Wyatt Earp And Bass Reeves Full Western Movie

  • ayer
00:03:02That's Danny Miller you got the frame up on my saloon
00:03:06Glad you like it. Mr. Earp. The whole place is coming along pretty good
00:03:11Anything I can do to help speed things up. Few more hands would be nice
00:03:14I can stop by the mining camp up in the mountain. You don't mind some Mexican and Chinese men working
00:03:20I don't mind at all long as they willing to work. I'll take the trip tomorrow. Oh
00:03:24By the way judge stopped by to see you he brought someone with him
00:03:28He'll be over at the mercantile building good. Very good. I'm gonna go talk to him for a minute
00:03:53Looks like
00:04:04Good to see you do it you do what?
00:04:07Who's this fella?
00:04:11Pleased to meet you. Likewise, mr.
00:04:20What can I ask you a question sure
00:04:24Well, I've been keeping tabs on you
00:04:26And you were way down in San Diego and you were doing good
00:04:31Now what brings you all the way up here?
00:04:35Living the dream judge
00:04:38Okay, what
00:04:40Look, San Diego is a way for me to pay for what I really wanted to do
00:04:45On your own saloon. I get it
00:04:48Judge, I'm gonna own my own town. It's almost here
00:04:53What that sounds like a lot of work, oh, come on now you were in tombstone
00:04:58What do you think it was to help me my brother's back? Um
00:05:01Cowboys, there's always gonna be a bad element around we expect that what held us back with politics
00:05:08Answering to the city government the county government and all that nonsense. I
00:05:12Truly do understand and here I thought that's what you wanted
00:05:16Why did everybody comes to the big town thinking the money's gonna be easy and quick?
00:05:21Most of them get lost in the liquor and women and
00:05:25Some lose their minds in the opium dens
00:05:29And that's why I want you to be my justice to the peace for my town
00:05:32You've got all that experience. I do have that
00:05:37Even what do you do?
00:05:39Well, I was a bank teller back in San Francisco
00:05:43So you're good at counting money
00:05:45Sir, I can do that
00:05:46So tell me Evan, have you ever had somebody come in put a gun in your face and demand all the money
00:05:53Once or twice I have and what did you do? I gave them the money
00:05:58Smart move in
00:06:00We're gonna have a lot of money around here for you to keep in order
00:06:04What the reason I came up here was to see when you want us for good
00:06:09Well, the plan is to finish this saloon
00:06:13Then finish up the hotel
00:06:15Should take about maybe another two more months
00:06:19All right
00:06:22I'll be back up here in six weeks and I'll check on you and then
00:06:28I'll be your justice of the peace
00:06:39They knew it you knew that girl
00:06:46Can't say that I do
00:07:11Hey there, what are you doing out here all by yourself?
00:07:20My mom pop they're on the train
00:07:24Ain't no train to run through here. He's not yet. Of course there is
00:07:31Hey if you say so, what's your name Martha
00:07:36Quincy I was a little boy. I had a sister named Martha
00:07:42Bye-bye, Martha
00:07:50Hey Wyatt
00:07:57What do you need
00:07:59You know, we could use another shipment of lumber. I can check on that tomorrow when I go up to the camp. I'll be fine
00:08:06Where'd that girl go scare off?
00:08:09Yes, sir
00:08:11Now once this town is complete you are gonna take me on the sheriff, correct? Absolutely if you I'll have a good share
00:08:18Experience justice to the peace and an honest banker. It's all coming together Miller
00:08:26The hell was that
00:08:28Dan say
00:08:31They think there's a real line around here
00:08:34Yeah, I'm sure
00:08:36There's a real line around here, there is a timber carrier about 10 miles from here
00:08:46We need to find out what this is about
00:08:48Well, you know with the railway coming through here. That could be a good thing. You see how we're trying to build it down
00:08:54Maybe maybe not. It could be trouble makers. It could be trying to tap into something. They just tap into
00:10:14Know this fella, I'm guessing you from that black train
00:10:19You guessed right?
