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Ja'Marr Chase Reacts After Bengals WIN vs. Giants
00:00much-needed win? It felt good just getting a win. It wasn't a pretty one but it was
00:06good just get one under the belt finally. At this point you just kind of need
00:11whatever y'all can get and just build some momentum is that kind of where you
00:13think y'all are at in the season? Yeah I mean right now we just try to get the
00:20wins going keep the momentum going and you know finally get the stack get that
00:25lead going while we on the run that's what we're really trying to get to. Can I ask you
00:29how you're feeling after losses so how do you feel after the win? How do I feel
00:33right now? I feel that's a good question today. I feel I feel happy that we won I
00:40wasn't satisfied the way we won but I'm happy that we won. What was unique about
00:44the way that they were playing you in terms of coverage wise? They put banks
00:51on T and then clouded me so there was it was a different type of cloud I don't
00:56really know what kind of cloud it was I was looking at it on the iPad a little
00:59bit but it was cloud though. How clutch was T for y'all today? He played a great part man
01:06starting off the game explosive man came out strong hands making a point that he
01:11still is one of the top receivers in the game. Do you feel like that's something you wanted to show on
01:15primetime like I'm one of those guys? I feel like we just gotta give him opportunity
01:18give him the ball you know I'm saying we give him opportunity he make a play and
01:21you know saying stuff like that happens. What do you think of Joe's touchdown run to
01:24start the game? I heard he got 19 on it so yeah I mean he's I'm happy how about
01:31that because I am about to go mess with him in a few talking about he ran 17 16
01:35so I know I'm pretty sure he'd know he ran 19. So you're gonna round out? Yeah
01:39piss him off a little bit. What was it about the way you guys won that you
01:43didn't like you said you didn't like some of the stuff the way you won? We
01:46started off we started off great first possession second possession wasn't too
01:50good same with third you know I'm saying it just it just wasn't Cincinnati
01:56football at the end of the day we missed opportunities penalties turnovers for
02:03the offense and that's just not something Cincinnati football does. How
02:06would you define Cincinnati football? Cincinnati football is technique sound
02:15you got to know your job that's one of them defense is usually our backbone
02:21like today they showed it today and offense usually execute not Cincinnati
02:26football. Is that about the longest you've seen your guy run number nine run?
02:33So far yes so far yes I don't really know how far he's ran since. Is it the fastest you've seen him go?
02:42Yes yeah it's the fastest I've ever seen him run. He's never gonna hit 20? He got a
02:51chance if he had 19-8 today right he'd get 20 he'd get 20. How do you guys avoid any
02:58any sort of like comfort in that you won and and obviously you referenced some of
03:04the things that you guys need to clean up the fumbles just some of the
03:07attention to details how do you make sure that that continues at a height and
03:11level knowing yeah you won but you guys still have a long way to go to get out
03:14of your hole? I don't know it's not really much we could do at that point
03:23you know I'm saying it's executing during a game you know I'm saying at
03:27practice we know what we have to do at practice but it's really during game
03:31time when it counts the most and and at the end of the game chase to the sled to
03:35just to ice the clock but you know it's small things like that that'll help us
03:39win easier. Not finishing games has been something a team over the past month or
03:44so to finish today when it was 10-7 they were very much in it DJ gets the big
03:49stop then you guys score and kind of put the game away. Yeah like I said man
03:53defense showed up today and we didn't you know I'm saying and that's something
03:57that we always expect our defense to do for us. Defense was talking about not
04:01holding up their end of the bargain this week they obviously were taking it pretty
04:03personal I mean what did you hear and see from them this week and did you feel
04:07like you they would have a performance like this with the way that they react?
04:10I didn't really hear nothing I just seen them play Cincinnati football man and
04:14they came out today and stood on business for what they do best. What did you think of Joe's
04:20touchdown run? It was a great read by him I don't think we had a motion on
04:26that play so yeah I can't really remember if he was reading the defense
04:29and found out if it was a man from the motion but a great play by him just
04:33reading it out and seeing it. It seems like he's been more aggressive with just
04:35pulling it out a run even going back to camp like that's something it was a big
04:38point of emphasis for him. Would you kind of agree with that? I don't want him
04:41running the ball. I don't want him back there passing it. I don't want him
04:46running at all. I don't even want him getting hit you know I'm saying but I
04:49mean if he does do it you know it's I can't tell Joe what to do he's a great
04:53quarterback man and he loves he loves to get hit so I mean if he if he wants to
04:56run one time and does something like that then I'm all for it. Did you see him go
05:00into the medical tent what's going through your through your mind? I don't
05:08know man at that moment I was just like he alright you know I'm saying just kept
05:12going through with the game so I wasn't really trying to pay attention too much
05:14at that point. Can you take us through the year 33 or there I think it was? It was a
05:19scramble drill I can't even tell you my I had a it was a there's a swell route
05:27coming back to the ball and I just seen Joe running for us like just moving in
05:32a pocket back there and I just made a good play going upfield and he's seen a
05:36one-on-one opportunity and took it. Were you near Chase's fumble at the end did you see
05:40how close it was to the Giants getting it? I wasn't close but I seen it it was
05:43they were pretty close they fell on it and then it like came from under his
05:47stomach. What goes through your head when you see that ball pop out? Go out of bounds man
05:54go out of bounds ball go out of bounds hopefully. Is that just kind of the break y'all need to
05:58maybe just kind of get some momentum at some point is that just something y'all just need to bounce hopefully?
06:02Honestly we don't really don't really want that to happen at the end of the day I
06:08feel like um but I mean that's the best-case scenario is that it just goes
06:12out of bounds.
