• 2 days ago
00:00You are aware he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered?
00:03I didn't even know he was my father until after he was dead.
00:06Yes, he's dead.
00:07So who's Lord of Storm's End now?
00:10I don't know, Your Grace.
00:11Does anyone?
00:13I think you should be Lord of Storm's End.
00:16That can't be, I'm a bastard.
00:17No, you are Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End.
00:21The lawful son of Robert Baratheon.
00:23Because that is what I have made you.
00:26To Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End.
00:37A fitting reward for a hero and a Lord of Storm's End who will be forever loyal to you.
00:45See, you're not the only one who's clever.