00:10:21You got a name I'm Emmett black
00:10:26That's supposed to mean something to me
00:10:28Well, if you ever seen a storm come out of nowhere in the middle of the day
00:10:36Then, you know me you ever heard of the black train
00:10:43I've seen a lot of trains. Most of them actually are black
00:10:48Who are you looking for your name Miller it is
00:10:57The same Miller that used to be Marshall and Bakersfield
00:11:03The same you got a warrant
00:11:09Hold on right there. He asked you about a warrant. We don't need such things you get off my property
00:12:03Know you're a sight for sore eyes. Sure. It's good to see you. Likewise. Judge Parker. Come on in. Have a seat
00:12:17How you been doing? Well doing mighty fine judge Parker. Thank you mighty fine that telegram
00:12:22You sent me there was something you mentioned about
00:12:25Extra discussion we needed to have yes, sir. Judge Parker. I received a very unexpected
00:12:31Communication all the way from California
00:12:35Who from?
00:12:37Would you believe Wyatt Earp?
00:12:40Wyatt Barry
00:12:42Stapp Earp. I
00:12:44Do believe unless there's other fellas out there calling themselves Wyatt Earp
00:12:49considering the people that Wyatt Earp runs with
00:12:54He's never can tell
00:12:56Hmm. So mr. Earps fishing
00:13:01So, what's he want
00:13:04Something about a special assignment very big pay
00:13:08special assignment
00:13:10I'll bet so a bit of special assignment so special. I couldn't get anybody in California to do it
00:13:17You may be right. Mr. Parker, but I also believe I've got a spot of vacation coming up
00:13:22Yeah, you've got a lot of vacation time saved up. Yeah, you do it you round up these
00:13:28Dangerous individuals and never fire a shot. Well
00:13:33Most people on the reservation they have a different way of seeing things
00:13:37They're not so much in a hurry to be dead
00:13:40Well this potential assignment with Wyatt Earp, I suppose you get all the way out then
00:13:46Y'all can't work things out
00:13:49He says he'll cover expenses regardless
00:13:52well, that sounds like a fair shake, but
00:13:55Now if you do make the trip you think you'd be going through Colorado I am planning on it
00:14:01Then you tell me that when you tried to serve those warrants on the Salinas brothers that they hightailed it to Colorado
00:14:08Yes, sir. I did. I was told they were in the mountains right past Denver might you consider
00:14:15Wrapping that case up when you're out there
00:14:17That would be a good idea judge
00:14:28Miss Whitfield, I must say when I found out that you Mason was gonna be the ones working on this assignment. I was quite pleased
00:14:37Thank You, mr. Earp, I don't believe you were working to pick up this last time we met that is correct. Mr. Earp
00:14:43When Mason heard that the agency hired its first female detective, he telegraphed me immediately. I believe it took. Mr
00:14:50Pinkerton less than an hour to reach his decision once he received my call
00:14:56It makes sense
00:14:58Margaret is the best investigative reporter I've ever worked with and I worked with you before mr. Earp. I was employed by the Philadelphia Inquirer
00:15:07So, mr. Earp
00:15:10What is the exact nature of this assignment?
00:15:15It's about the black train
00:15:18Yes, sir
00:15:20Now I've seen a great many trains in my travels
00:15:25And the majority of those trains were black. I
00:15:29Don't want to come across as some crackpot believing in old campfire tales
00:15:34Until I saw it myself. I believe I can follow your thoughts on that. Mr. Earp every frontier on the border of unknown
00:15:45Right and it wasn't until I saw what I saw that I became concerned
00:15:51What exactly?
00:15:53Did you see mr. Earp?
00:15:55I was in the middle of the town. I'm having Bill
00:15:58Talking to my construction foreman. We heard a train whistle close by which was strange
00:16:03There's three lines ten miles away. I walked up the hill and there it was
00:16:09So you saw this black train?
00:16:11Greg, and there was a gunfight
00:16:14Was anyone hurt?
00:16:17My foreman took a bad hit. I fired at the intruders
00:16:21They must have had food when I laid on the field
00:16:23And the foreman?
00:16:25Well, when the smoke cleared, he was gone
00:16:27In what way was he gone?
00:16:29Gone as in
00:16:31I was the only one left on the street
00:16:33Mr. Earp
00:16:35Did you happen to be drinking that day?
00:16:46Yeah, yeah
00:16:48You two probably think I lost my mind way up here in the middle of nowhere
00:16:50From what I've heard Mr. Earp
00:16:52This black train
00:16:54Is some newer version
00:16:56Of the story of the journey of the newly departed
00:16:58The Greeks had their ferryman
00:17:00Across the river Styx
00:17:02The Bible has Elijah in the sky
00:17:04With his chariot of fire
00:17:06In the west
00:17:08There's a black train
00:17:10That transports the soul to heaven
00:17:12Or hell
00:17:14What would you like
00:17:16The Pinkerton Agency to do for you
00:17:18On this matter?
