• 2 days ago
مسلسل المؤسس عثمان الحلقة 167 مترجمة القسم 1 HD


00:03:20I'm going to kill you!
00:03:46Leave him alone. Come and help me.
00:03:48What's going on?
00:04:00Gonca Hatun?
00:04:06This is not a good sign.
00:04:14What's going on, Ülken?
00:04:16I saw Gonca. She walked into the cage as if her eyes were turned.
00:04:20She didn't even look back.
00:04:23What are you saying?
00:04:25Don't be crazy.
00:04:27God forbid.
00:04:30Don't, Gonca.
00:04:32Don't. Come on.
00:04:46Oh, my beautiful God.
00:04:48I'm a poor soul.
00:04:52I know, I'm a little hopeless.
00:04:59I talk a little bit.
00:05:01But I have no sin from now on.
00:05:05I swear to God, I can't bear it.
00:05:09I didn't even harm that black widow.
00:05:12They slander me that I killed a baby.
00:05:19God, save me from this black slander.
00:05:24Save me. I will never gossip again.
00:05:28God, forgive me and my child.
00:05:31If I die...
00:05:37...Mrs. Hatun will have another wife after me.
00:05:43Then I'll die twice.
00:05:48God, please save me from this slander.
00:05:54God, save me.
00:05:59Open the door.
00:06:02But, Gonca Hatun...
00:06:04I said open the door.
00:06:06I said open the door.
00:06:13Get out.
00:06:32You slandered my baby.
00:06:37I didn't.
00:06:39You're a murderer.
00:06:41I'm not a murderer.
00:06:43It's a slander.
00:06:45I swear to God, I didn't do anything, Gonca Hatun.
00:06:47You didn't, huh?
00:06:49You didn't.
00:06:51The poison came out of your room.
00:06:54What about what you said to Begüm Hatun?
00:06:57You'll tell me, Hazal.
00:07:00You'll tell me how you slandered my baby.
00:07:04I won't let you see my baby.
00:07:06Shut up!
00:07:13You slandered my baby.
00:07:18I'll kill you, too.
00:07:23Stop, dear.
00:07:24Let me go.
00:07:25Stop, Gonca.
00:07:26I'll punish you with my own hands.
00:07:27No, dear.
00:07:29Mother, please let me go.
00:07:30I won't leave my baby's blood on the floor.
00:07:32Mother, please.
00:07:35You'll get hurt.
00:07:36I know.
00:07:37The trial will be held.
00:07:40Osman Bey will give the verdict.
00:07:42Let me go, Gonca.
00:07:54I didn't do it.
00:07:58Gonca Hatun, I didn't do it.
00:08:03I didn't do it, Gonca Hatun.
00:08:17Okay, you can cry.
00:08:23Osman Bey!
00:08:24Osman Bey!
00:08:25Osman Bey!
00:08:26Osman Bey!
00:08:27Osman Bey!
00:08:28Osman Bey!
00:08:29Osman Bey!
00:08:30Osman Bey!
00:08:31Osman Bey!
00:08:32Osman Bey is coming!
00:08:34Osman Bey is coming!
00:09:02Osman Bey!
00:09:03Osman Bey!
00:09:04Osman Bey!
00:09:05Osman Bey!
00:09:06Osman Bey!
00:09:07Osman Bey!
00:09:08Osman Bey!
00:09:09Osman Bey!
00:09:10Osman Bey!
00:09:11Osman Bey!
00:09:12Osman Bey!
00:09:13Osman Bey!
00:09:14Osman Bey!
00:09:15Osman Bey!
00:09:16Osman Bey!
00:09:17Osman Bey!
00:09:18Osman Bey!
00:09:19Osman Bey!
00:09:20Osman Bey!
00:09:21Osman Bey!
00:09:22Osman Bey!
00:09:23Osman Bey!
00:09:24Osman Bey!
00:09:25Osman Bey!
00:09:26Osman Bey!
00:09:27Osman Bey!
00:09:28Osman Bey!
00:09:29Osman Bey!
00:09:30Osman Bey!
00:09:38He is the One who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth,
00:09:46that He may make it prevail over all other religions.
00:09:51And sufficient is Allah as a Witness.
00:09:56Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,
00:10:03and those who are with him are the most severe against the disbelievers,
00:10:11the most merciful among them.
