Shortland Street 8030 16th October 2024

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00:00Previously on Shortland Street
00:02You have been having an affair with my junior surgeon for months.
00:07Maybe Phil wouldn't be making all those mistakes if Drew wasn't so hard on her.
00:10Don't listen to her.
00:11Are you serious about this?
00:12Hell yeah.
00:13And you need to sort it out.
00:14She wants a meeting with both of us tomorrow morning about how you're being treated.
00:17I am sick of this.
00:18I've been treated like dirt all week.
00:20I'm not taking all the heat for your messed up marriage.
00:22If I wanted to, I could blow this whole thing up and ruin your career.
00:26You don't want to do that.
00:27You know what?
00:28I don't care anymore, Phil.
00:29You can go back to whatever you want.
00:30You're finished.
00:31My whole career is on the line, everything I have worked for.
00:39Look, Drew won't want it to get out.
00:41It'll make him look bad.
00:42Drew doesn't care anymore.
00:43I don't know what he'll do.
00:44He could tell Esther everything.
00:46You didn't see him.
00:47And besides, I'm the homewrecker.
00:48The junior trying to sleep her way to the top.
00:54You would have slept with Drew if that's what you wanted.
00:57Look, I'm sorry, but maybe it should all come out, and then there's no secrets, and you
01:01can actually move on properly.
01:02Esther will sack me.
01:04She can't do that.
01:05Well, she'll find a way to ice me out.
01:07I mean, think about it.
01:08Do you really want a head of ED and a head of surgery having tension?
01:12They're power players.
01:13I am nothing.
01:14My reputation will be shot.
01:17What hospital is going to want me?
01:19Oh, my God, Mum, I have really messed up.
01:23Yeah, no argument there.
01:26But you are Phil Grayson, and you never give up.
01:30You're right.
01:31It's not over till it's over, right?
01:36Oi, what are you doing out of bed?
01:38I am looking for Nars.
01:39I'm going to give him a hand.
01:41How exactly?
01:43We can bounce ideas if he has a difficult case.
01:45Look, I feel bad.
01:46It's more work for him with me being out of action.
01:49OK, I'll tell you what he's going to say.
01:51Go back to bed, Marty.
01:53What's going on?
01:54Being stuck in bed is doing my head in.
01:56I feel fine, OK?
01:57My recovery's on track.
01:58I should be home by now.
01:59Well, your surgeon says a few more nights.
02:01OK, well, then let's talk to Drew.
02:03Oh, I will be talking to Drew.
02:04Is he around?
02:05Not tonight.
02:06Stop roaming the hospital, Marty, like the ghost of Christmas Pass.
02:08You can muck up your stitches.
02:09She's right, so come on, let me take you back.
02:11Well, if Drew's not around, I can self-discharge.
02:13Babe, I know how to look after myself, OK?
02:15Considering you got stabbed, that is debatable.
02:19She's still right, so can you just go with it, please?
02:22One more night.
02:23Well, then I'm coming home.
02:32Um, I'm about to go and see Nick if you want to come.
02:34Oh, I thought you didn't like me visiting.
02:36No, I'm fine with you seeing our friend.
02:39Mm, that's not the vibe I got earlier.
02:41OK, I don't want to argue, I just thought we both wanted the same thing, you know, to support Nick and Maeve.
02:46So that's what this is about?
02:48Not you trying to find any excuse you can to patch things up with me?
02:50What? No.
02:52You wouldn't use our friends like that?
02:54Of course not.
02:55Because you don't use people.
02:56OK, right, forget I said anything.
02:57What, you want me to back off? Is that what you want?
02:59Yeah, it is.
03:00Believe it or not, I do have other things on my plate.
03:02I have to front up to Esther in the morning.
03:04What for?
03:05Bullying Phil, allegedly.
03:07Oh, my God, she made a complaint.
03:09Selena did it for her.
03:10What are you going to say?
03:12No bloody idea.
03:17I love you, and I know you don't believe it right now.
03:19Damn right I don't.
03:20I really miss you and the kids.
03:35How are we today?
03:36It's OK.
03:37I have confessed my sins against my feathered friends.
03:40I've forgiven him.
03:42Can't speak for Davy, though.
03:44Davy? I thought he was flying through.
03:46He's back.
