• el año pasado
D@nn4 Cap 5 Latino


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10:55I'm sorry.
10:59I didn't want to talk about this,
11:02but I feel like I'm a nuisance.
11:51Don't go too far.
11:56It was all I needed to tell you.
11:59Please, don't let anything happen to me again.
12:02I can't take it anymore.
12:44¡Hola, guapo!
12:47¿Nos extrañaron?
12:50¿Qué está pasando?
12:52Me dijo que la expulsaron, y la invité.
12:54¿Qué tal, eh?
13:08He sido una de Dream Suite.
13:10¡Hola! ¡Hola!
13:12¡Mucho gusto!
13:16¡Qué linda es!
13:18¡Es más bonita de lo que pensé!
13:25¿Puede ser?
13:29¡Qué rápida!
13:38¡Buen día! Gracias.
13:43Se fue de su casa y la invité.
13:45¿Te da gusto?
13:54¡Oye! ¡Quinté!
13:56¿Dónde estás?
13:58¡No! ¡Oigan! ¡De este lado!
14:00¡Déjenlo aquí! ¡De este lado!
14:02¡Yo te dije que de este lado!
14:04¡Ya! ¡Ve!
14:06¡Y tú, ayúdale!
14:08¡Guanyun! ¡Espérame!
14:10¿Qué es esa cosa que traes puesta?
14:12¿Una pijama?
14:14¿Te gustan? Le di una a mis roomies como regalo de bienvenida.
14:16Les encantaron.
14:18¿Quieres una?
14:20Creo que no, gracias.
14:22Acepta que si quieres una.
14:30¿Cómo es esa tal duna?
14:32Es más grande que tú.
14:34¿Qué? Parece que tenemos la misma edad.
14:36Dime algo de ella.
14:38Ahora vamos a vivir juntas.
14:40Ya, dime cómo es.
14:42No tengo idea.
14:44Nunca sé lo que piensa.
14:52¡Ya regresé!
14:54¡Ya llegamos!
14:58Ah, ¿es cerveza?
15:00¡Vamos a tomar hasta caernos!
15:02¿Me das una?
15:04Sí, toma.
15:06Parece que hay un esclavo viviendo arriba.
15:08¿Qué? ¿Quieres entrar?
15:10Eh, no.
15:12De todas formas, no te iba a dejar.
15:14Tienes prohibido entrar. ¡Adiós!
15:16¿Entonces conoces también a Cuxu?
15:18Sí, claro que lo conozco.
15:20¡En serio!
15:22Heredó el negocio y ahora es el director de todo.
15:24¡Qué buena suerte tienes!
15:26¿Se llama Cuxu?
15:28¡Se llama Xuxin!
15:30¡Me debes un helado!
15:32¿Cuxu Chin, verdad?
15:34Cuxu es un chico muy divertido.
15:36Oye, ¿conoces la farmacia?
15:38Sí, claro. Todavía está ahí.
15:40¿Todavía? ¿En serio?
15:42¡Sí! ¡Me encanta ese lugar!
15:44¿Por qué?
15:46Es que a Cuxu Chin le gustaba la hija del dueño.
15:48Iba todo el tiempo por bebidas energéticas
15:50y al final se hizo adicto a ellas.
15:52Y Wonjun se la pasaba con él.
15:54También se hizo adicto. ¡Fue divertidísimo!
15:56A los dos todos les daban episodios de ansiedad.
16:04¿Qué haces aquí?
16:06Hila está hablando por teléfono.
16:20¿No es raro vivir de repente con tanta gente?
16:24Llevo tiempo viviendo sola.
16:26¿Y tú?
16:28¿Y tú?
16:30¿Y tú?
16:32Llevo tiempo viviendo así.
16:34¿A ti no te incomoda?
16:38Me siento en un viaje escolar.
16:42¿Viaje escolar?
16:44Nunca he ido a uno de esos en mi vida.
16:48Deberíamos hacer un viaje algún día,
16:50los tres, con uniforme.
16:54Claro que sí.
17:02¿Por qué?
17:08¿Por qué de...
