Coronation Street 16th October 2024

  • 4 hours ago
Coronation Street 16th October 2024


00:00This might be the last time we get the bus together.
00:25We'll still see each other at school.
00:27They won't be the same.
00:29Well, your new flat looks nice in the pictures.
00:32It is, I suppose, but my bedroom window will be facing Weddie County Stadium.
00:37And you don't like football?
00:38No, it's not that.
00:39It's just when a game's on, the floodlights will create so much light pollution, the telescope
00:43will be useless.
00:44When do you move?
00:45I don't know.
00:46I'm still waiting to find out if we get it.
00:47I hope we don't.
00:51Because of the light pollution?
00:54That's every two weeks during the football season.
00:56What you getting at?
01:00You don't want your dad and Leanne to split up, do you?
01:05Old people are always splitting up and getting back together.
01:08You think?
01:10My mum and dad have done it a couple of times.
01:11To get them back together, you just need to give them a push.
01:12Set them up on a date.
01:13I'm not sure.
01:14Mr. Tillsley?
01:15Oh, uh, hey, guys.
01:16Sam wanted to ask you something.
01:17All right, yeah.
01:18What's up?
01:19Um, have you got any plans tonight?
01:21Do you want to do something?
01:22Do you want to maybe come over and watch a film?
01:23Oh, mate, look, I'd love to spend some time with you, but I don't know.
01:24Well, Leanne's going home.
01:25She said I could have a friend over.
01:26I don't think Leanne had me in mind.
01:27Why don't we just go to the cinema or something like that?
01:28Look, please.
01:29I just want to make one last memory with you and a friend.
01:30Oh, yeah.
01:48I've got one last memory with you and a flower.
01:51Yeah, uh...
01:52All right, mate.
01:53I'm looking forward to it.
02:05Trying to make your hair go curly.
02:09Oh, my aunt says that's what happens
02:11when you eat the crusts.
02:13Oh, I've just, um...
02:15I didn't have breakfast, so...
02:18Do you want my toast?
02:21Are you sure?
02:22I'm not really hungry.
02:23I heard you got a new place.
02:24Are you settled in?
02:26Yeah, no, I'm getting there.
02:27Can I come and see it sometime?
02:28Erm, once I'm properly un-boxed.
02:30I'll hold you to it.
02:31Oh, you said you were going straight to college.
02:33Got to get my caffeine fix.
02:35Er, OK.
02:36Right, well, I'll see you in a bit.
02:51OK, right, well, I'm, I'd better get off.
02:52But thank you.
02:54Is that why you left early, so you could meet up with Mason Radcliffe?
02:58Oh, Mother, he just walked in.
03:01Not everything is like summer off the train.
03:05Please don't tell me you're going after him.
03:07I am going to college, like he wanted.
03:12And, er, remember you've got a shift at the factory later.
03:18And I thought Carla was a micromanager.
03:33What's the latest?
03:34Can't we have just put a bid in for an Altrincham goalkeeper?
03:37Don't be cute.
03:39You mean my case?
03:40The one that you're not assigned to?
03:43You know I'd tell you, but I'm parched.
03:46I think my vocal cords can handle it.
03:48That coffee?
03:49No sugar?
03:51Oh, and an egg balm while you're at it, love.
03:59Get a shift on, you lot.
04:01You're going to make me late for work.
04:03Ches, do we know anyone who skis?
04:05Oh, yeah.
04:06Ty and Kevin ever off the slopes.
04:08And Greg?
04:09He nearly made the Winter Olympics.
04:11Don't take the mick, right?
04:13I was hoping we could borrow some gear.
04:16If we can't, I don't see how we can send Joseph on this ski trip.
04:18Look, only, it's nearly 100 quid.
04:20Why not just hire one?
04:22No, even then we can't afford it.
04:25And that won't stop him breaking his leg.
04:27Do you know the nearest hospital's 40 minutes away?
04:29What, in a helicopter?
04:31He's not going in a helicopter.
04:35Maybe he shouldn't go.
04:39Well, is he that important?
04:41It's not like we can afford to send him every year.