00:17:20I want you to approve
00:17:22This train to Zeus Elwyr Station
00:17:24If at all possible
00:17:26If it's possible, we will find it
00:17:28Shall we interview the crew as well?
00:17:30That would be a great idea
00:17:32Alright Mason
00:17:34I can take the western flank of the Rockies
00:17:36If you'll cover the eastern edge
00:17:38What's your thinking on this Mason?
00:17:40I think
00:17:42You probably had way too much
00:17:44Fire water
00:17:46And passed out in the middle of your town
00:17:48Please note
00:17:50I did say probably
00:17:52As such
00:17:54I will personally contact
00:17:56The tribes on the eastern range
00:17:58You mean Indians?
00:18:02They know the legends of these lands going much farther back
00:18:04Than we do
00:18:06And they may have knowledge that will help us
00:21:30I want to thank you for coming all the way up here, I hope it wasn't too much of a chore.
00:21:58Not at all, I like exploring.
00:22:00I'm gonna ask you if you want to know why I sent for you.
00:22:02Well, your telegram was kind of vague, something about a special assignment.
00:22:06First, I'd like to tell you it's an honor to have you here.
00:22:10Come now, you marshaled over a thousand felony arrests? That number is correct, isn't it?
00:22:15Well, that number just surpassed two thousand. I reckon I'll be retired when I make three thousand.
00:22:21Hell on earth, you must never sleep.
00:22:24I'm pretty good at what I do.
00:22:26And so, I was a lawman once. Of course, my career was nowhere near as extraordinary as yours.
00:22:32How long have you been a lawman?
00:22:34I've been a Deputy U.S. Marshal with the West District of Arkansas since 75.
00:22:39I took my first law job the year before that in Wichita.
00:22:42Wichita can be a rough town.
00:22:44The other city was rougher.
00:22:46Man, it's one thing I remember about those old days, it wasn't a good-paying job.
00:22:51Mr. Earp, was there another reason you sent for me, besides my arrest totals?
00:22:56I was also told that you were a good detective. I can understand why you'd give someone that impression.
00:23:01So, what exactly is this assignment?
00:23:04My construction foreman was promised a job as sheriff once my town was opened up.
00:23:10All right, then.
00:23:12Train took me.
00:23:13Was there some kind of falling out between you two?
00:23:16Well, why'd he leave?
00:23:17His name's Miller. He was taken by the train.
00:23:20This was a prison train, maybe?
00:23:22Mr. Reeves, there's a hill near my town.
00:23:24The other side of that hill is where this train appeared.
00:23:27I mean, these are details and all, but...
00:23:29There's no tracks there.
00:23:37You almost had me there for a minute, Mr. Earp.
00:23:40So, this black train shows up and leaves with your man, Miller.
00:23:47That is what I saw.
00:23:51Something tells me there's more to this story.
00:23:54Greg, there was a gunfight.
00:23:56Between who?
00:23:58A tall guy in a black Duster. He came into town and started shooting me and Miller.
00:24:02So, Miller was shot?
00:24:03I don't know.
00:24:04I took cover. There was a lot of shooting. Both slept clear. Miller was gone.
00:24:09What about the man with the black Duster?
00:24:11He was gone, too, along with the train.
00:24:13Just like that?
00:24:14Just like that.
00:24:16Mr. Earp, I sincerely hope you didn't bring me all this way to tell me about some ghost story.
00:24:22Ooh, phantom train, come and take your soul away!
00:24:26I'll give you a thousand dollars cash advance.
00:24:29All right, I'm listening.
00:24:31The assignment is to find this black train. Tell me how to find it.
00:24:35If you do that, I'll give you another thousand.
00:24:38In all total, that's more than what I make in a year.
00:24:42I imagine.
00:24:43What if I don't find it?
00:24:45You still get your advance.
00:24:47I don't want you to waste that kind of money, Mr. Earp.
00:24:49I don't feel like a wheelbarger. Do we have a deal?
00:24:52I reckon we do.
00:25:13I'm sorry.
00:25:14I'm sorry.
00:25:15I'm sorry.
00:25:16I'm sorry.
00:25:17I'm sorry.
00:25:18I'm sorry.
