, that sounds fun.
00:39:52Maybe you could get Matthew involved.
00:39:54You think Matthew wants to hang out with a bunch of rah-rah girls and jocks?
00:39:58Well, it's tough moving to a new town, you know that.
00:40:02You two need to look out for each other.
00:40:04That's what brothers and sisters do.
00:40:07Okay, I get it.
00:40:10Not bad.
00:40:11What about a black cocktail dress?
00:40:14That seems a little too formal.
00:40:16Like, this is a serious dinner.
00:40:19Maybe something like this?
00:40:21Like, I do this every night?
00:40:23But you don't.
00:40:26I go out with a man every night.
00:40:28In fact, this is the first time since...
00:40:30I know.
00:40:32Since your father.
00:40:34So is this like a real date?
00:40:38I don't know.
00:40:40Well, either way, you'll look beautiful.
00:40:42Did your grandpa pay you to say that?
00:40:44I'll never tell.
00:40:52I'm sorry.
00:40:54It's okay.
00:41:00You know, I really wish we had something to celebrate.
00:41:02Well, you have two new roommates.
00:41:04Yin and yang.
00:41:05Of course. To yin and yang.
00:41:12So how about you, Miss Dog Lover?
00:41:14How's the search going?
00:41:16Well, I'm trying to decide if the kids are ready.
00:41:18It's a big responsibility.
00:41:20We're looking after a friend's dog right now.
00:41:23Well, I wouldn't get too attached.
00:41:26I'm referring to the dog,
00:41:28not the owner.
00:41:30You know, because otherwise
00:41:32I might have competition
00:41:34and I'd have to arrest him.
00:41:36The dog?
00:41:37Yeah, the dog.
00:41:41So how are you dealing with adjusting to life
00:41:43outside of the military?
00:41:45I loved my time in the service.
00:41:47Next to raising two kids,
00:41:49it was the most rewarding experience of my life.
00:41:52But it's an adjustment,
00:41:53especially for the kids.
00:41:55Kids are very resilient.
00:41:57And I'm sure, given time, they'll adapt.
00:41:59Do you have kids?
00:42:01Yeah, they're called detectives.
00:42:05Actually, on that subject,
00:42:08I had my guys look at Stringer's alibi.
00:42:11It doesn't check out, so we're bringing him back in.
00:42:13But the only problem is,
00:42:14we still don't know if there's actually been a murder.
00:42:17Have you heard any news from the coroner's office?
00:42:19Well, I gave her a pretty lengthy list
00:42:21of substances to look for.
00:42:23I've got my fingers crossed.
00:42:25We need a breakthrough, Jack.
00:42:27Investigations take unexpected twists and turns
00:42:29all the time.
00:42:31Is this, um,
00:42:33too much shop talk for you?
00:42:35Believe it or not,
00:42:37I actually find it very endearing.
00:42:42I, um, I should get back.
00:42:46This is Dr. Hunt.
00:42:51Uh, well, he's sitting right here.
00:42:55Okay, thank you very much.
00:42:57Uh, we need to go. That was the coroner's office.
00:43:00I thought you'd want to see this.
00:43:02I found traces of one lethal toxin,
00:43:05Significant amounts were present in Alexander's tissues.
00:43:08Translation, please.
00:43:09Succinylcholine is often used
00:43:11as a paralytic agent in anesthesia.
00:43:13It's also known as the perfect poison
00:43:16because it's nearly impossible to detect.
00:43:18Could this have killed him?
00:43:22Ross Alexander was murdered.
00:43:31So, your instincts were spot on.
00:43:33Must feel good.
00:43:35For a second, yeah.
00:43:37But then I thought about the depravity
00:43:39of what was done to him.
00:43:41Well, we got the how.
00:43:43Now we just need the who.
00:43:45I'm all ears.
00:43:46Okay, so, I did do some digging on Leonard Alexander
00:43:49since he stands to inherit the entire estate.
00:43:52But everyone I spoke to
00:43:55said he and Ross got along great.
00:43:57Unless the potential windfall
00:43:59outweighs any brotherly love.
00:44:01See, that's the thing.
00:44:03By all accounts, Leonard and his wife
00:44:05live a very comfortable life.
00:44:06A house on the beach in Cabo,
00:44:08a pia de terre in New York.
00:44:10So, putting poison and a hypodermic needle in his hand
00:44:13seems like a bit of a long shot.
00:44:15Just one caveat.
00:44:17His business is feast or famine
00:44:19depending on interest rates and home buying.