04:44Do you think he's looking forward to it? All his mates are going.
04:46I just don't think a school trip is what we need right now.
04:50Just cos we lost Paul doesn't mean we can spend our lives being scared we're going to lose someone else.
04:55He'll be fine.
04:56Oh, finally, won't he?
04:57Are the quads ready?
04:58I don't.
04:59All right.
05:00Try not to worry.
05:02Come on, you lot!
05:06Yeah, Ty.
05:12Only me?
05:14There is a doorbell, you know.
05:16Well, your mum did say that I could come and go as I please.
05:21Are you not at work?
05:23No, day off.
05:26What are you up to?
05:28I'm trying to work out a way I can buy this place off Gail.
05:31Where is she, by the way? She's not answering my calls.
05:34She's at mine.
05:36Oak Hill Mansions?
05:38It's not a mansion.
05:39It's her flat.
05:41Right, well,
05:42just as long as she doesn't do old daft.
05:44Like what?
05:45Well, she's promised that she'll hang fire until I can make her an offer,
05:48but I just need to move a bit of money about first.
05:51Well, I could take a look.
05:53I'm fine.
05:55But if I need help throwing custard pies, I'll come to you.
06:00Well, I'm good with numbers.
06:01Just because my mum gave you the keys to her biscuit tin doesn't mean I'm gonna...
06:05Don't be like that.
06:06Is there something you wanted, Jesse?
06:08Well, yes.
06:10Your mum needs a pack-o-man.
06:11Have you any idea where it is?
06:14If it'll be anywhere, it'll be in here.
06:18What's up?
06:20Was the mansion sprung a leak?
06:22Er, no, I've told you.
06:23It's a flat, not a mansion.
06:25No, I'm actually taking her to Whitby.
06:28Bracula country.
06:32Well, to be romantic.
06:35I'm gonna take her up the, er...
06:37Up the abbey steps.
06:41Well, you'll need protection, then, won't you?
06:44From the weather.
06:50It was OK, but next time, ask for a runny one.
06:54What did the post-mortem say?
06:56Oh, that.
06:57Yeah, you're right.
06:58He's dead.
06:59You're a child.
07:01Cause of death?
07:03It was whacked on the head.
07:04Any idea on the weapon?
07:07So, what's the latest?
07:10I'm not used to it.
07:12It's obvious you're turning out.
07:14Talking about a job.
07:15And what's that got to do with you?
07:17It affects a lot of people around here.
07:19Especially my niece.
07:22OK, so here's what you need to do.
07:24You need to apply for police college,
07:26do your time,
07:27and when you become a constable,
07:28ask to be put on my team.
07:30Then I'll fill you in.
07:35Something well heavy.
07:37Whoever broke into his flat
07:38and used a crowbar or something similar.
07:41So until we get a better lead,
07:42that's the thing we're looking for.
07:44A crowbar?
07:46Have you thought about dredging the river?
07:49Do you think I got this job in a raffle?
07:51No, I just want to make sure you've got everything covered.
07:54What should I do?
07:55I don't know.
07:56I've got a job.
07:57I've got a job.
07:58I've got a job.
07:59I've got a job.
08:01Is everything covered?
08:02Well, shouldn't you be working
08:03in your own cases?
08:04I am,
08:05but I'm invested in this one.
08:08If anything,
08:09you should be coming to me for assistance.
08:12You're a control freak!
08:16I am not.
08:17You are.
08:18That's why you're so bent
08:19out of shape with your daughter too.
08:21You can't stop her talking
08:22to whoever she wants
08:23and you hate it.
08:26That lad's trouble.
08:28I knew there was
08:29something heating you.
08:30So why don't you go and handle your daughter's love life and leave catchy murderers to me?
08:47Hi Lauren, how are you today?
08:50Yeah, I'm good. Thanks. Great. Well, I have some good news
08:55Frankie's recoveries on track
08:58Really in fact, I think we might be looking at discharging and all being well
09:03You'll be able to take him with you to the foster home in November
09:08That's it. Well, you'll have a few weeks to prepare then finally you two will be able to get on with your lives
09:26You made me lose count now does nobody ring the bell anymore
09:30Ridiculous you doing?
