• 2 days ago
00:00Of course it wasn't a rebel who tried to kill me.
00:02No? Curious.
00:04You're meeting father today.
00:05How do you know that?
00:06Because I have hundreds of spies in my employ.
00:09The master of whisperers owes me a favor or two.
00:12Father told me.
00:13What do you want from him?
00:14What do I want from him? He's my father.
00:16Do I need to want something?
00:17I'm sure he loves me dearly.
00:19Yet he hasn't come to visit once since arriving in King's Landing.
00:23My face split in half, but father never came.
00:26You're going to make me cry.
00:28Why do you care what I want from him?
00:30Because you slandered me to father before.
00:32Slandered? When?
00:34You told him I had my guards beat that servant girl at Casterly Rock.
00:38You did have your guards beat her.
00:40She lost an eye, if I remember correctly.
00:42If I remember correctly, she never stole a necklace again.
00:45It's not slander if it's true.
00:47Then what's this truth you plan on telling him today?
00:50Why are you so nervous about what I'm going to say to father?
00:54You're a clever man, but you're not half as clever as you think you are.
00:57Still makes me more clever than you.
