• avant-hier


00:00Here, in the quiet of the countryside, is the quaint little village where our story begins.
00:19Now in this quaint little village, there lives a large population of cats.
00:24There are big cats and little cats, fat cats and thin cats, white cats and black cats, alley cats and house cats.
00:35Notice how each cat is watching his own little mousehole, for in each little mousehole lives a little mouse.
00:44Right in the center of this quaint little village is a great big clock. One day, just as the clock struck one, the mice make a break for liberty.
01:14The clock strikes one, the mice make a break for liberty, the clock strikes two, the mice make a break for liberty, the clock strikes three, the mice make a break for liberty.
02:29The End
03:00Suddenly, one little fellow breaks loose. Down the road he flashes.
03:12Now the cat is after him, faster and faster. Nearer comes the cat, and just in the nick of time, he makes it.
03:20He's escaped the cat, but where is he? What kind of place is this? It's gigantic. It's colossal. It's stupendous. Why, it's a supermarket.
03:43He bathes in super soap. He eats super soup. He chews on super celery. He dines on super cheese.
04:00And behold, mighty mouse. Realizing that he has a job to do, with a powerful leap, he launches himself skyward.
04:15He increases his speed, but at this pace, he goes out of light itself.
04:45The End
05:15The End
05:25The End
05:36What a mouse! What a mouse!
05:45So ends the adventure of the mouse of tomorrow. He's seen his duty, and he done it.