00:25:19I'm sorry.
00:25:20I'm sorry.
00:25:21I'm sorry.
00:25:22I'm sorry.
00:25:23I'm sorry.
00:25:24I'm sorry.
00:25:25I'm sorry.
00:25:26I'm sorry.
00:25:27I'm sorry.
00:25:28I'm sorry.
00:25:29I'm sorry.
00:25:30I'm sorry.
00:25:31I'm sorry.
00:25:32I'm sorry.
00:25:33I'm sorry.
00:25:34I'm sorry.
00:25:35I'm sorry.
00:25:36I'm sorry.
00:25:37I'm sorry.
00:25:38I'm sorry.
00:25:39I'm sorry.
00:25:40I'm sorry.
00:25:41I'm sorry.
00:25:42I'm sorry.
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00:25:44I'm sorry.
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00:28:24I'm sorry.
00:28:25I'm sorry.
00:28:26I'm sorry.
00:28:27I'm sorry.
00:28:28I'm sorry.
00:28:29I'm sorry.
00:28:30I'm sorry.
00:28:31I'm sorry.
00:28:32I'm sorry.
00:28:33I'm sorry.
00:28:34I'm sorry.
00:28:35I'm sorry.
00:28:36I do.
00:28:37Things are moving forward a bit, aren't they?
00:28:40Slowly, but surely.
00:28:41They are.
00:28:43Pleased to meet you.
00:28:44But seeing you makes me think of trouble.
00:28:48Are you hunting someone?
00:28:50Something, actually.
00:28:53And that is?
00:28:54A black train.
00:28:56A black train.
00:28:59Does this train belong to a railroad company?
00:29:03Don't think so.
00:29:04The engineer is also the owner, I believe.
00:29:09What makes you think I would know something about this train?
00:29:14Well, I know the women in the tribe usually know everything that's going on.
00:29:21A lot of people are afraid of this train.
00:29:24They say it takes people away.
00:29:28Years ago, a terrible fever swept through our tribe.
00:29:35From the settlers, I imagine.
00:29:38So many people were lost. We were told that they left on the black train.
00:29:44Which way was it going?
00:29:46Towards the high mountains.
00:29:49It didn't make any sense. The tracks ended only a few miles up.
00:29:55This train, with a load of sick people, headed up into the mountains.
00:30:00No, Mason. These people already died.
00:30:06Okay. Spirit story, then.
00:30:10Ten of our men rode after the train to find out what happened to our people.
00:30:16Only one came back.
00:30:20Did he tell you what happened?
00:30:23Something very strange happened in those mountains.
00:30:28That man came back, talking nonsense about giant locomotives and mountains that moved.
00:30:36Did his party catch up with the black train?
00:30:40They did. A little town way up in the cold.
00:30:45The engineer called it Dungeon.
00:30:50That man that came back, does he still live around here? Would I be able to speak with him?
00:30:56He was never right in the head after that. He died a couple of years ago.
00:31:02That is a shame.
00:31:05He did give us directions on how to find that place. A map of sorts.
00:31:11Has anybody tried?
00:31:14No. Not from our tribe. We lost too many people, Mason.
00:31:22I understand. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, would I be able to see this map?
00:31:29You can. But only if I can give you a strong warning.
00:31:34A warning that I pray that you will heed.
00:31:40For your safety and your sanity, stay.
00:31:46It is not wise to sneak up on people out here.
00:32:13I have a rifle, and if you cause trouble, I will hit you in the head.
00:32:18Sounds like it might hurt.
00:32:20That would be the intention. Who are you?
00:32:24I call myself Preacher Man.
00:32:27Your occupation is not your name.
00:32:30Ma'am, I know these parts pretty well.
00:32:36I might be able to help you find what you're looking for.
00:32:41I'm looking for a train. Specifically, the black train.
00:32:46I'm going to guess you're not just looking for a ride.
00:32:50What you are looking for is a vessel of fear and misery that roams these parts.
00:32:57You have heard of it.
00:33:00Anybody who's set around a campfire with folks has heard of it.
00:33:05There it is.
00:33:13I suppose you think you're clever.
00:33:15I never quite figured that out.
00:33:18I see by your badge you're a detective.
00:33:22Yes, I am employed by the largest detective agency in California.
00:33:26I am familiar with the Pinkertons.
00:33:29This is kind of an odd case for them, isn't it?
