Chapter 2 - Teacher’s Pet Novel| Audiobook Free | Emma & Ian

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"I wanted to make sure I remember everything about my first time.
And what's the best way sober up quickly? Dancing.
After leaving the girls' room, I headed straight for the dance floor.
There was a band playing some upbeat rock and a crowd of people jumping around to it.
I joined the crowd and started to let loose.
Bodies were moving, people were shouting, the music was loud and exciting.
I raised my hands up and my body moved to the beat.
I was feeling amazing, until suddenly I felt a strong, hard, body pressed up from behind me.
I turned around, and there he was - the guy from before.
""Hey funny girl,"" he said to me.
""That's not my name,"" I replied."
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teacher's pet Emma and Ian chapter 2
00:00Episode 2
00:01I wanted to make sure I remember everything about my first time.
00:04And what's the best way to sober up quickly?
00:08After leaving the girls' room, I headed straight for the dance floor.
00:12There was a band playing some upbeat rock and a crowd of people jumping around to it.
00:16I joined the crowd and started to let loose.
00:19Bodies were moving, people were shouting, the music was loud and exciting.
00:24I raised my hands up and my body moved to the beat.
00:28I was feeling amazing, until suddenly I felt a strong, hard, body pressed up from behind me.
00:35I turned around and there he was, the guy from before.
00:38Hey funny girl, he said to me.
00:40That's not my name, I replied.
00:43What's your name then?
00:45Nice to meet you, Emma.
00:47He gave me his hand and I was being polite, so I shook it.
00:50When I was about to pull away, however, he tightened his grip and pulled me closer,
00:55twirling my body around in the process like it was a dance move.
00:59That was pretty cool.
01:01Wanna dance, he asked.
01:02Aren't we already?
01:04I replied.
01:05Wow, who am I?
01:06This alcohol's making me say some crazy things.
01:11He seemed to like my response.
01:13He closed the distance between us with his body and he started moving to the beat.
01:17There was something about the way he moved.
01:20He knew exactly how to move his body.
01:22It was smooth, yet solid movements.
01:25I couldn't take my eyes off of it.
01:27Are you dancing or are you just gonna stare at me?
01:30He caught me off guard.
01:31I was embarrassed, so I quickly turned my body around so that he couldn't see my face.
01:36My back was pressed up against him, however, and felt his every move.
01:42His moves made me want to move too.
01:44My body swayed from side to side, aligned with music.
01:48He put his hands on my hips, keeping our bodies connected.
01:51I swayed my hips slightly and arched my back so that the back of my head rested on his chest.
01:58He liked what I was doing as his body tensed and enveloped me even more.
02:02As my nips moved, my ass was grazing his groin area.
02:07Ever so, slightly, his grip on my hips tightened in response.
02:12So you like to tease, huh?
02:14He whispered to my ears.
02:15He was so close to me, I could smell his masculine scent.
02:19It was heavenly.
02:21I didn't respond, and I just let my eyes roll back, enjoying the moment.
02:25His hands started to trace the curves of my body as I continued to tease him.
02:30And suddenly, he put one hand over my stomach and held me in place.
02:35He pulled me back so that I was flushed against his body and I couldn't move.
02:39Then his other hand found my chin and tilted my face to the side.
02:43I looked up at his face, his eyes staring darkly into mine.
02:47I took in a sharp breath as I was caught off guard by this sight.
02:51He was just so handsome.
02:53He lowered down his chiseled jaw until I could feel his breath spanning my cheeks.
02:58I was sure my heart had stopped beating, but I had never felt anything quite like this before.
03:04We were so close, only inches away from each other.
03:07I saw his lips parting slightly as it touched my the small contact
03:11sent my stomach tingling and my heart racing.
03:14He would be so delicious to kiss.
03:17Emma's POV.
03:19I yelped and pulled away in an instant.
03:22That was so close.
03:24Suddenly it dawned on me that I was about to kiss a random stranger in a bar.
03:28What the hell was I thinking?
03:29I should not be doing this.
03:31I needed to be with Zach.
03:33I knew that second glass of beer was a bad idea.
03:36Meanwhile, the guy looked at me, bewildered and confused.
03:40He was also still breathless from all the dancing.
03:43That look in his eyes.
03:44I couldn't tell if he was angry or disappointed or both.
03:48I'm sorry, I have to go.
03:50I said and turned my heels as fast as I could.
03:54I could hear him calling after me several times, but I didn't want to turn back.
03:58I spotted Tiff making out with Steve, and I wasn't going to cockblock her,
04:02so I left her alone.
04:03Carrie was still with the sorority girls,
04:05so I pulled her to the side and quickly told her my plan.
04:09Carrie, hey.
04:11Hey, um, where you've been?
04:12I was dancing, but listen, I'm gonna go, okay?
04:15I'm gonna wait in Zach's dorm room.
04:17He said he'll be home soon.
04:19I had to yell to her ears because the music was so loud.
04:22Okay, don't worry about us.