09:32Linda a juggle. What's it look like? What do you want? Oh mom said she's gonna put some magazines aside for better
09:37Yeah, they're on the table
09:41Have any idea when she's getting out yet. Well soon hopefully
09:46Good give me the creeps or spills. Listen, what do you make a Jesse?
09:53Not a lot. It was in before picking up Dracula's cape
09:58Never mind. What's that noise?
10:00Do you not think he's just a little bit weird him and Gail are going at Whitby freezing the cockles. So
10:08Obviously, he's not in his right mind. I
10:11Was he afford in this place, you know kill
10:16You are joking
10:23What do you think you're doing is that a trick question
10:29There you go, enjoy
10:35Hi there
10:37Detective Swain everything. Okay. Yeah, so my friend did an order for the station one bargy platter once most platter
10:43It's one of the sergeant's birthdays. Yes. Yes. It's nearly ready to grab a seat
10:49You know Mason Radcliffe quite well, don't you I should I should hope so he worked here and
10:55He lived in my home
10:58until recently
10:59What made you take him in?
11:01well, we found out that he was sleeping here and
11:05Stu persuaded me he'd be better off under our roof
11:08What do you make of him really? Oh, well, he's he's had his troubles
11:15That's for sure. Do you think he'll get over them?
11:18Yeah, if he can escape the influence of his brothers
11:23Same old story. Let me let me get your order
11:26But you said until recently
11:28Why did Mason move out of your house?
11:32Those brothers again. I'm pretty sure
11:35Those brothers again, I'm pretty sure
11:38One of them smashed my window and they were trying to persuade Mason to do a burglary
11:47Stu found a
11:51Crowbar in his bag
12:13Mean if they don't want peace asking questions, why are they sitting in a cafe?
12:19Talking about I don't know. Yeah
12:23Honestly, I just I don't think about any of it. Are you so hell? Oh, no reason that I've I've gotta take this
12:30Catch you later
12:34Yeah, hey, yeah, sorry
12:37Thank you, but you were the duty solicitor today. Yeah, I am heading down to the station and about
12:44Why are you in here?
12:45Because I can't get any peace and quiet in the office when Mabel's in
12:48Oh the hoovering. No, she has an auntie who lives in Aberdeen and she's convinced. I must know her despite the fact
12:54It's a three-hour drive from Glasgow
12:56Anyway, thanks, but I could have come and got it myself. Oh, no, it's fine to be honest
13:00I needed to get out the farm supposed to be sorting out some bits for my uncle on his birthday tomorrow, but
13:06Really feeling it, you know, yeah. Well, I can't blame you for not being in a party man. Yeah, I'm knackered
13:11I didn't sleep in that well. Don't let DC green hair you say that
13:16Why cuz knowing him you put down the ghillie conscience?
13:22Are you doing it? Well, good afternoon to you too. Amy rang. She's gonna be a couple of hours late. I said a cover
13:28Why don't you call me?
13:29She's caught one of us. She called me. I said I'd deal with it
13:34Can handle things here to name gets back and when you get off early, I know you got plans
13:38Oh, you keeping tabs on me now just trying to be polite. Yeah, well don't
13:50Good you're here
13:51Where's the smores?
13:53You need to speak to Mason Radcliffe. So you got the smores is
13:57In the break area you need to speak to him
14:01Wasn't it be easy just to ground your daughter
14:04What and just because you don't like a boyfriend doesn't mean you can send us lot round sounds like abuse of police powers
14:11He's not her boyfriend
14:13And Yasmin met cough said he had a crowbar on him
14:18She saw it no her ex did but he's in Germany now, which is why you need to question Mason
14:24I can't arrest everyone with a tool bag
14:28He doesn't have an alibi I
14:31Got Yasmin to check a date and he slept on the floor in the restaurant on the night that Joel was murdered
14:39What about motive
14:41Well, he obviously likes Betsy doesn't he maybe he was protecting her. Oh
14:46Come on kit. There's something in this, you know, there is I do it myself, but she's so fond of telling me
14:51This isn't my case anymore
14:54There's a reason for that
15:00So it'll be out for bonfire night
15:04Don't know maybe but before Christmas
15:09Should be that's amazing
15:13Yeah, well you could tell you face
15:20Just tired. You know what? He's right
15:23We should celebrate why don't goes the cake a
15:29Yeah, what's wrong with all these weeks away in it? I don't think now's the time to be celebrating
15:32That's only a cake. I could eat cake right fine. I won't go get it then
15:40So if he brings a knife once he sliced the cake he could get to work on the tension in here
15:45What's happened between you two?
