
  • yesterday
00:00He really got himself into trouble this time.
00:02Just look.
00:04I wonder what's going on.
00:05Let's find out.
00:07Today's story is called...
00:14Come here, Scooter.
00:15You are so adorable.
00:17And you always want to play.
00:19Yes, you do.
00:21Your eyes are twinkly,
00:23and your tail is cute,
00:25and your ears are so floppy.
00:31Hi, everybody.
00:33Thanks for saying my eyes are twinkly,
00:35and my tail is cute, Julie.
00:37But I don't have floppy ears.
00:39I wasn't talking about you, Barney.
00:41Oh, I see.
00:43You were talking to your puppy.
00:45Puppy, puppy, puppy.
00:47Oh, he's really cute, Julie.
00:49Oh, he's so cute.
00:51Oh, he's so cute.
00:53Oh, he's so cute.
00:55Julie, when he tickles,
00:57have you given him a name yet?
01:01His name is Scooter.
01:03How does Scooter like it at your house, Julie?
01:05He's very happy,
01:07and he loves the doghouse we built for him.
01:09I give him food
01:11and fresh water every day.
01:13Oh, do you feed him peanut butter
01:15and jelly sandwiches and chocolate chip cookies?
01:17No, Barney.
01:19Those things are for people.
01:21And dinosaurs.
01:23I give him dog food,
01:25but I don't get too close to him while he's eating,
01:27because sometimes dogs can get angry if you do.
01:29It must be fun
01:31to take Scooter for a walk every day.
01:33It's good exercise for both of you.
01:35Oh, but keep him on a leash
01:37so he'll be safe.
01:39Oh, I do.
01:41And I brush Scooter every day, too.
01:45I use a brush like this.
01:47It keeps his fur shiny and smooth.
01:49But I'm careful not to pull his tail.
01:51I guess, most of all,
01:53I give my puppy lots of love,
01:55which is a pretty easy job.
01:57Oh, it looks like Scooter
01:59loves you back.
02:01Have you taught your dog
02:03any tricks yet, Julie?
02:05I think he's still a little too young.
02:07Well, then maybe we could show him some tricks
02:09he'll be learning soon.
02:11Good idea.
02:13You don't have to be a cute ball of fuzz
02:15to do all the tricks
02:17my dog can do.
02:19You don't have to be a cute ball of fuzz
02:21to do all the tricks
02:23my doggy does.
02:25Let's all bark, ruff, ruff, because
02:27it's fun to do the tricks
02:29my little dog does.
02:31Scooter, come here.
02:33Scooter, sit down.
02:35Scooter, shake hands.
02:37Good little doggy.
02:39You don't have to be
02:41a cute ball of fuzz
02:43to do all the tricks
02:45my doggy does.
02:47Let's all bark, ruff, ruff, because
02:49it's fun to do the tricks
02:51my little dog does.
02:53Scooter, lie down.
02:57Scooter, roll over.
02:59Scooter, jump up.
03:03Good little doggy.
03:05You don't have to be
03:07a cute ball of fuzz
03:09to do all the tricks my doggy does.
03:11Let's all bark, ruff, ruff, because
03:13it's fun to do the tricks
03:15my little dog does.
03:17Let's all bark, ruff, ruff, because
03:19it's fun to do the tricks
03:21my little dog does.
03:25Oh, boy.
03:27It looks like he's learned how to lie down.
03:29Why did you bring your dog
03:31to school today, Julie?
03:33We had show and tell, and everybody brought their pets.
03:35Oh, boy, I'd love
03:37to see them.
03:39Bonnie, what if we tell you about our pets
03:41and you try and guess what they are?
03:43It's a stupendous
03:45idea, Carlos.
03:47Can you go first, Cassie? Okay.
03:49My pet is green and yellow.
03:51She loves to sing
03:53and sits on your finger sometimes.
03:55And she can fly, too.
03:59Could it be an elephant?
04:03Just kidding.
04:05Okay, you said she's green
04:07and yellow, loves to
04:09sing and fly.
04:11Is it a bird?
04:15It's a parakeet.
04:17Barney, meet Priscilla.
04:19Oh, I'm very,
04:21very pleased to meet
04:23pretty Priscilla the parakeet.
04:25My family decided
04:27a parakeet would be the best pet for us.
04:29We're not allowed to have dogs
04:31or cats in our apartment building.
04:33And besides, Nana's allergic to
04:35dog and cat fur. It makes her sneeze
04:37a lot.
04:39Priscilla the parakeet is the perfect
04:41pet for your family. Uh-huh.
04:43I keep her water and bird feed trays full.
04:45And she has this little bell
04:47to play with.
04:49And I clean off the bottom of the cage when it's dirty.
04:51What's this mirror for?
04:53It's a toy for Priscilla.
04:55She looks in the mirror and thinks there's another bird
04:57playing with it. Do you ever let her out
04:59of the cage? Yes, but only
05:01if all the doors and windows are closed
05:03so she can't fly outside.
05:05I remember a bird playing outside
05:07my window once. Oh, really?
