• last week


01:30用你效忠泰雷 追逐日月星辉 于无声处听尽泪
02:00再遇到更强的敌人怎么办 What if we meet stronger enemies?
02:02地狱烧房 地狱烧房 地狱烧房 The hellfire fireball
02:05我们 快死了 We're going to die
02:08来牵制他 你们继续攻击 Come and hold him. You keep attacking
02:11寒冰别手 Cold Ice Hand
02:24连瘾疙瘩 The Dark Storm
02:26顶罪术 顶罪术 The Dark Storm
02:28只要大家协力协力 As long as everyone works together
02:30我有信心 我们能赢 I have confidence we can win
02:32抗战变态 Counterattack
02:41他马上就要出来了 He's about to come out
02:43队长你坚持住 别松手啊 Captain, hang in there. Don't let go
02:46这是死定了 This is over
02:48死定了死定了 死定了死定了 He's dead
02:50死定了死定了 He's dead
02:52够了 接下来都听我的 Enough. Listen to me now
02:59死定了死定了 He's dead
03:11怎么 你的队友呢 What? Where are your teammates?
03:15看来他们都溜了 Looks like they're all gone
03:19别难过 等杀了你 Don't be sad. I'll find them
03:23我会找到他们给你赔的 and pay you back when I kill you
03:27还是不讲话的时候看起来更厉害一些 It's better when you don't talk
03:48每一次他的双刀都不是同时落下的 Every time his swords don't fall at the same time
03:52所以要先卸开第一刀 So I have to cut the first sword first
03:55绝对防御 Absolutely defensive
04:02第二刀来了 The second sword is here
04:04神域格挡 God-like Cutting
04:09强击光环 Strong Light
04:14一起上 Let's go
04:18信念光环 Light of Faith
04:20请大家再相信我一次 Please trust me again
04:22我们一定能打败他 We can defeat him
04:26来吧 弟弟 Come on, brother
04:30面对恐惧还能义无反顾 Facing fear without hesitation
04:32这才是勇气存在的意义 This is the meaning of courage
04:41上 冲刺 Go, attack
04:45一会儿我会用尽全力将他击飞到空中 I'll try my best to fly him into the air
04:48让他无力可用 so that he can't be used
04:52碧绿双刀魔的盔甲虽然坚固 Although the armors of the green and white swords are tough
04:54但他却怕火 火焰斩 but he is not afraid of fire
04:57让我随意警戒 你要趁机进攻 I'll keep an eye on him. You have to take the opportunity to attack
05:00闪电阵 Lightning Shield
05:08然后趁他尖叫时 Then when he screams
05:10就是现在 Right now
05:12凝聚你所有灵力 Gather all your spiritual power
05:14给他最脆弱的地方致命一击 Give him a fatal blow to his weakest spot
05:21这小家伙信得过吗 Can this little guy believe it?
05:23在残酷的战场上 In a cruel battlefield
05:25能成为我们依靠的能成为伙伴间的绝对信任 the only thing we can rely on is the absolute trust of our partners
05:33就再信你一次 I'll trust you one more time
05:34凌泥针 选 Lightning Needle, attack
05:43这样会消耗我们所有的灵力 This will consume all our spiritual power
05:45所以必须一击致命 so we have to finish him with one blow
05:53我们成功了 We did it
06:03真的成功了 We really did it
06:04我们打败了碧绿双刀魔 We defeated the double-edged sword devil
06:12碧绿双刀魔啊 Double-edged sword devil
06:13这可是五界魔族 This is the Five Demons
06:16林姐姐 Sister Lin
06:24神铁砖 Lightning Needle
06:40阿宸 阿宸 Chen
06:44阿宸 Chen
06:53阿宸 Chen
06:59浩辰 你醒了 Hao Chen, you're awake
07:03这是 传送塔 This is the transmission tower
07:07我怎么回来了 Why am I back?
07:08发生了什么 What happened?
07:09别急 之前你挡住了碧绿双刀魔的最后一击 Don't worry. You blocked the last attack of the double-edged sword devil
07:14后来 Then
07:16怎么办 What should we do?
07:17现在浩辰昏迷了 Hao Chen is in a coma now
07:18我们击杀的数量还不够 We don't have enough people to kill
07:20考核任务还要继续吗 Do we have to continue the test?
07:23我不会再让魔族伤害你 I won't let the demons hurt you anymore
07:25除非我死了 Unless I die
07:30一个个垂头丧气 One by one, they are all dead
07:32防备也如此松散 The defense is so loose
07:35这便是昊越城最优秀的年轻一辈吗 Is this the best young generation in Haoyue City?
07:39监察使大人 Inspector
07:42考核结束了 The test is over
07:44你们随我回昊越城吧 You can go back to Haoyue City with me
07:47可是 But
07:48可是 But
07:50监察使大人我们的任务还差一点点就完成了 Inspector, our mission is almost over
07:59你们的考核已经完成了 Your test is over
08:01什么 What?
08:03虽然你们的配合漏洞百出 但能击杀碧绿双刀魔已经超过了 Although your cooperation is flawless, but you have killed more than...