00:44:22And as of late, the waters have been pretty choppy.
00:44:25He doesn't strike me as a murderer.
00:44:28He did promise Meredith he'd keep her in the loop, right?
00:44:31Okay, so, pay the lovely couple a visit.
00:44:33Tell them about the poison.
00:44:35See how they react in a moment.
00:44:37Seems a little devious.
00:44:40Investigative journalism 101.
00:44:42We're learning, Rachel.
00:44:49Are you sure?
00:44:50There is no other explanation
00:44:52for the succinylcholine in his system.
00:44:54That's horrible.
00:44:56I cannot imagine anyone
00:44:59wanting to do such a thing to Ross.
00:45:01That's what I was hoping to figure out.
00:45:03Who might have a reason to do something like this?
00:45:06A personal beef or a business dispute?
00:45:08As far as I know, he got along with everyone, right?
00:45:12No business dealings that went bad?
00:45:14No, I don't know anything about Ross' business dealings.
00:45:18Is there anything else, Dr. Hunt?
00:45:23Do you know a Dave Stringer?
00:45:27That's the guy that...
00:45:28Oh, the guy who owns the nursing homes.
00:45:30I'm sorry, yes.
00:45:31Yes, I'm aware of him.
00:45:33He sent some very threatening e-mails to Ross.
00:45:36Well, Ross never said anything to us.
00:45:39Do you think it could be him?
00:45:41I don't know.
00:45:42Thank you for your time.
00:45:43I'm sure the police will let you know
00:45:45if they learn anything at all.
00:45:46Thank you, Dr. Hunt, for coming by.
00:45:49I'll pick you up.
00:45:57Hey there.
00:45:58Oh, hey.
00:45:59How's Mickey?
00:46:00He's good.
00:46:01I'm sure he misses you, though.
00:46:03We've been to hell and back together.
00:46:06David, Dr. Stein says you're not taking your medication.
00:46:09You need to do that.
00:46:11You have a number of conditions that need addressing.
00:46:14I guess I just don't see the point.
00:46:16These aren't difficult problems to treat.
00:46:18You don't understand.
00:46:20The past ten years,
00:46:21all I've been doing is treating medical problems.
00:46:24This diverticulitis, it's only the latest.
00:46:27Okay, well, I know about the blood pressure.
00:46:29What else is going on?
00:46:30I've got a metal rod holding my leg together.
00:46:32And every year, it seems, an infection flares up
00:46:36and threats of amputation.
00:46:38Okay, that's got to be tough.
00:46:40Yeah, well, you can see my health seems pointless.
00:46:42David, we both saw a lot worse in that war.
00:46:45Well, I lost my faith to that war.
00:46:48And my health.
00:46:50As far as I can tell, you didn't lose a thing.
00:46:56I lost my husband.
00:47:00His name was Steve.
00:47:02It was a special ops raid combat in Syria.
00:47:06I lost family. I shouldn't have said that.
00:47:09We were all there for a reason.
00:47:16Do you have any family?
00:47:18Anyone who matters to you?
00:47:20Other than Mickey?
00:47:23I've got some nieces and nephews.
00:47:26I see them often enough.
00:47:28I've got my son and daughter.
00:47:30They're what get me through this.
00:47:33I'm betting that your nieces and nephews need you.
00:47:38And I know that Mickey needs you.
00:47:50Hey, Matthew.
00:47:54Just thought I'd be nice and say hi, that's all.
00:47:59Easy, huh?
00:48:01Anyway, you probably know about the car wash that's happening this weekend?
00:48:05Yeah, the cheerleader thing?
00:48:07We could really use the help, so hoping I can count on you.
00:48:12Sure, I guess.
00:48:14Also, there's a party happening afterwards at one of the girls' houses.
00:48:17Thought maybe you'd want to come with me.
00:48:20Yeah, you might meet some people, make some new friends.
00:48:24Yeah, okay.
00:48:33Oh, hey, Jack.
00:48:36I was in the neighborhood, I was just stopping off for some takeout,
00:48:40and I thought I would take the chance that maybe you love Chinese food too?
00:48:44Why are you full of surprises? I do love Chinese food.
00:48:48Well, we did get interrupted, as you recall, on our last dinner.
00:48:52And, you know, we didn't really get a chance to get to know each other.
00:48:55Let's see what you brought.
00:48:57This is delicious.
00:48:59Where did you find this place?
00:49:01I can't divulge that information.
00:49:03They're in the Witness Protection Program.
00:49:08Speaking of divulging, I recall divulging quite a bit the other night at dinner.
