• yesterday


00:27So, um, I'll come and see Ty at the end of my shift.
00:30Yeah, can't wait for you to meet him.
00:32Yeah, I'm excited.
00:33Hang on.
00:42How did you get...
00:43No, no, no, no, no, wait.
00:45You haven't spoken to me for like 20-odd years.
00:47Why are you calling now?
00:54My God.
00:57Yeah, I can get there.
01:02What's happened?
01:05It's my mum.
01:06She's on her way to the shop.
01:08She's been mugged and it's bad.
01:09She's in hospital.
01:10I need to, um...
01:12I need to go to Yorkshire today.
01:16I need to go now.
01:20Hey, now that it's you and them going to school,
01:22what are you ladies up to today?
01:24So Chelsea, you look like you're going away again.
01:27Lucky you.
01:28I could do with a getaway.
01:29Howie, will you just give it a rest, yeah?
01:32What have I done now?
01:35I, um...
01:38Is everything okay?
01:40Yeah, of course.
01:41I'm just going to, um...
01:43take Jordan for some fresh air.
01:52You all right?
01:53Love the outfit.
01:55This old thing.
01:57Well, they say the old ones are the best.
01:59Right, you two.
02:00Get a room.
02:01Or at least a drink first.
02:02Oi, we'll have less of that, thank you.
02:04I'm sorry about that.
02:06He ain't always the gent I've raised him to be.
02:11Oh, my bad if I made things awkward.
02:12I was just having a laugh.
02:14Look, you clearly got the odds for her.
02:16Maybe a bit of love in your life might be just what you need to have.
02:19I need you to mind your own business.
02:21Look, son.
02:22Sharon has made her feelings clear.
02:24I asked her for a drink last night.
02:26Yes, Dad?
02:27She said no.
02:29And I respect that.
02:30Maybe she's just playing hard to get.
02:32So what she don't need is you making stupid jokes.
02:35Got me?
02:41All right?
02:44Couldn't be better.
02:45She's handed herself in today.
02:46It means I can finally clear my name and
02:48stick two fingers up to everyone who ever did me wrong.
02:52I'm off to work.
02:53Oh, do you want to go for a drink later?
02:57What, you can't even taste my freedom?
02:59After all I've been through?
03:00I'm still not feeling great.
03:04Romantic night in?
03:05If only.
03:07Peter, he quit his job yesterday.
03:10I've already taken so much time off what with being hurt.
03:12So, no, we are staying in and we are chatting cash flow.
03:17Tell me about it.
03:19Don't we skimp?
03:20Yeah, well, that's another thing we can blame Chelsea for.
03:22Look who it ain't.
03:23I thought you'd be on a train to Paris by now.
03:26Yeah, well, they can't get rid of me.
03:28Well, I ain't complaining.
03:30I'll see you around.
03:31If you're lucky.
03:34Hey, you two going to hook up again then?
03:38We'll see.
03:40Give me a kiss.
03:42We'll go around this side so you don't fall off.
03:44One, two, three.
03:46Give me a kiss.
03:53Hi, Mummy.
03:54So, what, should we just do it?
03:56Shall we?
04:03Off into the sunset.
04:07Yeah, well, no, it's just wishful thinking.
04:12And it's not an option now.
04:14Yeah, but neither is you going down.
04:17You shouldn't have told anyone.
04:19So you think I wanted to?
04:23Losing my little girl, leaving my...
04:27Leaving my grandson without a mum.
04:31But, Chelsea, you can't...
04:32You can't let someone else take the rap.
04:34That's not who you are.
04:36Well, that is why I'm facing this.
04:42You'll be home before you know it.
04:45What if the guy in ICU don't make it?
04:47Could be facing years.
04:52Will you, um...
04:55Will you take care of him?
04:57Come on, of course I will.
05:00You don't have to ask that.
05:04Come here.
05:11Vinnie, I need you to do me a favour.
05:13Of course, what's wrong?
05:14Can you, um, look after things here for me, please?
05:16I'll only be gone a day or two.
05:19Gone where?
05:22Eve's mum, she's...
05:23She's been attacked.
05:25Well, how is she, OK?
05:27Well, I'm not sure.