08:09曾经所有的考核队伍 All the test teams
08:12你们真该感谢这个连我都不曾想到的守护骑士 You should thank this unexpected guardian knight
08:19啊 Ah
08:28接下来我将告诉你们关于猎魔团选拔的事 Next, I will tell you about the selection of the team
08:32猎魔团选拔赛每五年一届猎魔团选拔赛每五年一届 The team selection competition is held every five years
08:35首先进行的是初赛 主要为内部竞争 The first round is the preliminary round, which is mainly for internal competition
08:39你们将与自己相同职业的对手进行较量 You will compete with your peers
08:43通常每个练会有数百名选手进行初赛 Usually, there will be hundreds of players in each team
08:47最终只会选出前十名最强者最大点合计六十名选手进入决赛 In the end, only the top ten strongest players will be selected, with a total of 60 players in the top six
08:55因为每支猎魔团都需要六大职业组成 Because each team requires six professional teams
08:59所以进入决赛的六十人其实已经有了加入猎魔团的资格 So 60 people who enter the final have already qualified to join the team
09:05将会组成十支新的猎魔团 And ten new teams will be formed
09:08而决赛的目的主要是进行实力排名 The purpose of the final is mainly to rank the strength
09:12排名靠前者可以选择更优秀的队友 The team that ranks ahead can choose a better teammate
09:16组建更强大的猎魔团 联盟也将给排名靠前者珍贵的资源 And form a stronger team
09:19联盟也将给排名靠前者珍贵的资源 尤其是前三名 将会获得天地至宝 灵炉 The alliance will also give the top three valuable resources to those who rank ahead
09:24尤其是前三名 将会获得天地至宝 灵炉 The top three will get the treasure of the world, the spirit furnace
09:33灵炉是每一位联盟成员都想获得的宝物 它的重要性相信你们也都知道 The spirit furnace is a treasure that every member of the alliance wants to get. I'm sure you all know how important it is
09:40千一 之前要不是有昊宸的圣火灵炉恐怕我们早就被....只破了 The radial spirit furnace couldn't have led us to defeat them without good spirit
09:45葬身碧绿双刀矛的刀下了 The sacrifice of the sword of the Gemini
09:54但是通过这次考核你们应该能明白一支优秀的猎魔团最需要的是队友间的团结协作 Thank you, my students. Secret knights are very important to the alliance. However, you may understand through this test of spirit
09:59相互信任 而你们做得很好 And following trust within your team will ensure our tremendous Cooperation
10:04而你们做得很好 And as I said, you did good
10:10This is the entrance ticket for the Demonic Hunter Elite Tournament.
10:16Hold it, and you'll be able to enter your identity information.
10:21Chen Si, professional shield warrior.
10:24Spirit level, 751.
10:29Chen Chen, professional mad warrior.
10:32Spirit level, 682.
10:40Lin Jialu, professional ice wizard.
10:44Spirit level, 1221.
10:50Li Xin, professional punishment knight.
10:54Spirit level, 1103.
10:56Zuo Qi, rose unicorn.
11:01Long Haochen, Spirit level, 1154.
11:06Chiye, protective knight.
11:09Special equipment, Saintess Spirit Orb.
11:13Zuo Qi, Hao Yue.
11:16Species, unknown.
11:18Level, level 4.
11:36Now press the handprint.
11:39It means you are confirmed to participate in this year's Demonic Hunter Elite Tournament.
11:57All right, kids.
11:59I look forward to your performance in the future.
12:02I wish you all the best in the Demonic Hunter Elite Tournament.
12:06Thank you, inspector.
12:22Have you ever been afraid of the gods?
12:25They come from the abyss of the universe.
12:28They are at the bottom of everything.
12:35The demon god just opened his eyes.
12:38The world is in eternal darkness.
12:45Humanity's thousands of years of resistance
12:48is just a small part of the world.
12:51Humanity's thousands of years of resistance
12:54is just a small part of the world.
13:02But the high-ranking demon god
13:06has just risen up.
13:12The wheel of fate is about to turn.
13:16What the heart desires is the birth of morning and night.
13:23The young people of this world
13:26will set foot on the unknown path.
13:31In this world that has been shrouded in darkness for too long,
13:35the light of life will shine again.
13:45This is the meaning of the gods
13:49and the beginning of the endless war.
14:10They are fearless.
14:13They will challenge the world again
14:16with unimaginable strength.
14:25Countless pursuits,
14:27countless adventures,
14:30countless battles
14:33will come to an end.
14:38This is a chaotic era.
14:42This is also an era of passion.
14:47Just wait and see.
14:49The fire of humanity's hope
14:52will never die out.
15:12The End
15:29Cai Er,
15:31the Demon Hunter Contest is about to begin.
15:33It's time to go.
15:41The End
15:47The wheel of fate is about to turn.
15:49Welcome the young people.
16:06If you can't bear to leave,
16:08you can come back often in the future.
16:12I hate this place.
16:14The End
16:39The wheel of fate is about to turn.
16:41Welcome the young people.
17:00From now on,
17:02no one can stop me.
17:12The End
17:15The End
17:45The End
18:15The End
18:45The End
19:15The End
19:45What the hell?
19:46Why does this girl look familiar?
19:48I am the Crown Prince, Xiu Cheng.
19:52It's him.
19:53How can you not even recognize your mother?
19:55Kill him!
19:57If he makes it to the finals,
19:59I don't know which bad guys
20:00will team up with him.