00:10:15You see them kneeling and prostrating,
00:10:19seeking Allah's grace and His pleasure.
00:10:26Their mark on their faces is the mark of prostration.
00:10:34That is their likeness in the Torah,
00:10:39and their likeness in the Gospel,
00:10:42like a seedling that its stem is pulled out,
00:10:46then it is sown,
00:10:47then it is harvested,
00:10:49then it is placed on its stalk.
00:10:52The farmers love it,
00:10:54so that the disbelievers may be enraged at them.
00:11:00Allah has promised those who believe and do good deeds
00:11:08forgiveness and a great reward.
00:11:17Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
00:11:49Allahumma salla ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala Aali Muhammad.
00:12:01Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin.
00:12:08Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin.
00:12:14Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin.
00:12:19Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin.
00:12:24Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin.
00:12:33Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin.
00:12:38Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin.
00:12:54Beylerim, bacılarım, kardeşlerim.
00:13:06Bizler yalnızca Allah'a kulluk eder, O'nun adı, O'nun dinini yaymak için nefes alırız.
00:13:17Bu uğurda, bu yolda benlikten geçer, nefsimizi kırar, kanımızla, canımızla her türlü şerrin önünde bende oluruz.
00:13:31Şükür ki Hak Teala yaptığımız bu hamleleri kabul etti.
00:13:37Ve bu uğurda alemi İslam'ın kutsallarını bulmayı ve onları almayı bizlere nasip eyledi.
00:13:52Çok şükür, çok şükür, çok şükür.
00:13:56Şükürler olsun, şükürler olsun Rabbime, şükürler olsun.
00:14:03Ant olsun ki bizim kutsalımıza göz dikenlerle her daim savaşacağız.
00:14:13Ve Rabbim izin verdiği müddetçe her daim galip geleceğiz.
00:14:19Osman Bey çok yaşa! Osman Bey çok yaşa! Osman Bey çok yaşa!
00:14:26Var olasınız, var olasınız.
00:14:32Osman Bey!
00:14:46Hani kutsal emanetler nerede kaldı Karesi Bey?
00:14:54İçiniz rahat olsun Vezir Hazretleri. Ben verdiğim sözü tutarım.
00:15:02Birazdan emanetler elinizde olacak.
00:15:15Osman Bey'in elçisi huzura çıkmak ister.
00:15:32Osman Bey adamlarımın kutsal emanetleri aldıklarını öğrendi demek ki.
00:15:39Biz Şükran'ı Osman Bey'den beklerken ayak takımından bir er gelir.
00:15:52Vezir Hazretleri.
00:15:53Vezir Hazretleri.
00:15:58Buraya size Osman Bey'imin kutlu muştusunu bildirmek için geldim.
00:16:08Yüce Rabbimin himmetiyle Efendimiz Aleyhisselatü Vesselam'ın kutsal emanetleri...
00:16:16...devletli Osman Bey'im tarafından salimen alınmıştır evelallah.
00:16:37Karesi Bey.
00:16:41Sen ne dersin?
00:16:42Ne dersin?
00:16:44Mukaddes emanetler Osman Bey'in elinde öyle mi?
00:16:50Lütfederseniz Osman Bey'im sizi obamızda ağırlamak ister.
00:16:55Emanetleri size bizzat teslim edecek Vezir Hazretleri.
00:16:58Rabbime şükürler olsun.
00:17:15Şükür Yarabbi.
00:17:18Osman cürmüne bakmadan ne işler çevirirsin?
00:17:22Sen daha ne dersin Karesi Bey?
00:17:25Müslümanlığın göz bebeği küffarın elinden kurtulmuş sen hangi hesabı güdersin?
00:17:32Tez yola çıkmalı tez.
00:17:35Yolunuz açık olsun Vezir Hazretleri.
00:17:39Sen de benimle geleceksin.
00:17:41Kutsal emanetleri alırken eşlik edeceksin.
00:17:47Bugün bayramımızdır gayrı.
00:17:55Nasıl isterseniz Vezir Hazretleri.
00:18:37Kutsal toprakların kıymetli komutanı Lukas'ı selamlıyorum.
00:18:41Uzun zaman olmuştu seni görmeyeli yenilmez Arkadios.
