Concealed _ Full Movie _ Action Survival Thriller

  • 2 days ago
Concealed _ Full Movie _ Action Survival Thriller
00:03:20I'll be back in a month. There's your thing fish. It's a plot Jodi
00:03:28I'm too shabby to help. I'm cool minerale Bronte on fickle. Yeah
00:03:38Reckon she'll like this. Yeah, look how cute they are. I still can't believe
00:03:44Do we have to have this discussion again?
00:03:46I know I know I've said it before change of life baby some women have children into their 50s. Yeah
00:03:51Yeah, just bloody glad it wasn't us. Yeah, you've said that before too
00:04:07Hey, what's this?
00:04:11Maybe the giraffe and hippo were breeding
00:04:19Wallet's not in here. Did I give it to you? No sure
00:04:31Can you go and get the ticket to Emma
00:04:45Drop the gun deadbeat. I'll play testicles to Kingdom come
00:04:50This is Debbie. That's shit. I don't suppose you've had another look for my wallet
00:04:56No, I'm just
00:05:25Who was it
00:05:30Hello, it's me
00:05:59Sorry for disturbing you tried it after second set of case. Oh, thanks for that. That's cute. Oh
00:06:07Did you hear that she thinks you're cute
00:06:15What do you say? Thank you. Catch you later
00:07:18Hey Bill, you haven't seen Sally around have you no seven you're right. Yeah, she's probably just gone for a wander
00:08:03It's a little bit strange, but I'm sure it'll be okay. All right. Well, you've got me worried now
00:08:08Honestly, I'm sure she'll wonder in any second. I'll call you as soon as I know anything
00:08:23Look the reason I'm calling is I'm just wondering have you seen Sally at all or have you spoken to her? No, I haven't
00:08:31Is something wrong oh no, it's just um, she's just not about
00:08:47Well, if she shows up can you get this call
00:08:51Uh-huh. Thank you, Jackie
00:09:04If someone is admitted under that name, can you please get him to call me immediately
00:09:16Have you heard from them? No, have you
00:09:31Called the police. Yeah
00:09:37It'll be fine. Yeah
00:09:42Because there's something I can do I could I could stay with you look the police are on their way
00:09:47They'll probably be here any minute
00:09:52You disappeared before no, what's your medication?
00:09:57it is
00:09:58First 48 hours that are really crucial. Yeah, they are. Mr. Raven, but there's some questions we need to ask. Okay, of course
00:10:05Two of you getting along. Okay, any relationship troubles? No, did she or you have any money problems?
00:10:13She take her passport or credit cards with her
00:10:18Passports here, but a wallet was stolen stolen. Yeah somewhere
00:10:24Between the airport and here any reason that you can think of for a late so suddenly
00:10:37Anything at all you'd like to add
00:10:45Yeah, it's strange
00:10:48We were followed where in the park on the way back from the airport, did you get a look at the person I
00:10:55Didn't see him at all. Was there anyone that might have had a grudge against you or your girlfriend?
00:11:01We've been away six years
00:11:09Big end of the world party. Yeah, it was like even if people you've only met once you just invite everyone
00:11:15Mitch get rid of the cigarette my sticker with the Sun don't shine boys. Have a good holiday stay out of trouble
00:11:25I'll see you guys next time. Yeah, remember astrology assignments your first week back. What's constellation who named?
00:11:40You have a phone
00:11:43You said someone followed you yeah, I think so any idea what
00:11:52Is there anything else you can think of in my help
00:11:58And surely there has to be something out of the ordinary
00:12:03I don't have it. She swapped it. Who did you swap it with Susie for lady?
00:12:08These gentlemen need to find the elephant. There's not a school friend of yours that would know her address
00:12:12Okay, I'll try
00:12:15Good girl. I'll text you the address. You look like you could do with the rest
00:12:44That's a Sydney Chase Club
00:12:48Fagin you know
00:13:25You boys looking to play yeah
00:13:28I'm actually looking for Friday. We did that all right. I'll tell you what take a seat
00:13:33It's 20 bucks to play 35 if you need a match you'll take a five for the house
00:13:48Boys looking to play fighting
00:13:51Yeah, yeah, thank you ain't been around here for ages
00:13:58You can help us out
00:14:02Yeah, yeah, I'll see you boys at that door after you get me I think you mean for horse thingy don't blacks away
00:14:21You go on man
00:14:51Have you seen it? What are you playing at man?