03:47Obviously gets enjoyment from tormenting me.
03:50That he is.
03:51He keeps staring at me, judging me.
03:54He knows what I did, and he's plotting his revenge.
03:57Well, I don't know if they're able to keep grudges.
04:00He can smell my fear, and it excites him.
04:03We're going to rehome him.
04:05Would you and Monique like another pet?
04:07Davy might not get on so well with Dolly.
04:09Please, Naz, I will pay you to take this beast.
04:11Is there any hope for her?
04:13I'd like to think so, but...
04:15Selena doesn't like them either, unfortunately.
04:18She believes birds should fly free.
04:21As disturbing as that thought is.
04:24It's OK.
04:25We'll put a notice out or post it up online.
04:27Unless you use this as an opportunity to get over your fear.
04:34I don't think that's really possible.
04:36Maybe it is, if you seek professional help.
04:39You mean psychiatry?
04:41They do help people with phobias.
04:46Hello, hello.
04:47Look who's home.
04:50Hey, buddy.
04:51Just need to be careful with hugs, yeah?
04:53Hey, we were going to come get you.
04:55I know, I couldn't wait.
04:57Get that old pie to help you, mate.
05:00Well, I still have to get going.
05:02I'm sorry.
05:03What have you got up first?
05:04Can you do that?
05:05I'm addressing workplace bullying, actually, so no.
05:09You want to know?
05:10Morning, Na.
05:11They finally let you out, buddy.
05:13They did, yeah.
05:17Thank you, Casey.
05:18Happy to help.
05:20To take care of the kids, so you don't overexert yourself.
05:23Oh, I can do that.
05:24What do you want to play, buddy?
05:25Tag game.
05:26Oh, I don't think Daddy Marty's up for playing too much, OK?
05:29But you can play with your blocks.
05:31Can't chase me.
05:32Um, sorry, bud.
05:34Don't worry about it.
05:35You'll be able to get back to all of that in no time.
05:38I'll handle it for now.
05:40I was looking forward to playing with the kids again.
05:42Oh, soon.
05:43You've got a lot of healing to do.
05:44Yeah, take the time.
05:45You don't want to set yourself back.
05:47Thanks, but we should be looking out for you.
05:49You guys have got a lot going on.
05:51Oh, it's good to have something else to think about, to be honest.
05:53How is Nick?
05:54Yeah, just hanging in there.
05:56Well, give her our love, yeah?
05:57She said to do the same for you.
05:59Well, I'm going to grab Peggy, and then we can all head in together.
06:08Well, let's get started then.
06:10Selena was clear that what she saw constitutes workplace bullying.
06:13That's her interpretation.
06:15Well, she does work with both of you every day.
06:17Hey, full respect to Selena.
06:18She's a great D.O.N., but she's not exactly top of her game right now.
06:22You've got no right to make those kinds of judgments.
06:26Maybe I'll just run all my opinions through you from now on.
06:29Enough, Drew.
06:30You have been loading Phil's work schedule with routine low-level operations.
06:34So what she can handle?
06:36I can handle a lot more.
06:38That botched appendectomy says otherwise.
06:40I accept responsibility for that.
06:43So this is over one mistake?
06:45What can I say?
06:47I value the safety of my patients, and I treat Phil just like any other surgeon.
06:51There's more to it than that.
06:53He didn't bust me down just because of one mistake and one op.
06:57Well, what then?
06:59Boundaries were crossed.
07:00By you.
07:02What boundaries?
07:03Phil, what are you saying?
07:05I challenged Drew a few times, took it a bit far.
07:09Selena misunderstood.
07:11It wasn't bullying.
07:13It was a battle of wills.
07:18Difference of opinion.
07:20On both sides.
07:22Selena's blown it way out of proportion.
07:24So you never felt bullied or unfairly pressured?
07:28Are you sure?
07:30I've had some bad days with the workload.
07:32Found it hard to accept the chain of command as well as I should have.
07:36So you don't have a problem working with Drew?
07:39No, I don't have a problem working with him.
07:41I still have a lot to learn from him.
07:43And you couldn't have addressed this like adults?
07:46You had to draw other staff members in.
07:48It was unprofessional. I'm sorry.
07:50I'm sorry too.
08:00Still in VF.