05:09Tell us all about it.
05:11Once I saw a little bird
05:13come hop, hop, hop
05:15so I cried, little bird, won't
05:17you stop, stop, stop? I was
05:19going to the window to say,
05:21how do you do? But he shook his
05:23little tail and far away
05:25he flew.
05:27There he goes. He's flying away.
05:31Once I saw
05:33a little bird come hop, hop, hop
05:35so I cried, little bird, won't
05:37you stop, stop, stop? I was
05:39going to the window to say,
05:41how do you do? But he shook
05:43his little tail and far away
05:45he flew.
05:47Oh, what a bunch of good flyers.
05:49Here we go.
05:51Once I saw
05:53a little bird come hop, hop, hop
05:55so I cried, little bird,
05:57won't you stop, stop, stop?
05:59I was going to the window to
06:01say, how do you do? But he shook
06:03his little tail and far away
06:05he flew.
06:07Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet.
06:09Oh, lots of flying today.
06:11Chirp, chirp, chirp.
06:13Tweet, tweet.
06:15Oh, this is so much fun.
06:17Whose pet can I guess
06:19next? I brought more than one
06:21pet today, Barney. I'll tell you about
06:23one of them. He has long whiskers
06:25and big eyes
06:27and fluffy fur and he purrs
06:29a lot. Does he say
06:31meow? Yes.
06:33Is he a cat?
06:35Sort of.
06:37He's a very small cat.
06:39Is he a baby cat? A kitten?
06:41Yes, Barney.
06:49He's tiny.
06:51He's really
06:53cute. What's his
06:55name? We named him Fluffy
06:57because his fur is so fluffy.
06:59Is he hard to take care of?
07:01No. We do the same things
07:03Dewey does for her puppies. We give him food
07:05and water and comb his fur.
07:07Do you take Fluffy for walks?
07:09Cats don't really go for walks like
07:11dogs do, but Fluffy gets lots of exercise
07:13chasing his cat toys.
07:21Show Barney the
07:23other pets you brought today, Carlos.
07:25Okay. See if you can guess what these are,
07:27Barney. Okay.
07:29Never have to put them on a leash.
07:31Never have to put them on a leash.
07:33And you might find them down by the
07:35bay. Might find them down by the
07:39Down by the bay.
07:41Down by the bay. Where the watermelons
07:43grow. Where the watermelons grow.
07:45Back to my home. Back to my
07:47home. I dare not go.
07:49I dare not go. For if
07:51I do. For if I do.
07:53My mother will say. My mother
07:55will say. Did you ever
07:57see a goose kissing a moose?
07:59Down by the bay.
08:03Did you ever see a whale with a
08:05polka dot tail? Down by the
08:07bay. Down by the bay. Did you
08:09ever see a parrot eating a
08:11carrot? Down by the bay.
08:13Down by the bay. Did you ever see
08:15a bear combing his hair?
08:17Down by the bay. Down by
08:19the bay. Did you ever see a goat
08:21riding in a boat? Down
08:23by the bay. Down by
08:25the bay. Down by the bay.
08:27Where the watermelons grow. Where the
08:29watermelons grow. Back to my home.
08:31Back to my home. I dare
08:33not go. I dare not go.
08:35For if I do. For
08:37if I do. My mother will
08:39say. My mother will say.
08:41Did you ever see a rhino
08:43kissing a dino? Down
08:45by the bay.
08:47Did you ever
08:49see some friends having fun that never ends?
08:51Down by the bay.
08:53Oh, yeah.
08:57Ready for another clue, Barney?
09:03These pets are shiny and they
09:05love to swim. Hmm.
09:07Are they whales?
09:09Barney. Sharks?
09:11No. Okay.
09:13How about goldfish?
09:15That's right.
09:19Those goldfish are
09:23How did you know?
09:25Know what? The fish's names.
09:27I don't know the fish's
09:29names. I just said they were
09:33But that's what I named them.
09:35Super, dee, and
09:37duper. Because they remind me of you,
09:39Barney. Oh. Why do they remind
09:41you of me? Because I'm happy when
09:43I see them. Just like I'm happy when I see
09:45you. Oh, thanks, Carlos.
09:47What do they eat?
09:49I give them little fish food like this every
09:55How often do you
09:57change their water? Just when
09:59it gets dirty, so they have a nice
10:01clean place to swim and live. Oh,
10:03you all take such good care
10:05of your pets, and that's
10:11Yes. Let's
10:13take care of our pets.
10:15Our hamsters and bunnies
10:17and turtles.
10:19Our fishes and frogs
10:21and our cats and our dogs.
10:23Let's take care of
10:25our pets.
10:27Give them food
10:29and water.
10:31Run with them down
10:33the trail.
10:35Brush out their fur.
10:37You might get a fur
10:39or even a wagging
10:43Yes. Let's
10:45take care of our pets.
10:47Our hamsters and bunnies
10:49and turtles.
10:51Our fishes and frogs
10:53and our cats and our dogs.
10:55Let's take care of
10:57our pets.