17:10¿Por qué decidiste tener roomies de repente?
17:14¿Y tú?
17:16¿Por qué de repente te fuiste de tu casa?
17:18Siento que ya era necesario.
17:22Con todo lo que pasaba en casa
17:26y todo lo que se me acumuló
17:28sentí como si me hubiera estallado de repente
17:32y me hubiera ido.
17:34Eso fue lo que pasó.
17:36Es un resumen.
17:44Por eso le dije a Guan Yun lo que sentía.
17:52No se lo dije con tantas palabras,
17:54pero creo que lo entendió.
18:02Vine aquí para saber su respuesta.
18:06Porque no quiero perderlo.
18:08Lo siento tanto.
18:12Puedo ofrecerte una habitación,
18:16pero no puedo ayudarte en lo demás.
18:20Porque también hice algo.
18:38Conozco bien a Guan Yun.
18:40Siempre lo sobrepiensa todo
18:44y suele ser demasiado desconfiado.
18:48No le gusta la incertidumbre
18:52y menos relacionarse con cosas así.
18:56Nos conocemos desde hace mucho
18:58y tenemos sentimientos
19:00por el otro.
19:04Eso también es especial.
19:12¡Rápido! ¡Llegamos tarde!
19:14¡Nos vamos a llegar a la plaza!
19:16¡No importa! ¡Seguro llegamos tarde!
19:18¡Tenemos que tomar un taxi!
19:20¡Tengo la mochila llena de cosas!
19:22¿Cuánto llevas?
19:24¡Cállate! A menos que me vayas a ayudar con algo.
19:28¡Eres un idiota! ¡¿Por qué no tienes más cuidado?!
19:32Eso también es especial.
19:34Conocer a alguien así.
19:38Compartir recuerdos.
19:40Casi vivir en el mismo mundo.
19:44Es algo muy poderoso.
19:48Por eso confío en lo nuestro.
19:52¡Rápido! ¡Vamos a comer antes de la primera clase!
19:54¡No, no, en serio!
19:56¡Ya cállense!
19:58¿Por qué?
20:00¡No, en serio! ¡Ya!
20:02¡Vamos a comer!
20:12Oye, ¿cómo te va con la famosa?
20:14¿Ya son amigas o cómo es?
20:16Con todo lo que...
20:18¿Hablan mal de ella?
20:20Es linda, súper normal.
20:22And tell me, how's it going with the guys?
20:31And that face?
20:33What's wrong?
20:34What's wrong? You're scaring me.
20:43I wanted to tell you that...
20:46This morning...
21:29Go, Sensei!
21:30Go, Sensei!
21:31Go, Sensei!
21:32Go, Sensei!
21:41You made me feel things.
21:46I don't want to feel that for a kiss, no matter what.
22:00Go, Sensei!
22:01Go, Sensei!
22:02Go, Sensei!
22:03Go, Sensei!
22:04Go, Sensei!
22:05Go, Sensei!
22:06Go, Sensei!
22:07Go, Sensei!
22:08Go, Sensei!
22:09Go, Sensei!
22:10Go, Sensei!
22:11Go, Sensei!
22:12Go, Sensei!
22:13Go, Sensei!
22:14Go, Sensei!
22:15Go, Sensei!
22:16Go, Sensei!
22:17Go, Sensei!
22:18Go, Sensei!
22:19Go, Sensei!
22:20Go, Sensei!
22:21Go, Sensei!
22:22Go, Sensei!
22:23Go, Sensei!
22:24Go, Sensei!
22:25Go, Sensei!
22:26Go, Sensei!
22:27Go, Sensei!
22:28Go, Sensei!
22:29Go, Sensei!
22:30Go, Sensei!
22:31Go, Sensei!
22:32Go, Sensei!
22:33Go, Sensei!
22:34Go, Sensei!
22:35Go, Sensei!
22:36Go, Sensei!
22:37Go, Sensei!
22:38Go, Sensei!
22:39Go, Sensei!
22:40Go, Sensei!
22:41Go, Sensei!
22:42Go, Sensei!
22:43Go, Sensei!
