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In this STUDY we explore KINGDOM HEALTH through the lens of God’s Word! Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), and honoring Him through physical and emotional well-being aligns us with His divine plan. From understanding healing to overcoming obstacles like unbelief and unforgiveness, this teaching offers practical, Biblical wisdom for living in divine health. Join us in uncovering God’s promises and embrace His healing power! ...
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1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20 NKJV Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body [a]and in your spirit, which are God’s. Shalom & Amen! #thetruth #WordOfGod #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #faith #hope #life #love #joy #peace #freedom #kingdomculture #spiritualgrowth #revival #success #Amen #kingdomhealth
00:00Hi, Kingdom Health, embracing God's power for wholeness.
00:17In today's study, we'll explore Kingdom Health through the lens of God's word.
00:22Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 6, 19 to 20, and honoring him
00:28through physical and emotional well-being aligns us with his divine plan.
00:33From understanding healing to overcoming obstacles like unbelief and unforgiveness, this teaching,
00:40this study offers practical biblical wisdom for living in divine health.
00:45Join us in uncovering God's promises and embrace his healing power.
00:52Kingdom Health, embracing God's power for wholeness.
00:56Want to know more?
00:58Hang around.
01:01Welcome, welcome to Lions Roar 3.8 Ministries.
01:06Amos 3.8 tells us, the lion has roared who will not hear or fear.
01:11The Lord God has spoken who can but prophesy.
01:15My name is George Magalhaesian.
01:17We are an apostolic ministry with a prophetic teaching edge.
01:21It is our mission, our passion to reignite, equip, and release Christ-like disciples both
01:28locally and globally.
01:30We do that through our itinerant ministry, but as well as providing you with resources
01:33just like this one to help you, to aid you in your God-given calling.
01:38Today, we've got a great topic.
01:40We're going to be speaking about Kingdom Health, bringing us to our main verse today.
01:47Our main verse today comes from the book of 1 Corinthians 6, verses 19 to 20.
01:561 Corinthians 6, verses 19 to 20, and we'll be reading from the Amplified Classic Version.
02:04Do you not know that your body is the temple, the very sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who
02:10lives within you, whom you have received as a gift from God?
02:16You are not your own.
02:17You were brought with a price, purchased with a preciousness, and paid for, made his own.
02:26So then honor God and bring glory to him in your body.
02:33All right.
02:35We've got prophets that are bringing with us today again, which is great.
02:39Before she gets on to the word today, I just want to give you a little introduction of
02:43what we are going to be talking about today.
02:46What we're going to be studying today.
02:48For some of you that are arriving a little late, this is your time to listen.
02:54So in today's study, we're going to be doing or touching on or uncovering, studying Kingdom
03:06We are going to embark on a journey to discover how God's word reveals his desire for our
03:12physical and emotional well-being, complete wholeness.
03:18Our key verse, as we just heard, is 1 Corinthians 6, 19 to 20.
03:231 Corinthians 6, 19 to 20 reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.
03:29When we care for our health, we honor God and align ourselves with his purpose for our
03:36Psalm 103 verses 2 to 3 tells us that the Lord not only forgives our sins, but also
03:44heals our diseases.
03:46So as we explore Kingdom Health, we will uncover some of the whys of not always experiencing
03:52this blessing fully and how to embrace the healing he has promised.
03:59All right, let's pray and get onto it.
04:04Go for it.
04:05All right.
04:06Father, in the name of Jesus, we just want to thank you for this time we're about to
04:11spend together, Lord God.
04:13We thank you for the word that we're going to be learning together, Lord God.
04:18We pray that it's a word that brings forth fruits, Lord God, a word that gives glory
04:22to you, Lord God, and that it will fall on good souls, bearing the fruit, Lord, in Jesus'
04:29All right.
04:30All right.
04:31All right.
04:32So like George was speaking before, today, we're going to embark on a journey to discover
04:38the concept, image, or belief of Kingdom Health through the lens of God's word.
04:45Now our main verse reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.
04:50By honoring our body with our physical well-being and in...
04:55Honor God.
04:56Oh, by honoring God.
04:59By honoring God with our physical well-being and inner well-being, we align ourselves with
05:07his desires for us.
05:10So basically, you know, God want us to be healthy, not just physically.
05:17We will check that out as it goes on.
05:20Not just physically, but also spiritually and emotionally.