10:59Our fishes and frogs
11:01and our cats and our dogs.
11:03Let's take care
11:05of our pets.
11:07Oh, goodness.
11:09Oh, we should always
11:11be good to our pets.
11:13Say, I haven't guessed what kind
11:15of pet you have, Kenneth.
11:17Okay, I'll give you some clues.
11:19She has big front teeth like this.
11:23She has long ears and a short
11:25tail. She likes to hop
11:27and she loves to eat carrots and lettuce.
11:29Hmm, what could it be?
11:31Let me guess.
11:33Is it a squirrel?
11:35No, a squirrel has short ears and a
11:37long tail, not long ears and a short
11:39tail. Hmm.
11:41Likes to hop.
11:43Oh, I know. It's a rabbit.
11:45Right, Barney. It's a bunny
11:47rabbit. Her name is Snuggles
11:49and here she is.
11:51Oh, no.
11:53Snuggles is gone.
11:55Where could she be?
11:57I hope she didn't go outside.
11:59She might get hurt out there.
12:01I should have been more careful.
12:03Try not to worry, Kenneth.
12:05You didn't mean to leave the latch open.
12:07We need to think of a way to get
12:09Snuggles back to her cage.
12:11What can we do?
12:13This sounds like a job for...
12:15The Barney Bag!
12:19That's right.
12:21Let's see what we can do.
12:23Well, I've been looking in
12:25the Barney Bag
12:27and I found a lot of things.
12:29Gizmos and gadgets
12:31and odds and ends
12:33and even some old strings.
12:35So let's ask ourselves
12:37a question.
12:39What can we make today?
12:41With imagination
12:43and the Barney Bag
12:45let's see what we can make today.
12:47Yeah, see what we can make today.
12:51Let's all make something
12:53to catch the rabbit.
12:55But what?
12:57I have an idea.
12:59We could take this button
13:01and this big piece of paper
13:05It's terrific.
13:07If Snuggles thinks
13:09this is a real bunny,
13:11maybe she'll come over to share this carrot.
13:13Then we can jump out and catch her.
13:15Let's all hide behind a tree.
13:19Don't hurry.
13:21Stay out of sight
13:23so Snuggles won't know we're here.
13:25I hope she doesn't see my tail.
13:27It's hard to hide a whole dinosaur behind a tree.
13:31Do you hear some crunching sounds?
13:33Maybe it's Snuggles eating the carrot.
13:35Okay, when I count to three
13:37let's catch her before she can run away again.
13:41One, two, three.
13:43Hurry, everybody, hurry.
13:47The carrot is gone.
13:49Oh, no.
13:51A squirrel got it. There he goes.
13:53What do we do now?
13:55Snuggles didn't want to come to us, paper rabbit.
13:57We're never going to find my rabbit.
14:01Maybe Snuggles didn't come
14:03to this paper rabbit
14:05because it didn't hop.
14:07Yeah, or it was too small for her to see.
14:09What we need
14:11are some really big bunnies
14:13hopping around with really
14:15big carrots.
14:23Do you think this will work?
14:27Snuggles will see us and think we're
14:29big bunnies with big carrots.
14:33She'll want to make friends and share the carrots.
14:37And we'll catch her when she comes close.
14:39So let's get hopping.
14:41Ho-ho, boing, boing, boing.
14:45Pippity hop to the barbershop
14:47to buy a stick of candy.
14:49One for you and one for me
14:51and one for Sister Annie.
14:55Ho-ho, boing, boing, boing.
14:57Pippity hop to the barbershop
14:59to buy a stick of candy.
15:01One for you and one for me
15:03and one for Sister Annie.
15:05Ho-ho, boing, boing, boing.
15:11It's Snuggles!
15:13She's okay!
15:15Oh, great!
15:17She must have seen us hopping
15:19and wanted to join in.
15:21Oh, you're right, Carlos.
15:23And the bunnies, too.
15:25Ho-ho, boing, boing, boing.
15:29I think she's happy to be back.
15:31Oh, I think you're right.
15:33Hi, Snuggles.
15:35Boing, boing.
15:37Oh, I really enjoyed
15:39meeting all your pets today.
15:41You know, a pet can be
15:43one of your best friends.
15:45And it's fun to take care of them
15:47and give them lots of love.
15:49I think your pets are
15:53Thanks, Barney.
15:55It's easy to share pets that you love
15:57with friends that you love.
16:03I love you.
16:05You love me.
16:07We're a happy
16:11With a great big
16:13hug and a kiss
16:15from me to you.
16:17Won't you say
16:19Won't you say
16:21you love me, too?
16:29I love you.
16:31You love me.
16:33We're best friends
16:35like friends should be.
16:37With a great big
16:39hug and a kiss from me to you.
16:41Won't you
16:43say you love
16:45me, too?
16:49Bye, Barney.
16:51So long, everybody.
16:53Take care now. Bye-bye.
16:55Thanks for
16:57helping me find my rabbit, Barney.
16:59Oh, you're very welcome,
17:03Bye. See you later.
17:05So long. Take care. See you soon.