00:18:45Hoş geldin.
00:18:49Huzurunuza küçük bir armağanla geldim.
00:18:52Kutsal emanetleri çaldıran Magbus'un askerleri.
00:18:56Ama nefes aldıklarında değil ancak geberdiklerinde zevk verir bunlar.
00:19:04Bana bağlılığını bir kere daha kanıtladın.
00:19:38Öylesini bir daha izleyemezsin.
00:19:41Tek bir anını bile kaçırma bence.
00:19:56Ne kadar güçlü bir savaş değil mi?
00:19:59İyi bak.
00:20:08Arkadios bir zamanlar çöleydi.
00:20:12Yeryüzünde daha önce görülmemiş bir gladiyotör.
00:20:20Karşısına çıkan hiç kimse sağ kalamadı.
00:20:30Daimsel yerde gelmedi.
00:20:38Sonrasında ne oldu dersin?
00:20:43Herkesin saygı duyduğu bir komutana dönüştü.
00:21:08Sonundaysa, Sandra onu ödüllendirmeye karar verdi.
00:21:14Onu küçücük aklı, çelimsiz bedeniyle,
00:21:18boyundan büyük işlere kalkışan bir kızla evlendirecek.
00:21:30Ola Fire.
00:22:01Doğrunuma bunu yapanlardan, bize bu acıyı yaşatanlardan elbet hesabını soracağız.
00:22:14Hele anlat.
00:22:16Mesele bir hayli karışık baba.
00:22:18Hazal Hatun'u ilk suçlayan Begüm Hatun'du.
00:22:21Üstüne de zehir çadırından çıktı.
00:22:25Hem de yastığının altından.
00:22:28Başkası mı yaptı dersiniz?
00:22:30Suyu bozmak isteyen biri mi?
00:22:37O sebepten, mahkeme için bir vakit daha beklemek gerek diye düşünürüm beyim.
00:22:48Fatma da eşitmiş ana.
00:22:51Hazal Hatun, Begüm Hatun'un canıyla tehdit etmiş.
00:22:54Onu zehirleyecekken de, benim yavruma kıydı.
00:23:09Hazal Hatun bunu canıyla ödemeli.
00:23:14Mahkeme görünmeden, acımız dinleyecek baba.
00:23:25Tezinden mahkeme kurulacak.
00:23:28Bu işin üstüne, iyice gideceğiz.
00:23:38Hiç merak etme.
00:23:40Hiç merak etme kızım.
00:23:46Beyim, destur var mıdır?
00:23:49Gel Boran.
00:23:51Beyim, Vezir Ömer geldi.
00:23:54Yalan mısın?
00:24:01Karası Bey de yanımda beyim.
00:24:42Cehennem ateşi, Karadin'de yanacak.
00:24:50Her şey hazır.
00:24:52Bu fıçılar yanınca, bu kale yerle bir olacak.
00:24:55Hadi hızlı.
00:25:09Ben gayrı içimde tutamayacağım.
00:25:16Ben gayrı içimde tutamayacağım.
00:25:21Hazal Hatun suçsuzdur.
00:25:24Sen ne dersin Yusuf?
00:25:27Zehir, Hazal'ın çadırından çıktı.
00:25:30Havafire'nin yanındaki o, Sesile denen hatunu, Hazal Hatun'un çadırına girerken gördüm.
00:25:39Hakikat bu.
00:25:41Bunu gidip söyleyeyim mi?
00:26:26Yanındakiler, bu ateşte...
00:26:31...kavuştu, yok olacak.
00:26:58Emanete sahip çıkamadım.
00:27:01Karadini koruyamadım.
00:27:04İçimize kadar sızmışlar.
00:27:06İyi misin?
00:27:17Nasıl olur abla böyle bir şey?
00:27:19Kim yapar ki bunu?
00:27:23Benim adım da Begüm Hatun'sa, bunu yapanı bulmadan ölmeyeceğim.
00:27:30Kalenin kapılarını tutun.
00:27:32Kimse dışarıya çıkmayacak.
00:27:35Kimse içeriye girmeyecek.
00:27:41Ablanız Osman Bey'e ne diyeceğiz?
00:27:44Ne diyeceğiz?
00:27:46Osman Bey bunu işten de...