00:49:13And yet I know very little about Detective Jack Quinn.
00:49:16Tell me about yourself.
00:49:18I grew up in the Midwest. Dad was a fireman, Mom was a kindergarten teacher.
00:49:23They both retired, they live upstate, I visit them often.
00:49:26As a good son should.
00:49:28And two years ago I moved here to take over the detective division.
00:49:31You know Mrs. Quinn along the way?
00:49:33No. I was close.
00:49:36I was engaged a few years back.
00:49:40And I was involved in a shooting, and after that she decided that a policeman's wife wasn't what she was into.
00:49:47You were shot?
00:49:49A bullet just grazed me, so it doesn't count.
00:49:51If it hits you, it counts.
00:49:54I would know. I've sewn up plenty of bullet wounds in my time.
00:49:59Yeah, I guess you would have.
00:50:07Sorry, I have to take this. Okay.
00:50:13Alright, well then we'll see if he makes bail in the morning.
00:50:17Yeah, on my way.
00:50:20I'm sorry, I have to go.
00:50:21Seems like a theme for us.
00:50:22It's fine.
00:50:23You know that recent robbery that happened at the pharmaceutical warehouse?
00:50:27Guess what was taken?
00:50:29Yeah, and there's more. My team just arrested a local dealer who was holding some of the stolen oxy that was taken at the same time.
00:50:35Is he the one that stole it in the first place?
00:50:37Don't know. He's not talking. He's lawyered up, but if I can get him to start talking, then we're that much closer to finding the killer.
00:50:51Up, up.
00:50:54Ah, more candies. Feeling better?
00:50:57Not really. My mind is racing. I keep wondering what I'm missing.
00:51:02I thought running was supposed to clear your head. That's what you always said.
00:51:05Not today. I can't let this go, Dad. There's this guy, Dave Stringer, who may have a motive.
00:51:13You know, I have some ideas about the murder if you're interested.
00:51:20Well, Ross was a great guy, but how well did we really know him? I mean, I don't know a man who doesn't have some secrets.
00:51:28Care to share yours?
00:51:30Not with you.
00:51:32But isn't digging into Ross' personal life a little…
00:51:36Well, I was thinking creepy.
00:51:38But if you were okay with creepy, where would you start?
00:51:43His laptop, I guess.
00:51:45Oh, the police will have that already.
00:51:48You are angling to be part of our little investigative team.
00:51:53I investigate? No.
00:52:09I haven't said a lot about my husband.
00:52:12Practically nothing.
00:52:16Honestly, it's still pretty raw, even though it's been two years.
00:52:22He wasn't even supposed to be on that mission.
00:52:25He was supposed to be in a supervisory role only, but one of his men got sick and he volunteered.
00:52:32Do you resent his choice?
00:52:34No, because that was Steve. Always the first to jump in the way of danger.
00:52:40Jack Quinn and I had dinner again.
00:52:43That's good, right?
00:52:46I don't know if it's too soon to be dating.
00:52:50I'm afraid how the kids will respond if it goes any further than just dinner.
00:52:57How do you feel?
00:53:05I don't know.
00:53:13Hey, Jack.
00:53:14Rachel, hey. Look, I'm really sorry, but I'm headed to court.
00:53:17That's okay. I just have a quick question. Ross' laptop, was there anything on it that might give us clues?
00:53:21Been through it.
00:53:22Mind if I take a look?
00:53:25Can't hurt, right?
00:53:30Okay, but it can't leave evidence lockup.
00:53:32Okay, thank you.
00:53:33Okay, I have to go.
00:53:42Hey, squadmate. What you doing?
00:53:43Oh, just working on my lit homework.
00:53:45Glad I caught you. Something we need to discuss. Your brother.
00:53:49Matthew? Like, what about him?
00:53:51I saw you put his name on the guest list for the car wash after party.
00:53:54Yeah, you told me to invite people.
00:53:56Yeah, but it's getting kind of full now, so maybe you could take him off?
00:54:00You want me to disinvite him?
00:54:02He's kind of different.
00:54:04He's not different. I mean, like, maybe he's not as social as others.
00:54:09It's just, with so many people coming, we thought maybe you could help us out.
00:54:13Thanks for being a team player, Chloe. Knew I could count on you.
00:54:33He has a son.
00:54:38Avery, I just discovered something huge.
00:54:41Ross had a son.
00:54:44A genetic son, whom he'd only recently come into contact with.
00:54:48His name is Danny Murphy.
