• last year
WayLing is an art of expression founded by Ruben Joseph aka Lion Heart.
Founded in London Hackney 1976
00:00I call it Wei Ling.
00:02Wei Ling.
00:04So Wei Ling is his crowning name.
00:07I mixed up everything.
00:09Yeah. Put together.
00:10Everything deadly.
00:11Hard recipes.
00:13If you can prove to me that you come out with something
00:18and I can't anti-lock it,
00:20then I would add it.
00:23I would take it into my stable and say, yeah.
00:26Wei Ling.
00:27So if you punch me, kid, I'm going to want to drop out.
00:30I'm going to want to relax.
00:31So therefore, what I want to do is kick home
00:33with a protection punch.
00:35Wei Ling.
00:46Wei Ling.
00:47There is that stuff that goes in that is so close
00:50and easy to protect your hands and your body.
00:53One of his, I don't know if both of them did anything,
00:56but I know one of them, one of his sons did a llama,
01:01did crane and did ape.
01:04So what happened is these are animal styles.
01:08Which Uncle Ruben eventually put into his art.
01:12Because what happened is Brian Lau was teaching him
01:16the Wing Chun and Tai Chi.
01:19His son was teaching him the llama, the crane,
01:24the crane, sorry, and ape.
01:26You understand?
01:28Along the way, after learning from these guys,
01:31what happened is they got deported.
01:35So he was learning, but then the learning stopped.
01:40Because there was no more Brian Lau.
01:42You understand?
01:44Now, when Brian Lau got deported,
01:47because he didn't know he was getting deported,
01:49it was a shock to him when he realized he's gone.
01:53So now he's in a position of where he's frustrated
01:55and he's angry and he's upset.
01:57All these emotions running through him
01:59because he was so in love with martial arts.
02:02And now he's found somebody who can take him
02:05to a whole new level.
02:07And now this person's gone.
02:09So what do I do now?
02:10Brian Lau got sent back over to China.
02:12You understand what I'm saying?
02:13So at this point now, Uncle Ruben's on a ting like,
02:15okay, so what do I do now?
02:17I don't know the whole form of Wing Chun.
02:20I don't know the whole of Tai Chi.
02:21What am I supposed to do?
02:23What I'm going to do,
02:24I'm going to formulate my own ting.
02:26So what he did is he continued training, training, training,
02:30what he was shown.
02:32Continue, continue, continue, continue.
02:34And then it got to a point where, okay,
02:37how do I now take this further?
02:39So what he'd done is any art that he was aware of,
02:42he took parts from that.
02:46Which he believed worked.
02:48And he used that.
02:51What's effective and what's not.
02:52What's effective for me and what's not.
02:55So he took these things on.
02:57And the way in which he tried,
03:00the way in which he built his art was he went out and started fights.
03:08Remember he was young.
03:09So he's still in the element of being.
03:12You know what I mean?
03:14Bear in mind as a teenager,
03:15he needed to grow his,
03:16his art.
03:17You understand?
03:18When he realized that his art was ready,
03:21because there was times that he would lose and he was like,
03:24okay, I lost.
03:25So, okay.
03:26What was weak?
03:27What was strong?
03:29That was weak.
03:31Do I build upon this or do I throw it away?
03:32Some things he threw away,
03:33some things he kept and build upon.
03:34So he went out,
03:35starting fights,
03:36some fights.
03:37He had these people that challenged him because they realized he was a
03:39martial arts.
03:40That was pretty good.
03:41He closed down schools.
03:43Some art.
03:44When he started to teach his art,
03:46because I forget when,
03:47whilst he's doing his thing and he started implementing things and he's
03:50dropping things because when he's getting into it and he realized,
03:54that don't work.
03:55That don't work.
03:57That works.
03:59That needs refining.
04:00That needs fixing.
04:01When he realized,
04:03now I'm ready.
04:05That's when he started to teach.
04:07One of the schools,
04:09One of the schools that he ended up,
04:11close it,
04:12close it.
04:13One of the students left the class and went to him.
04:17And my father was in that class.
04:18I see.
04:19Because the,
04:21the teacher of that class,
04:22he was disrespecting my uncle.
04:25Kung Fu is rubbish.
04:27Who is this guy?
04:28His art is rubbish and challenged him.
04:30So he went down to the school,
04:31fought the teacher,
04:33beat him up.
04:35The students left him and went to my uncle,
04:38including my father.
04:40And so the story I'm hearing,
04:42is that at a very young age,
04:43meet somebody living nearby.
04:46somebody called Bruce,
04:50I beg your pardon.
04:53being taught by Brian.
04:54Brian's then,
04:57Uncle Ruben decides that he's going to go out,
04:59and learn different types of art.
05:01As a result of that,
05:02he combined them,
05:03which then became way.
05:04He didn't learn different types of art,
05:06but what he'd done is what he knew of different arts,
05:09but because he got into combat with them and things,
05:12this had him to say,
05:14I'm going to take that.
05:16I like that move.
05:18That didn't,
05:19that didn't work.
05:21You've got him with that.
05:23I like the way you blocked that.
05:24So I'm going to use that and use that.
05:25When he got food,
05:27that didn't work when I blocked.
05:28So I'm not going to,
05:29I'm not going to throw that away.
05:30I'm going to strengthen that.
05:31That's how he did it.
05:32So he really did create his own style.
05:33He really did.
05:34So he named it accordingly.
05:35The reason why he named it way Ling is because he recalls Brian.
05:38No way as way,
05:39no limitation as limitation.
05:42So what he'd done,
05:43no way as way and no limitation as limitation.
05:46What do I call it?
05:49He remembered his teacher saying,
05:50no way as way,
05:51no limitation as limitation.
05:52You will also remember Bruce Lee saying the same thing.
05:56So he said,
05:58no way as way.
06:02no limitation as a limitation.
06:04He fought limb now,
06:05limb limbs,
06:06like your limbs.
06:07And okay,
06:08I'll call it Ling.
06:09So he called it way Ling.
06:11And the reason why it's called way Ling is to,
06:13also to remember Brian Lau who put him in that direction,
06:18the change of direction,
06:20because he was fully into the martial arts.
06:22So there's many more ways than one.
06:24There's so many different ways in which you can explain it,
06:27but to,
06:29to sort of make it an,
06:30an easy explanation,
06:31if you like.
06:33There's many more ways than one.
06:35No way as way.
06:37So when you hear way Ling,
06:39you hear no way as way,
06:40no limitation as a limitation.
06:42You hear Brian Lau.
06:43You understand?
06:46You hear many more ways than one because there's more ways than one to do all
06:50There are many more ways than one to do anything and no limitation as
06:55If you need to go around the wall,
06:57you might need to go under,
06:58you might to dig go under,
06:59go around,
07:01break through.
07:03And it was to basically remind him of Brian Lau.
07:06That's why he called it way Ling.
07:07Way was for no way as way.
07:09Limitation was Ling.
07:12He didn't want to,
07:13he didn't want to call it,
07:16Cause he wanted it to sound Chinese.
07:17So he said Ling.
07:19Way Ling.
07:23when did he die?
07:24What year?
07:25He died in 2011.
07:28No way as way,
07:29no limitation as a limitation.
07:30Way Ling.