05:29We've, um, got a train booked up north later today.
05:34What about Ty?
05:36His family?
05:40Eve's family.
05:42He even might not let this happen again.
05:45You know how she feels about us.
05:47Especially you, Sookie.
05:50You know, I've had to do so much for her to let her see him.
05:53I know, I know.
05:56I'm very grateful, Nish.
05:58But, um...
06:01Eve needs me.
06:08It's just, this might be the only chance you ever get to see your grandson.
06:24When is she coming?
06:25Yeah, just give her a minute.
06:28Sorry, she's just saying goodbye to Jordan.
06:36We'll see you very, very soon.
06:37All right?
06:39We love you so much, OK?
06:41Love you.
06:42Love you.
06:48When are they off to?
06:50You will find out soon enough.
06:54Jack, look, I know you can't get off, but...
06:58Come on, there's got to be something you can do.
07:00I'm sorry, I can't.
07:07You ready?
07:10What choice have I got?
07:14Good riddance.
07:16Can't believe it's come to this.
07:19You told me to come clean.
07:22And I need to.
07:25My mum might die because of me.
07:29Jack, can we, um...
07:31Can we make a stop en route to the police station, please?
07:34What for?
07:35I need to do something.
07:36Something I should have done a long time ago.
07:53Sharon, have you got a minute?
07:56I just wanted to say sorry for earlier.
07:59I'm not as tactful as my old man.
08:02But he's not too bad, I suppose, for a Mitchell.
08:06Was that it, because my crotch was sure as getting cold?
08:08Well, actually, I wanted to pick your brains on something.
08:10You see, I love working at the Archers, don't get me wrong,
08:12but one day I want to run loads of businesses like you.
08:15I just don't know how to go about it.
08:17Well, I think you'd better talk it to Phil.
08:19Yeah, no, I've got a lot to talk.
08:20Plus, I don't want him thinking I don't know what I'm doing.
08:23So what do you say?
08:24Well, what do you want to know?
08:26You're a legend.
08:27That's been said before.
08:28Right, I'll write up a list of questions,
08:30meet me at the Archers and we'll talk them over, yeah?
08:32Say four?
08:33So you want me to come and meet you?
08:34Cheers, Sharon.
09:05Just so you know, I'm not what I said yesterday.
09:09Right, we're in this together.
09:12You don't need to worry about Jordan and that.
09:15Cos I'll take care of him, just like I take care of Raymond.
09:18It's not...
09:20It's not them I'm worried about.
09:22I can take care of them.
09:26It's my little girl.
09:30Look, I know she's messed up,
09:33and that she has to pay the price, but...
09:38How can I be angry with her when we ain't told the truth either?
09:45How can I expect her to tell the truth if I can't myself?
09:51I want her... Look, Jack, I want her to come clean.
09:54Of course I do.
09:59I'm just terrified for her.
10:02It's like after everything with Grey, with Jordan...
10:06They're in prison.
10:08It's going to break her, Jack.
10:10There's got to be something we can do.
10:13Oh, God, please tell me, darling, he's not dead.
10:17He ain't dead.
10:20He's come out of the coma.
10:22He's coming round.
10:24OK, well, surely that must mean that your time will be reduced here, Jack?
10:29There must be some sort of way we can get her off, right?
10:33I wish.
10:35Come on, let's just go. I just have to get this over with.
10:38Just give me a minute.
10:41I'm thinking.
10:48I'm not going to waste my appetite on this rubbish.
10:50Not when Mason's taking me out for dinner later.
10:54You all right, you two?
10:56Wow, chicken chips. How romantic.
10:59What are you doing with him?
11:01I ain't with him.
11:03I've actually got an older boyfriend who drives like an actual car.
11:08As if I'd get him a bookworm.
11:12See you later.
11:13Come on, then.
11:14Bye, bookworm.
11:22Still looking at holodowns?
11:24Found a lovely one in Paris.
11:26Huge balcony overlooking the Seine.
11:28Yeah, it's nice you only just got back.
11:32I'm just saying, we haven't got the money for holidays.
11:35I'm just looking.
11:37I know it's not going to come to nothing.
11:40I need more cleaning jobs.
11:42What's Tommy doing knocking about on his own?