00:27:48...hesabını çok ağır soracaktır.
00:28:16Ve aleykümselam...
00:28:19...Vezir Hazretleri.
00:28:30Hayırdır Karasi Bey?
00:28:33Nedir bu davetsiz gelişin?
00:28:36...senin hakkında ne konuşacağımızı işitmek mi istersin?
00:28:41Karasi Bey'i...
00:28:43...ben getirdim.
00:28:45Neymiş onun hakkında söyleyeceklerin Osman Bey?
00:28:53Evvela şöyle...
00:28:55...sofraya buyurasınız.
00:28:57Tatsız meselelere.
00:29:00Sonra geçeriz.
00:29:06Buyurasınız Vezir Hazretleri.
00:29:15Karasi Bey.
00:29:29Afiyet olsun.
00:29:33Var olasın.
00:29:35Zahmet etmişsin.
00:29:38Hadi afiyet ola.
00:29:46...bizim için...
00:29:48...kutsal emanetlerden daha mühim...
00:29:51...hiçbir mesele yoktur.
00:29:55Seni dinlerim.
00:30:01Kutsal emanetleri...
00:30:03...birlikte arayalım dedim.
00:30:10...Karasi Bey ayrılık gitti.
00:30:16Eyvallah dedim.
00:30:19O vakit...
00:30:21...emanetleri yalnız ararım dedim.
00:30:25...yaptığım her hamleyi...
00:30:30...her hamleyi tehlikeye düşürdü.
00:30:33Ağzından çıkanı kulağın işitsin evvel.
00:30:38Bu bir itham.
00:30:39İtham değil.
00:30:44Sen ne dersin böyle Osman Bey?
00:30:46Ne işitirseniz doğrudur Vezir Hazretleri.
00:30:49Karasi Bey...
00:30:52...benim ardıma altlarını saldı.
00:30:58Emanetleri bulmak için yakaladığım keşişin...
00:31:01...ölmesini sağladı.
00:31:05Karasi Bey'in...
00:31:07...Karasi Bey'in peşinde olduğu...
00:31:11...kutsal emanetler değil...
00:31:15...kendi hırsıymış.
00:31:19Demek benlik davası...
00:31:22...kutsal emanetlerden daha öteymiş.
00:31:25Vezir Hazretlerinin huzurunda...
00:31:27...hürmetsizliğin yetmez.
00:31:31Bir de...
00:31:37...Karasi Bey'e...
00:31:42Selam ile geldiğim...
00:31:47...hasım gideceğiz.
00:31:49Senin başını çektiğin yol...
00:31:51...ikilik ve ayrılıktan başka bir şey değildir.
00:31:56Senin dostluğundansa...
00:31:59...hasımlığın yeğidir.
00:32:12...kaddini aşar.
00:32:14Cüretim doğuştan...
00:32:16...cesaretim ezelden.
00:32:18Ben her daim doğru bildiğimi söyler...
00:32:21...ve sözümün ardında dağ gibi dururum.
00:32:23Kendinize gelin.
00:32:28...Osman Bey...
00:32:30...kutsal emanetler...
00:32:32...bende dersin.
00:32:46Beni Arkadios ile evlenmeye mecbur edemezsin.
00:32:50Buna hakkın yok.
00:32:52Buna hakkın yok.
00:32:53Git güzel bir banyo yap...
00:32:59...düğünün için hazırlanacaksın.
00:33:04...eğer beni onunla evlenmeye mecbur edersen...
00:33:07Ne yaparsın?
00:33:16Kendimi öldürürüm.
00:33:18Ne yaparsın?
00:33:20Ne yaparsın?
00:33:22Kendimi öldürürüm.
00:33:45Bu topraklarda...
00:33:47...eğer birisi ölecekse...
00:33:49...bu yalnızca benim elimden olur.
00:34:09...ve başına vurduk hareket etmenin...
00:34:20...emrettiğiniz gibi...
00:34:21...cehennemdeki yerini aldı efendim.
00:34:23Ne iş çıkardınız?
00:34:25Bir şey daha var.
00:34:26Begüm Hatun ve kardeşim.
00:34:29Karadin ile konuşurken duydum.
00:34:34...Hazal Hatun'un çadırına zehri bırakırken görürmüş.
00:34:37Geçmiş olsun Sessilya.
