• 2 days ago
Ancient Astronaut Theorist Giorgio A. Tsoukalos talks to The Inside Reel about path, perception, inspiration and passion in regards to the new season of “Ancient Aliens” and the current tour of “Ancient Aliens Live 2024”.


00:00Don't miss out when Ancient Aliens Live lands in a town near you.
00:16The out-of-this-world tour continues with new dates announced through 2024.
00:21Hear from the experts of Ancient Aliens Live and in person.
00:24All of you are on this journey with all of us together.
00:28Get your tickets now at AncientAliensLiveTour.com.
00:31We've talked so much over the years and I always loved your perspective, but also all
00:35the experience and knowledge and just where you've been.
00:39You've been in so many fantastic and unusual places.
00:42Can you talk about how that's expanded over the years, expanded your sort of reach of
00:48knowledge and what that means to you at this point with Ancient Aliens Live?
00:53Well, through the opportunities of the show, I got to go to places that oftentimes you
00:59can only visit with permissions and special access.
01:03And so I understand that what I do is, you know, not many people can do this.
01:08And so, you know, I have to pinch myself often and also say thank you to the audience because
01:15without the viewers, or shall I say the watchers, the show would not still be on the air.
01:21And here we are, you know, almost 15 years later, almost 300 hours worth of television.
01:29And so, you know, none of this would have happened without the viewers.
01:34This is pretty amazing.
01:35I mean, check this out.
01:37If you look at this groove right here, I mean, forget chicken bones.
01:41You simply cannot do this with primitive tools.
01:45And you've got these holes drilled at an equidistant, as if it's some type of a female piece to
01:53a male piece.
01:54So what was it that actually fit into this?
01:58Because one thing to me is crystal clear that this here or any of these pieces, they have
02:05nothing to do with any type of embellishments.
02:08Well, I mean, and they have so many questions.
02:10That's what this is sort of about this, you know, doing it live.
02:13And you talk about the energy you get off of that, but also, you know, because we're
02:18learning more and because we're seeing more and more things are being uncovered, how that
02:22enriches the conversations that you have, both with your viewers and the fans, but also
02:27the people that you go see on location.
02:30I mean, look, Ancient Aliens began as a one-off two-hour special, and nobody at the time predicted
02:37that we would have so many more seasons.
02:40And, you know, we have struck a chord with audiences because the questions, why are we
02:48Where do we come from?
02:49And above all, where are we going?
02:51Are some of the most profound questions of our human existence.
02:56I mean, in my opinion, it's like the ultimate quest to answer these questions.
03:01And, you know, I think that exploring the extraterrestrial question is one of the most
03:07important things we can do because 20 years ago, you know, we were laughed at.
03:13And today people are like, oh, wait a second, maybe they have something there.
03:20I mean, you know, this idea that we're the only intelligent life in the universe, that
03:25to me would be an insult in the face of creation.
03:29I personally think that life is, that the universe is teeming with life.
03:35And we are somewhere there where there's, you know, more primitive societies out there,
03:39there's more advanced societies, and we're somewhere in the middle.
03:42But we are certainly, certainly not alone in the universe.
03:46I mean, this here, these look like technical components, part of a larger, almost industrial
03:53I've got a little paper clip, ordinary paper clip that I've just unfurled to see how deep
04:04they go.
04:05And they actually go equidistant all the way down.
04:10I mean, that is something that cannot be achieved with chicken bones.
04:16Well, I mean, the notion of history and mythology, and we've talked about this, even more recently,
04:21you see all these parallels that go back, you know, and so things that cannot be explained,
04:26but things that can be sort of connected.
04:29Can you talk about that element of connection of history?
04:32About how history informs our future?
04:35Well, if you look at ancient, some of the ancient mythologies and legends or ancient
04:40carvings and paintings, you see some beings that are up in the sky in blue bubbles.
04:47Now, if you have paid attention in the last five years, there are new UFO videos released
04:53by the Navy that show exactly that type of bubble up in the sky.
04:59So are we talking about the same visitors?
05:03And I'm suggesting yes, because I don't think that these ancient astronauts really ever
05:09left because throughout history, they were always referred to by our ancestors as the
05:14watchers, the observers.
05:16So who knows if we've been observed and watched at the entire time of our existence for them
05:24to just see, hey, how are these guys doing down there?
05:27And you know, what direction are they going?