05:25A healthy body reflects his intention for our lives, showcasing his goodness and grace.
05:34When we embrace health, we truly celebrate the blessing he has bestowed upon us.
05:39Now Kingdom Health is definitely and totally rooted in God's desire and promises regarding
05:47our well-being, like I said, both physically and emotionally.
05:51As we explore his words, we can uncover insights into why we may not fully experience this blessing.
06:01All right.
06:02So as I said at the beginning, we're talking about Kingdom Health, and I'm just going to
06:06break it down a little bit further so you understand what we are going to be studying today.
06:11So in the next section, which is called Our Study, we will be covering, unraveling, revealing
06:18more specifically the following relevant topics.
06:23First one is what is healing?
06:26What is healing?
06:28And in this main topic, we will briefly contrast the difference between healing and miracle
06:36as subtopics, healing and miracle.
06:40The second one is the right posture for healing.
06:44The right posture for healing.
06:46Number three is why sickness?
06:49And in this main topic, why sickness?
06:52We will reveal some of the most common casualties to sickness and therefore hindrances to healing.
07:00And some of these include, A, unbelief, B, false teachings, C, unforgiveness, D, unconfessed
07:09sin, E, lack of knowledge, F, gluttony, and G, eating disorders.
07:16All right.
07:17And number four, which will be our last main topic we cover today is practical points for
07:23Practical points for healing.
07:24In this main topic, again, we will reveal a few subtopics to consider when seeking healing.
07:31So A will be the initial condition, B, desire for healing, C, instructions and obedience,
07:39D, gradual process, and E, spiritual transformation.
07:43All right, you ready?
07:46Let's get started, right?
07:49So number one, what is healing?
07:51Now the American Heritage Dictionary defines healing as the process of restoring health
07:57and alleviating emotional distress.
08:00Now I'll just put it in one sentence, but it was, as they do in dictionary, they separate
08:07Now today, healing is an increasingly important topic in our lives, impacting us both emotionally
08:14and physically.
08:15We can, I mean, every time you look on social media, you meet someone, the first thing you
08:19hear is, hi, how are you, right?
08:22Because it matters so much.
08:25Fortunately, kingdom health, as revealed in the word of God, offers a powerful solution
08:31for both aspects of our wellbeing.
08:34The living word of God is a healing power.
08:37We need to attain this.
08:39Healing in the word of God can be understood in two distinct ways, as a miracle or as a
08:48Miracle often acts, or wait, miracle often involve acts that go beyond the natural order,
08:56but not every miracle pertains to healing.
09:00We all know that.
09:01Some miracles may involve other divine interventions, while healing typically focuses on restoration
09:09either physically or emotionally.
09:14Let's look at a miracle.
09:18Many of us are familiar with the account of the man who was blind from birth and how Jesus
09:24restored his sight.
09:27This event was a miracle as it transcended the natural order.
09:33Because, see, he was born blind.
09:36It's not something that he could see before and then he got healed.
09:42It's a miracle.
09:43It transcends the natural.
09:45Let's confirm that, right?
09:46Do you want to read the verse?
09:48John 9, verse 1.
09:50In John 9, verse 1 in the Amplified Classic, we read,
09:53As he passed along, he noticed a man blind from his birth.
09:58Now, if you continue the story in John 9, 10 to 11, John 9, 10 to 11, it tells us,
10:04So they said to him, How were your eyes opened?
10:08He replied, The man called Jesus, made mud and smeared it on my eyes and said to me,
10:14Go to Siloam and wash.
10:17So I went and washed and I obtained my sight.
10:20Whereas, as the healing in the next account, Peter heals a lame man by saying,
10:27In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.
10:31Now, the healing restores the man's physical condition, showcasing a direct act of healing
10:37rather a miracle that alters natural order.
10:41Let's confirm that.
10:42Do you want to read it?
10:43Acts 3, 6 to 8 in the Amplified Classic.
10:45Acts 3, 6 to 8 tells us, But Peter said, Silver and gold, money I do not have.
10:51But what I do have, that I give to you in the use of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
10:59Then he took hold of the man's right hand with a firm grip and raised him up.
11:04At once his feet and ankle bones became strong and steady, and leaping forth, he stood and
11:10began to walk, and he went into the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising
11:17So now, now that we've seen the difference between what is healing and miracle, so we
11:22understand, right?