15:48Now come on
15:51Now I just
15:53Just being a Mardy cow and take it out on max. That's all what's it to be Mardy about Frankie. He'll be out of here soon
16:01Yeah, exactly
16:03Hang on don't follow
16:07Up until now he's had a squad of doctors and nurses looking after him, but
16:13From next month, they'll have me
16:17Just me
16:19And I don't I don't know what I'm doing
16:28Sorry chief there's no so many hours in date you already work all of them. There's nothing you can do come on
16:33Just excuse me
16:35Yes, and if I could give you more shifts, I would you know anything for drugs if you know that so what about?
16:40Gemma cause you get any more shifts at a pub
16:43Probably but I'm going back there. Yeah, you know stressed out. Okay, excuse me
16:49It seems to me that I'm not earning money. I'm stressing her out the most
16:54No, it's not about them money for the helmet. I mean I could do with the cash obviously well
16:59That's not what it's really about
17:02What's it really about Paul?
17:04losing a brother
17:06Now she's terrified that she'll lose one of us and all I mean I can't really blame her for wrapping Joseph up in cotton wool
17:11It's not say what's gonna get company to a deep clean in the kebab shop kitchen
17:14But if you want to do the job out of hours, I'll pay you instead of them. Okay might help with your helmet situation
17:19Yeah, please. I really appreciate it. Thanks death
17:24All right, how was school? Yes, what's up? I'm not going on a skiing trip
17:45My god, I'm here you don't just check my every movement. It's not about that
17:49What then?
17:51It's Mason. Oh
17:53You're the favorite subject. I need you to keep your distance
17:57You don't need to know why okay, just trust me
18:01Have you noticed that people that say to trust them are usually the ones you shouldn't I think you can make an exception for your
18:05mother I
18:08Don't want Mason to hurt you. Why would he I
18:11Just know what he's capable of
18:13Well, I'm the one that nearly ruined his life, and you want me to treat him like he's the bad guy
18:18But so you don't know everything about him so tell me I
18:23Exactly and what does that tell you?
18:25Come on you cleverer than this. Why would I a police detective not be able to tell you what I know?
18:32Because there's an open investigation on him so
18:36Can you just stay clear, please?
18:45How much did they cost they were pretty expensive, but they'll be worth it if they work
18:50But they'll be worth it if they work
18:52They're an afro desiak
18:54It's that Latin for slimy rock that smells like fish
18:58Well, it's Greek actually it means then
19:02Yeah, never mind. Do you know how to open them should be pretty easy. I'm gonna watch a video
19:08John hang around and help no sir. I don't wanna see what comes out of them things. Okay. Good luck. See ya
19:42Think that is everything no
19:45Sorry again, I'll let you know if I find
19:49Anything else
19:52Thank you for everything
19:57Just shift over I don't like her anymore
20:00What you've been sacked? No, I quit
20:04Why'd you quit got some big plans make money? I should know about hey
20:08Don't act innocent Mason up. I felt sorry for you this morning, and I stood up for you to my mom
20:13So don't make me look like an idiot. What are you talking about?
20:15Why am I getting a strong suggestion from my mom that you're under investigation for I don't know that's why I'm asking you
20:22But I haven't done. Oh, well, I hope not because if I was you I'd be expecting the police to turn up any second now
20:32You said I would have first refusal on the house and now I find out what that was just a ploy so you can see
20:38What you could get on the open market
20:40Sorry, we're late
20:42Mom call me back when you get this. Yeah. All right
20:48Accountancy day is it?
20:51Yeah, why is everyone obsessed with my money can have a little look at the dusters bedroom
20:56Why it's a non-sweet?