08:02We'll give more adrenaline.
08:04Come on, Joe.
08:06They've been going for over 45 minutes.
08:08I admitted her. Her children are in triage.
08:10They're five and seven. We are not stopping now.
08:12Okay. Giving adrenaline now.
08:14Hey, sisterly.
08:17Look, I'm sorry, team. I'm going to have to call this.
08:19No. No way. I'll do compressions.
08:21Okay, fine. We keep going.
08:24Sage, can you please drop another mil of adrenaline?
08:26Copy that.
08:27Okay, Jill.
08:29I've met your beautiful kids.
08:31Your son loves soccer.
08:33It's like my kids do, yeah?
08:35And the thing is,
08:38I really think they love me.
08:40Papa, she's gone.
08:47I know. I'm sorry.
08:51Time of death, 8.32.
08:53You did everything you could.
08:55I'll inform the family.
08:57The father will be here soon, I will tell them.
09:02You win again.
09:03You lose again.
09:05I'm a pushover at this game.
09:07Okay, buddy. Drink coming up.
09:09Let me get it. You're in pain.
09:11No, it's fine. Water or juice, mate?
09:13Juice, please.
09:15All right.
09:17Coming right up.
09:19What are they giving you for it? Opioids?
09:23Well, you should be taking them.
09:25I will when I need to.
09:27No point in suffering, though.
09:29Going through agony if you don't have to.
09:31Well, life is about learning how to handle it, right?
09:35Here you go, buddy.
09:37You were on morphine, or...
09:39Yeah, that's right.
09:41So you should be in withdrawal by now.
09:43I just don't want to get used to taking it, okay?
09:45Because you've...
09:47Had issues, yeah.
09:49Look, Cassie, it's really great that you're here,
09:51but I really can't handle this.
09:53No, it's cool.
09:55And I get it. You know that.
09:57Well, surely you've got other stuff you could be doing.
09:59You've got enough stuff going on.
10:01I'm changing the subjects.
10:04Okay, that's fair.
10:06Okay, the one thing that I can't do is get to the shops.
10:08Could you maybe pick me up some stuff?
10:12I will make a list.
10:16I understand you want to protect your job
10:18and your career path by not rocking the boat,
10:20but I can't help you unless you're honest with me.
10:22I am being honest with you.
10:24Okay, well, we've discussed workload,
10:26but what's the personal angle?
10:28What's actually going on between you and Drew?
10:32Is he a jerk to you at work?
10:36Well, that's surprising, considering he's inappropriate with almost everybody.
10:38He jokes around, and sometimes that makes him a bit of a dick.
10:40He doesn't know where the line is.
10:42Well, I'm not talking about jokes.
10:44I know his marriage has been under strain for quite a while now.
10:46Has it?
10:48He hasn't converted on you?
10:50Not really.
10:52As a friend?
10:56Okay, well, what about Harper?
10:58We've talked sometimes.
11:01Have you talked to her, Drew?
11:03Not specifically.
11:05I'm just wondering if maybe you've become too involved.
11:07What do you mean?
11:09In your personal life.
11:11Drew and Harper, maybe he thinks you know too much
11:13and he's taking it out on you.
11:15It might not even be conscious,
11:17but it would explain why Harper wanted to be here.
11:19I have no idea what Harper wants,
11:21but truly, Esther, Selena's got it wrong.
11:23So Drew hasn't harassed you at all?
11:25Absolutely not. Can I go now?
11:33Hey, welcome back.
11:35Where's Cassie?
11:37Uh, supermarket.
11:41It's just easier than me trying to get there.
11:43Well, sure,
11:45but she's meant to be here as backup,
11:47you know, in case you need to lift the kids
11:49or something like that.
11:51Don't fuss, okay? Everything's fine.
11:53Yeah, I think it might be time for some more pain relief.
11:55No, I'm good.
11:59I am.
12:01How many have you taken today?
12:03That would be none.
12:05You don't have to prove that you're strong.
12:07I'm weak, yes.
12:09No, you're not.
12:11I can feel myself starting to crave the drugs.
12:13I'm too scared to go there, okay?
12:17Birds don't have a vendetta against you.
12:19It's just in your imagination.
12:21Yeah, I know that, intellectually,
12:23and yet...
