• 2 days ago
New story cartoon



00:00Once upon a time, there was a king named Prabhu, who had a brahmin minister named Devaswamy.
00:11Devaswamy had son named Chandraswamy.
00:14Chandraswamy grew up into a kingdom since he was a child and he had grown into an adult.
00:20He was really a bright student.
00:22Everybody would say he would come to a good position.
00:25Chandraswamy becomes into an adult.
00:27Devaswamy brings Chandraswamy to meet king.
00:30When the king saw both the son and father, he then called both of them to come near him
00:35and said this.
00:36Good to see you, Devaswamy.
00:38Where have you been hiding your son all these years?
00:41There was no need for him to see you all these years, my king.
00:45But today is a good day for you to meet him.
00:48If you have not shown him to me all these years and you are showing him to me today,
00:52this means that you want some job to be done today.
00:54My son has finished all his education.
00:57I am here to ask you if you can give my son a job in this kingdom if it's possible.
01:01You do not worry about that, minister.
01:04You have been working for me loyally for so many years.
01:07Also you have been with me in my tough and troublesome times.
01:11If this is the way I should repay you, I have no problem doing it whatsoever.
01:16The king immediately summons one of his commanders and he says this to him.
01:21This man named Chandraswamy is my minister's son.
01:24I want you to give him a job in the army and make sure that you train them very well
01:29for the job so that he can be efficient in it.
01:32After listening to the king's order, the commander looks at Chandraswamy up and down
01:36and he says this to him.
01:38Sure, my king.
01:39I shall do as you say.
01:41Listening to what the commander said, Devaswamy becomes very happy.
01:45Both Devaswamy and his son leave the place.
01:48After they leave the place, the commander comes to the king and he said this to him
01:52like this.
01:53My king, I want to tell you something that is very important.
01:56Tell me.
01:57Is there any problem with the army that we are going through right now?
02:00By God's grace, there is no problem with our army or our team right now.
02:04But I am here to tell you another important thing.
02:06The son of our minister named Chandraswamy is not a good person and he is not eligible
02:11to work in the army.
02:12The reason why I am telling you this is because I have seen it with my own eyes.
02:16I have seen his behavior and how he acts.
02:20Just a few months ago, I caught him gambling along with the few rowdies in the nation.
02:24I also caught him fighting with them after gambling throughout the night.
02:28He is addicted to gambling and once I caught him, I let him go because he is the minister's
02:34son and now I do not think it's a good idea to have a man like him in our army.
02:39That is why I want you to reconsider your decision.
02:42I have never met Chandraswamy before.
02:45This is the first time I am seeing him.
02:47His father brought him to me for the first time and he has asked me for a favor.
02:51Chandraswamy looked like a strong and fit man in my eyes, which is why I gave him the
02:56But since you told me this, I will keep this in mind and you have told me the right time.
03:01I shall talk to the minister and I shall get back to you.
03:04The next day, king summons the minister and he tells him everything that commander told
03:09After listening to what the king said, the minister was very sad and he became worried
03:14and said this to the king like this.
03:17It is my fault that I grieve my son very lovingly.
03:20I shouldn't have ever done that.
03:21I didn't know that he was addicted to gambling throughout my entire time with him.
03:26Now I shall go back to him and I shall scold him for what he had done.
03:30Thank you for letting me know, my king.
03:32The minister immediately goes back to the house and he starts scolding his son.
03:37I took you to the king to get you a job so that you can live a respectful life.
03:42But now you are addicted to gambling and you are spoiling my name.
03:45Why are you ruining your own life like this?
03:48Father, you do not know what you are talking about.
03:51Is it so wrong to have fun with the money that I have?
03:54You only know how to earn money using hard work and determination.
03:58But you do not know how to enjoy money.
04:00Is it wrong that I like to enjoy money?
04:02When the king offered me the job to be in the army, I thought of declining it.
04:07But when I saw your face, I decided to say yes.
04:10I am not interested in working, father.
04:12I do not feel like doing it.
04:14Work is like this backbone of a man.
04:15If you do not like working, at least start a business.
04:18I will fund the money for you to start the business.
04:20Are you going to ruin my name, glory and reputation that I have built throughout the years by
04:25working for the king?
04:27You cannot live like this anymore.
04:29You need to earn living for yourself.
04:31You cannot take my money anymore.
04:32It seems like you yourself will destroy everything that I have earned.
04:36This is not the way to be a man.