11:24Because there is this misconception saying, you know, oh, do I need healing?
11:29Do I need a miracle right now?
11:31And how does that look?
11:33It's just a small understanding for everyone.
11:35So we know, when you know, you can tackle something.
11:38When you don't know, it's hard to tackle something, right?
11:42Points number two, the right posture for healing.
11:46Is there such a thing?
11:49I believe there is a wonderful way to position ourselves for healing and everything else
11:54when it comes to God.
11:56I mean, we need to be, to have reverence, to have an aura of God when we're approaching
12:04his God Almighty.
12:06Approaching God with the right heart and attitude can make a significant difference in our journey
12:12toward wholeness.
12:14Essentially, the way you perceive God influences how you receive from him, right?
12:21So if you view him as someone you must plead with for healing, you might find yourself
12:29in a cycle of begging because that's all you're going to keep doing because that's how you
12:36see him, right?
12:39It's essential to understand that your healing is already accessible.
12:43Now, of course, what I've just said before doesn't just apply for healing.
12:48How you see God is how you're going to receive the blessing he has set for you, and that
12:53encompasses every area of your life.
12:56That's another subject for itself.
12:58So like I said, it's essential to understand that your healing is already accessible and
13:02ready for you.
13:04It is available to everyone who calls on Jesus' name and is for this moment, it is for now.
13:12It is important to keep in mind that one of the names of the Lord is Jehovah Rapha, which
13:17means I am the Lord, the great physician, the healer.
13:21This name reflects the wonderful and redemptive nature of God.
13:25Thank God for it, right?
13:27Additionally, healing is included in the completed work of Jesus Christ on the cross, just like
13:34our salvation.
13:36Let's confirm that, right?
13:371 Peter 2.24.
13:38If you read 1 Peter 2.24 in the Amplified Classic, he personally bore our sins in his
13:45own body on the tree, as on an altar, and offered himself on it, that we might die,
13:54cease to exist to sin, and live to righteousness.
13:58By his wounds, you have been healed.
14:02So if we understand that this is healing, this is a miracle, this is available to us,
14:10this is the desire of God for us.
14:14So why is there sickness?
14:16That's our number three.
14:17Can you see my finger saying number three?
14:21Number three.
14:22So why sickness?
14:23According to the word of God, there are various reasons why someone may be sick.
14:28At its core, sin is a fundamental cause of sickness.
14:34However, it is important to acknowledge that some individuals may also experience illness
14:40due to a lack of self-discipline in caring for themselves.
14:45This involves not just physical health, but also emotional and social aspects.
14:51Now we will cover some of the casualties of sickness, and therefore hindrances to healing.
14:58A is unbelief.
15:04A lack of faith can obstruct healing.
15:09Believing in God's ability to heal is essential for receiving it.
15:14So unbelief can be a hindrance.
15:16Let's confirm it with the word of God, right?
15:19Matthew 9.22, Matthew 9.22 again in the Amplified Classic, Jesus turned around and seeing her,
15:25he said, take courage, daughter, your faith has made you well.
15:29And at once the woman was restored to health.
15:32See, what is when it is unbelief?
15:35How do you counteract it?
15:37With faith.
15:39Jesus said, well, take courage, your faith has made you well.
15:44B, false teaching.
15:47Does that matter?
15:48Yes, it does.
15:49Acceptance of incorrect teachings about healing can create barriers.
15:55If someone believes that healing is not for today, or that it's contingent upon certain
16:01conditions, they will struggle to receive it.
16:04Again, it comes to a certain point of the way you see God is the way you're going to
16:10Let's confirm that with the word, right?
16:12Colossians 2 verse 8, Colossians 2 verse 8 in the Amplified Classic.
16:16See to it that no one carries you off as spoil or makes you yourselves captive by his so-called
16:24philosophy and intellectualism and vain deceit, idle fancies and plain nonsense.
16:31In human tradition, man's ideas of the material rather than the spiritual world, just crude
16:37notions following the rudimentary and elemental teachings of the universe and disregarding
16:43the teachings of Christ the Messiah.
16:48C, unforgiveness.
16:49Unresolved personal issues such as broken relationships or emotional trauma can hinder
16:59Yes, it can.
17:01Unforgiveness leads to infirmities, and it can be seen in the case of someone who harbors
17:07deep resentment toward others.
