वर्ल्ड फूड डे 2024: फास्ट फूड को मिलेट्स से बने व्यंजन से करें रिप्लेस, डायटिशियन ने गिनाए फायदे

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इन दिनों लोग मिलेट्स को बढ़-चढ़कर अपने खाने शामिल कर रहे हैं, लेकिन इसके पूरे फायदे से वे अब भी अनभिज्ञ हैं.


00:00Nutritious food plays a major role in keeping our life healthy.
00:05But the fast food that has come to the country now,
00:08let's look at the western civilization,
00:10it has suppressed our body from many types of diseases.
00:14But even today, there are some fast foods
00:16that have the contribution of millets.
00:18So how important are they and how can they be eaten?
00:20Dr. Priyanka Jaiswal, who is a dietitian,
00:22is present with us today for all these special discussions.
00:26Actually, the use of millets is very good for replacing junk foods.
00:31But there should also be a limitation for that.
00:34Because if you are using a burger bun,
00:37it is made of millets, but the ingredients inside
00:40are the same unhealthy ingredients.
00:42Like mayonnaise or potato patties, they are fried.
00:46So we have to pay attention to the ingredients too.
00:49You cannot consume it freely just because of millets.
00:53These millets have been replaced only so that
00:56the side effects of the maida bun can be reduced on the body.
01:02So millets themselves have better fiber and minerals.
01:07That is why it has been replaced.
01:09But because its ingredients are the same,
01:11you have to use it very carefully.
01:14Your limitation should not be to consume
01:17any junk food more than once a week.
01:21Consume it once a week and for the remaining 6 days,
01:24try to use fruits, vegetables, proteins, milk, curd, etc.
01:31So that the loss of junk foods that you eat once a week can be suppressed.
01:36How can millets be used?
01:39If we look at the health issues,
01:41which diseases are helpful in keeping them away?
01:44Millets have very good fiber content,
01:47very good minerals, very good supportive elements, enzymes.
01:52It is very reactive and helps flush out all the toxins in our body.
01:59So diseases like diabetes, heart issues, liver related issues,
02:05gut issues, in all these issues, millets play a very good support.
02:10If you want to control all these diseases,
02:14then on a daily basis,
02:16in an adequate amount,
02:18if you keep using millets,
02:20then you can stay away from these diseases.
02:23And if you already have these diseases,
02:25then you can also control it.
02:27In addition to this, there is a very big role in weight management.
02:30Those who have a lot of weight,
02:32if they eat normal roti,
02:34and replace that normal roti with millets,
02:37then they can lose weight very quickly and easily.
02:42What can mothers make with millets and junk food,
02:46which can be easily served to children?
02:48You can consume millets as much as possible.
02:51In good fancy things,
02:53like multigrain or millet bread is available in the market,
02:56you can make bread pizza at home with that,
02:58so that the child does not have to eat the pizza based on flour from the market.
03:02If you want to make a burger,
03:04then you can make a very good healthy paneer slice at home,
03:09you can crush vegetables and make a very good burger with it.
03:16You can use sausages,
03:18but there is also a limitation to it,
03:20that too you should not use too much,
03:22if you use normal home-made chutneys,
03:24then you will make a good burger at home.
03:27In addition to this,
03:29the noodles that are coming in the market with millets,
03:32they are very good for replacing your chowmein.
03:35If you want to eat pasta,
03:37millets are also coming,
03:39you can also replace them with normal pasta and make it at home.
03:43The basic ingredient of millets,
03:45because you are making it at home,
03:47you can make it healthier by using vegetables.
03:51How important is it for a particular age group,
03:54that how many millets can be taken in a day,
03:56such as children, elderly and young?
03:58Actually, the benefit of millets is so good,
04:00that there is no limitation to it.
04:02For example,
04:03if someone eats 5 rotis in a day,
04:05and we replace those 5 rotis with millets,
04:08then millets are a little heavy on their own.
04:10Even in 3 rotis,
04:12that person's stomach will be easily filled.
04:14So your hunger is also controlled,
04:16you have also eaten something healthy,
04:18you have also got minerals,
04:19you have also got calcium,
04:20you have also got iron,
04:21and your stomach is also full,
04:23and you don't have to stay hungry.
04:24So there is no limitation to it.
04:26If you look at it according to the age group,
04:28then all children above the age of 1 can eat it,
04:31there is no problem.
04:32It is just very important to take care of the limitation,
04:35because millets have fiber.
04:37If children eat more fiber,
04:39then their stomach fills up very quickly,
04:41and it keeps filling up for a long time.
04:43In this case, children do not feel hungry quickly,
04:45so it harms them.
04:46Millets are given to children below the age of 5,
04:49but there is no limit to children above the age of 5.
04:5280-year-olds can eat without any side effect,
04:56because millets will benefit you in every way.
04:59This was Dr. Priyanka Jaiswal with us,
05:01who told us how we can give millets a place
05:04by removing our junk foods,
05:06and make ourselves healthy.
05:08I am Shashi Kalasin, ETV Bharat, New Delhi.