00:33:32With sufficient remuneration, the Pinkertons will take on any case.
00:33:37Sounds like a bounty hunter.
00:33:39Somewhat, but we don't have to bring them in dead.
00:33:42So how many times have you seen this train?
00:33:45Come on now, who am I talking to here?
00:33:48Margaret Whitchfield, lady detective.
00:33:51Well, congratulations and all that.
00:33:55You mean how many times with my own eyes?
00:34:03Who runs it?
00:34:09A man's name, Emmett Black.
00:34:11He's the engineer and he's always with it.
00:34:15And who does Emmett Black report to?
00:34:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:34:21Can't get into all that.
00:34:23What I will do for you is recount for you
00:34:28every single time I've seen the black train.
00:34:31That I can remember, if you've got the time.
00:34:35I am here.
00:34:53I am here.
00:35:23I am here.
00:35:53I am here.
00:35:54I am here.
00:35:55I am here.
00:35:56I am here.
00:35:57I am here.
00:35:58I am here.
00:35:59I am here.
00:36:00I am here.
00:36:01I am here.
00:36:02I am here.
00:36:03I am here.
00:36:04I am here.
00:36:05I am here.
00:36:06I am here.
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00:44:29I am here.
00:44:30I am here.
00:44:31I am here.
00:44:32I am here.
00:44:33I am here.
00:44:35I've got a sickening feeling inside,
00:44:37that if I don't destroy this train,
00:44:40it's going to destroy me.
00:45:34I'm going to do a little bit of a walkthrough of what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last
00:46:04couple of days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of
00:46:11days, and I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and
00:46:18I'm going to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going
00:46:25to show you what I've been up to in the last couple of days, and I'm going to show you
00:46:32Don't push her, fellas.
00:46:34Why not? It's our only form of entertainment around here.
00:46:48Town of Dungeon. No train.
00:46:54That must be the saloon. Someone in there will know what's going on.
00:46:59But you better go in alone. I'll be the watchman.
00:47:03How long have you been a marshal?
00:47:05About 16 years, give or take.
00:47:08Someone might recognize you. I'll go in and ask around. Might be a while.
00:47:21Am I interrupting something?
00:47:23You just get off the train?
00:47:24No, I rode.
00:47:26Now you see, you see there? We can leave. We don't have to wait for Emmett in his damn train.
00:47:31Jim, you have to wait for Emmett.
00:47:34Would that be Emmett Black?
00:47:37Who are you?
00:47:39What is your business with Emmett?
00:47:42My name is Margaret Whitfield. I'd like to ask him a few questions.
00:47:46She sounds like the law.
00:47:49No. I'm an investigator.
00:47:53You're taking a big risk being here, lady.
00:47:56I hope not. I don't mean to cause any trouble.
00:48:04So why do they call you Russell and Jim?
00:48:07It's funny you should ask that, detective.
00:48:10What brings a Pinkerton down here?
00:48:13I'd like to know about this place. Who's here? Why they're here? What are they doing?
00:48:19Well, you're in the right place to find out.
00:48:22I suppose you want to learn about me, don't you?
00:48:25See, I rustled cattle, sheep, goats all across the Southwest.
00:48:31Hundreds, thousands ahead.
00:48:34Took them, moved them all over.
00:48:37Three of your buddies decided to follow me one day.
00:48:40Their little silver eagles.
00:48:43They followed me, all right. Right off the edge of that cliff.
00:48:49I don't know how, but I woke up here.
00:48:52Seems as good a place as any to pass the time.
00:48:59So you came here on the left, right?
00:49:02A man picked me up. Said he could take me here.
00:49:07Said I didn't have to pay my debts.
00:49:11Said it'd be a place to stay for a while.
00:49:15He lied to me. He said the whiskey was good. He said there was work.
00:49:20I've been sitting here dealing with these insufferable bar staff.
00:49:27Longer than I care to remember.
00:49:30And bad whiskey, and you're drinking it anyway.
00:49:33Not much else to do. You'll see.
00:49:37So you did not see anything of those agents that you somehow ran off the cliff?
00:49:43Well, I don't see them here.
00:49:55The rustler over there has been here longer than me.
00:49:58And the gambler came after you?
00:50:04You expect the rustler to leave ahead of you?
00:50:09I would hope so.
00:50:11Sounds like you don't like him.
00:50:14He just keeps rambling and rambling about all his rustling.