00:54:50That's news.
00:54:51And get this. In their last message, they talk about a plantation.
00:54:55Maybe that's your killer.
00:54:57That's exactly what I'm thinking.
00:54:59There was no will, so Danny Murphy is Ross' only offspring.
00:55:04He stands to inherit everything.
00:55:10Danny Murphy's got quite the rap sheet.
00:55:12Long criminal record, a history of armed robbery,
00:55:15and he's got a son.
00:55:17He's got a son.
00:55:19He's got a son.
00:55:21He's got a son.
00:55:23Long criminal record, history of armed robbery, history of drug addiction.
00:55:27So if you could place him at Anderton Medical Supply the other night...
00:55:30That is my working theory.
00:55:32Tracking him down now, we'll see what he has to say.
00:55:37I'm sorry to drop by unannounced.
00:55:39I have some information to share with Leonard.
00:55:42Is he here?
00:55:43Uh, Leonard's on his way back.
00:55:45If you'd like to wait, I can offer you tea.
00:55:47Unfortunately, I don't have much time.
00:55:51Oh. Thank you.
00:56:01something I think you should know.
00:56:05We've learned that Ross had a biological son.
00:56:08A man whom he just met through familyrootsdna.com.
00:56:14Are you serious?
00:56:16His name is Danny Murphy.
00:56:18Ross didn't tell you or Leonard about him?
00:56:20No. No, never.
00:56:23And Leonard would have said something if they discussed it.
00:56:26How is this possible?
00:56:28Apparently, he was involved with a woman decades ago before he met Katie.
00:56:33And they gave Danny up for adoption as a baby.
00:56:36I guess he didn't want anyone to know about this.
00:56:41And this Danny Murphy...
00:56:43Where is he now?
00:56:45He has been in and out of prison and halfway houses and just showed up.
00:56:50They were supposed to meet at a hotel the night that Ross died.
00:56:54What did the police say?
00:56:56They want to talk to him. That's all that I know.
00:56:58You'll let Leonard know that I stopped by?
00:57:01Of course.
00:57:03And you'll let us know if you hear anything else.
00:57:16Hey there. How are you doing?
00:57:19Better. Especially once I get out of here.
00:57:21We are going to make this civilian life work for you, soldier.
00:57:24Thanks, Doc. I'm sure you will.
00:57:28Hey, how's civilian life working for you?
00:57:31So far, so good.
00:57:33I remember what it was like for me back in those early days.
00:57:36Man, it was rough.
00:57:38I was a total fish out of water.
00:57:41I get that.
00:57:42Well, I am going to write prescriptions for your blood pressure and your cholesterol,
00:57:46but I need you to promise me that you will take the meds as directed.
00:57:50I promise.
00:57:52Right. And I want to see you in my office in two weeks for a checkup.
00:57:54We're going to get you well.
00:57:56Okay, Doc.
00:57:57Hey, how's Mickey doing?
00:57:59He's good. Would you excuse me a second?
00:58:01Yeah, yeah, sure.
00:58:04Hey, boy.
00:58:06How y'all good to see you.
00:58:10Thank you so much.
00:58:11My pleasure.
00:58:12I missed you, boy.
00:58:16All right, let's get you out of here.
00:58:17Let's go.
00:58:24Hi, Jack.
00:58:25Hey. So we spoke to Danny Murphy.
00:58:27He's a bit of a slippery character, but he did provide some good advice.
00:58:30We spoke to Danny Murphy. He's a bit of a slippery character, but he did provide us with an alibi for when he was supposed to meet with Alexander.
00:58:36He said his car broke down on the way.
00:58:38You don't believe him?
00:58:39Not sure. We're checking it out.
00:58:41And the night of the robbery at the medical supply?
00:58:43Yeah, same deal. Different alibi.
00:58:45And Stringer's alibi?
00:58:47Nothing checks out with him.
00:58:49So we have asked a judge for a search warrant.
00:58:51Stringer's lying.
00:58:53Please don't let this be a dead end.
00:58:55Just keep the faith.
00:58:57I'll let you know as soon as I do.
00:58:59Okay. Bye.
00:59:29Oh, about that party on Saturday?
00:59:57Yeah, I was gonna ask you about that.
00:59:59What do people wear to those kind of parties?
01:00:02See, it's kind of just, like, not happening.
01:00:06It was cancelled?
01:00:08Sort of, yeah. Yeah.
01:00:10What do you mean, sort of? It was either cancelled or it wasn't.
01:00:13Okay, the party's still on for now.