17:10This individual might constantly replay the hurtful events in their mind, leading to chronic
17:14stress and anxiety over time.
17:17This emotional turmoil can manifest physically, like, you know, I mean, if you do research
17:22you will see even people who are not Christian would tell you, doctors, they will tell you
17:27that, oh, you know, they must have been stressed out a lot, so they end up getting cancer.
17:32Basically, it's basically offense that translated into cancer.
17:35There's many times that George and I've prayed for people where it's because of certain things
17:43that they haven't let go, that manifested in certain ways physically in their life.
17:49That's what's causing the issue.
17:50And it's a matter of asking what it is to God.
17:53Can you confirm that, babe?
17:54Matthew 5, 23 to 24, Matthew 5, 23 to 24 in the Applified Classics.
18:00So if when you are offering your gift at the altar, you there, remember that your brother
18:05has any grievance against you, leave your gift at the altar and go.
18:10First make peace with your brother, and then come back and present your gift.
18:14Now that's just one verse, there's other verses that tells you that God won't hear you.
18:18That's another story.
18:19D, unconfessed sin, yes, it is not the best thing to have in your life.
18:28Unconfessed sin can hinder one's relationship with God and affect prayer, as well as become
18:33an open door to sickness, a hindrance to obtaining your healings.
18:38Let's confirm that.
18:39Isaiah 59, verse 2, Isaiah 59, verse 2, Amplified Classic, but your inequities have made a separation
18:47between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that you will
18:54not hear.
18:55He will not hear you.
18:57Number E, lack of knowledge, not understanding God's promises regarding healing can prevent
19:05individuals from claiming it.
19:08It's like not knowing what your right is, and then you're standing in court.
19:11I'm sure you guys have heard about the court of heaven and all that, and you're standing
19:15in court.
19:16You've got nothing to say, hey, you can't give me sickness, you can't accuse me, right?
19:22So a true revelation of healing as part of God's will is crucial to manifesting it in
19:28our lives.
19:29Let's confirm it.
19:31Hosea 4, verse 6, Hosea 4, verse 6 in the Amplified Classic, my people are destroyed
19:37for a lack of knowledge, because you, the priestly nation, have rejected knowledge.
19:43I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me, seeing you have forgotten
19:50the law of your God.
19:52I will also forget your children.
19:55That is got a lot into that verse, really a lot.
19:59Number F, gluttony, oh, we all know about those ones, right?
20:03There's a lot of like, mukbang, is that what you call it?
20:06I forgot, where they just sit there with like a big platter of food and eat, anyway, won't
20:12get into it, right, gluttony.
20:15The Bible addresses gluttony by highlighting its negative implication, emphasizing the
20:21importance of moderation and the dangers of excessive eating.
20:25So it's not, wait, we keep going actually, read it.
20:30Philippians 3, verse 19, Philippians 3, verse 19 in the Amplified Classic, they are doomed
20:36and their fate is eternal misery, perdition.
20:39Their God is their stomach, their appetites, their sensuality, and their glory in their
20:44shame, siding with earthly things and being of their party.
20:49And lastly, we have eating disorders.
20:53Now the Bible highlights the importance of taking excellent care of our bodies, reminding
20:58us that we are temples of the Holy Spirit, which is what we have in the main verse today,
21:04While it may not specifically mention eating disorders, its teaching encourages us to honor
21:10and nurture our bodies in a positive and healthy way, as honoring steward of God's temple.
21:16Let's read a verse for that.
21:181 Corinthians 6, 19-20, 1 Corinthians 6, 19-20, do you not know that your body is the temple,
21:24the very sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who lives within you, whom you have received as
21:29a gift from God?
21:31You are not your own.
21:32You were bought with a price, purchased with a preciousness, and paid for by His own.
21:39So then honor God and bring glory to Him in your body.
21:43So even that can be a dishonor when you try to conform to the world and really starving
21:49the temple that God has blessed you with in order to conform to the world.
21:54That in itself will of course cause issues in our body because we all are not, doesn't
22:01have the same constitution.
22:02Anyway, that's, we'll talk about that another time, but let's continue.
22:06Number four, you see number four here, number four, practical points for healing.
22:12See, I know I love to share this in our boost program that we have access to incredible
22:18solutions for all our needs and open book Bible solutions, right?