00:50:18And you would rather keep to yourself?
00:50:21In this environment, I would much rather keep to myself.
00:50:24I understand that.
00:50:26How did you end up operating this place?
00:50:30It's a partnership.
00:50:33With you and Mr. Black?
00:50:36Myself and Iris.
00:50:39And this is all yours, then?
00:50:42It belongs to Mr. Black, just like everything here.
00:50:46Of course.
00:50:48How did you wind up here?
00:50:50I'm sure the Lady Pinkerton would like to know.
00:50:53I would.
00:50:55I was married once.
00:50:58Mm-hmm. He was a woodsman.
00:51:02Done me wrong.
00:51:04What did you do?
00:51:06I skinned him with his own hunting knife.
00:51:08Made myself a purse.
00:51:10I bet you got more than a purse out of that.
00:51:13I got an entire luggage set.
00:51:15And you obviously have some survival skills.
00:51:19I do.
00:51:21Where did you go with that luggage and that hunting knife?
00:51:24Out west, wherever west was then.
00:51:28And what is your story?
00:51:31Well, I came from out east.
00:51:34And I used to help with an orphanage.
00:51:37An orphanage?
00:51:39Like all the abandoned, unwanted children.
00:51:43I've written about them.
00:51:46Conditions are pretty bad.
00:51:49Haven't changed since Dickens.
00:51:51It was absolutely horrific conditions.
00:51:54It was absolutely horrific conditions.
00:51:57And a miserable place to be for all involved.
00:52:00Of course.
00:52:01I had been there forever.
00:52:03So you were one of the operators.
00:52:07So you were part of the situation that was very disadvantageous for the youngins.
00:52:16Yeah, I chose to burn it down.
00:52:21So the children burned as well?
00:52:26And that was your intention?
00:52:29How did you expect to burn it down without burning the children?
00:52:33Well, I was to be executed.
00:52:35I was brought here.
00:52:37Whatever you want to call that.
00:52:39Emmett Black came and swooped me over to his train.
00:52:42And he brought you here?
00:52:46That's why we're all sitting in separate tables.
00:52:49None of us trust each other.
00:52:51Why not?
00:52:55Look around.
00:52:57You see anyone here that would be trustworthy?
00:53:00If everyone rides the same train to the same destination,
00:53:05and there are no distinctions made on behavior or class or wealth or any of the usual standards,
00:53:15then perhaps this is a true place of equality.
00:53:20We're all waiting for Mr. Black.
00:53:22So in that respect, everyone in here is equal.
00:53:29Is that Mr. Black?
00:53:31I would hope so, seeing as his train is the only one that makes it up here.
00:53:35Do you think he would be willing to talk to me?
00:53:39He'll talk to you.
00:53:46Come on now.
00:53:48Mr. Black?
00:53:50That's correct.
00:53:51I'm Margaret Whitfield with the Pinkerton Detective Agency.
00:53:56I've seen you.
00:53:57Have you? May I ask where?
00:54:00On and up and down the range. You seem to get around.
00:54:04You have a good eye.
00:54:06I thought you was aiming some type of weapon.
00:54:09No. Only a spyglass.
00:54:12All right, Detective.
00:54:14What was you talking to the people in the other room about?
00:54:18How long they've been here. How they got here.
00:54:21Small talk while I was waiting for you.
00:54:24So what you want to ask me?
00:54:26Mr. Black, you have corn-swabbled a lot of people into believing that you and your train are phantoms that roam the West.
00:54:36You've become the P.T. Barnum of the Rockies.
00:54:39What do you mean by that?
00:54:41Are you evil, Emmett?
00:54:43I got a job to do and I do it.
00:54:46Doing your duty? Wyatt Earp says you were shooting at him.
00:54:50Sometimes you got to get people's attention.
00:54:58So you really don't believe in me, do you?
00:55:01You have crafted an extremely elaborate hoax.
00:55:05I very much admire the ingenuity, but I would like to ascertain the truth.
00:55:11You know what?
00:55:14Please tell me.
00:55:16I have met you before. Way back.
00:55:20I very much doubt that.
00:55:24Yeah, yeah. That was in Philadelphia.
00:55:34You was just a little thing, Magpie.
00:55:39Where did you hear my childhood nickname?
00:55:45I knew, but I wasn't looking for you.
00:55:51I was looking for your sister.
00:55:58Your sister's name was Tabitha.
