Urs Mubarak Per Syed Manzoor Hussain Shah Bukhari RA - 15 October 2024 - Part 2 - ARY Qtv

  • 2 days ago
Urs Mubarak Peer Syed Manzoor Hussain Shah Bukhari RA

#SyedManzoorHussainShahBukhariRA #ARYQtv

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00:00My love, the best of creation,
00:05tell him
00:08And that lesson, we have first and foremost
00:11from the family of Sadat, from Gul-e-Muattar
00:14from Ranawal Sayyeda, our respected and respected
00:17have a connection with the emotions of extreme love
00:20I, Hazrat Sahibzada, Pir Sayyed Iftikhar-ul-Hassan Shah Sahib Tirmizi
00:24Damat Barkat-ul-Aaliya, the children of the family of the Prophet
00:28are here, they are great, they are the family of the Prophet
00:31and from the family of the Prophet, a very precious
00:34first and foremost, to spread the message of today's session
00:37I, Sayyed-e-Iftikhar-ul-Hassan Shah Sahib Tirmizi, invite you
00:41Shahji, please come and in today's time
00:44with the help of the elders of Naseebabad
00:47spread your message
01:07who created the heavens and the earth
01:10and peace and blessings be upon
01:13who was the Prophet and Adam between water and clay
01:18and upon his family and his wives
01:23and his companions
01:26and all the scholars of his family
01:31Allah Almighty said in the glorious Qur'an
01:35and the praiseworthy Qur'an
01:38O you who believe
01:42be yourselves and your family fire
01:47and be it the people and the stones
01:51I believe in Allah, Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
01:54and we have conveyed the truth to the Messenger of Allah
01:58and we are of those who have witnessed and are grateful
02:02and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds
02:05send blessings upon the Beloved, all the beloveds
02:08with love, the Prophet, the Imam of the Prophets
02:11peace and blessings be upon him
02:14present the gift of Durood and Salam
02:17read, Salam and peace be upon you, O Master, O Messenger of Allah
02:21and upon your family and your companions, O Master, O Beloved of Allah
02:25Salam and peace be upon you, O Master, O Master of the Honourable
02:29and upon your family and your companions, O Jamia Al-Usaaf
02:36the adornment of my stage
02:39is from my own elders
02:48and the one who is leading this gathering today
02:52my respected brother, Noordeeda-e-Shahnshah-e-Walaid
02:57and the heartbeat of the youth
03:02Huzoor Sahibzada Pir Sayyid Hassanain Zahoor Shah Sahib
03:06please come
03:08in your presence
03:10for a few minutes
03:11the verse that I had the honour of reciting to you
03:16in the context of that same verse
03:19I will have the honour of speaking to you
03:21I pray that the creator of the heavens and the earth
03:23will enable me to speak the truth
03:29during the sermon I had the honour of reciting a verse from the Quran
03:40the creator of the heavens and the earth
03:42in his unparalleled book, the Quran
03:44in his unparalleled book, the Quran
03:46O you who have believed
03:49say to yourselves
03:51and to your family
03:53and to your companions
03:56I will present a simple translation of this verse to you
04:00O you who have believed
04:02O you who have believed
04:04O you who have believed
04:06say to yourselves
04:10say to yourselves
04:12O you who have believed
04:14The lord of the universe has addressed the believers in this verse
04:18He has not addressed any non-believer
04:23The lord of the universe has addressed the believers
04:27and has said
04:29O you who have believed
04:32O you who have believed
04:38say to yourselves
04:46save yourselves from the fire of hell
04:50save yourselves from the fire of hell
04:54save yourselves from the fire of hell
05:10I swear by God's honour
05:12the sanctuary on which you and I are sitting
05:15this sanctuary is not an ordinary sanctuary
05:18his elders have taught him this
05:22and he himself has been following the teachings of the Quran
05:26and he himself has been following the words of the Prophet
05:30he himself has been saving himself from the fire of hell
05:35and he himself has been saving his family from the fire of hell
05:40he himself has been saving himself from the fire of hell
05:44and he himself has been saving his family from the fire of hell
05:50read the names of these elders
05:53from the elders of Naseebabad
05:55read the names of the elders who had set up camp here
05:59Sajjadi Huzoor, Pir Sajjad Manzoor Hussain Shah sahib
06:04they have studied all their lives
06:09all their lives
06:11whether they have read the Quran of the Lord or the words of Meeth-e-Muhammad
06:14and then they have prepared their sons
06:20who are not familiar with Sajjadi Zahoor Shah
06:24people of this world have been taught by Sajjadi Zahoor Shah
06:28by going to the streets, by going to the streets
06:31by going to the settlements
06:33by reading the Quran of the Lord to the people
06:35and by reading the words of the Prophet
06:38people have been taught
06:41that we ourselves are going to be saved from the fire of hell
06:45and we are going to save our families from the fire of hell
06:49and my Sajjadi, my Shah-e-Kamal
06:53used to say that I want my children to have bright eyes
06:58I want my children to have bright eyes
07:02the students asked him, Huzoor I don't understand, please tell me
07:06what does it mean to have bright eyes?