22:24Now healing is truly a journey that brings us closer to God, fostering faith, obedience,
22:30and personal growth along the way.
22:33And it's all found in this open book solution, the Bible.
22:37The healing of Naaman as described in 2 Kings chapter 5 exemplifies healing as a multifaceted
22:47process involving faith, obedience, and transformation.
22:52The following sub points are just a few of the most common to take into consideration
22:57when seeking healing.
22:59A, the initial condition.
23:02Now we, if you don't know about Naaman, Naaman's a commander of the Syrian army.
23:06He was, I mean, he did very well, well known to his king, suffered from leprosy.
23:13His condition was not only physical, but also a social stigma isolating him from others
23:19because you see in those time, leprosy, if you have leprosy, you can't be around people,
23:26So we can confirm that with a verse from God, right?
23:292 Kings 5 verse 1, 2 Kings 5, 1 Amplified Classic.
23:34Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master,
23:41accepted and acceptable because by him, the Lord had given victory to Syria.
23:46He was also a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper.
23:50Isn't it amazing in this verse itself, it shows you a lot of things that we Christians
23:55sometimes need to understand when it comes to being whole and being one with God.
24:00Just when you look at, he's done all those things and all those victories.
24:04Anyway, I'm going on off topic again.
24:07B, desire for healing.
24:10Hearing about a prophet in Israel who could heal, Naaman sought out Elisha, demonstrating
24:17a willingness to pursue healing.
24:20Here we see the longing and understanding that God is the ultimate source of healing,
24:24while also acknowledging his sovereignty.
24:27Let's confirm that.
24:282 Corinthians, 2 Kings, 2 Kings 5, 3 to 5, 2 Kings 5, 3 to 5 in the Amplified Classic.
24:38She said to her mistress, would that my Lord were with the prophet who is in Samaria, for
24:44he would heal him of his leprosy.
24:47Naaman went in and told his king, thus and thus said the maid from Israel.
24:52And the king of Syria said, go now, and I will send a letter to the king of Israel.
24:57And he departed and took with him 10 talents of silver, 6,000 shekels of gold, and 10 changes
25:03of raiment.
25:05See, instruction and obedience, which is part of the process of it, right?
25:13Elisha instructed Naaman to wash in the Jordan River seven times.
25:18Initially, Naaman resisted, feeling that the rivers of his homeland were superior,
25:25which is said in the word of God, right?
25:27However, after the encouragement of his servants, he obeyed the instruction.
25:33This demonstrates faith accompanied by obedience to God's commands, leading to healing.
25:38Let's confirm that.
25:402 Kings 5, 14, 2 Kings 5, 14 in the Amplified Classic.
25:45He went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, as the man of God had said,
25:50and his flesh was restored like that of a little child, and he was clean.
25:55Hey, he became more useful.
25:59The gradual process, Naaman's healing occurred as he followed through with Elisha's direction.
26:08It wasn't instantaneous.
26:10The act of dipping, you know, seven times symbolized a process of faith and obedience,
26:17culminating in his physical healing.
26:21Here we notice that trust and hope in God's goodness is a key.
26:25Let's confirm that.
26:262 Kings 5, verse 10, 2 Kings 5, verse 10 in the Amplified Classic.
26:31Elisha sent a messenger to him saying, go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your
26:37flesh shall be restored and you shall be clean.
26:40And we know what happens, right?
26:43E, spiritual transformation.
26:46Upon his healing, Naaman acknowledged the God of Israel, illustrating a transformation
26:52that went beyond physical restoration to a spiritual awakening and commitment.
26:57Let's confirm that with a verse, right?
27:002 Kings 5, 15, 2 Kings 5, 15.
27:03Then Naaman returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and stood before him.
27:09He said, behold, now I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel.
27:14So now accept the gift from your servant.
27:20All right.
27:21So in today's study, as you just heard, as we just went through the word of God, we covered
27:27quite a few key points in relation to kingdom health.
27:30The main points covered today, and I'm talking just about the main points, there were subtopics
27:34as well, is number one, what is healing?
27:37We covered number two, the right posture for healing.
27:41Number three, why sickness?
27:43Number four, practical points for healing.
27:47We encourage you, if you haven't listened to this from the beginning, we encourage you
27:52to please go and re-listen and use these, if need be, in your cell groups, home groups,
27:58church, whatever, to help you to fully understand and cement these biblical truths to our Christian
28:09All right.