22:44Go, Sensei!
22:45Go, Sensei!
22:46Go, Sensei!
22:47Go, Sensei!
22:48Go, Sensei!
22:49Go, Sensei!
22:50Go, Sensei!
22:51Go, Sensei!
22:52Go, Sensei!
22:53Go, Sensei!
22:54Go, Sensei!
22:55Go, Sensei!
22:56Go, Sensei!
22:57Go, Sensei!
22:58Go, Sensei!
22:59Go, Sensei!
23:00Go, Sensei!
23:01Go, Sensei!
23:02Go, Sensei!
23:03Go, Sensei!
23:04Go, Sensei!
23:05Go, Sensei!
23:06Go, Sensei!
23:07Go, Sensei!
23:08Go, Sensei!
23:09Go, Sensei!
23:10Go, Sensei!
23:11Go, Sensei!
23:12Go, Sensei!
23:13Go, Sensei!
23:14Go, Sensei!
23:15Go, Sensei!
23:16Go, Sensei!
23:17Go, Sensei!
23:18Go, Sensei!
23:19Go, Sensei!
23:20Go, Sensei!
23:21Go, Sensei!
23:22Go, Sensei!
23:23Go, Sensei!
23:24Go, Sensei!
23:25Go, Sensei!
23:26Go, Samba Girls, Sheila!
23:27Give me a kiss, Juntel!
23:38Thank you for everything.
23:41Do you want help?
23:42Uh, no, thanks.
23:47Could you lend me a blanket?
23:49I have one in the chair in my room.
23:53Yes, thank you.
23:56Oh, well, but he touched your face and said you were cute.
24:00Yes, exactly. He touched my face and said I was cute.
25:15¿La encontraste?
25:20Baja por una cerveza.
25:26¿La encontraste?
25:28¿La encontraste?
25:30¿La encontraste?
25:32¿La encontraste?
25:34¿La encontraste?
25:36¿La encontraste?
25:38¿La encontraste?
25:40¿La encontraste?
25:42¿La encontraste?
25:44¿La encontraste?
25:46¿La encontraste?
25:48¿La encontraste?
25:50¿La encontraste?
25:52¿La encontraste?
25:54¿La encontraste?
25:56¿La encontraste?
25:58¿La encontraste?
26:00¿La encontraste?
26:02¿La encontraste?
26:04¿La encontraste?
26:06¿La encontraste?
26:08¿La encontraste?
26:10¿La encontraste?
26:12¿La encontraste?
26:14¿La encontraste?
26:16¿La encontraste?
26:18¿La encontraste?
26:20¿La encontraste?
26:22¿La encontraste?
26:25¿Tú qué quieres?
26:26¿Qué quiero?
26:27Que gusto ver a alguien del medio,
26:29como encontrarse a un coreano en el extranjero.
26:32Te ves mucho más linda.
26:34¿Qué haces ahora?
26:35No estoy haciendo nada.
26:38¿Qué fue lo que te pasó?
26:40¿Todo iba bien?
26:42Sí, lo eché a perder.
26:45Te entiendo.
26:46Sentí que podía aguantar cualquier estupidez
26:48cuando hiciera mi debut.
26:50Pero siempre hay nuevas estupideces esperándote.
26:52Was it serious?
26:58Let's go somewhere else.
27:00Why not?
27:02That kind of people
27:04seem to be
27:06made to recognize each other
27:08as soon as they see each other.
27:10Look, for example, Ayla.
27:12The moment I saw her,
27:14I knew immediately, and I'm not exaggerating,
27:16that we were alike.
27:18Yes, really.
27:20Yes, really.
27:22Shinju and Wanchu.
27:24Don't you feel
27:26that magnetism?
27:28You know, right?
27:38Yes, yes, okay.
27:40Kiss king!
27:42Are you serious?
27:44I'm sorry.
27:46You know how I get.
27:48You know how I get.
27:56Do you want to go out for a while?
27:58Come on, let's go.
28:18I want to play.
28:48It doesn't work.
28:52It doesn't work.
28:56It doesn't work.