07:09he said, I want my children to have bright eyes of the religion and the eyes of the world
07:17Huzoor, please explain further
07:21the eyes of the religion and the eyes of the world
07:24he said that we have to read the religion
07:28so that it becomes a means of our salvation
07:32and we have to read the world
07:35so that we can look into the eyes of the people of the world and talk
07:40and I swear by God's honour
07:43on this sanctuary, Allah has bestowed such a blessing
07:47such a blessing has been bestowed
07:49their elders have illuminated them with both their eyes
07:53they have illuminated them with both their eyes
07:56so that this is the means of your salvation
07:59and this is the means to look into the eyes of the people of the world
08:04and today the crown of honour that has been decorated
08:10today the crown of honour that has been decorated on my head
08:16today the stone of honour that has been decorated
08:19today the crowd that has gathered
08:21today the joy that is being seen
08:24this is not a matter of anyone's liking or disliking
08:27these are the people of Allah who have spent their lives in the name of Allah and His Messenger
08:33they have sacrificed their body, mind and everything in the name of Allah and His Messenger
08:41they have gone through many centuries
08:44Allah has kept their name alive even today
08:47even today their name is alive
08:50and the honour that you have received
08:53the pride that you have received
08:55the pride that you have received today
08:57this is not because of anyone's liking
08:59rather this is the grace of Allah
09:01I will say this much for you
09:03that there is no greatness on the scale of a claim
09:07there is no greatness on the scale of a claim
09:10the character is not measured by the fee
09:13whoever Allah wants, he gets it
09:17the honour is not bought from shops
09:20Huzoor, today you have received honour
09:23not because of anyone's liking or disliking
09:26this is given to you by Allah
09:28and the sanctuary on which you and I are standing
09:32the sanctuary on which you and I are present
09:35who has laid the foundation of this sanctuary?
09:39whose name is Sayyidi Manzoor Hussain Shah
09:42who is Hussain's Manzoor-e-Nazar
09:45Hussain's Manzoor-e-Nazar
09:47and Haja Ghulam Fareed Khizri's Manzoor-e-Nazar
09:53Pir Sayyid Naseeb Ali Shah Sahib
10:02he was your companion
10:04he had a lot of love for you
10:07he had a lot of love for you
10:09he had a lot of deep love for you
10:12he gave an order
10:15O' Manzoor Hussain Shah
10:19you should pledge allegiance to Haja Ghulam Fareed Khizri
10:24your faiz is there
10:29be it Chhan-e-Sharif or Dinda-e-Sharif
10:31be it Rana-e-Saheeda-e-Sharif
10:33be it any sanctuary
10:35we are Shadaad
10:36we have one home
10:37we have one blood
10:38we are lovers
10:40we are the ones who respect elders
10:42we are the ones who love children
10:44we are the ones who respect
10:45we are not shameless
10:47there is shame in our blood
10:52all this faiz belongs to Haja Ghulam Fareed
10:56he gave this order
10:59O' Manzoor Hussain, you should pledge allegiance to Manzoor-e-Nazar
11:03and O' Manzoor Hussain
11:06you are not a common man
11:09someone asked you
11:13tell us
11:15after revealing Huzoor's identity
11:19how is Huzoor's body?