00:56:02Poor little ditty thing. I think it was Typhoid, wasn't it?
00:56:14Well then, I'm going to have to be headed out in a little bit.
00:56:18It was a pleasure talking to you.
00:56:21Where did she...
00:56:25She was only with me for a little while.
00:56:31I don't know.
00:56:42Goodness. Thought you might have gone on vacation or something.
00:56:45I acquired quite a bit of useful information.
00:56:48Is that our train?
00:56:50I'm sure it is.
00:56:52Then it's best if we move on out of here. You up for another ride?
00:56:56We need to leave this place now.
00:57:03I figured you'd be gone by now.
00:57:31I just stopped in to say goodbye.
00:57:33Now have me sign some papers for the agency, I suppose.
00:57:37Marshal, I believe we're square.
00:57:39Yes, we are. Now someone told me there'd be a fine dinner tonight.
00:57:42And I figured I would just have something to eat before I head out.
00:57:46Help yourself. I'll set up in the saloon.
00:57:48Kind of eat when you get ready to kind of thing.
00:57:51See? I knew there was a reason I hung around.
00:57:55Well, this certainly was a different assignment, Mr. Earp.
00:57:58I imagine it was.
00:58:00If you ever need me, I'm sure I can make myself available.
00:58:04It was a pleasure meeting you, Marshal.
00:58:06Ma'am, likewise.
00:58:07If my travels ever take me to Arkansas, I will look you up.
00:58:11Well, please do. I'm sure my wife would love to meet you.
00:58:14As long as I tell her of all the things that took place here today.
00:58:18You think she'll believe it?
00:58:20Well, let's just say she's going to have additional questions.
00:58:25Why don't y'all help yourselves? I'll be with you shortly.
00:58:30Well, hello, Wyatt.
00:58:32Judge? Nathan?
00:58:35Everything looks pretty good.
00:58:38Except where are you going to bunk us tonight? In that hotel?
00:58:42It's next, right after the saloon. It's almost finished.
00:58:46Well, I imagine you know what you're doing.
00:58:50Anybody seen my brother Virgil around?
00:58:52He's supposed to be getting in today.
00:58:55How long has it been?
00:58:56Too long.
00:58:57Of course, I'm only here for the food. Long ride.
00:59:00Well, help yourself. It's set up in the saloon. I'll be there in a bit.
00:59:07Hello there. Haven't seen you around.
00:59:10I ain't never been here before.
00:59:12What's your name?
00:59:14Jessie? Jessie what?
00:59:17Pretending to be outlaws. That's a fun game, isn't it?
00:59:20I ain't no outlaw, mister.
00:59:21Whoa, whoa now. I didn't say you were.
00:59:23That was my daddy.
00:59:25I reckon old Jessie James got killed, oh, twenty years ago.
00:59:30Well, you better run on home now. Your ma's probably worried about you.
00:59:51What's your name?
01:03:56Well, well.
01:03:59Augustus Deacon.
01:04:01I remember you now.
01:04:05Well, I guess it's good I'm memorable.
01:04:09You remember this fella from San Francisco, Nathan.
01:04:13No, I don't, but I already don't like him.
01:04:19It's best not to talk rough about people you don't even know, boy.
01:04:24Don't flinch, Nathan.
01:04:26This rattlesnake's dangerous.
01:04:33I got nothing to guess.
01:04:53Look what you made me do.
01:05:12What you doing here, Shania?
01:05:13Just trying to stay alive, Bobby.
01:05:15You're gonna need this.
01:05:17What you know, Maxwell?
01:05:19They shot the judge.
01:05:21Killed Nathan, too.
01:05:22They killed the judge?
01:05:24Yeah, they knew each other before.
01:05:26What you see?
01:05:27Two or three guns coming down the street.
01:05:28Gonna be some killing.
01:06:43What's Emmett do?
01:06:44What's that in his hand?
01:06:46Looks like a book.
01:06:51Point out where I can see you better.
01:06:58All together on three.
01:07:07One, two, three.
01:07:11I'm hit!
01:07:15Get the hell out of here, Bass!
01:07:20Give that to your wife's kids!
01:07:30Where's that other Pinkerton?
01:07:32I saw him, Russell.
01:07:34Not his time, either.
01:07:36It's gotta be somebody's.
01:07:39I'm hurt bad, Wyatt.
01:07:41Don't move me.
01:07:42Come on, now.
