Chapter 6 - Teacher’s Pet Novel| Audiobook Free | Emma & Ian

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""He was an asshole.You deserve so much better,"" Tiff added.
We made it to homeroom and grabbed our usual seats.
I said hi to some people and when they asked how was my summer, I'd just smile and say it was great.
Carrie's boyfriend, Mark walked in moments later, and he immediately took the seat next to Carrie.
They looked at each other with big googly eyes and I couldn't help but be a little jealous.
""Hey, you,"" Mark said to Carrie.
""Hello yourself, Mr.Student Body President,""
Carried said to him.
They leaned closer to each other and then they just started making out.
Tiff and I waited for a while and finally we shared a look."
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teacher's pet Emma and Ian chapter 6
00:00Episode 6. He was an asshole. You deserve so much better, Tiff added.
00:05We made it to homeroom and grabbed our usual seats. I said hi to some people,
00:10and when they asked how was my summer, I'd just smile and say it was great.
00:14Carrie's boyfriend. Mark walked in moments later, and he immediately took the seat next to Carrie.
00:20They looked at each other with big googly eyes, and I couldn't help but be a little jealous.
00:25Hey, you, Mark said to Carrie. Hello yourself, Mr. Student Body President.
00:30Carrie said to him. They leaned closer to each other, and then they just started making out.
00:36Tiff and I waited for a while, and finally we shared a look.
00:41Tiff coughed, and the two broke it off, looking slightly embarrassed.
00:45So, what electives are you guys taking this year?
00:49Mark said to us, I'm taking drama class. You know how much I love drama.
00:54Tiff replied, Emma and I are both taking AP Studio Art.
00:58Carrie told Mark as I nodded, Oh, did you know there's a new art teacher?
01:04Mark replied, What happened to Mr. Dawson?
01:06I asked him. Retired, finally, he answered.
01:10Who's the new teacher? Carrie asked.
01:13His name is Mr. Hayes, and I saw him earlier in the principal's office.
01:16He looked alright, but he's also kinda young.
01:20Compared to Mr. Dawson? I sure hope so.
01:23Carrie said as they laughed. I wasn't paying much attention to
01:26homeroom or my next few classes or even lunch. I barely touched my sandwich.
01:32I just didn't feel like doing anything. By the time art class came around, I was relieved.
01:37It was my last class of the day. I couldn't wait to get this day over with, so I could go home
01:43and listen to some more cigarettes after sex. So, you got cheer practice today?
01:48Carrie asked as we walked inside the art room and took the middle seats.
01:52I think I'm just gonna bail that I'm not feeling very cheerful.
01:56I sighed. The bell rang as more students piled up into the room.
02:00Our new teacher wasn't in yet, so Carrie and I decided to talk some more.
02:04Em, I know this is tough, but I'm your friend, so I'm gonna have to say this.
02:09Please don't throw your life away because of some jerk head.
02:12Isolating yourself in your room all day is only gonna make you feel worse in the long run.
02:16Just talk to me or Tiff were here for you,
02:18and don't let whatever happened cloud the bright future you got ahead of you.
02:22You deserve to go out into the world and get happy.
02:25All that Carrie said was true. It was just harder said than done.
02:29So, I just gave her a smile, and I hugged her.
02:32Thanks, I don't know what I'll do without you guys, I said.
02:36Anytime, Carrie smiled back as we pulled away.
02:39Good afternoon, everyone.
02:41Carrie and I turned our heads to the front of the room to find our new art teacher standing there.
02:46He had his back to us as he was facing the board.
02:49From his back figure, I noted that he was tall and muscular but lean.
02:53He wore a long-sleeved slim-fit shirt that outlined his figure and some black slacks.
02:58He took a marker and started writing his name on the broad.
03:01Mr. Ian Hayes.
03:03His right hand was stretched out as he wrote,
03:06and I could make out some sort of tattoos hidden behind the shirt's cuff.
03:10That looked familiar.
03:11Welcome to AP Studio Art, he said in a low voice.
03:15I feel like I've heard that voice before.
03:17Mr. Hayes turned around to face the class.
03:20I gasped instantly as soon as I saw his face.
03:23It was the face that haunted me at night.
03:26The face that kept popping into my head every time I tried to forget about that night.
03:31My heart was racing so fast I was getting hot flashes.
03:35Damn, he's hot, Carrie whispered to me under her breath.
03:38I couldn't respond.
03:40I just kept staring up at him.
03:42His eyes glanced around the room until it met mine.
03:45I T-widened instantly as the thought registered to him.
03:49He looked at me with an expression I couldn't read.
03:54I will start with the roll call, he said again.
03:57He began calling out people's names and they'd answer to him.
04:01He looked so calm and nonchalant.
04:04It made me wonder if I was imagining things.
04:07Emma Sinclair.
04:08His voice cut through my thoughts like a knife.
04:12I croaked and lifted my hand just a little bit.
04:15He looked at me and smiled.
04:17Actually, he smirked.
04:19We stared at each other for a few more seconds before he went back to his list
04:23and continued calling other names.
04:25Holy shit.
04:26Times a million.
04:27Emma's POV.
04:29I'm Mr. Hayes and this AP studio, A-R-T-A-S many of you already know.
04:34You'll be required to submit an R portfolio for the AP exam.
04:38The bar guy, I mean Mr. Hayes, was explaining things about the portfolio
04:42we needed to prepare at the end of the school year.
04:45Very important stuff.
04:46But I couldn't seem to concentrate.
04:48Every time I looked at him, I saw glimpses of that night.
04:52How gorgeous he looked as he pinned me against the wall.
04:55I was arching my back and I exposed myself to him.
05:00How I wanted to feel that feeling again.
05:03I wanted to feel full like when his fingers were inside me.
05:06He was taking his sweet time, purposefully teasing and torturing me.
05:11He would let his tip enter me, but only a little bit, before pulling away.
05:15I was squirming in agony and hunger.
05:18Please, I begged.
05:20Please, I want it now, I pleaded to him.
05:23You're not there yet.
05:24It's gonna hurt you.
05:25I don't care, just do it.
05:28Whoa, girl.
05:29Pull yourself together, woman.
05:31Three I shook my head quickly to get the image out of my head.
05:35My cheeks were flaring up and I was getting sweaty and my heart was racing for no good reason.
05:40I tried looking down at my knees, but that actually made things worse.
05:45I remembered the moment his hand traveled from my knee to my lower thigh and to the
05:49hem of my dress.
05:51He slid his thumb underneath the fabric as his hand continued moving up.
05:55The feeling of his fingers touching my bare skin lit me on fire.
05:59His thumb stopped when it reached the band of my panties.
06:02And then I felt his fingers cupping my wet area through the laced fabric.
06:07When he pushed his finger deep inside me, I almost couldn't breathe.
06:11He circled my opening with that finger, pulling out and pushing back in.
06:15It felt so damn good.
06:17And when he slid another finger in, I was on the verge of collapsing.
06:22That feeling when his two fingers then started doing this scissor movement,
06:26parting my core slightly each time, that was the best feeling ever.
06:30Miss Sinclair, are we paying attention?
06:33Mr. Hayes' voice abruptly brought me back into reality.
06:36Oh, yeah, sorry.
06:39I muttered quickly, crossing my legs together since it was getting uncomfortable.
06:44I can't believe I'm actually getting wet in the middle of class.
06:47His class.
06:48Oh, just kill me now.
06:50I know this class is the last period of the day.
06:53Many of you are probably dying to go home already, so I'll make this quick.
06:57Mr. Hayes spoke to the class, but somehow I felt like that was directed right at me.
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