04:38If you want to be a man, you have to work at something in life.
04:41If not, you will be a failure.
04:43Why do you care what I do for a living?
04:45You always think about me like I am a fool.
04:47How can I express what I can feel to you?
04:49I want to live my life the way I want to live my life.
04:53Stop interfering with my thoughts and opinions.
04:56My son, if you do not need me to tell you anything, then why do you need the father
05:01in the first place?
05:03I want you to get out of my house right now.
05:06If you don't want to listen to me, I do not need you to be here.
05:10I want you to leave right away and do not show your face until you have decided to
05:16obey my words.
05:17Go away from here and do whatever you want to do.
05:21Chandraswamy becomes very angry and upset and he leaves the house in rague.
05:26As soon as he left the house, he did not know how to survive.
05:30After weeks of staying away from his house, Chandraswamy was found beaten up and wounded.
05:36He was unconscious in the forest.
05:38The priest was walking towards the forest and he saw Chandraswamy beaten up body and
05:43he felt sad for him.
05:44He carried Chandraswamy and took him to ashram.
05:47I do not know who you are, but you seem like the man who has served my life.
05:50You are like God to me.
05:52I do not know how to repay you, but I shall give my gratitude to you too.
05:55There is no need to thank me, my friend.
05:57First let your body heal from its wounds completely.
06:00Sir, please listen to me.
06:02I know everything about you, my friend.
06:04You left your father's house because he told you to leave.
06:08And then while you were walking around, you saw a place where people were gambling.
06:13So you joined them and you started gambling.
06:16After you finishing gambling, they asked you for the money that you owned them.
06:21But you were not able to give the money that you owe them.
06:24This is because you lost all the money that you used to play with.
06:29Hey, give me the money that I owned and you can leave after that.
06:32If you would have told them that you are the minister's son, they would not have hit you
06:36so hard.
06:37But you did not want them to know that you were the minister's son.
06:41Because you did not want to embarrass his name in front of the entire nation knowing
06:46that you did not have the money.
06:49They started beating you up severely.
06:51After they beat you up so bad, you were unconscious and you did not get up.
06:56The shopkeeper of the tavern felt very scared because he thought you were dead.
07:02So he asked his co-workers in the middle of the night to carry you and dump you in the
07:07middle of the forest where there is a lake or a pit.
07:11Guys, take this body and dump it in a pit or a lake in the forest.
07:14Those men grabbed your body and they went towards the forest.
07:18As they were in the forest, they were unable to find a pit or a lake and your weight was
07:23too heavy on them and they started getting tired at that moment.
07:27They said, What is this?
07:28I am not able to find a single pit or a lake in this forest.
07:32What shall we do?
07:33I don't care.
07:34Let us just dump him here and let us go and tell our boss that we put him in a lake.
07:37They just dumped you in the middle of the forest out of nowhere.
07:41That is when I saw you and I saved your life.
07:43After that I gave treatment to you and now you are speaking to me.
07:46After listening to what priest said, Chandraswamy was absolutely shocked to understand that
07:51priest knows everything about him.
07:53Enough of the conversation.
07:54Let me give you something to eat.
07:56Come over here, my friend.
07:58Chandraswamy was quite confused as how the priest would have food to give in the middle
08:03of the forest.
08:04While he was wondering, priest immediately used his powers and his magic to transport
08:09Chandraswamy into another realm.
08:11Chandraswamy was transported into a place which looked like a city.
08:15Right next to him there was a house.
08:17He was shocked and confused to see all those things.
08:20Two beautiful women walked out of the house.
08:23They looked at Chandraswamy and said this, Sir, please come with us.
08:28It is an honor and a privilege for us to give your food.
08:31Chandraswamy went with those two women and he had very delicious meal.
08:35The delicious meal consisted of several different dishes.
08:39And while he was having that meal, a beautiful woman sat near him and ate with him.
08:45Chandraswamy went into a bedroom which had a huge bed and slept in it.
08:49While he was sleeping in it, he thought of asking about the girl once he wakes up.
08:54After he slept for a while, he woke up and he was shocked to see that he wasn't in the
08:58place anymore.
08:59He was not in the palace and there were no two women to serve him.
09:04He came back to the priest's house.
09:06My friend, I hope you enjoyed your meal.
09:08Was it satisfactory to your taste?
09:10I hope that they gave you the respect that you deserve.
09:12Thank you so much for what you have done.
09:14I had a very delicious meal.
09:16But when I was there, I saw a beautiful woman.
