Zorro the Chronicles: THE TRAP - Episode 3

  • yesterday
00:10Come in a letter for you captain dismissed
00:24What sorrow again enough already
00:40At your command captain my boots where are my boots do you find something funny, huh?
00:49Not at all. Really, but I I wouldn't want you to catch a toe cold captain
01:03There I can see them there they are
01:13Here is what I'm going to do
01:15I'm going to set up a foolproof trap to catch that wretched sorrow. My idea is pure genius Garcia
01:22Listen to this. I'm going to have a few Indians
01:25unfairly arrested
01:27Unfairly. Yes, it means not fair. But why because that's the way it is you fool
01:34I'll keep them right here in the garrison house and later
01:38I shall leave with the garrison on a long a very long journey
01:45Zorro will think the coast is clear. The coast will be clear
01:49He'll rush to rescue those Indians and just then I'll return with the garrison and I'll
02:01Listen to me Garcia
02:02While I am gone with the troops
02:04You will have to guard the Indians in the garrison house and you'd better hold your tongue or else
02:12You'll end up on boot duty
02:16Yes, captain, do you want me to repeat that for you again captain good morning captain Monasterio
02:25Senorita de la Vega, I am honored that you accepted my invitation
02:31I wouldn't have missed the review of the troops for anything in the world. May I?
02:59It's so elegant, isn't it?
03:03And still there is more to come here comes the highlight of the show
03:13Look at those men
03:16Yes, take a good look at them all
03:20Those Indians were arrested because they were trying to get out of doing forced labor
03:27Ever be an end to this those people are outlaws
03:32They deserve to be treated with the utmost severity any challenge to the governor's authority will not go
03:39Unpunished this should be a lesson to you all take them away
03:48Now captain you cannot treat them this way and why not may I ask who's going to stop me I
03:56applaud the return of order in Los Angeles
04:03You are too sensitive senorita after all those people are only Indians
04:10Remember that you are Don Alejandro's daughter
04:14Be quiet. I
04:16Am now going to lead the garrison to Monterey where the governor is due to inaugurate a new palace
04:22I shall return in 10 days or so. Are you leaving right now?
04:27I can hear something that sounds like regret in your voice
04:32Alas duty calls my dear. Oh, it was a pleasure to share this moment with you
04:40Hmm I'm counting on you sergeant. Don't let me know or else
04:52I'm sorry captain
05:06Ah, I
05:08Think I deserve a little reward. Don't I you just do as usual as for me. I'll just go and
05:16freshen up a little
05:19To the hacienda quick
05:59No, not one off I touched it first
06:02And Monasterio found out who was hiding behind Zorro's mask. So there huh? What did you say? It would help if you listened
06:11Monasterio has had some Indians unfairly arrested and he's left for Monterey with the garrison. We can't let him do that
06:18And um, where are they kept exactly they're in the garrison house. You really have to go and see yes, you're right
06:25I'll go straight away. Are you coming with me?
06:30Going to the garrison is a good idea
06:32That way we'll find out if a unit is going to Monterey
06:35It would also be good to find out how many men will be left with Monasterio
06:43Garcia I just wanted to tell you how much I've appreciated your your
06:49your intelligence
06:52your courage
06:54throughout this whole business
07:05Hereby appoint you
07:07Lifetime captain of this garrison, huh?
07:11Sergeant Garcia, what have I just heard? You've been made interim captain. I believe congratulations are in order
07:18Yeah, I mean, yes. Yes. Oh, I mean now no need for false modesty with me
07:25I'm glad to see your courage finally rewarded. Oh
07:28Don Diego, this is such an honor. Thank you so much
07:36But what a shame you have to guard those awful prisoners we could have gone out to celebrate your promotion with a good meal
07:43But what have they done? That was so wrong. Oh
07:46Sorry, Don Diego. Don't take it personally, but I cannot discuss the Indians
07:52Captain's orders. Yeah, I understand national interest in that case
07:57I'll discuss it directly with Monasterio. Yeah, and by the way, when is that good man due to return?