04:24We'll get an Uber and stay in a motel that I'll keep an eye out for her.
04:28Carrie was referring to Tiff.
04:29All right, I'll see you guy in the morning.
04:32I hugged her before we parted ways.
04:34Have fun.
04:35Be safe.
04:36I heard her screaming over the music as I walked away.
04:40The college dorm was a large was a co-ed building in the outskirts of the Emory campus.
04:45Tonight, it was filled with drunk college freshmen fresh from orientation night.
04:49After turning down this slurring guy that hit on me at the front door,
04:53I made my way inside the building.
04:55People just assumed that I was a student,
04:57so I had no problem getting I and M.Y. Hart was pounding in excitement
05:02as I climbed the stairs to the second floor.
05:04M.Y. eyes went to scan the long corridor for room number 223, Zach's room.
05:09M.Y. Hart was beating faster and faster as the numbers got closer.
05:14220, 221, 222, 223.
05:21I whispered under my breath as I stood in front of my boyfriend's door.
05:24I hoped his roommate wasn't home.
05:27Zach should be home anytime soon, so I thought I would just sit on his bed and wait for him.
05:31My hand reached for the handle and I realized the door was unlocked.
05:35I pulled down the handle happily and pushed the door open.
05:39But as soon as I saw what was inside the room, my smile fell to the floor.
05:43I wasn't prepared to see what was happening in front of me.
05:46I could never be.
05:47Zach was lying on his bed.
05:49Naked at eye and front of him was a girl, also naked.
05:52She straddled him on the bed, so I was only able to see her hair and bare back.
05:58She was humping him.
05:59All the while moaning his name out loud, point one of his hands were gripping her bare ass,
06:03clutching them tightly as she bounced and bounced on him.
06:06The other was on gripping her bare breast, kneading her as he groaned aloud.
06:11My jaw dropped open and I couldn't close my eyes no matter how much I wanted to.
06:15This image would forever be etched into my memory.
06:18And suddenly, air escaped my lungs and I couldn't breathe.
06:23Wait, Emma.
06:24Out of the corner of his eyes, Zach finally noticed I was standing on his doorway.
06:29He pushed the girl to the side abruptly as she yelped,
06:33He scrambled for his pants on the floor and staggered over to me.
06:37The girl turned around and saw me, but she didn't look surprised.
06:41She simply pulled the blanket to cover her chest.
06:44And then she gave me this ugly, devilish smile.
06:47Emma, what are you doing here?
06:49Zach said breathlessly.
06:50He was still panting and sweating, smelling like awful sex that I hated it and I wished
06:55I could puke my guts out.
06:57How could you?
06:58My voice cracked.
06:59Tears were filling my eyes.
07:01I can explain.
07:03He stammered as he stepped outside and closed the door behind us.
07:07Well, explain, I demanded.
07:09It was nothing, okay?
07:11Jenna and I.
07:12It's just physical.
07:14He started talking, but I didn't want to hear it.
07:16My hand instinctively flew to his face to stop him from talking, slapping his cheek
07:22He looked taken aback and I was shocked too.
07:25I was never this violent person.
07:27Slowly, his eyes then turned from shock into anger.
07:30What was I supposed to do, Emma?
07:32You didn't want to have sex with me, he roared.
07:35I wasn't ready, Zach.
07:36You said you're okay waiting, I reminded him.
07:39It's been a year.
07:41How much longer was I supposed to wait?
07:43So instead of telling me like a mature adult, you went behind my back and did this?
07:48I knew I struck a chord.
07:50He was quiet.
07:51He didn't have any good excuses.
07:54How long?
07:55I asked, choking on the tears that started falling.
07:58Go fuck yourself.
08:00I spat before turning to my heels and left.
08:03I ran out of there as fast as I could.
08:05All I could feel was the gnawing pain in my chest as I sped away in my car.
08:09Zach tried calling me several times and I blocked his number instead.
08:14I never wanted to hear his voice or see his face again.
08:18I called Tiff and Carrie to see where they were, but none of them picked up.
08:22I decided to head back to the bar, thinking maybe they were still there.
08:26I double-checked all the corners and the girls' room, but they were nowhere to be found.
08:31Hey, where the hell are you guys?
08:34Something bad happened.
08:35Please call me back.
08:37I said to my phone, leaving a message on both their phones.
08:41I walked over to the bar aimlessly and took a seat on one of the stools.
08:45I was tired.
08:47I was hurting and alone.
08:49Every time I closed my eyes, the image of Zach and that girl popped into my head.
08:54I wanted to just scrape my brains out.
08:56It was a long day and I just wanted it to be over.
08:59You look like you could use a drink, suddenly.
09:02A familiar voice spoke to me.
09:04I turned to my side and I saw that guy again, the gorgeous guy that danced with me earlier.
09:09He was leaning casually against the bar.
09:11I wasn't in the mood to talk, so I ignored him and turned my face back to the front.
09:16Rough night, he spoke again.
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