11:46Why hasn't he got a school uniform on?
11:48Hi, Tommy.
11:50No school today?
11:53Where's the boys?
11:55They're at school.
11:57I dropped them off.
11:59My teacher's sick, so...
12:04Is, uh...
12:06Is everything alright?
12:07Everything's fine.
12:09I told you.
12:10Well, you know, if you ever want someone to talk to, you know where I am, right?
12:19Is your cat alright?
12:22I lost a cat.
12:24She hasn't been to work lately.
12:26Has she?
12:27Not again.
12:32What are you grinning about?
12:34You'll be grinning when I tell you.
12:35I asked Sharon to meet you.
12:37And she said yes?
12:40Well, no. She said yes to meet with me.
12:42She's going to give me advice on running businesses.
12:44But, and here's the genius bit, you go along instead.
12:47So you lied to her?
12:48Ah, cheers, son, for setting me up with the bird of my dreams.
12:51Why, trick her on her date?
12:53That ain't no case, son.
12:56Just go, meet her.
12:58Show her what she's missing from old Teddy Bear.
13:01Don't you ever call me that again.
13:09What's up with him?
13:10Four, at the arches.
13:12You know you can't turn down a blonde.
13:18Right, all set?
13:23That'll be him. I'm just going to say hello.
13:25Yeah, of course.
13:30Oh, look at you.
13:34He looks just like Jagveer did.
13:37Say hello to your daddy-ji.
13:38Hello, bubba.
13:39Shall we go and play?
13:43I'm sick of this.
13:47And I'll say bye-bye to your daddy-ji.
13:50Good boy. Come on. Let's go.
13:54Come on.
14:00This might be my only chance to see him.
14:02Well, you said you wanted to come with.
14:04Yeah, I do. I...
14:07I do.
14:10But is this even the right way to meet your parents, Eve?
14:15I don't know if I'm sure.
14:19And after how they were with you when you came out,
14:22and all the stuff with Erica...
14:24OK, OK, OK. I get it.
14:26All right? You want to see Ty.
14:28Don't make this about my parents.
14:30It is about Ty.
14:34My last chance to see him.
14:36Because only Nisha's allowed to, and he doesn't have long left.
14:42I'm sorry, Eve.
14:43No, it's fine.
14:45I'll just, um...
14:47I'll leave you to play happy families.
14:54How are you lot?
14:56Glad you could make it.
14:58What the hell? Listen, just calm down.
15:00She's supposed to be going down. Yeah, well, things have changed.
15:02Yeah, clearly. Look, the person in intensive care...
15:04Yeah, who's going to die because of her.
15:06They ain't.
15:07All right, they're OK.
15:09Hmm. Lucky for her.
15:11Yeah, well...
15:12Lucky as such.
15:14Things have changed, all right?
15:16Charges against you are going to get downgraded.
15:18There shouldn't be any charges against me, Dad.
15:20This is all her fault.
15:21No deaths means no corporate manslaughter charge.
15:27Upselling tickets, the door blockages,
15:29you might still get charged for that,
15:31but it's going to be an health and safety violation.
15:33Yes, but there won't be charges against me.
15:35There'll be charges against her.
15:36Look, all I'm saying is I don't see the judge throwing a book at you, all right?
15:39I don't even see him giving you a custodial sentence.
15:41As for Chelsea, she confesses.
15:43She might get granted bail, but there's aggravated circumstances.
15:46What's that meant, son?
15:47She intentionally rose the ticket numbers, all right?
15:50After the accident, she didn't give herself up,
15:52she put it onto someone else, they took the rap.
15:54So it's highly likely that she's going to go down instead of you, Penny.
15:57She lied for weeks.
15:59She misled the police.
16:01She deserves to go down!
16:02Yeah, well, that's what I want to talk to you all about.
16:05You know, this affects us all as a family,
16:07so I want us all to discuss it.
16:09Oh, what is there to discuss?
16:14You know what you think we should do?
16:16You know, Chelsea, does she hand herself in?
16:22..do you let things be, Penny?
16:24Just don't do anything, cos I don't see you getting charged,
16:27you're not going to go down.
16:29Oh, what are we going to do? Put it to a vote?
