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PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk (ADHI) membukukan laba yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk sebesar Rp69,32 miliar hingga kuartal III-2024.

Realisasi tersebut melesat 194,51 persen dibanding periode yang sama 2023 sebesar Rp23,54 miliar.


00:00The PTA's chairman, Adhikarya Tbk, published a report that can be attributed to the owners of the Induk entity worth 69.32 billion rupiah until Q3 2024.
00:18The realization is 194.51% lower than the same period in 2023 worth 23.54 billion rupiah.
00:30The PTA's chairman, Adhikarya Tbk, published a report that can be attributed to the owners of the Induk entity worth 69.32 billion rupiah until Q3 2024.
00:42The realization is 194.51% lower than the same period in 2023 worth 23.54 billion rupiah.
00:52Although it is noted to increase significantly in the long term, however, the PTA's revenue experienced a 20% decline until the end of September, from 11.45 trillion to 9.16 trillion rupiah.
01:04Fortunately, the PTA has been able to reduce the total revenue burden for nine months to 8.3 trillion rupiah, compared to 10.33 trillion rupiah before.
01:16Per 30 September 2024, the total revenue liability was recorded at 25.31 trillion, or down compared to the end of last year, which was 31.27 trillion.
01:26While for the total revenue assets experienced a decline from previously at the end of December 2023 of 40.49 trillion to 34.62 trillion at the end of September 2024.
01:46Thank you for watching IDX Channel, your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
01:56Don't forget to watch the second session closing at 3.30 p.m. Indonesian time only on IDX Channel.
02:06For the sake of the future, we must move forward. I am investor Saham Sero Salinciu, thank you and see you.
02:36Thank you for watching IDX Channel, your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