20:59Hey Sam
21:01Everything all right. Not really. No what's happened?
21:05Hey, let me have a proper look
21:08Not as easy to open as you think I
21:11Don't want to trouble the emergency services
21:13Okay, that needs stitches. Let me just grab my dad's car keys and I'll ring your dad on the way to the hospital here
21:42Don't think you dropped something
22:01Was that you chucked in the bin
22:03Rubbish really
22:05Sounded heavy metallic like some tool. I don't know maybe a crowbar or something
22:11Listen, I can explain I'll leave it
22:17I'll take care of that
22:20I'd also like to ask you a few questions
22:23Questions about what? Oh, oh, yeah down the station
22:29Shall we
22:37Yeah, hey our school, yeah good. Thanks. Oh
22:46You don't know just on a break
22:49Sorry before she was asking after you
22:52What you pop round and see her now?
22:55Yeah, I think she'd really like it
22:59Yeah, I could do
23:01That's innocence the way you cover
23:04I'll be back in a bit to make you tea. Yeah
23:07See ya
23:12Need let me tell her about the trip
23:14Because you still haven't told me why you don't want to go all of a sudden
23:17It just doesn't feel right you haven't to find extra money to pay for stuff
23:21I'm worried about Gemma. I can hear her crying about uncle Paul when she doesn't think I can and she acts like she's fine
23:27But she's clearly not though look that she was crying just then
23:32I'm are you worried about a mate me too?
23:37But you know one thing that makes Gemma really happy
23:41They seen you laughing
23:43So I think that's why you should definitely go on the trip
23:56What when?
23:58Right, tell him to stay there. I'll be down there as soon as I can. Okay. Thanks
24:02Leanne something's come up. Can I get the bill, please? Yes sure. I'll be a sec
24:09Excuse me, I need to get to the till well what I'm doing to me. How long you gonna be?
24:13I'll be a lot quicker if you let me concentrate. I was only asking so don't need to buy me a dog still
24:17She keeps talking
24:20I've really gotta go. Can I set the bill later, please? Yeah. Thank you
24:25Right happy now. Oh, yeah, I'm ecstatic
24:30Hello, oh
24:34Yeah, sorry Asha, yes, sorry, it's just been one of those days and
24:39Right, is he all right?
24:42Okay, yeah, yeah, I'll be straight over okay, what's matter
24:49Sammy's in hospital. He's um
24:52Cut himself on a knife. Well, how bad is it? It must be quite bad. He needs stitches
24:56Well, do you want me to come with you? No, no, no, it's fine. Well, will you let me know how he's doing? Yes
25:08Yeah, I'm sorry it's a bit of a tip in here I'd have run the uber round if I knew you were expecting guests
25:14That's all right. We're not very house powered. Are we you can vouch for that?
25:19No, but it's it's uh, it's all right though in it bigger than the flight anyway
25:24Yeah, that's because Gail's not here taking a perfect room with a radu
25:31Oh speaking of Gail the
25:34Boilers on its last legs. Oh
25:37Yeah, so that'll need replacing
25:40Just so you know, if it does, I'm sure we can factor that into the asking price if you do decide to make an offer
25:49The plumbing's a bit off and all
25:53Yeah, especially the upstairs bog
25:58Cakes up a little bit, you know what I mean?
26:02especially if it's been hot out, so
26:05I've been meaning to fix it, but
26:08I'm really got round to doing it. Yeah. Well, I can always have a look at it
26:12I'm pretty handy with stuff like that. Are you joking on? Yeah, it just blocks up the toilet and how to fix it
26:19Anyway, don't matter. I'd probably just rip the whole place out
26:23Thinking about it. So that's problem. Shall we have a look upstairs?
26:30It's natural to be scared when you're doing something you've never done before
26:34Whether that be becoming a parent or I don't know that time. I went skydiving
26:43Hold on you actually skydived from a plane. Yeah, how do you think I ended up in there?