16:34Yeah, why not?
16:36A vote.
16:38Are you for real, Uncle Jack?
16:39No, come on, let's just see what everyone thinks.
16:42I can't believe you're even considering this.
16:48I'll do him my favour.
16:50Let's vote.
17:00You all right, Barn?
17:02I'm reading, leave me alone.
17:04I'd like to hear you tell me what's wrong.
17:07I said I'm fine.
17:09You're my boy, and I love you.
17:12And I'll know when you're not being yourself.
17:14Now, come on, no problem shared and all that.
17:18It's Avani, I'm worried about her.
17:22In my clunkies earlier,
17:23she was talking about how she's dating this older boy.
17:28So how old is he?
17:30Old enough to take her out for dinner in his flash car.
17:33And you're worried you can't do that for her?
17:35What? No, of course not.
17:37I'm worried he'll take advantage.
17:39Why? Has she said something to make you think that, boy?
17:42Well, no, but, you know.
17:45What are you smirking at?
17:47Well, nothing.
17:49It's just, I know what it's like to be keen on a girl.
17:52No, it ain't like that.
17:53I knew you wouldn't understand.
17:55Barn, I do understand.
17:56Look, I do understand, Barn. Believe me, I do.
18:00Like this fella with his flash car and fancy nosh,
18:04he's just overcompensating, mate.
18:06Cos he ain't got your brains or Harold Mitchell's child, boy.
18:10And when Avani sees it, we just fizzle out between them.
18:13You mark my words.
18:15And you, well, you've just got to let it run its course.
18:18Run its course? She's too young for him.
18:21Oh, Barnie.
18:23Do you know people fall for who they fall for?
18:27It's life.
18:28It's 2024. What you're saying...
18:30No, it ain't cool, Dad.
18:32I thought you were a gentleman.
18:38Take it as read, Denise is going to vote for Chelsea, yeah?
18:43Right, that's one for Chelsea.
18:49Oh, this is ridiculous.
18:51Well, obviously I don't think it's fair that Penny would have to take the rap.
18:55And she gets off scot-free, so obviously Penny.
19:04Dad, this is stupid. What are we even doing?
19:09Right, well, I agree with Lauren and, you know, Penny's family.
19:15Right, that's two for Penny.
19:24I don't know what to say.
19:27Don't you?
19:29Through all the stuff with Denzel, she was like a sister to me.
19:33And I'm grateful, Chelsea.
19:37But then you lied to me, put me in a wheelchair
19:39and made everyone think it was Penny's fault.
19:45But then the thought of Jordan not having his mum...
19:49I know what it feels like to miss your mum every day.
19:53And if Dad's right and no-one goes to prison, then...
19:58This way, I vote Chelsea.
20:02I'm sorry, I am.
20:04You know I care for you both.
20:07But this way, less will happen to you.
20:10Right, then.
20:12That's two votes each.
20:16So what happens now?
20:25You'll have to make the final decision.
20:29Right, snacks for the journey.
20:31You'd better get a move on, we're sooking.
20:33Yeah, she decided to stay with Tanya.
20:35Right, well...
20:36Then I guess it's important she sees him.
20:38Maybe you should go on your own.
20:39I mean, you haven't seen your family in years
20:41and after everything you've said to each other.
20:45Yeah, I think you're right, Sus.
20:48All right.
20:49Well, go on, get a move on, you're going to miss the train.
20:51Yeah, I'll see you later.
20:52See you.
20:58I'm sorry.
21:00I'm sorry.
21:02I'm sorry.
21:04Right, Uncle Jack, you've weighed up the reasons,
21:08now it's time to make your decision.
21:13In which case...
21:18..I'll go with the least worst option.
21:28I think you should let this go.
21:33I'm going to vote for Chelsea.
21:36You'd choose her instead of me, Dad?
21:38Do you know what? Screw you all and your stupid vote,
21:40I'm going to the police myself.
21:52Ah, my job's come up.
21:54I'll see you later.
22:00Tommy again?
22:01Looks like he's been out all day. What's he doing?
22:04Filming, by the looks of it.
22:07Poor cat.
22:08Yeah, she didn't pick up, I left a message.
22:10Oh, hang on.