08:02No, not for another 10 days at the very least
08:15Come on there's no time to waste we still have a long way to go to get to Monterey
08:4397 that's quite a lot of soldiers. I wonder what Monasterio has got up his sleeve again. This doesn't look good
08:51Yes, you're right I think this is a mission for Zorro
09:09There's no time to waste corporal Gonzalez
09:11We've got to head back if we want to return to Los Angeles at the same time as Zorro
09:16If my trap has worked as I hope it has
09:20He's already on his way at your command captain
09:28Tune it down. This is a secret mission at your command captain
10:00Quit tornado
10:41No, no chocolate in the paella
11:38You to stay here no more noise
12:04What's going on everyone calm down, but sergeant the Indians have escaped the Indians really oh
12:12Yes, all is well, what do you mean all is well I
12:17Shouldn't tell you about it, but that was part of the plan. Oh
12:22Why do you think we arrested them when they've done nothing wrong?
12:26Are you idiots? Huh? Let's sergeant. We always arrest people who haven't done anything wrong
12:33Yes, but in this case captain Monasterio, and I had planned the whole thing
12:39We arrest the Indians Zorro comes along to rescue them and then
12:44We get him but
12:46Zorro already came didn't he?
12:48Zorro came. Yeah
12:50How did we miss him quick?
13:04There you are Zorro
13:06This time you won't be able to escape. Ah, it's you captain. Everything's fine. My friends
13:12I'll just take a moment. Just grab him. I want him dead more alive
13:22Don't go they've got nothing against you you heard the captain and grab him
13:28Let them go. They're just small fry
13:32I prefer to focus on another type of game
13:37At this point it would seem that your time is up
13:51Don't want to trouble you captain, but I'm afraid I have other plans
14:01Adios captain, I'll be back so we can have more fun together. I promise
14:08What are you looking at you imbeciles go after
14:24See him there he is
14:42So, are you ready to take the plunge cover, you know
15:00Garcia I can see you you imbecile get up right now
15:48Three against one that's more than I deserve. I'm not that strong. Am I?
15:57Left right left
16:05Stop your silly tricks Zorro make it a fair fight fair how funny, you know full well
16:11That's not at all my style captain
16:18Toro Toro
16:29What are you waiting for
16:42You go
16:54Wait a minute Tornado, I've forgotten something
17:09I'm sorry captain. I nearly forgot your little souvenir
17:25Stand up you bumbling fools. Can't you see he's getting away?
17:42Slowly now, I know where we can go and hide
17:49Quick he's inside
18:02Hello anyone here
18:13Come on hurry up
18:19Where's Zorro Oh
18:22Don't try to outsmart me Carlos. I know he's hiding in here
18:26But but you've got it all wrong corporal. We only host honest customers sergeant Garcia could testify to this
18:38Because you think this sounds honest perhaps playing the guitar in the middle of the night
18:59Don Diego, oh
19:01Sorry, I had no idea you were in here. Oh, I got you you bandit Oh
19:09Captain are you back already? Where is he? He has to be here
19:22Have you lost something captain may I help you at all? I I don't understand
19:28What are you doing here at this time Don Diego, shouldn't you be at your hacienda instead?
19:33Tell me about it captain
19:35Can you imagine that my father's business requires me to go to San Luis Obispo tomorrow morning at dawn?
19:41So I prefer to sleep in the end so I could take the first coach
19:47You let Zorro escape when I had entrusted you with a mission of the utmost importance
19:52I'm going to put a price on his head. So that's the loud responsible for the racket
19:56I've been subjected to for the past few hours
19:58Let me add 500 pesos to your reward for whoever can catch him 500 pesos
20:04500 pesos
20:06500 meals at Carlos's
20:09I wouldn't want to throw you out. Do you intend to stay while I bathe?
20:13Don Diego, I'm sorry to have interrupted your your bath. Not at all. The pleasure is all mine
20:20Adios, Don Diego
20:26Sorry captain, you know what you've got to look forward to Garcia boot duty