01:07:44Y'all are pissing me off.
01:07:46They don't know what they're doing.
01:07:48You can't do that.
01:07:49What are you gonna do?
01:07:51I told you to keep your mouth shut.
01:07:54Get out of here.
01:07:55That's enough.
01:07:56You're gonna get a ticket to the hospital.
01:08:00You're a big guy now.
01:08:02You're a big boy now.
01:08:03I'm a big boy now.
01:08:04You're a big boy now.
01:08:05You're a big boy now.
01:08:06You're a big boy now.
01:08:07You're a big boy now.
01:08:08I'm a big boy now.
01:08:09You're a big boy now.
01:08:10You're a big boy now.
01:08:11They don't know what they're doing.
01:08:33Miss Whitfield, what are you doing?
01:08:42Should have killed her back in dungeon.
01:08:45Instead, here we are.
01:08:48Let's see...
01:08:54This is unusual.
01:09:00Book says it can go either way.
01:09:06Well, I guess it's my choice.
01:09:31Looks like you're about gone.
01:09:34Finish it, Emmett.
01:10:11Death Man!
01:10:17Death Man!
01:10:44I gotta know.
01:10:46What happened?
01:10:49Don't worry, Wyatt.
01:10:51It ain't your time.
01:10:56You won't see me for a long, long time.
01:11:02Looks like Emmett has a plan.
01:11:05There's a plan for everything.
01:11:09There's a plan for everything.
01:11:13Make no mistake, we will meet again.
01:11:16Well, now tell me, how was it to work with Wyatt Earp?
01:11:40Judge, I believe he was scared.
01:11:44Scared? Scared of what?
01:11:47The unknown, I'm thinking.
01:11:51Well, we all got to deal with that sometime.
01:11:55I must say, it's good to be home.
01:11:58You mean to tell me Wyatt Earp didn't try to get you to stay on permanently with them?
01:12:03He might have hinted, but I promised you I'd be back.
01:12:07Yeah, you did, and I appreciate you following up on that.
01:12:11I wouldn't bring this up, but I got an interesting telegram from Texas while you were gone.
01:12:17From Texas, you say?
01:12:19From Judge that handles the East Texas District, right across the state line.
01:12:24That would be Judge Wheeler.
01:12:26Yeah, he's a friend of mine, and he's a good man.
01:12:29So let me guess where this line of conversation is headed.
01:12:32Oh, hell, I'm having fun with this. You gotta let me finish this.
01:12:37Charles tells me you put an inquiry in wanting to know if he had a position like this one, but over in his district.
01:12:45Well now, Judge, it was just an inquiry.
01:12:48It just gets the gears up here turning.
01:12:51Bass, you've been with me for 16 years.
01:12:55During that time, I've never been disappointed.
01:12:59I've always been impressed with your abilities, your professionalism, and your performance.
01:13:06And I appreciate that.
01:13:08Yeah, I even turned a blind eye to that whiskey delivery business you had going there on the reservation.
01:13:18So what are you looking for, Marshall?
01:13:20Judge, I was looking for a good payday.
01:13:23And you got that.
01:13:24I did.
01:13:25Alright then. Let's get to work.
01:13:55Alright, I'll see you tomorrow.
01:14:14I'll pick you up at 8 o'clock in the morning and take you to the set, Mr. Earp.
01:14:18That'll be fine.
01:14:20Good night, sir.
01:14:25Good night.
01:14:50Well, if it isn't my old friend, Mr. Black.
01:14:52What was your first name?
01:14:55It's good to see you, Mr. Emmett.
01:14:58I doubt that.
01:15:00What can I do for you, sir?
01:15:03Time to go.
01:15:05Mr. Black, please give me just a little while longer. I'm not quite ready.
01:15:12Get your affairs in order. I'll be back this evening.
01:15:16Thank you, thank you so much, Mr. Black. I'll be ready.
01:16:59Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:02Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:04Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:06Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:08Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:10Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:12Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:14Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:16Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:18Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:20Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:22Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:24Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:50Where are we headed, Mr. Black?
01:17:52I don't do the judging. I just do the delivering.
01:18:05Have a good day.
01:18:35Have a good day.
01:19:05Have a good day.
01:19:25Have a good day.
01:19:45Have a good day.
01:20:05Have a good day.
01:20:25Have a good day.
01:20:45Have a good day.
01:21:05Have a good day.
01:21:25Have a good day.
