• 2 days ago
James Evans MS has asked the Welsh Government if there any plans for Transport for Wales (TfW) to start operating on the route between Trecastle and Llandovery.

Video from Senedd.tv
00:00Diolch Llywydd, what are the Cabinet Secretary's priorities for public transport in Brecon
00:04and Radnorshire?
00:05Well, Llywbyn Newydd, our transport strategy, sets out our vision and priorities for all
00:11parts of Wales, including Brecon and Radnorshire, and our national transport delivery plan and
00:16the regional transport plans being developed by corporate joint committees will set out
00:20how it will be delivered.
00:23Thank you for your answer, Cabinet Secretary. Many people who live in my part of the world
00:26do feel that there's plenty of investment that goes into the south Wales Valleys, but
00:30actually no investment into my constituency. We've got a major transport link that links
00:36my constituency to Adam Price's constituency, between Treecastle and Llandyfri. That road
00:42does not have any bus service on it whatsoever. That is an actual major tourist link back
00:49and forth between west Wales and mid Wales, and I think it would be beneficial to put
00:53that transport link in place to actually open up different parts of the country so people
00:57don't have to get in their cars and actually get on a bus to travel around the country.
01:02I've asked previous Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers about this, and nothing seems to
01:07be happening. So, now you're in post, and you seem a pragmatic gentleman, will you actually
01:13step up to the plate and deliver this transport link between my constituency and Adam Price's
01:19constituency, because many people are asking for it, and I've got all faith in you, Ken,
01:23that you can deliver it?
01:24Ken Skates AM I can't possibly not help the Member after
01:27his very kind and generous comments. The bus system is broken at the moment, and that's
01:31why we're bringing forward the bus Bill. Operators, they pick off those routes that are commercially
01:37attractive and they leave huge gaps elsewhere, including the gap that the Member has rightly
01:42identified today. Therefore, I will invite Transport for Wales to work with my officials
01:47to look at whether a service could be introduced, perhaps a Trowse service, a Trowse Cymru service,
01:52whether it would be applicable. Of course, we're operating in very, very financially
01:55straitened times, but I will ask for work to be done, and I'll report back to the Member.