00:34:49Neden böyle bir şey yaptın?
00:34:53Kayılara gittiğiniz gece...
00:34:55...Osman Bey...
00:34:57...gelinini zehirledi.
00:35:00Zavallı kadının bebeği öldü.
00:35:04Bunu Osman Bey kendi ellerimle götürdü.
00:35:12Gonca'yı mı?
00:35:56Hamdolsun sana Allah'ım.
00:36:13Osman Bey.
00:36:15Osman Bey.
00:36:17Osman Bey.
00:36:19Osman Bey.
00:36:21Osman Bey.
00:36:23Osman Bey.
00:36:27Biz alemi İslam'ın itibarı için...
00:36:32...sır tuttuk.
00:36:36Senden sakladık.
00:36:39Ama sen...
00:36:41...hep birliktedin.
00:36:43Sen birlik derken...
00:36:47...benlik davası güdüp...
00:36:52...set koyanlar olmuş.
00:37:02...sen yılmadın.
00:37:06...altlarının canından geçtin.
00:37:10Hepimizi bu ardan kurtardın.
00:37:16Var olasın Osman Bey.
00:37:20Devletinle şahit olasın.
00:37:24Eyvallah. Eyvallah.
00:37:26Abime şükürler olsun ki...
00:37:28...bizleri hayra anahtar...
00:37:32...şerre kilit eyledi.
00:37:43...Türk ile Arap'ın kardeşliğinde...
00:37:45...şerre karşı ittifakında...
00:37:48...her daim...
00:37:50...hayır vardır.
00:37:52İşte sen...
00:37:58...bunu yine ispat ettin.
00:38:02...halifemiz hazretleri seni...
00:38:06...alemi İslam'ın muhafızı görecek.
00:38:10Ben de...
00:38:12...Kahire'ye varır varmaz...
00:38:13...beratını göndereceğim.
00:38:15Eyvallah eyvallah.
00:38:18Halife hazretlerine selamlarımı ve hürmetlerimi iletesiniz.
00:38:22Bizler Allah'ın ve dini mübini İslam'ın hizmetkarıyız.
00:38:26Var olasın Osman Bey.
00:38:30Devletinle şahit olasın.
00:38:38Şahit olasın.
00:38:43Şahit olasın.
00:39:14Ne yapıyorsun orada?
00:39:26...onu ben seveceğim.
00:39:30...onu ben seveceğim.
00:39:36...onu ben seveceğim.
00:39:40...onu ben seveceğim.
00:39:41Cecilia, no matter how guilty she was, she was at my service.
00:39:50I wanted to say goodbye to her.
00:39:52May she rest in peace.
00:39:58I won't let that scoundrel ruin our wedding.
00:40:05I want my bride to be happy.
00:40:14Don't you dare touch me again.
00:40:19I'd rather die than marry you.
00:40:32It will be a stormy love.
00:40:34We're setting off!
00:40:44Let's give this to Osman Bey.
00:40:48But let's deal with his wife first.
00:41:04Your eyes will be on your feet as long as my sword.
00:41:28The way your feet look will show you the next move in advance.
00:41:33How will you protect yourself from the eyes of the enemy?
00:41:43It's not about the eyes, sir.
00:41:45Skill comes from the eyes.
00:41:48What you hear comes from your heart.
00:42:04I know you can take your grandson's anger and pain out of your arms.
00:42:16Come on, we haven't trained you for a long time.
00:42:34You reminded me. I said I had something to show you.
00:42:43You'll pay for this, Bala.
00:43:04What's going on?
00:43:10What's going on, Begum Hatun?
00:43:19Damn it, Osman Bey.
00:43:22The flames are on fire.
00:43:25My pen is on fire.
00:43:27I can't write.
00:43:29I can't write.
00:43:30The flames are on fire.
00:43:33My pen is on fire.
00:43:38How did this happen? Who did this?
00:43:40The infidel, my Bey.
00:43:42He hid in a secret place and wasted his time.
00:43:45I see.
00:43:50What did I tell you, Begum Hatun?
00:43:54Didn't I tell you that you'll go to Karadin with your men first thing in the morning?
00:44:00Didn't I tell you that you'll secure security there?
00:44:07So what did you do?
