• avant-hier


00:00Le petit garçon bleu, s'il te plaît.
00:04Les chiens dans la maison, les chiens dans la maison.
00:08Où est le petit garçon qui tient le chien ?
00:14Il est à côté de l'étage A.
00:16Assez vite.
00:18Ce n'est pas si mauvais.
00:21Le petit garçon bleu, s'il te plaît.
00:25Ce n'est pas si mauvais.
00:55Le petit garçon bleu, s'il te plaît.
01:16Je ne peux pas faire ça. Je n'y arriverai pas.
01:20This is the way I do my wash, do my wash, do my wash.
01:25Oh, this is the way I do my wash, early in the morning.
01:46I'll get this one.
01:50I'll get this one.
02:20I'm looking for my lamb wherever he might be.
02:25Come out, come out wherever you are and play with little me.
02:29Oh, lamby, lamby pie, you are my little one.
02:33Come out and join your merry dear and we will have some fun.
03:21Oh, boy, lamb stew.
03:24Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.
03:29Mary had a little lamb whose face was white as snow.
03:34Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.
03:39Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.
04:04Le vol !
04:27Le vol !
04:35Le vol !
04:42Ba, ba, little sheep, have you any wool?
04:45Yes sir, yes sir, a big bag full.
05:04Le vol !
05:34Le vol !
06:04Le vol !