09:18I felt like introducing myself to her.
09:20You idiot!
09:21You thought that everything that you saw was real?
09:23Those were just an imagination that I made for you so that you can have your meal.
09:28After listening to what priest said,
09:30Oh, I didn't realize that.
09:31But you can teach me how to create this illusion like you did.
09:34My friend, it is not easy to learn such a trick like that.
09:38What I have created is nothing but an illusion.
09:40This can only be achieved if you are immersed deep down in the water.
09:44While you are immersed deep down in the water, you have to fantasize about having a completely
09:49different life where you have a wife or a few children and why you are fantasizing it.
09:54You have to completely believe in it.
09:56You have to believe in it so much that real life should mean nothing to you.
10:00But the life that you are envisioning should be the real life in your mind.
10:03Only when you achieve such a thing could you get the powers that I have.
10:07You have to believe in what you think and then all your imaginations in dreams will be true.
10:12After listening to what the priest said,
10:14Chandraswamy becomes very stubborn and he says this.
10:17Priest, please believe in me.
10:18No matter how difficult it is, I shall find a way to solve it as soon as I possibly can.
10:23After listening to what Chandraswamy said,
10:25If I ever teach the tricks that I have learned, it will be a disrespect to the trick
10:30and it would be a disrespect for my hard work which I have done all these years.
10:34Things like this should not be taken lightly.
10:36Chandraswamy looks at the priest and he says this to him.
10:39Sir, I will make sure that you will not face any loss while teaching.
10:42After listening to Chandraswamy being so stubborn, priest decides to teach him the trick.
10:47He looks at him and says this to him.
10:50First I shall create the illusion of fire for you again.
10:53Once you go in there, let us see how long you can stay there.
10:56And if you can stay there and believe in the illusion,
10:59then I shall let you know and I shall wake you up from it.
11:02But if you refuse to believe in it, you will stay there for eternity and you will not be able to get out of it.
11:07The priest takes Chandraswamy to the nearby lake and asks him to immerse into the lake.
11:13He then gives him a very holy chant for him to recite after Chandraswamy recited that holy verse.
11:20He then went inside the water and he started meditating after he meditated for a while.
11:26Chandraswamy got up from the lake and came back to the priest.
11:30First, why did you come back so soon, my friend?
11:32If you would have stayed there, you would have been able to complete the trick.
11:36Nevertheless, what was the illusion that you had when you were deep down in that water?
11:40May I know what you were imagining?
11:42I dreamt a dream where I was the son of a Brahmin in a huge kingdom.
11:46I grew up into a very good family and I ended up becoming the king's advisor and minister.
11:51While I was the king's advisor, I started giving him several different ideas which he implemented and made the kingdom very prosperous.
11:58Everybody in my kingdom loved me and respected me and they treated me with kindness because of the great things that I had done.
12:06I also got married and had a lot of children.
12:09While I was living that life prosperously, I realized that this life was not a real life and this was an illusion that I was creating myself.
12:18And when I decided to end it, I realized what would happen to all these dreams and these visions that I had with the king.
12:27My father, my wife, my children, all of them would go away if I stopped dreaming.
12:33And that is when I immediately woke up and I came back to talk to you.
12:38Now I have decided to attain the full prosperity of this illusion.
12:43Didn't I tell you that this is exactly what would happen?
12:46But why did you get up from it if that is what you liked so much and you longed for?
12:51Why did you refuse it?
12:52The reason I wanted to get up from the illusion is because that is the life that I should be living in reality.
12:59Those are the dreams and wishes that my father had for me in my real life.
13:04Even though it felt pleasurable in my dreams and illusion, I needed to make these things happen in my real life.
13:11And I am pretty sure that you knew about this.
13:13He showed the life that I could have lived right in front of my eyes to make a change in my character.
13:19Instead of lecturing me about how should I live, he showed me the life that I would have if I would have lived the right way.
13:27Just like my father said, I thank you so much for enlightening me with your magic and your illusion.
13:33Now I shall make my illusion and dream come true.
13:36By living the life that I am supposed to live, I shall obey my father's words.
13:41Thank you so much, my priest.
13:43I owe to you throughout my entire life, my priest.
13:46Chandraswamy immediately bowed down to the priest and he gave him his respects.
13:51After that Chandraswamy left the forest and he went back to his father's house.
13:55He went and told everything to his father and his father felt glad that his son has finally decided to change from his old ways of living.
14:25The End
