Surah Al Fatir | Ayat 26 to 45 | best qirat | beautiful voice | learn quran |

  • 2 days ago
In this video you will hear Surah Al Fatir Ayat 26 to 45

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00:00Then I took those who disbelieved, and how was My retribution?
00:09Did you not see that Allah sent down water from the sky?
00:21And We brought forth therewith fruits of varying colors
00:28And from the mountains, white and red, varying in color, and from the deserts, white.
00:42And from the people, and from the animals, and from the cattle, varying in color.
00:54Only those of His servants who are scholars fear Allah.
01:05Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Forgiving.
01:11Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend from that which We have provided them in secret and in public,
01:31That He may repay them their rewards and increase them from His bounty. Indeed, He is Forgiving and Appreciative.
01:51And that which We have revealed to you of the Book is the truth confirming that which is before it. Indeed, Allah is Aware of His servants and Seeing.
02:11Then We inherited the Book which We have chosen from Our servants.
02:21Some of them are unjust to themselves, and some of them are moderate, and some of them are foremost in good deeds, by permission of Allah.
02:36That is the great bounty.
02:41Gardens of eternal bliss, which they will enter, in which they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments therein will be silk.
02:59And they will say, All praise is due to Allah, Who has removed from us sorrow. Indeed, our Lord is Forgiving and Appreciative.
03:16Who has made for us the abode of residence out of His bounty. There will touch us not a hair's breadth, and there will touch us not a hair's length.
03:33And those who disbelieve, for them is the Fire of Hell. It will not be put to an end for them, but they will die, and their punishment will not be lightened for them. Thus do We requite every ungrateful.
03:55And they will shout therein, Our Lord, bring us forth to do righteous deeds other than those which we used to do.
04:09Did We not give you that which will remind you of that which reminded you, and a warner came to you?
04:25So taste, then, that which is for the wrongdoers as a help.
04:32Indeed, Allah is the Knower of the unseen of the heavens and the earth. Indeed, He is Knowing of that within the breasts.
04:46He it is Who has made you successors in the earth, and whoever disbelieves, his disbelief is against him. And the disbelief of the disbelievers increases not their disbelief in the sight of their Lord except as an end.
05:12Say, Have you seen your partners, those whom you invoke other than Allah? Show me what they have created of the earth, or do they have a partner in the heavens?
05:32Or have We given them a Book, so that they are on clear evidence thereof? Nay, but the wrongdoers threaten one another, except in delusion.
05:52Indeed, Allah holds the heavens and the earth, lest they fall apart. And if they fall apart, I will hold them together with one after Him. Indeed, He is Forbearing, Forgiving.
06:19And they swore by Allah their strongest oaths that if a warner came to them, he would be better guided than any of the nations. But when a warner came to them, it only increased them in hatred.
06:50Arrogance in the earth and evil planning. And evil planning encompasses not except its people. So do they wait except for the way of the ancients?
07:10So you will not find for the way of Allah any alteration.
07:41And Allah is not capable of anything in the heavens or on the earth. Indeed, He is Ever Knowing and Powerful.
07:58And if Allah should take the people for what they have earned, He would not leave behind them any creature, but He would delay them until a specified term.
08:28So when their term comes, then indeed, Allah is Ever Seeing of His servants.
08:41Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