01:00:15But I just, like, don't think it makes sense for you to come with me.
01:00:19Why not?
01:00:20Well, they already invited too many people, so they had to make some cuts, and...
01:00:24I'm the only one who can't go.
01:00:29It's fine. I get it.
01:00:31You do?
01:00:32Yeah. I mean, you're protecting me.
01:00:35Let's face it, I'm not even on the edge of popular.
01:00:38So I'm not gonna fit in with anyone, and you don't want me to have a bad time.
01:00:42No, it's not that. I just...
01:00:45It's fine. I'll be fine.
01:00:47Good. I'll go to the movies with Grandpa.
01:01:00Hi, Jack.
01:01:01We found Murphy.
01:01:04Not really. He's dead.
01:01:06Happened maybe a couple hours ago.
01:01:25Hey, Rachel.
01:01:28Danny Murphy was found dead last night.
01:01:30Yeah, I heard. The police are refusing to give anyone any quotes.
01:01:34Good job.
01:01:36It's too coincidental.
01:01:38Someone wanted or needed him dead.
01:01:41Who are you thinking?
01:01:42Well, who benefits?
01:01:43The brother of Mr. Stringer?
01:01:45Well, Leonard had the most to gain from Murphy's death.
01:01:48Stringer had motive to kill Ross, but Murphy?
01:01:52Yeah, but is that enough to make either of them the killer?
01:01:55It's just too convenient.
01:01:57Danny Murphy, Ross' only son and heir, suddenly enters the picture and then winds up dead.
01:02:04Yeah, but you did say he had a history of drug addiction, right?
01:02:07What if it's a drug deal gone bad?
01:02:10Well, it's possible.
01:02:13Something's missing. The Alexanders, Stringer, I think they're all lying, Avery. I just can't prove it.
01:02:21Jack's a great detective. I've reported on a lot of his cases. He checks every lead and every clue.
01:02:27If there's something there, Rachel, he's going to find it.
01:02:29Well, he wants me to stay out of it for now. He thinks it's too dangerous.
01:02:34I just can't let it go.
01:02:36Then don't.
01:02:37Well, someone did tell me once that I need to keep asking questions because you never know when a story's going to break wide open.
01:02:44That's some really good advice, Rachel.
01:02:50Meredith mentioned your visit to the office.
01:02:52So you know about Danny Murphy?
01:02:56Unfortunately, he was found dead last night.
01:03:03You don't seem very upset.
01:03:05Forgive me. I never met the man.
01:03:10You're a doctor. I don't understand why you're here.
01:03:14I'm here because I was your brother's doctor, and I'm helping the police look into who benefits from his death.
01:03:20Well, if you're implying that I had anything to do with it or that I had designs on my brother's money, you couldn't be more wrong.
01:03:29I hope that someone finds some answers, though.
01:03:33Thanks again for coming by, Dr. Cutler.
01:03:48Hey, we didn't see you at lunch today, so we wondered if you were happy.
01:03:54Hey, we didn't see you at lunch today, so we wondered if you were hiding from us.
01:03:59No, I just felt like being on my own.
01:04:01I need you to make some posters for the car wash, and I need to review them so we can put them up after last period.
01:04:11I've decided I'm not working on the car wash, Abby.
01:04:15What do you mean?
01:04:16I think I'm going to pass on being on the cheerleading squad too, but thanks for asking me.
01:04:24I'm glad you came in. We need to see you in less than a year next time, understand?
01:04:29All right.
01:04:31Stay warm.
01:04:36Oh, Jack, what are you doing here?
01:04:38My next patient.
01:04:40No, I'm just kidding. I have some interesting information about the pharmaceutical robbery.
01:04:51Okay, so an employee gave the perps a key code.
01:04:54Then faced with a charge of conspiracy, that employee then identified the man that he was working with, Francis O'Rourke.
01:05:00When he was arrested, most of the stolen oxy was found at his apartment.
01:05:03Okay, where does that take us?
01:05:05Well, then it later found out that O'Rourke had previously done time for possession with intent to distribute at Lane's Creek Prison.
01:05:13I'm not making a connection.
01:05:15Guess who O'Rourke's cellmate was at Lane's Creek?
01:05:18Phil Lewis, Meredith Alexander's brother.
01:05:21Did O'Rourke implicate him in the robbery?
01:05:23No, but we're picking him up as we speak. We're going to question him.
01:05:26Can I listen in?
01:05:28What? No, you can't do that.
01:05:30Come on, don't cut me out. This is too important to me.