29:06I thought I would never come
29:08the day I told you something
29:10about my family.
29:14I felt
29:16a lot of happiness.
29:20That the person you like
29:22tells you that she likes you too.
29:36I love you.
29:40I felt my heart come out of my chest.
29:42I finally had something I wanted.
29:44I wanted to jump and scream happiness.
29:56I came up with so many things
29:58I wanted to do with you.
30:02I felt that now all that was possible.
30:08Write everything you did with that vagabond.
30:10Write it!
30:12It can't be, you're a whore!
30:14No, please!
30:16Don't do that!
30:24It was like waking up from a dream
30:26to land again
30:28in the horrible reality.
30:32That Jinju you liked,
30:34who was all smiles
30:36and tenderness,
30:38was always a fake Jinju.
30:40But Jinju was always sad
30:42with a family
30:44that was destroyed.
30:50Suddenly I lost all the courage.
31:00Would you like to tell me something?
31:12I really liked you.
31:38I really liked you.
31:42So much that I didn't want to see you anymore.
31:44And if you didn't belong to me,
31:46I was going to end up destroyed.
31:50I liked you so much
31:52that I didn't know
31:54if I still felt the same
31:56when I found you.
32:00I wish I had helped you
32:02when you were going through hard times.
32:04But now...
32:06a lot of things have happened.
32:10Could you help me now?
32:12To feel better?
32:14Make me feel better.
32:16Tell me I have your support.
32:18And that you still like me
32:20like you used to.
32:22Tell me I have your support.
32:24And that you still like me
32:26like you used to.
32:28Tell me I have your support.
32:30And that you still like me
32:32like you used to.
32:36We talked about us.
32:44Forgive me.
32:48I told you we'd go for a walk
32:50I wanted to apologize.
33:20I love you.
34:20What's wrong?
34:22What are you doing?
34:28That's how you play with people.
34:30I know a lot of people
34:32who can't stand you.
34:34And now I understand everything.
34:36And you disgust me.
34:40You do it because you want attention?
34:46Not here.
34:50Did it hurt?
34:52Everyone knows he left you.
34:58Everything okay?
35:02Did you lose something?
35:06Are you dating this kid?
35:12How old are you?
35:14You don't care.
35:16What did you say?
35:18I left my cell phone in your car.
35:22I'll go get it.
35:24Where is it?
35:28It can't be.
35:30Let's go.
35:46Tell me.
35:48Are you friends?
35:52That you're Tuna's friend.
35:56She doesn't have any friends.
36:00We're in the same place.
36:04I can't believe she's laughing at me.
36:06She's flirting with anyone
36:08to get Paquinú's attention.
36:12I knew what she was doing.
36:14But why not?
36:16Free lunch.
36:20What? You want to hit me?
36:24Get out of here.
36:28Do you think you're different?
36:30Just because you're in love with her?
36:58Let's go.
37:20What are you thinking about?
37:28I don't know.
37:58Let's go.
38:28Let's go.
38:36Everyone feels it.
38:38They get over it and leave.
38:40Did you think you were different?
38:42Let's go.
38:56What are you doing here?
39:12Did you exercise?
39:14You're sweating.
39:24That too?
39:28Do you feel things?
39:36That's hard.
39:42Let's go.
40:12Let's go.
40:30Can I ask you something?
40:34Why do you think I'm not different?
40:36Different from the guy from yesterday?
40:38Or from who?
40:42Did you forget?
40:44It was you who said it didn't matter.
40:46And I didn't contradict you.
40:48Because maybe you're right.
40:54That's why I decided to go out with other people.
40:58I was curious.
41:00To know if...
41:04I really like you or not.
41:08I'm just anxious about human contact.
41:12What would you do if that were the case?
41:16What if I'm surrounded by other people
41:18and I still miss you?
41:20What if I still like you?
41:26What if I fell in love with you?
41:30What would you do?
41:32What would you do?
41:44You don't know what to say either.
42:02What would you do?
42:20Don't you see your friends?
42:24And it's true.
42:32It's true.
43:02Don't go back.
43:32It's true.
43:34It's true.
