Der neue 2D-Platformer Eternal Life of Goldman ist eine Liebeserklärung an handgemachte Animation

  • gestern
2D-Platformer sind heutzutage eher als Nischen-Genre verschrien. Doch einst stellten liebevoll designte und spielerisch anspruchsvolle 16-Bit-Titel die Speerspitze der digitalen Unterhaltung dar.

An jene längst vergangenen Tage möchte The Eternal Life of Goldman anknüpfen - oder zumindest auf liebevolle Weise erinnern. »Liebevoll« deshalb, weil in diesem Spiel jede Menge Handarbeit steckt. Alle Grafiken in dem Platformer wurden handgezeichnet. Und was das bedeutet, zeigt euch der obige Trailer.

Die Grafik ist wunderhübsch. Und da es in der heutigen Zeit ja leider keine Selbstverständlichkeit mehr ist, betont das Entwicklerteam von Weappy Studio: Hier kam nirgends eine KI zum Einsatz!

Ein konkretes Erscheinungsdatum für The Eternal Life of Goldman gibt es noch nicht. Ihr könnt das Spiel aber bereits auf Steam auf eure Wunschliste packen.
00:00Hi, I'm Andreas Schmidacker. I'm the producer of the game The Eternal Life of Goldman for THQ Nordic and the game is being developed by Weepy Studio.
00:21The Eternal Life of Goldman is a breathtaking platform adventure inspired by ancient legends and fairy tales.
00:28It will take you back to this era of classic 16-bit platformers done in classic frame-by-frame animation, all done by hand.
00:37I would say the most unique thing about The Eternal Life of Goldman is this unparalleled attention to detail with 2D art.
00:43You probably have seen hand-drawn art before but not at this scale, not at this level of detail and done without any AI or generative methods involved to bring details to every little facet of the game.
01:05Many people ask about the art style and the inspiration behind the art style of The Eternal Life of Goldman.
01:10It is mostly classic animated movies and French-Belgian comics, mostly Hergé and the Linclair art style.
01:20So to create that art is really a very difficult and complicated process because everything is done by hand.
01:26So you would do your coloring, your lining, all the animation, all the backgrounds, all the foregrounds, all the small details by hand, day by day.
01:34And there is no other way of doing it in that level of detail.
01:37So it can take a lot of time, it can take up to months or even up to a year for a biome to be finished.
01:43It is really intense and difficult but we feel it's worth the effort in the end.
01:50The main character of The Eternal Life of Goldman is somewhat unusual because it's an old man with a cane and a beard that you don't see that often in video games.
01:59He's a reference to these ancient fables and parables where you would often have an old man as protagonist who would be witty and outsmart his enemies.
02:10But it's also very specific reasons within the narrative why he has that age and looks like that, that I will not go into details because of spoilers.
02:18So I think we're most excited for players to figure out all the small details about the world and the story.
02:23So there's lots of small little things in the animation, in the backgrounds and foregrounds that you can find and look for to tell a story.
02:30And just for players to figure it out, puzzle it all together, piece it together and that would be super interesting for us to find out.
02:37The main inspiration for The Eternal Life of Goldman are his platformers of the 16-bit era.
02:42And we hope the game will take you back to that era or, you know, will make you experience that for the first time.
02:47And it is really not this kind of side-scrolling adventure but with the accessibility and the quality of life features of a modern game.
02:59I think if you appreciate handcrafted art and especially, you know, 2D line art, then you will love The Eternal Life of Goldman.
03:05And also if you're a fan of classic platformers.