12:25Oh, babe.
12:27Is he ready yet?
12:29I won't get a wink of sleep if he's still there tonight.
12:31I've put out the word,
12:33and I've also put up an ad on the staff notice board.
12:37Have you thought any more about therapy?
12:39I suppose there's always hypnosis.
12:43Or aversion therapy.
12:45I've heard of it.
12:47They expose you to controlled, small amounts
12:49of the thing you fear, little by little,
12:51so that you gradually build up resistance.
12:53Sounds awful.
12:55Starting with something harmless, like,
12:57I don't know, a small, cute, little,
12:59fluffy baby chick.
13:01And then eventually they work you up
13:03to a big, scary magpie.
13:05But by then you won't be scared anymore.
13:11what did you tell Esther?
13:13Same as when you were in there. Nothing to see here.
13:15Were you convincing?
13:17I think so. I hope so.
13:19Okay, maybe that's sort of it then.
13:21We just both need to keep our heads down.
13:25That is what we'll do.
13:27Like a nuclear pact.
13:33How did it go with Jill's family?
13:35Her husband was pretty devastated.
13:37I don't really think her kids understood
13:39that their mum's really gone.
13:41So sad.
13:43Yeah. But I mean, life goes on.
13:45Patients keep coming in, the world keeps turning,
13:47no matter how awful it gets.
13:49Do you want to take a break?
13:51I just needed a minute.
13:53Anything else?
13:57Go easy on her.
13:59She just lost a patient.
14:05Tough shift.
14:07No more than usual?
14:09Patient died.
14:11Happens every day.
14:13Every case is different.
14:15It's a mum of two.
14:17Younger than me parked her car in the drive,
14:19handbrake failed.
14:21Just one little thing.
14:23No kids don't have a mum.
14:29How did it go with Esther?
14:31She said you
14:33wanted to be there.
14:35I just wanted to protect you, in case you know.
14:37We covered.
14:39Selena got it wrong.
14:43Phil told Esther I'm not a bully.
14:47Um, I should probably get back.
14:53It's a shit show.
14:55But at least our kids still have
14:57their mum.
15:01And he's open
15:03to the idea of therapy?
15:05Well, he's wary, but I think I could convince
15:07Dad to give it a try.
15:09Ooh, what's this? Polyamory?
15:11No, where did that come from?
15:13I don't know, just thought you and Thaddeus might be wanting to switch it up.
15:15Why would you think that?
15:17Have you read his book?
15:19Just buckles getting swashed in all directions.
15:21This is about birds.
15:23There's fear of them.
15:25For real?
15:27Yeah, now I know why he bikes furiously past the lake.
15:29It's the swans.
15:31Birds are like everywhere.
15:35So we need to help him get over it.
15:37Maybe by exposing him to a cute bird who's
15:39much less aggressive than a swan or a lovebird.
15:41Hang on.
15:43So apparently
15:45I'm a liar.
15:47You just got it wrong, that's all.
15:49No, I didn't.
15:51What's going on with you and Jo?
15:53We've agreed, things got a bit...
15:57Tense. But we've talked about it and we've come to a truce.
15:59Okay, so there'll be an improvement in attitude then?
16:01Yes, there will be.
16:05Selena, thanks for looking out for me.
16:07Might think twice next time.
16:11how long do you think this
16:13truce will last before either of you
16:15snaps again?
16:17We'll work it out.
16:19I hope so, because I really want this all to be over.
16:21Okay, I want to focus on my kids and my family
16:23and all this bad blood keeps getting in the way.
16:25Hey, that's enough.
16:27I don't need you to protect me, really.
16:33It's how I feel, okay, and if you disagree
16:35I really don't care.
16:49I'm sorry, it's delicious, but I can't.
16:51You can't
16:53because you're in pain.
16:55I'm coping, it'll ease off soon.
16:57Not necessarily.
16:59Well then I'll get used to it.
17:01There wouldn't be any opioids if I was on a
17:03desert island.
17:05You're not on a desert island, you are with your
17:07family who don't want to see you tense
17:09or on edge or
17:13I'm sorry.
17:15It's fine, and I get it, you don't want
17:17to relapse, I'm proud of you for that, but I don't want
17:19you in so much pain it's going to affect your recovery.