00:44:09He wanted to spend time in the tribe and see the punishment Hazal Hatun will receive.
00:44:16Then wait for the punishment you will receive.
00:44:22I will.
00:44:49I don't understand why you want to meet here.
00:44:52What is it, Mr. Tahsin?
00:44:54I asked you what you want as an excuse to apologize...
00:45:01...because you lost the relics to Osman.
00:45:17This is what I want.
00:45:23This is what you want.
00:45:25The bridge, right?
00:45:27The Karasibe.
00:45:32Your rule in the seas is over.
00:45:35You want the river in my lands.
00:45:41You want the river in my lands.
00:45:44You want the river in my lands.
00:45:47You want the river in my lands.
00:45:50Your ships don't swim in this water, Mr. Karasibe.
00:45:57If I say compensation, it's not that long.
00:46:00I won't give you a single piece of land.
00:46:05The land is yours.
00:46:08You give me the right to cross the bridge that brings the two sides of the river together.
00:46:20I am the ruler of the seas among the lords around me.
00:46:27But the trade on land is in Osman.
00:46:34If you give me the right to cross the bridge...
00:46:42...since the distance will be halved, the merchants who know the way to Osman's lands will come to your lands.
00:46:52Thus, while my treasure is full, there will be no water left for Osman's mill.
00:47:05And thus we can defeat Osman more easily.
00:47:12It's a long-term plan, but it's a smart one.
00:47:17It's a deal, Mr. Karasibe.
00:47:21But after we finish Osman, we are still enemies.
00:47:36Don't doubt it.
00:47:43Tomorrow, a trusted friend of mine will come with the delivery of construction materials.
00:47:49He will be responsible for the security of this place.
00:47:52His name is Arkadius.
00:47:54He will marry a secret wedding tomorrow.
00:47:57I would like to see you as a guest of honor at that wedding in honor of our agreement, Mr. Karasibe.
00:48:03We will entrust you with the administration of the castle we conquered with 1,001 conquests.
00:48:14Forgive me, Osman Bey.
00:48:16No, I won't forgive you.
00:48:24There are infidels who destroy the castle.
00:48:27There are infidels who destroy the castle.
00:48:32His name is on it, Hasim.
00:48:34His goal is to attack.
00:48:37You can protect it.
00:48:43It will be a reward for you to take the administration of the Black Religion from you.
00:48:54The Black Religion will remain with you.
00:48:56The Black Religion will remain with you.
00:49:06This will be your punishment, Begüm Hatun.
00:49:14You will personally clean the traces of the fires that burned the castle walls with your mistake.
00:49:26For a year, you will not take a single penny from all the taxes to be collected around the Black Religion Castle.
00:49:38And what you will share, that Black Religion will be revived again.
00:49:45You will be examined by Mr. Mayhan and Mr. Gencer, who have experience in many castles before that.
00:50:06Here you are, Osman Bey.
00:50:15Here you are, Osman Bey.
00:50:45What is this? What happened?
00:50:46Osman Bey put me in front of so many Beys and Haus.
00:50:55Mr. Mayhan and Mr. Gencer built a watchtower in the castle.
00:50:59They will examine us.
00:51:03From now on, we will not make mistakes, Yusuf.
00:51:07This is the end.
00:51:10Every mistake of ours is a burden to Mr. Mayhan.
00:51:16Now Azal Hatun is innocent.
00:51:22What do you mean don't, sister?
00:51:24Aren't we going to tell them that you are innocent?
00:51:26I am the one who named Azal, Yusuf.
00:51:30If our reputation is ruined because of Osman Bey, and if this comes out, everything will be on us.
00:51:39Mr. Mayhan and Azal will be left in the square.
00:51:43Even the castle will be taken from us.
00:51:46Sister, if we don't tell the truth, the judgment is clear.
00:51:50You know that Azal Hatun will die, don't you?
00:51:55No. No, I can't go under this burden.
00:52:00I say that our reputation will be ruined, Yusuf.
00:52:04What do you say?
00:52:18Don't look at me like that.
00:52:20I can see it in your eyes.
00:52:22You think I said it.
00:52:24I said it, of course.
00:52:28But you gave the castle to that woman despite me.
00:52:38I did.
00:52:40You did, but the woman made a mistake.