26:51You're proper sick in the head, you know
26:53I prefer quirky, but we digress
26:56What I mean is even if you are scared you will be going through it alone
27:02You got me
27:03Max and
27:05Let's face it. Neither of us could do a worse job than our dads did
27:10Yeah, true
27:13And I meant what I said earlier about helping I
27:20Well, we need to help in any way that we can yeah, I know you did thanks Bobby
27:30All right, I've got the cake
27:34You all right? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, I'm now thanks to Bobby. That's what I'm here for
27:43So you admit to trying to dispose of a crowbar behind a factory, yeah
27:50Why would you do that? No reason just didn't want it anymore
27:55Where did you get it?
27:58um, I
28:00Can't remember you're helping yourself there. You know, the sooner you start answering questions the sooner this will be over
28:08So if I was you I'd lose the attitude and start cooperating
28:13Tell me you told me
28:19My brother gave it to me what for
28:27Well, they were they were talking about doing some break-ins and
28:32Well, they wanted me to help them, but I didn't want to so I chucked it. I
28:39Genuinely did not want to be part of it. I
28:43Now why don't you tell us the real reason why you got rid of it? Okay, that's enough
28:48My clients fully cooperated and he's answered all your questions. So unless you want to charge him unless there's something else
28:54There is actually because we're pretty certain the weapon used to kill Joel daring was a crowbar
29:00So it's all right with you. I'd like to ask you client a few more questions
29:08What did you think it certainly has a lot of potential yeah, oh it's better than dusting down on a couch. Mm-hmm
29:16Yeah, I mean it certainly could be what I'm looking for I
29:21Might have to sleep on it though, you know to make my decision
29:25You've got my number anything you need to know just call us
29:29Carla could I have a minute? Yeah, of course
29:33I'll be in touch. Oh, I've got a shift and also I'm gonna get off. Cheers
29:41Is everything all right? Yeah, it's just
29:47Why are you doing this I
29:49Mean, this is my family home and you already live somewhere
29:54Well, I suppose
29:56Gail owns it and she's looking to sell and I'm looking to move. So it's that simple really
30:02Plus you may find it's hard to believe but living with Ryan and Bobby, you know isn't ideal in fact
30:09As fond as I am of them both
30:12Yeah, I get that Ryan's not the sharpest tool in the box and why even Bobby could do you read it after a while?
30:18That's not what I said, but what I'm saying is why does it have to be my house?
30:24Um, I
30:26Guess that's something you're gonna have to take up with Gail
30:28Because the bottom line is David if I don't buy this place somebody else will
30:38Crowbar that was in your possession is being tested as we speak
30:42If it was the weapon used on mr. Deering, there'll be traces of his DNA on there
30:46My client has already told you he denies having any involvement in the death of Joel Deering
30:51Well, he would say that wouldn't he?
30:54But if you are innocent then just tell us where you were in the night it was attacked I was in speed though
31:01And I'm guessing these people there who can verify that
31:05No, because I was there alone after it closed I was just I was tossing down there I had nowhere else to go
31:13It's unfortunate
31:15bit of a coincidence
31:17It's the truth
31:19Why'd I hit him with a crowbar Bell even knew the book but you knew Betsy Swain didn't you and
31:25You knew what happened between her and mr. Deering. What exactly are you trying to infer?
31:30That your client has no alibi was in possession of a possible weapon and a dead motive
31:36So what was it?
31:38Revenge for what he did to her. Are you trying to impress her?
31:41Or did you just give him a good hiding and he got out of hand? Why would I give a toss about her?
31:46When she lied to you all about me, she nearly got me banged up again shot me nothing to me
32:00Saw you letting yourself in
32:04Is this where you've been sleeping, what are you doing here go home? I
32:10Can't I'm scared you'll come looking for me. Oh, you mean
32:18No one knows where he is, but
32:21He knows where I live
32:23What if he comes after me? I mean, he's already hurt me once before I just
32:27Didn't know what to do
32:30It's okay. I am NOT gonna let that happen to you. Okay, I promise
32:36You've got the wrong person. Okay, I did not kill Joe. I swear
33:02Sorry, I'm late traffic was a nightmare. How are you been? You know, I try ringing you but you didn't answer
33:07Yeah, just something's going on at work and I should have picked up you. Okay, I'm fine
33:13So he's had five stitches in his hand, but he was very brave
33:17So are you gonna get me a lollipop on the way home then?
