• last week
00:00Breastfeeding is an important stage in the life of every baby.
00:06It is a strong connection with the mother and protection from the dangers of the surrounding world,
00:10and breast milk is the ideal food for a child.
00:14The World Health Organization and UNICEF advocate for breastfeeding babies
00:19as a way to save lives and health of hundreds of thousands of breast children around the world.
00:25All these principles are strictly observed in the Adonis maternity hospital.
00:29As a doctor, I try to provide information to every mother about the position of breastfeeding for the baby and for herself.
00:39In the Adonis maternity hospital, the percentage of children on breastfeeding is very high,
00:44because we fight for breastfeeding for each of our couples,
00:48even when they think it is impossible.
00:52Long and correct breastfeeding is an ideal balanced diet for a child.
01:00It is one of the most important conditions that ensure harmonious growth and development
01:08not only at the time of feeding, but also for the rest of life.
01:14For an immature gastrointestinal tract, such food is a guarantee of increased resistance of the body,
01:21that is, of healthy immunity, temporary growth and development,
01:27since breast milk is fully utilized by the baby's body.
01:33A child receives unique individual protection in its composition.
01:39Breastfeeding warns of intestinal infection,
01:43establishes a strong psycho-emotional connection between the mother and the child.
01:50At the Adonis maternity hospital, we adhere to all the rules and recommendations of the UNICEF,
01:56implement them in practice, ensure skin-to-skin contact,
02:02promote early breastfeeding, focus on partner births, joint stay.
02:10We spend a lot of time on each couple,
02:14helping to understand how convenient, how right and how best to feed the baby in each specific case.
02:23The basic rules of successful breastfeeding, which should be known by every future mother.
02:47The first breastfeeding should take place in the maternity hospital, preferably within the first hour after birth.
02:53It is necessary to exclude newborns before breastfeeding.
02:57It is necessary to ensure joint stay of the mother and the child in the maternity hospital.
03:02It is necessary to teach the mother how to properly breastfeed the child and show the correct position of the baby during feeding.
03:09The child should be fed according to the requirements, not by the clock.
03:13The baby can and should be fed at night.
03:16While the baby is exclusively on breastfeeding, it is not necessary to water it and give any food.
03:24It is not necessary to give the baby a bottle, for example, for water, which imitates the mother's juice.