00:52:45Was this the reward for the mistake she made, Osman Bey?
00:52:48Why didn't you take the castle from Begüm despite such a mistake?
00:52:55A castle cannot be taken from a single mistake.
00:53:00Besides, we talked to Bala.
00:53:03We said that Begüm Hatun is the weakest link against us.
00:53:08She doesn't seem so weak to me.
00:53:12Or don't you see it?
00:53:14What don't I see?
00:53:20Begüm Hatun's loyalty to Kayı from the inside.
00:53:30What do you say, Bala?
00:53:33Is she really loyal?
00:53:37She is.
00:53:41And she is so loyal that that loyalty gets stuck in her feet.
00:53:47That's why she is dragged from mistake to mistake.
00:53:52Such a loyalty.
00:54:07Bay Sungur!
00:54:16My Bey, as you ordered, I became the shadow of Karesi Bey.
00:54:20I followed every man.
00:54:22I have important news.
00:54:24Tell me.
00:54:37What is this?
00:54:45What is this in the carriage?
00:55:06What is he doing here?
00:55:08Take your soldiers and get out of here.
00:55:19My Bey.
00:55:21Byzantine commander Lukas is here.
00:55:23He has a carriage with him. He wants to see you.
00:55:29Let him in.
00:55:36Hand over your swords.
00:55:59Yusuf! Yusuf, stop!
00:56:01Where are you going?
00:56:03To tell Osman Bey the truth one by one.
00:56:06Bala, even if your conscience carries this burden, my conscience will not.
00:56:24Yusuf, don't do it, brother. Look, we will be in trouble.
00:56:36Let's go.
00:57:00What is it, Commander Lukas?
00:57:03What is this important matter?
00:57:07Who is under this cover?
00:57:14No matter how much you thank me, Osman Bey.
00:57:37I will not let you go.
00:57:48This traitor, who I killed with my own hands, is the one who caused the loss of his grandson.
00:57:58Is this it?
00:58:00Is this what he did to my baby?
00:58:06Okay, okay, I'll be quick.
00:58:07Daughter, wait.
00:58:14Okay, I'll be quick.
00:58:15I recognized him.
00:58:16He was with Hala Filan.
00:58:18I saw him.
00:58:19I saw him, Alaaddin.
00:58:20He was with Hala Filan.
00:58:21I saw him.
00:58:23My baby.
00:58:25My baby.
00:58:26I saw him.
00:58:28They killed my baby.
00:58:30Hala Filan is not guilty.
00:58:36Sicily's father died while you were fighting the Turks.
00:58:41The traitor Magnus used his blood to poison your tribe.
00:58:51Commander Lukas.
00:58:53Come to my tent.
00:58:56Let's talk about this.
00:59:15Tell the sisters to release Hazal Hatun.
00:59:19Yes, sir.
00:59:32A Turk's arm will never bend.
00:59:36A Turk's strength will never run out.
00:59:45Now it's done.
00:59:49We're still young.
00:59:50Do we deserve these rights?
00:59:59I counted five pieces of gold, but...
01:00:03...what I have now is good.
01:00:07I made a profit.
01:00:11This is the fate of Hazal Hatun, but...
01:00:14...she needs to be seen.
01:00:20I'm going.
01:00:30Good luck, father.
01:00:34When Hazal Hatun dies...
01:00:36...you'll prepare a wedding.
01:00:38It's obvious.
01:00:39Don't talk nonsense.
01:00:41What wedding?
01:00:43When your mother comes to me...
01:00:46...try to see me alive.
01:00:51If you care about my mother...
01:00:54...why did you stop us?
01:00:58Either you have another plan...
01:01:03...or another Hatun.
01:01:04What plan?
01:01:08Are we going to oppose Osman Bey's justice?
01:01:12I'm here.
01:01:15I'm here.
01:01:19I'm saved.
01:01:20I'm saved.
01:01:22How did you get saved?
01:01:26I'll tell you everything.
01:01:29What did you say?
01:01:37What's this?
01:01:44What's this?
01:01:46When I was in the dungeon...
01:01:48...did you think about my beard?
01:01:57It suits you.
01:02:01It suits you, but...
01:02:03...instead of trying to save me...
01:02:06...are you thinking about getting a new Hatun?
01:02:09Is that why you made yourself younger?