33:23Shucking oysters you do more I
33:26Was making you only on a meal. I thought if I made something really nice for you both
33:30You might at least a bad you in long enough to eat it
33:34Anyway, like I said, I was shucking a nice to man slit and wallop
33:40I'm a look I
33:43Really appreciate this all
33:45Puzzle you understood what I said yesterday
33:48And me and him we're not gonna get back together
33:51And you need to get your head around that. Okay?
33:55Come on let's get you out. Hey, look, um, thanks
33:59It's all right. Well, I'll send you a bill for my coat because he bled all over it
34:05Sorry about that. It's all right, mate
34:08I was a house viewing. Yeah, it was all right
34:11Carla liked it, but I think she's still making a mind up you two been up to the hospital. Yeah. Yeah
34:16I was Lauren and the baby did looks like Frankie. He'll be out soon. That's good to hear
34:21Say I to her for me. All right, we'll do I'm going up again tomorrow
34:26Wow, you really can't keep away from her. Can you well she's having a tough time at the moment
34:31Ain't she worrying about looking after baby Frankie? I said we'd do anything we could to help
34:38Probably draw the line at breastfeeding
34:41And that's all you want is it just to help
34:45Could have sworn there was still something between us back at the hospital
34:48Still want to be with her
34:50That's not changed. Don't ever will
35:01All right
35:03Well, well what
35:07I know you've had Mason Radcliffe in for questioning. What did he say?
35:13That he didn't do it
35:17We found out he was in possession of a crowbar we tested it for DNA and
35:22He only had his on it
35:24He could have cleaned it. I know that
35:27And he doesn't have an alibi for the night happened, but we don't have a strong enough motive to really go after him
35:32So you're about to swear on? Looks that way, yeah
35:37So you didn't want to go skiing after all yes, he's going he just
35:42Felt guilty about the money. We were having to chip in and
35:46Leaving Gemma so soon after Paul dying. She got a good laugh. They're sensitive cares about peeps. He does
35:54I'm proud of him. You worry about him sometimes. That's never gonna stop making them out. I get
36:00That's me stuff for the rest of my life. Then you is so what about Gemma? She okay? I haven't told her
36:07She's still coming to terms with losing Paul. Don't want to dump this on her at all. I
36:13Don't know it just feels like everything's piling up on us now Gemma's not working. I'm just worried how we're gonna manage
36:22Listen I
36:24Am gonna pay you a little extra when you do the deep clean. Okay might just help a bit. Okay, listen
36:31Whatever happens
36:33I've got your back. Okay
36:36You're back
36:38Thanks, Dev
36:45Got your message
36:47stopping just come back from the police station and
36:51Flipping kit broke us call me trying to dump the crowbar and my brother's gift to me
36:55And what?
36:56Trying to pin you for those break-ins. No
36:59Joel's murder
37:02Well, they reckon that's a weapon he was attacked with well, that doesn't make sense
37:05But why would you want to kill him because they wondered Betsy if it had something to do with what he did to you?
37:10I just think until this is all over until I'm in the clear
37:13We just stay away from each other because I can't risk being seen if you know, I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry
37:19I've gotta go
37:24Hey, do you want a coffee or anything? No, no, thanks. I need to get back to the office
37:28Things are pretty hectic right now. Just thought I'd check in and see how Bethany's doing. Yeah. Yeah, she's okay
37:34Well, it's okay as can be expected
37:37How about you?
37:38Yeah, yeah, I'm all right
37:41Is there anything else I ought to know about
37:44Just I'm scared. I'm really worried about this money thing. You know, if we don't find out who took it that
37:51Harvey and his cronies or whatever you want to call them
37:53They're just gonna think that I had something to do with it and I didn't I believe you but somebody took it
37:59Any idea who might have been I've got that feeling that Jesse took it. What makes you think that?