17:25I have to go back in.
17:27Are you going to be okay?
17:29Yeah, of course.
17:31Are you sure?
17:33I'm not going back with this.
17:35No, you have me,
17:37your sponsor, your friends, we're all
17:39here to help you. I'm not going to be a burden to
17:41everyone again. You will do the same
17:43for me or anyone else you cared about.
17:51Take drugs,
17:53call your sponsor, keep in touch with me.
17:55You can do this, I believe
17:57in you.
17:59I really do.
18:05Thank goodness.
18:07I love you.
18:09Love you too.
18:11And I will text you.
18:21You in there?
18:25Or have you flown the proverbial
18:27coop again?
18:31I can do this.
18:33I can face my fear
18:35of feathered fiends.
18:55I'm not even going to ask
18:57what you two were doing. It was nothing like that.
18:59It was aversion therapy.
19:01I have a fear of birds.
19:03Okay. Wow.
19:05Madonna, I'm so sorry.
19:07I'm a monster.
19:09No, you're not. It was an accident.
19:11And you just clipped me
19:13on the beak. It's nothing
19:15serious, right? Oh, it's just a little bit of bruising
19:17on your nose, but some paracetamol and
19:19an ice pack and you'll be right.
19:21Oh, my darling, could have hurt you even a tiny bit.
19:23I'm a beast. I gave you a fright.
19:25You were trying to run away. You didn't mean to.
19:27I will never forgive myself.
19:29This needs to be reported to the police.
19:31What? No.
19:33Dad, just stop. You're upsetting my patient.
19:35You need to calm down. Oh, I just heard.
19:37You poor thing. How's my parade costume?
19:39Is it okay?
19:41The feathers are a little ruffled, that's all.
19:47Oh, and I'm sorry, Madonna. How are you?
19:49I'm fine. Just
19:51wishing I'd never put this on.
19:53Hey, it looks great on you. Right, boys?
19:55Madonna looks good in everything.
19:57You can go if you want
19:59to get away from this.
20:01No, no, no, I am
20:03not leaving your side. I will face
20:05my fear for you. Oh,
20:07there it is. Thank you.
20:09That means a lot.
20:11Maybe we could just tuck the wings
20:13under the sheet. A bit.
20:15You okay?
20:17It was pretty intense with Harper.
20:19I'm just so sick of being the bad guy.
20:21Well, Harper knows she's as much to blame as you are.
20:23Maybe I should go and
20:25get a job somewhere else.
20:27You have every right to be here. It'd be easier.
20:29I wouldn't have to deal with the aggravation.
20:31We have friends here.
20:33You're a good doctor. We'd miss you.
20:35This place? It'd be fine.
20:37We'll roll on as if I was never here.
20:39I'd miss you. You would?
20:41So don't go, yeah?
20:51It was a nice surprise. Thank you for the invite.
20:55I've been
20:57really tough on you.
20:59Yeah, well, I deserve it.
21:01But dragging it out
21:03doesn't appear on the kids.
21:05You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that.
21:07There's just one thing
21:09we need to clear up. What's that?
21:13Don't you know why?
21:15But is it the truth?
21:17What do you mean? Well, you've told me
21:19it just happened. That
21:21I wasn't enough for you. I did not say that.
21:23I said you weren't available
21:25to me.
21:27Because you weren't, emotionally.
21:29You'd shut yourself off. Well, maybe that's when I needed
21:31you most. I'm so sorry.
21:33I gave you
21:35everything I had, Drew. Everything.
21:37And, you know, I was
21:39grieving, too.
21:41I suppose
21:43I just needed something for me.
21:45The interfill.
21:49after Ehi left.
21:51Trying to cope after a miscarriage.
21:55And you took advantage of that.
21:57No, I didn't. Yes, you did.
21:59The senior doctor.
22:01Sick of giving till it hurt at
22:03home. You wanted to
22:05take something, reward yourself
22:07with the exciting,
22:09hot, available junior.
22:11That is not what it was. That's exactly
22:13what it was.
22:15Nothing I say is going to make any of this
22:17better, okay? And believe me,
22:19I am well aware of how it makes
22:21me look. I come off
22:23worst in all of this.
22:25Yes, you do.
22:27And you know what?
22:31This is over.
22:49This is over.