11:23Huzoor said
11:26this is a very big thing
11:28this is a very big thing
11:30if you want to answer this
11:32you will get the answer after my death
11:37even today those people are alive
11:40who know this
11:42even today those people are alive
11:45from whom Sayyidi Manzoor Hussain Shah
11:48announced at the last minute
11:50in the mosques of Gujarat
11:52to announce
11:55the one who wants to meet me
11:58meet me today
12:01come to me today
12:04after the Fajr prayer
12:07after the Fajr prayer
12:09you have to leave
12:12and even today those people are witnesses
12:15the Fajr prayer
12:17was recited in front of you
12:19was recited behind you
12:21after reciting the prayer
12:23you left
12:26then that time came
12:29then that time came
12:31the people of the world saw it with their own eyes
12:35then that time came
12:37you met your sons in a dream
12:40and after meeting in a dream
12:42you instructed your sons
12:45that my body should be taken out
12:48and in Gujarat
12:51Qadriya, Nasibiya
12:53Dasvandipura Sharif should be transferred
12:56that was the scene of the night
12:58one year before your death
13:01after one year
13:03the grave of that Allah was dug
13:07was taken out of the grave
13:09the people of the world have seen that scene
13:12even today those people are alive
13:14they have seen this scene with their own eyes
13:17that the fragrance was coming
13:20the fragrance was coming
13:22there was cool breeze everywhere
13:25people have seen this scene with their own eyes
13:28Syed Manzoor Hussain Shah's body was taken out
13:32that means your body was safe
13:37your grave was also safe
13:41the people of the world had said
13:43the earth is not dirty
13:45the ground is not dirty
13:47the graves of Muhammad's slaves are not dirty
13:51and here I take the support of a Quranic verse
13:55so that no one gets affected by this
13:59the lord of the universe has said in his book
14:08people if you want to paint
14:10then paint with the color of Allah
14:12which is more beautiful than all the colors
14:15Syed Manzoor Hussain
14:17Syed Zahoor Hussain
14:19did not paint with anyone else's color
14:21which by washing
14:23which by applying sun
14:25can be finished
14:26this is the color of Allah
14:28the color of Allah cannot be removed by anyone
14:32the people of the world have seen that scene
14:35and the people who are crying today
14:38are because of this
14:41and in the end
14:43I end the discussion on this point
14:45come and love the Prophet's family
14:48with my Prophet's family
14:51resolve your broken relationship
14:54I say this
14:57that if you are loyal to your family
15:00if you are loyal to your family
15:03then the world will be loyal to you
15:05if you are loyal to your family
15:08then the world will be loyal to you
15:10if you console the grief of Shabbir
15:12then Bint Zahra will pray
15:15and leaving all the false leaders
15:18come to the door of Ali
15:20if Imam is Abu Taraab
15:23then the soil of the grave will be humiliated
15:25Narae Haideri
15:55I thank you
15:57and in today's gathering
15:59Khari Sharif's
16:01blessed address
16:04and address
16:06is being served by
16:08Hazrat Allama Nasir Sultan Siddiqui
16:11I also thank you
16:13Hazrat Pir Sayyid Zahid Hussain Shahji
16:15Damat Barkat Mualaliyah
16:17I also thank you
16:26Ladies and gentlemen
16:28and respected viewers
16:30from the blessed and blessed land of Alipur
16:34Pir-e-Tariqat, Rehbar-e-Shariat
16:36Hazrat Pir Sayyid Mahfuz-ul-Hassan-e-Insa
16:38Sahib Shirazi
16:40Sajjad-e-Nasheen, Astana-e-Aliya
16:42Alipur Sayyid-e-Sharif
16:44Please come, it is the blessing of Huzoor Shahji
16:46It is the blessing of Jumla Sadat
16:48It is the blessing of Ghulamane Sadat
16:50It is the blessing of Mashayikh
16:52It is the blessing of Mashayikh
16:54It is the blessing of those who love Mashayikh
16:56After all these words
16:58without any further delay
17:00Now I am in the service of a noble daughter
17:02of this blessed family
17:04to spread the message
17:06of Astana-e-Aliya
17:14Please come
17:16and spread the message
17:18of your blessed family
17:20I am requesting
17:22the son of Sayyid
17:24Zafir Zahoor Shah Sahib
17:26to come
17:28and in today's blessed
17:30Urs celebration
17:32please introduce your family
17:34to Astana-e-Aliya
17:36and spread the message of love
17:40Ladies and gentlemen
17:44Hazrat Pir Mujtaba
17:48Hazrat Zaib-e-Sajjada
17:50of Astana-e-Aliya
17:52Hazrat Umar Farooq-ul-Badshah
17:54He was born in Astana-e-Aliya
17:56I would like to welcome
17:58Hazrat Umar Farooq
18:00I would like to welcome
18:02Hazrat Umar Farooq
18:10We praise and bless the Holy Prophet
18:12After the victory of Allah
18:14from the cursed Satan
18:16In the name of Allah
18:18I would like to welcome
18:20all of you
18:22on the land of Nasibabad
18:30I would like to give you
18:32a brief translation
18:38Fear Allah
18:42Be with the truthful
18:44Be with the truthful
19:14Respected audience
19:16Today's day
19:18is very similar to
19:20the day of
19:24because today is the 10th
19:26and it is a non-military day
19:28so why not
19:30this son of Ghose-e-Paak
19:32should mention his elders
19:34Allah gave Ghose-e-Paak
19:36a great honor
19:38He used to say
19:40that I made my Lord
19:42accept my request
19:44My Lord said
19:46Ask for something
19:48Say something
19:50So I said to my Lord
19:52O Messenger of Allah
19:54Whoever loves me till the Day of Judgement
19:56bless him
19:58Don't let him die without repentance
20:00So my Lord
20:02accepted this prayer
20:04Whoever loves me
20:06will not die without repentance
20:08Even the Jinn would
20:10come to you
20:12You would be called the King of the outside world
20:14When you announced
20:16sitting on the throne
20:18that my step is on the neck of every saint
20:20and in the jungle of Saad
20:22the Indian king
20:24was present
20:26Why on the neck?