01:02:12No, Hatun.
01:02:13What did you do?
01:02:15I did it for you, my beard.
01:02:18And I knew the truth would come out.
01:02:23What did my father give you?
01:02:38He counted five boxes of gold, mother.
01:02:40Five boxes.
01:02:43Five boxes.
01:02:47My Bey.
01:02:48Is it real?
01:02:49It's real, mother.
01:02:50It's real.
01:02:51He said it's worth the world to your mother.
01:02:53He said it's worth everything, mother.
01:02:57My Bey.
01:02:58My dear Bey.
01:03:01You knew, didn't you?
01:03:02You knew.
01:03:07I knew, Hatun.
01:03:08I knew.
01:03:10Put it on.
01:03:11Put it on.
01:03:13You chose it so well, father.
01:03:15It's so beautiful.
01:03:17Father, put it on.
01:03:21It's beautiful.
01:03:23Didn't you tighten it too much?
01:03:32It's beautiful.
01:03:34The theft of holy relics.
01:03:39The sitting of that bastard called Cecilia on our table.
01:03:45Begum Hatun.
01:03:47Those who are under the administration of Begum Hatun.
01:03:50Those who are under the control of Karadin.
01:03:53All of them.
01:03:56All of them.
01:03:58All of them.
01:03:59All of them.
01:04:02You say Magnus is under all of them, right?
01:04:08I would say so.
01:04:11That scoundrel called Magnus...
01:04:14...is a member of a cult that has infiltrated the deepest, highest positions of the empire.
01:04:22Traitors are everywhere, Osman Bey.
01:04:32...I brought that girl alive, not dead...
01:04:35...if I said, take her, interrogate her, do whatever you want...
01:04:41...then I would believe you.
01:04:48...when I realized you were a traitor and hit you in the face, you tried to kill me.
01:04:52I had to kill you anyway.
01:04:56I assure you...
01:04:59...I don't fight such dirty games.
01:05:03My enemy...
01:05:05...looks into your eyes...
01:05:07...stabs his heart with his sword.
01:05:11He is a coward.
01:05:13Just like you.
01:05:15If you hadn't killed that traitor called Magnus...
01:05:20...I would have killed him in the battle of Prussia.
01:05:25...despite what I have told you...
01:05:27...if you still know everything about me...
01:05:31...this is your choice.
01:05:33I respect that.
01:05:36If you'll excuse me.
01:05:38Wait a minute.
01:05:40Wait a minute.
01:05:46Every person...
01:05:50...whether he is brave...
01:05:52...or not...
01:05:53...not his words...
01:05:55...but his actions...
01:05:57...will tell.
01:06:00We'll see.
01:06:02We'll see if what you say is true...
01:06:07...or not.
01:06:08Or is it not?
01:06:22I trusted him the most.
01:06:25How could you do this to me?
01:06:27How could you do this to me?
01:06:29I trusted him the most, Aladdin.
01:06:30Okay, Gonca, calm down.
01:06:31I trusted him the most.
01:06:32I called him my sister.
01:06:33I called him my sister, Aladdin.
01:06:34Calm down, dear.
01:06:35Calm down, dear.
01:06:36My son caused this, Aladdin.
01:06:37Gonca, I...
01:06:38My son caused this.
01:06:40Calm down.
01:06:42Ola Fira wouldn't know.
01:06:43How would she know?
01:06:44She would know!
01:06:46She would know!
01:06:48She would know, Aladdin!
01:06:49She would know!
01:06:55My son is dead!
01:06:57He made me sit at the same table...
01:06:59...with my son's murderer!
01:07:01I ate the same food!
01:07:06I don't have a son, Aladdin!
01:07:12Aladdin, stop!
01:07:13You loved him.
01:07:14He loved you.
01:07:15When you found out, Gonca...
01:07:16It's over!
01:07:18It's over!
01:07:20It's over, Aladdin!
01:07:22Our friendship is over!
01:07:25My son caused this!
01:07:30My son caused this, Aladdin!
01:07:34It's over!
01:07:37It's over!
01:07:40You say that Lukas would do anything...
01:07:42...to stop our trade in these lands...
01:07:44...and to make our state powerless, right?
01:07:50That's right, sir.
01:07:57Mr. Karasi...