22:12Everything's fine.
22:13Tommy's just out because I've got Covid.
22:15Well, that's probably why he's not at school,
22:17in case he's going at all.
22:18Well, why didn't he just say that?
22:20And why did Burton only go in?
22:22Oh, maybe you don't have to stay at home with Covid anymore.
22:25Don't worry, he'll be fine.
22:27Right, if you want another trip to Greece,
22:29I'd better get to work to pay for it.
22:31See you later.
22:52Look, I'm sorry about this.
22:54I had no idea what you was planning.
22:56I'm pretty sure I did.
22:58My days of being fooled by the Mitchell men are long gone.
23:01But you still came along.
23:03Well, I think it's sweet that he's always trying to help you.
23:06Well, I wouldn't call him sweet or helpful.
23:08Well, I would.
23:09Just like his dad.
23:13Look, I'm free tonight if you fancy that drink.
23:17You've changed your tune.
23:19Well, I was talking to Kathy and she reminded me that life's too short, so...
23:25I'd love to, but I can't.
23:27Oh, boy, Barney's struggling and I'm struggling to get through to him.
23:32I need to try again. May commence.
23:35But I did want to come here first and tell you straight what I really plan.
23:39Because a beautiful woman should never be stood up.
23:43You're a gent.
23:45Another time, then, yeah?
23:46I might have to wait.
23:48I'll be the judge of that.
23:51Good luck with Barney.
23:58Oh, someone looks less happy than she did this morning.
24:01Yeah, well, you would if your dad betrayed you.
24:04Mate, first thing you move into Paris, then you're happy as Larry and Alice.
24:10Hey, look, if there's something I can do to help cheer you up...
24:14Is it just too much to ask to have a parent who loves you?
24:17No. No, of course not.
24:20I feel lucky to have my old man.
24:23I feel lucky to have my old man.
24:25I've seen my mum. She hasn't exactly been there for me.
24:34Hey. Cup shop, yeah?
24:37Er, no. I've changed my mind.
24:54Do this colouring with the dragon.
24:58This one?
24:59Oh, right.
25:02I'm guessing you didn't take it well, then?
25:05What is this?
25:06Hey, buddy. Come to Daddy, G.
25:09Joey, come here.
25:13All of us together at last.
25:18Oh, excuse me. One second.
25:20Shall we do the red?
25:22Erm, I don't know.
25:25Eve? Is everything all right?
25:27Oh, yeah. No, everything's fine.
25:29I just, erm...
25:31I wanted to say sorry for something.
25:33I totally get it.
25:35You know, I have a son. Family's so important.
25:41Do you want to say hello to Ty?
25:45Everyone, say hello to Eve.
25:51Eve, say hello to Ty.
25:54Hey, come here, bubba.
25:55Do you want to say hello to Eve?
25:58There he is. Look.
26:02Hi, son.
26:05Aw, he's so cute.
26:11Still nothing from Penny.
26:19What do we do now?
26:21Well, we've just got to wait and see what happens when she goes to the police.
26:27I hope she's all right, though.
26:30You never seem to get it right, me and her.
26:34You did the right thing by Chelsea, and...
26:37I'll never forget that.
26:44It's Penny.
26:47Have it your way.
26:48Wait a minute, does...
26:50What does that mean?
26:51It means she's not turning Chelsea in.
27:01Drowning your sorrows?
27:02I like to drown my dad.
27:08So, how are you doing?
27:09How do you think?
27:13I should never go.
27:15Listen, I get it.
27:17That must have really, really hurt.
27:21So, if you need me to, I will come down with you to the station.
27:24I'm not going to the station.
27:29Just... I think I'll just take my chances.
27:31Hope I get a slap on the wrist, like he says.
27:35Hold on a minute. You...
27:37You literally just said...
27:38Yeah, I know what I said.
27:40But Jordan's just a kid.
27:44I don't want him to have the same childhood I did.
27:46Insecure, never really knowing when you're going to be safe.
27:49I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
27:56My dad, though...
27:59I won't forget what he did to me.
28:03What he's always done to me.
28:07But someone else first.
28:10I'll ruin him for this.
28:14You wait.
28:39I'll ruin him for this.