28:10So finally, in summary of today's study, kingdom health, I would like to emphasize the following
28:15First, embrace the opportunity to seek God's guidance and wisdom through prayer and scripture.
28:21Trust in His sovereignty and goodness, especially during challenging times.
28:26Create a habit of faithful prayers and actively follow God's command.
28:33Open your heart to spiritual healing and restorations through forgiveness and a deeper relationship
28:38with God.
28:39Draw inspiration from biblical examples of healing and miracles to guide your journey.
28:46Then, remember that healing as seen in the Bible is a rich and multifaceted experience.
28:52It encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects and it flourishes through faith, trust,
28:58and obedience to God's Word, while celebrating His sovereignty and goodness.
29:03I would like to finish with this perfect quote by John G. Lake.
29:09This need to be removed from the minds of God's people, the idea that divine healing
29:15is something disassociated or separated from Christ's salvation.
29:22It is not.
29:23Healing is simply the salvation of Jesus Christ having its divine action in a man's body,
29:30the same as it had its divine action in a man's soul.
29:34How perfect is that?
29:38All right.
29:39Let me reinstate or re-say or retell or whatever word you want to use this statement, this
29:48quote from John G. Lake.
29:51And not just for the believers, for unbelievers, for anybody out there or not yet believers,
29:57anyone out there that thinks that the God of Jesus Christ, the God of the Christian
30:01faith, is not real.
30:04He's very real.
30:05And as John G. Lake said, this needs to be removed from the mind, especially the mind
30:10of God's people, the idea that divine healing is something disassociated or separate from
30:19Christ's salvation.
30:20It is not.
30:22Healing is simply the salvation of Jesus Christ having its divine action in a man's body.
30:28And that's talking about wholeness, spirit, soul, and body, the same as it had its divine
30:33action in a man's soul.
30:36What has that got to do with me?
30:38Well, the God of the Christian faith is God.
30:42And there is only one way, one truth in my life, and that is through Jesus Christ.
30:46You're not here by accident.
30:48This is a divine appointment, as 1 John 5, 4-5 tells us, for whatever is born of God
30:54overcomes the world.
30:55And this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith.
30:59Again, I want to ask you, if this is your second time, third time, or if this is your
31:03first time, where are you putting your faith?
31:06Is it in money?
31:07Is it in vanity?
31:09Is it in gurus?
31:10Is it in whatever the so-called experts out there in the world, where are you putting
31:15your faith?
31:17Who is he who overcomes the world?
31:19He will not be here if he did not realize there's something missing in your life.
31:24And you were not created for mediocrity.
31:26You were not created for just this world, enjoy this world, and then just go off into
31:31some soup heaven or whatever you want to call it.
31:35It doesn't work like that.
31:37You know there's a bigger purpose for your life.
31:39So how do you overcome the world?
31:41How do you overcome the things of the world, the struggles, the lack of money, health,
31:47all those things?
31:48Well, the Word of God goes on to say, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
31:54You put your faith in Jesus Christ and the work, finished work, that he finished on the
32:01The Word of God goes on to tell us, John 3, 16 to 17, tells us very clearly that for God
32:07so loved the world, so God does love you, even if you don't love him, he still loves
32:14God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him
32:19should not perish, but have everlasting life.
32:22For God did not send his Son, talking about Jesus Christ, into the world to condemn the
32:28world, but that the world through him might be saved.
32:33John 1, John 1, 9 tells us very clearly where to start.
32:37If we confess our sins, he is faithful, and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse
32:43us from all unrighteousness.
32:45It's very, very simple.
32:49That word sin, in its most simple definition, is when we try to live our lives without God.
32:55You were created by a loving, all sovereign, all powerful God that loves you so much that
33:01he created you, the only creation in all of the universe, he created you in his image.
33:09That's how much he loves you, and you are unique.
33:11We all know, even through science and things we've learned through school, that each and
33:15every single one of us has one unique figure print.
33:18Nobody has a copy of anything else.
33:20We're all unique, and that was, and has to be, through a divine, creative miracle, and
33:29that's through Christ Jesus.
33:31That is through the Lord himself.
33:33What do I have to do, George?
33:34Very simple.
33:35Look at the screen and you'll see Romans 10, 9 to 10, tells us that if you confess with
33:40your mouth, just like I'm speaking to you out loud right now, confess with your mouth
33:45the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will
33:49be saved.