05:29And I think that, you know, we should pay attention to this because they're here.
05:34Now what kind of things are you, there's certain topics on the tour that you guys are going
05:38to be talking about.
05:39Could you talk about that?
05:40Because you know, it all evolves, but it's about that interaction, because obviously
05:45with you guys as the experts, but people there, they want to sort of, they're there to learn,
05:49they're there to be educated on this.
05:52So Ancient Aliens Live is a 90 minute evening program, which it's a state show.
05:58And some of your favorite contributors will be there like myself, David Childress, William
06:02Henry, Nick Pope, Jason Martell.
06:05And we essentially take a thrill ride around the world, exploring ancient Egypt.
06:11We explore Greece, we explore the elongated skulls, we go to Puma Punku, we go to sort
06:16of the smoking guns or some of the smoking guns of the ancient astronaut theory.
06:22And it's a fun night out in the town for the whole family, all your friends.
06:27And you know, it's something that I would encourage anyone to come and experience because
06:31the energy and the passion of our fans is palpable.
06:37Sometimes the walls are shaking and you have to come to see it, to believe it.
06:42Predominantly, we have two types of stone at Puma Punku, and that is red sandstone and
06:50gray andesite.
06:52They have found tools made of copper and of iron and bronze at Puma Punku.
06:59And with those tools, you can absolutely cut the sandstone.
07:05However, you cannot cut the gray andesite blocks with bronze or with copper or with
07:12Can you talk about how the community is built?
07:14Because not just because of technology, but because, you know, we want to know more.
07:19Can you talk about the community of fans of ancient aliens and what you've seen over
07:24the years, but how that's evolved?
07:26Just the fervor.
07:27It's even more palpable than it was in the beginning, you know?
07:31Well, and I completely agree with that because, look, what many people seem to have
07:37forgotten is that Ancient Aliens began as a one-off, two-hour special that aired in
07:432009, and there was no talk of a series.
07:48And then six months later, the phone rings and it's Kevin Burns, the creator of Ancient
07:52Aliens. He's like, buddy, this never happens, but you've been picked up for season one of
07:57Ancient Aliens.
07:58You better promise me you've got more pyramids to talk about.
08:03And I said, Kevin, not only do we have more pyramids to talk about, but a vast array of
08:08other topics that are part of the ancient astronaut theory.
08:12And here we are almost 300 hours in.
08:17And again, if that only happened because of the passion and the loyalty of our fans and
08:25our viewers. So our debt or my heart goes out to them.
08:30What's interesting, too, is that the stone blocks that we find at Puma Punku, the
08:35surface is as if you're touching glass.
08:40It is perfection.
08:42So to me, it's possible that our ancestors figured out a way to vitrify stone, and we
08:51have evidence here of some type of a heat tool.
08:53And my last question, thank you, but your passion is still there.
08:56I can hear it. I can feel it.
08:57You're still so into sort of this journey.
09:00Where does your passion come from?
09:02I mean, that's that's that's the key part of this.
09:05This is the jewel. This is the jewel inside the crystal skull.
09:09Where does that come from for you?
09:11Well, I appreciate that.
09:12But ever since I was little, I had parents that traveled a lot to Greece and their
09:21idea of a fun time was going to ancient sites.
09:25And so they would say, OK, we'll see you in two hours.
09:28So they would go with a guide or something like this.
09:31But they knew that that would be too boring for me or something when I was little.
09:35And so they would just say, OK, meet us here in three hours at the bus.
09:39Go explore yourself.
09:40So I hung out in these ancient sites.
09:43And, you know, to me, archaeology and anthropology, it's my deepest passion.
09:48And, you know, I think there is something there where anyone with an open mind can
09:54see that some of those ancient stories that they today refer to as mythology and
10:00legends are based on some sort of a reality.
10:04There had to have been some sort of a spark of inspiration and that spark of
10:09inspiration, in my opinion, or in the opinion of an ancient astronaut theorist,
10:12is that this didn't begin in a vacuum, but that it began when someone visited
10:18descending from the sky in physical form to impart knowledge.
10:23The reason why I'm so passionate about this is because I'm talking about our
10:28first teachers that came from elsewhere.
10:31And by the way, I'm a huge fan of the teaching profession.
10:34I'm a huge fan of the archaeologists.
10:36So, you know, I pinch myself every day getting to do what I get to do with my colleagues.