20:28You should step on my eyes
20:30You should step on the head of Ghose-e-Paak
20:32Allah gave this saint a great honor
20:34He gave him great glory
20:36Keep your relationship with Allah
20:38You should love Hazrat Minaz-e-Ajmeri
20:40You should love Hazrat Datta-e-Ganjbaq
20:42You should love Hazrat Ghose-e-Paak
20:44You should love the pious
20:46of Allah
20:48Listen to their admonition
20:50The Prophet said
20:52Whoever loves him
20:54will be raised with him
20:56on the Day of Judgement
21:00Say Subhanallah with love
21:06The Prophet said
21:08Whoever loves him
21:10will be raised with him
21:12on the Day of Judgement
21:14Abu Dhar Ghaffari
21:18O Prophet of Allah
21:20Even if he does not do such amaan
21:22Allah is very generous
21:24Go with the safety of faith
21:26Allah will stand with them
21:28I will also
21:30tell you an incident
21:32There was a merchant
21:34who used to go to Syria
21:36He used to do business
21:38and earn money
21:40He used to help the poor
21:42He used to help the mosques
21:44He used to help the needy
21:46There was another great dervish
21:48in Baghdad
21:50His name was Sheikh Hamad
21:52He went to Sheikh Hamad
21:54He said
21:56Please pray for me
21:58He said
22:00I will tell you in the morning
22:02He said
22:04If you go there
22:06your wealth will be looted
22:08and you will be killed
22:10He was very worried
22:12He came to the dervish
22:14He said
22:16I will not go there
22:18I will not get the goods
22:20It will be a loss
22:22Please pray for me
22:24The dervish said
22:26The dervish said
22:28You go there, Allah will take care of you
22:30The dervish said
22:32I am sure
22:34I leave the decision to you
22:36I will go ahead
22:38The dervish said
22:40You go there, Allah will take care of you
22:42He said
22:44I went and paid
22:46I came back
22:48I slept on the way
22:50He said
22:52I dream about robbers
22:54They looted me
22:56They killed me
22:58When they stabbed my neck
23:00I opened my eyes
23:02I ran
23:04I ran
23:06I reached Baghdad
23:08I thought
23:10I will meet the dervish
23:12But first I will meet Sheikh Hamad
23:14I saw his face
23:16He smiled
23:18He said
23:20Your dervish is great
23:22He said
23:24Your job is to be done in reality
23:26In reality
23:28With his prayers
23:30Allah changed it into a dream
23:34Allah gave the dervish
23:36So much of acceptance
23:38What has to happen in reality
23:40Allah changed it into a dream
23:42With his prayers
23:44I would like to say
23:46If you call the entire life as Qadri
23:48If you call the entire life as Sifri
23:50The one who is called the servant of Huzoor-e-Ghosh-e-Paak
23:54The one who dedicates his whole life to Sheikh Shah-e-Abidin-Sarwadi
23:58And if he leaves this world, he should leave like this
24:01My Prophet has said it
24:03The one who will love him, will be with him on the Day of Judgement
24:07By the Grace of Allah, we have the support of Huzoor-e-Ghosh
24:10Say it once with love, SubhanAllah
24:13By the Grace of Allah, we have the support of Huzoor-e-Ghosh
24:17By the Grace of Allah, we have the support of Huzoor-e-Ghosh