01:05:39Why did I know that you were going to ask me this?
01:05:41I'm going to take that as a yes.
01:05:49I haven't seen Frankie O'Rourke since Lane's Creek.
01:05:53And I don't know nothing about any drug robbery.
01:05:56You know, I would like to believe you, Phil. I would, but O'Rourke had an accomplice.
01:06:01Not me.
01:06:02They stole more than just the oxycontin. They also took a package of succinylcholine.
01:06:06I don't know what that is.
01:06:07You sure?
01:06:09Yeah, I'm sure.
01:06:10Succinylcholine. It's the drug that was used to kill Ross Alexander.
01:06:17Maybe it wasn't your idea.
01:06:19You don't really strike me as someone who's smart enough to hatch a scheme to poison a man with obscure chemical.
01:06:24And who is smart enough?
01:06:25We'll find out.
01:06:27Whoever it is stands to benefit from Ross' death.
01:06:31So Lewis denied being involved in the robbery or knowing anything about the succinylcholine.
01:06:34Of course he did. Why would you implicate yourself in a murder?
01:06:37O'Rourke's not talking, so now we have no way to connect Lewis to anything.
01:06:40Phil Lewis' cellmate is caught in a robbery where an obscure toxin was stolen, and that obscure toxin was used in a murder.
01:06:46How much more proof do you need?
01:06:48I need more. Everything we have right now is premised on speculation, and the DA's gonna want a motive. Why now?
01:06:53Okay, well, Phil may have thought that if he killed Ross, Leonard would give him some of the money. Or maybe Leonard was involved.
01:07:00Really? A successful businessman has to kill his brother in order to get the inheritance. It doesn't add up.
01:07:07It doesn't add up. And where does Danny Murphy's murder fit in with this? A stringer?
01:07:12Alright, what are you saying?
01:07:14I think we need to keep digging.
01:07:16For the win.
01:07:19No way. You can't beat me with that.
01:07:22G-E-E-K. Geek.
01:07:25That's stupid, and it's not even a real word.
01:07:27Wanna look it up?
01:07:29What are you saying?
01:07:30Alright, well, good game. I have homework.
01:07:34Okay, bye.
01:07:38I saw that look.
01:07:40What look?
01:07:42The look that says you two are keeping a secret from me.
01:07:49No, there's nothing.
01:07:56I know you want to.
01:07:59Okay, fine. I quit the cheerleaders.
01:08:03What? Why?
01:08:04A lot of reasons, but mostly because they were mean to Matthew.
01:08:09Yeah. Like, he can be annoying sometimes, but he's still my brother.
01:08:14Oh, honey.
01:08:17I think that that is a very good reason.
01:08:22Come here.
01:08:27I better go do my homework.
01:08:29Good idea.
01:08:55Thanks for seeing me again.
01:08:57Well, you made it sound like it was important.
01:09:00Yes. As I mentioned on the phone, the police believe that Ross was murdered.
01:09:05Yeah, you know, I still can't believe that that's what's happened.
01:09:08I know.
01:09:10So, did Ross have any business dealings that went sour?
01:09:14Anything that may have caused someone to want to harm him?
01:09:17Nothing that I can think of. He always played it very safe.
01:09:21He never took any kind of risk?
01:09:24In fact, Meredith was the one who had the high risk tolerance, especially when it came to investing.
01:09:30Way too much, if you ask me.
01:09:32And Ross didn't participate in any of that? Anything that may have attracted the wrong kind of people?
01:09:37Never. In fact, I remember one time Meredith came to him and asked him to go in on a crypto investment.
01:09:44And if I recall, she wanted something quick with a high return potential.
01:09:50Huge red flag, if you ask me.
01:09:52And Ross didn't go for it?
01:09:54Nope. No, he wanted to make sure that the venture was legitimate.
01:09:58Of course, once Meredith and Leonard lost all of their principal, there was no way that Ross was going to go in.
01:10:06Is there anything else I should know?
01:10:09Look, they weren't my clients, so I'm not hurting myself by telling you this.
01:10:15Meredith and Leonard came to Ross for a loan after the crypto loss.
01:10:20What kind of loan?
01:10:21A big one.
01:10:22He asked me what I thought. I advised him against it.
01:10:26He never gave him a dime.
01:10:33Avery, it's Rachel.
01:10:36Can you look into the Alexander's finances? Anything that's public record.
01:10:40I heard they may have lost a small fortune investing in crypto.
01:10:44I'll call you later. Bye.
01:11:04It's Quinn. Leave a message.