33:50For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto
33:56You speak out loud, you invite the Lord Jesus to become your Lord and Savior.
34:01You ask him, Lord, I need you.
34:04In your own, you have to mean it.
34:06The matter of the heart's the heart of the matter.
34:09You invite him to come and be your Lord, and then you choose to believe that God raised
34:13him from the dead in your place.
34:16On that cross, the cross that he took upon himself, that he died on, that should have
34:20been us, but he took it in our place.
34:24So you put your faith in what he did, and you will be saved from the moment you do that.
34:29Then Titus 3 verse 5, Ephesians 2 verse 8 and Acts 1 verse 8, amongst many others, goes
34:35on to say, then he saves us by grace, through faith, the faith part being your part, you
34:41choose to put your faith in him, the gift of God washing away our sins and giving us
34:46the new joy of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
34:49And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses
34:53telling people about me everywhere.
34:55That's called the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire.
35:00We're going to be doing that.
35:01We're going to be praying right now together for the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire, because
35:05we all need it as believers.
35:06We need it.
35:07We don't just need salvation.
35:10Salvation itself is super important, absolutely, eternally important, but we're still here
35:14on earth.
35:15Otherwise God will get us saved and get us straight to heaven.
35:18We're here on earth with a major purpose.
35:21We are God's ambassadors.
35:23We are Christ's ambassadors, kings and priests, living epistles, soldiers of the kingdom of
35:28We are the light of the world and salt of the earth, as his word says, and in order
35:31to do those things, in order to fulfill the calling that God has on our lives and efficiently
35:37be those things, we need to put our faith in Holy Spirit, who's going to come and live
35:42inside of us when we invite him through the baptism of Holy Spirit, and we need to live
35:48and walk with him.
35:51We require spiritual gifts in order to do that.
35:54We really do.
35:55So we're going to invite him, and he's going to come bearing those gifts, and he's going
35:58to use them, and he's going to comfort you, and he's going to correct you, and he's going
36:02to love you, and he's going to protect you and all those things.
36:07Let's do it together.
36:08Lord, I thank you right now for the privilege of praying with our brothers and sisters throughout
36:11the world, those that are listening, those that are watching us right now.
36:14We do this in prayer, in unity, in the mighty name of Jesus.
36:18We are hungry and thirsty, Lord, for righteousness.
36:21As your word says, those that are hungry and thirsty for righteousness shall be filled.
36:25You are our righteousness, but we are hungry for the spiritual things, for the joy of your
36:32indwelling Holy Spirit.
36:34So now we invite your Holy Spirit, baptize us fresh with a fresh fire, revival fire,
36:42Ignite a fire in us and through us that the world will watch us burn for you, that the
36:46world will be excited and come to you and see a fire that cannot be quenched, for our
36:53God is a consuming fire.
36:55Right now we say, come Lord, set us on fire in Jesus' mighty name, amen.
37:04And amen.
37:05Glory to God.
37:09Welcome back to the Kingdom family.
37:13Heaven is rejoicing over you right now.
37:15I encourage you, we encourage you to please get connected with a Bible teaching Holy Spirit
37:20filled church.
37:21You need the body of Christ around you.
37:23It's not the people that are perfect, it's God, it's Christ Jesus.
37:27He's your stand up.
37:28He's the hope of glory in us, amen.
37:30But you do need to get connected, it's very important in the world that we are living.
37:35If you can't do that in person, get connected online.
37:37There's many online churches now out there, I understand because of the way the world
37:43is going, but get connected with a Bible teaching, Holy Spirit filled Kingdom family,
37:52All right.
37:53This brings us to our second part of the program, which is called The Collective, where we spend
37:56time with those that are watching, those that are listening, and we pray, we prophesy, whatever
38:00Holy Spirit leads us to do.
38:02If you have specific prayer requests, we always encourage you, please start writing them in
38:07advance in the Facebook live chat section so we can get onto them.
38:11And if this is your first time, if you're watching for the first time, drop us a line,
38:14let us know where you're from, what country you're from.
38:18It's always encouraging and exciting for us, inspiring as well to know that there's brothers
38:22and sisters out there, there's people out there being touched by the living Word of
38:26God, by His presence, by His glory, amen.
38:29All right.
38:30This brings us to The Collective.