38:04Wait, he says he's got some money coming to him, but he's really vague about where it's coming from. It's like he's hiding something
38:11Have you spoken to him about it? No, of course not
38:14He's just gonna think I'm being ridiculous and maybe I am I can't even work out how he would have known about it
38:20You might have heard about it from me and Daniel
38:24We were speaking about the robbery and what happened and Jesse appeared out of nowhere
38:28I don't think he heard anything, but I might be wrong
38:35Hey, are you doing that's off stitches in my hand, but I'm okay. You had us worried a bit there. I'm sorry
38:42Can I go get myself a drink? Yeah, of course you can
38:47Couldn't you phone let me know he was okay. Come on. We just got back. Well, you could have found her in the hospital
38:54Sorry, I didn't mean to have a go but just because we're each other's roads
38:57It doesn't mean that I don't care about him. You're right. You know, I should have rung and
39:02We shouldn't be at each other's throats. Yeah, you know, it's probably why he went to action when he got hurt not to us
39:07You really hurt me. I'm not just gonna forgive and forget it. But if we are gonna work together then
39:13I'll try and be civil rain it in a bit, especially when Sam's around deal
39:23Sell in the house from underneath my feet. Can you believe that after everything I've done for it?
39:27I guess but it is her house. Oh, don't you start? I had Carla banging that drum before
39:33It's one in about the place saying, you know what? I'd love to do here. I'd love to do there. Oh, yeah
39:39I know what I'd love to do to you. Oh you wish I
39:42Didn't mean that
39:44What are you doing around here? And what you want? Right? Listen, I need to talk to you about something
39:49Okay, and it's really important. Oh and where I live is I'll just shut up. Will you come on sit down listen?
39:56You know the robbery that Damon went to prison for? Yeah, it's a shame that he was a keeper
40:05Go on
40:08Didn't recover all the money he he stashed some of it away
40:12Really a lot someone's found it and they've taken it
40:19Maybe it was one of his little accomplices. I
40:22Mean, I'm not been funnier. I'll be was a lion thieving scumbag, you know birds of a feather. No, it wasn't
40:28I've got a really strong feeling. I know who did it. I
40:33Think it was Jesse
40:36You joking? No, I'm not
40:38He is so shifty with me and he keeps saying that he's got all this money coming to him
40:42But he doesn't want to say where from and then Adam told me he thinks that Jesse
40:47Overheard him and Daniel talking about the fact that that Damon has hidden this. Well, I got them to know about it at all
40:55About the money Damon's. Oh, yeah, right. I
40:58Just don't think you should be broadcasting it that's all I mean
41:02yeah, I agree so much going on and
41:05Maybe Jesse seems a bit dodged, but I got him down for doing something like that. Okay fine
41:11Then you need to help me prove it wasn't him because somebody took the money and I need to find out who
41:15You know anything else no, thanks. Sure. I could have been nuts
41:23Sorry, I mean I would I wasn't trying to be funny saying pork scratchings, you know, you've been
41:32Charged a shot probably for the best
41:38Well, yeah, why don't we join you know be my guest I'll get a drink
41:46So, how's your day been
41:51Thought find you in here it was you want it
41:54What are you talking about? You're like trying to frame Mason for that lowlife Joel's murder. No, wait a minute
41:59They just took him in for questioning. That's all. I'll see you didn't know about it
42:03Just cuz he had a crowbar on him doesn't make him a murderer
42:06I'm not doing this here. His brothers gave him that cuz cuz they wanted him to do break-ins and he said no
42:11Can we talk about this at home, please?
42:13What's the point never listen
42:19I'm sorry about that. I bet go after it
42:36Betsy and Mason were pretty close. I think I've seen each other for a while. So but no, I mean about the
42:45Well, the police aren't sure. Well, I think whoever killed him
42:51might have used a crowbar
43:27Was just wondering that's all well, you know what they say date
43:31Nine times out of ten the victim was known to the killer
43:33It's done, right?
43:35Well according to all the true crime dramas of binge watch yet
43:46Over on ITV X and based on the infamous true story
43:50You can stream all-new fight night the million-dollar heist now on the way tonight
43:56Ricky Tomlinson and Sue Johnston head off on their DNA journey with ancestry next