01:11:06Jack, I'm headed to the parking garage on Franklin and Vine. Call me.
01:12:02It's Rachel.
01:12:53I'm fine. It's just bruises.
01:12:56Did you get a good look at the vehicle?
01:12:58Midsize SUV, four doors, no plates.
01:13:01I'm putting out an APV. I'm also putting a uniform outside of your house.
01:13:04You don't have to do that, Jack.
01:13:06Rachel, you're in danger.
01:13:08I will be fine.
01:13:15Meredith and Leonard are here. We'll continue this conversation.
01:13:18They are?
01:13:20I'm interviewing them and Stringer. He's next.
01:13:22He's sitting outside with his lawyer and he's looking mighty nervous, I might add.
01:13:25Are you sure that you are okay? Because you could've hit your head.
01:13:29I'm fine. I might not know this, but us dog people are blessed with pretty hard heads.
01:13:39I'll call you later.
01:13:46Succinylcholine was used to kill your brother.
01:13:50And that is far from the only coincidence that we have uncovered.
01:13:54We've already established that your brother-in-law is connected to a robbery of the same medication that was used to kill Ross.
01:14:02Then why haven't you arrested my brother?
01:14:05You have no idea about the relationship between me and Ross.
01:14:09Your allegations that I would harm him are insane.
01:14:12I don't know how many times I have to keep saying this. I did not kill my brother.
01:14:18How could I ever do such a thing?
01:14:21Maybe it wasn't your idea.
01:14:24Maybe it was your brother's. After all, he is a convicted felon.
01:14:28My brother served his time. He would never risk going back to prison.
01:14:32Cut of the money from Ross' estate would be quite a payday for an ex-con, wouldn't it?
01:14:36Is this the best you can do, detective?
01:14:38Make up a bunch of uncredited, unsupported allegations.
01:14:43Are we done?
01:14:48For now.
01:15:00He's right. We don't have enough proof to convince a jury.
01:15:03So now what?
01:15:05Still waiting on ballistics for Danny Murphy.
01:15:06Maybe that'll give us something.
01:15:17Mr. Alexander?
01:15:19I don't think killing Ross was your idea.
01:15:21Everything I've heard tells me that you adored him.
01:15:25I shouldn't be talking to you.
01:15:29Come on. We're leaving.
01:15:37I didn't murder anybody.
01:15:39I want to believe you, Dave, but the problem is you're not a very good liar, are you?
01:15:43I'm not lying.
01:15:45I mean, it's not looking good for you.
01:15:47Just those emails that you sent Ross, it kind of makes you look guilty of murder.
01:15:51Sending emails isn't a crime.
01:15:55But, uh, you have bigger problems, Dave.
01:15:58You know that search warrant that we did on you?
01:16:01It turned up some suspicious items.
01:16:03Why do you have syringes at your house, Dave?
01:16:07Hi, Avery.
01:16:09Hey, Rachel. Got a bit of interesting news for you.
01:16:12What's that?
01:16:14You're asking about the Alexander's business dealings.
01:16:18Turns out you're right. They lost a bundle.
01:16:20Mortgaged their house, their assets.
01:16:22My contact at the bank just told me that Meredith came in and tried to borrow an outrageous amount of money to cover their losses, but was turned down.
01:16:29Thanks, Avery.
01:16:31Yeah, I hope it helps.
01:16:33It just might.
01:16:36Qui bona.
01:16:40So I tell you what's going to happen here, Dave.
01:16:43We're going to run some tests.
01:16:45If I find even a trace of succinylcholine at your house, I will be arresting you for murder.
01:17:07It's Quinn. Leave a message.
01:17:10Jack, it's me. I'm at Leonard's. It is not Stringer. Come here when you get this message.
01:17:22I thought I told you to leave us alone.
01:17:24I'm not a very good listener.
01:17:26No, you're not.
01:17:30What the hell is going on? What is she doing here?
01:17:32What was I supposed to do?
01:17:34She knows.
01:17:36She knows what?
01:17:38I put all the pieces together, Leonard.
01:17:40And what pieces did you put together, Dr. Hunt?
01:17:44Meredith, what are you doing? Where did you get that?
01:17:49You lost everything in that crypto bet.
01:17:52So you went to Ross for help.
01:17:55A lot of help.
01:17:57But he turned you down.
01:17:59So you threatened him.
01:18:00You tried to borrow money from Ross?
01:18:02So you devised a plan to kill him and leave no trace of succinylcholine.
01:18:08You sent your brother out to get you some.
01:18:11And everything was working according to plan.
01:18:14Until Danny Murphy inconveniently appeared.
01:18:17And then you took care of him. I'm betting it was with that gun.
01:18:23Shut up, Leonard.
01:18:25And then I became an even bigger inconvenience, so you sent someone to take care of me.
01:18:30Is that just about summing up?
01:18:35One thing's for certain.
01:18:37You know way too damn much for your own good, and that is a very bad thing for you.
01:18:42Meredith, what is she talking about? What are you talking about?
01:18:46We're broke, Leonard!
01:18:49We're broke.
01:18:53And Ross could have helped us, but he didn't.
01:18:56Because he thought he was way too good for us, that we needed to learn something.
01:19:01I had no choice. I...
01:19:05You understand, right? I had no choice.
01:19:08But you killed my brother.
01:19:12Let's go.
01:19:14Meredith, wait.
01:19:19Phil, please! Stop!
01:19:35Put it down!
01:19:40Make a choice, Phil!
01:19:52Get them out of here.
01:19:57Come on.
01:20:09You alright?
01:20:11Yeah, I am now.
01:20:14She did this all for money. Makes no sense.
01:20:18Murder never does.
01:20:20Hey, listen. We really need to thank you.
01:20:22Without you, we never would have known that Ross was even murdered, let alone found as killers.
01:20:27I think that I am done with murder investigations.
01:20:32I'm so sorry that you got wrapped up in all of this.
01:20:35I'm certainly not sorry that I met you.
01:20:38Me too.
01:20:40Why don't you go home to your kids, Rachel? We can take your statement in the morning.
01:21:02Careful, it is hot.
01:21:05Oh, Rick, I've been looking forward to this all week.
01:21:08Rachel tells me that your chicken parm is to die for.
01:21:10It's the best you'll ever have.
01:21:12Well, I hope it lives up to the reputation.
01:21:14Mom, everybody in school is talking about you.
01:21:16Yeah, you're like a local hero. I've got two girls' numbers.
01:21:19Wait, who?
01:21:21I'm going to get that.
01:21:23Who could that be?
01:21:25Who comes to someone's house at six o'clock?
01:21:31A puppy!
01:21:34Mom, is she ours?
01:21:38She is yours, and her name is Riley.
01:21:41Kids, a puppy is a really big responsibility.
01:21:45I need you to promise that you're going to take very good care of her.
01:21:48Of course we will.
01:21:51Okay, here you go. Here is Riley.
01:21:55Oh my gosh, Grandpa, look.
01:21:58She's going to be your best friend forever.
01:22:02And she will always love you.
01:22:05Just like your mom.
01:22:09Jack, thank you for helping.
01:22:11Oh, yeah, the adoption agency was thrilled to find her a new home.
01:22:15She's so cute.
01:22:18Thank you. I'm flattered.
01:22:22I was talking about the puppy, but I think you knew that.
01:22:48It helps to control cholesterol in the body and blood.
01:23:01Nutrition of Red Lentils
01:23:03100 grams of red lentils contain approximately 344 milligrams of calcium.
01:23:09Protein is 5.14 milligrams.
01:23:13Sugar is 4.96 milligrams.
01:23:15Fiber is 0.14 milligrams.
01:23:19Carotene is 11.94 milligrams.
01:23:22Vitamin B2 is 0.13 milligrams.
01:23:25Vitamin C is 42.90 milligrams.
01:23:29Vitamin B2 is 0.13 milligrams.
01:23:33Fertilizer is 1.06 milligrams.
01:23:37Nutrition is 45 kilocalories, etc.
01:23:46Benefits of Red Lentils
01:23:49Red lentils are rich in hemoglobin.
01:23:53Hemoglobin plays an important role in the production of blood.
01:23:58Pregnant women also need blood after 8 months of pregnancy.
01:24:03Then pregnant women should eat red lentils.
01:24:07Because red lentils produce a lot of blood.
01:24:11Benefits of Red Lentils
01:24:14Nutrition of Red Lentils
01:24:17Red lentils are rich in vitamin C, D and vitamin C.
01:24:21Red lentils, which is rich in vitamin C and vitamin D,
01:24:27are healthy for the body and keep healthy.
01:24:31Red lentils are rich in vitamin A, which is also good for the body.
01:24:35Red lentils are rich in vitamin D and vitamin C.
01:24:38It also increases the activity of the retina with the presence of vitamin A.
01:24:44For those who suffer from night blindness, eating red vegetables is the best remedy for them.