00:14:54You fucking with us. Oh, I haven't seen it. I can't help not fagging can't help boy. Oh
00:15:02Thank you boys how to deal with fagging yeah, I don't want you after yeah, yeah, yeah, okay
00:15:07Yeah, you've been to be cops. All right. We're not cops. Oh, yeah
00:15:21Yeah, boys
00:15:231,200 yeah clued Sam. Oh, you won't do better. Let's go you got the cash
00:15:31Now I think we'll find faggot mate
00:15:34Hey, man, I'm fagging out doing guns no more. She's going straight. Yeah, let's go. Okay. We on or what?
00:15:42Okay. Okay. No, what's up boys? Let's go. I'm a grand. That's it
00:15:46Look man, I think really I think we'll pass. Okay, you're class mate my mate this thing will smash anything within a hundred meters
00:15:51What's the problem? Huh? No, we just need to think about this. All right
00:16:03Because I want it I want it yeah, but you gotta understand chill, please
00:16:11Okay, I came here to find faggot you understand yeah, so you gotta throw in faggots address
00:16:18750 is all I got that deal
00:16:21Get rid of it
00:16:24My thank you, yeah, okay
00:16:28Keep a lookout
00:16:41I can't believe
00:16:45If I hadn't
00:16:47Might have put a bullet in this
00:16:49Possible got the address. Do you see how white he was?
00:16:51Yes, it was a very uncomfortable situation
00:17:23You give a look at what I'm gonna have to break in
00:17:40Just hang back
00:18:00Is there anybody here
00:18:17Hurry up back
00:19:11Where is it?
00:19:16Jody 88 Shepherd Street. This is it. This is the address
00:19:26Jeff let's just get out of here
00:20:02White white white white white let's just take a minute to think about this
00:20:06Why don't I run? Come on, right? We gotta go. Come on
00:20:22Yeah, yeah
00:20:38What are you doing here did you kill Fagan we didn't
00:20:42What are you gonna do trying to death?
00:20:45Right now you're gonna tell us what's going on. I'm not telling you shit
00:20:51Come on boys, come on, what are you gonna do? Thank you
00:20:54You're gonna tell me what facts there is
00:21:01You ever tell us to tell the police man, that's where we're going now
00:21:06No, I don't think so
00:21:08Because I'm sure they'd love to hear how we met
00:21:10As I remember it you were standing over Fagan smallman's dead body with a gun in your hand
00:21:14I reckon that'll interest them more than your missing girlfriend's purse. Oh, yeah, and if I remember correctly, I saw you put a bullet in
00:21:25He's okay
00:21:42Max Raven recalled Sally on the phone before she disappeared. Yeah, we
00:21:48Talked about catching up
00:21:50Her seeing mum and dad nothing that would be of any help you realize you're the last person to talk to him before she went
00:21:57No, I hadn't did she mention who she talked to on the other call
00:22:02No, you positive yeah, is it reason you caught her
00:22:07She's my sister she just got in I wanted to say hi. I haven't seen her for six years
00:22:22What are we doing here
00:22:32Right, where do we go next drop him off at yoga
00:22:38Can the guard me I'm not going anywhere
00:22:41Sure, listen, I don't have a choice. I just want to get the elephant get my money get out of here
00:22:47You help me do that
00:22:49It's all good
00:22:51Yeah, what about Sally, huh, what about Fagan
00:23:02So, where are we driving to this place what why is nothing there
00:23:19Shit shit
00:23:24What do we do I've got the address
00:23:33Good day, mate. What do you want?
00:23:39Tell you this but um, I believe your daughter Susie has an elephant
00:23:44Which belongs to me and I need it back
00:23:48She traded that at school
00:23:50Look I really have to have it back. Sorry, mate. There's no way I'm gonna break my little angel's heart
00:24:00Susie least I never made a little kid cry. You're a drug runner, right? Fuck you asshole
00:24:07Hey, hey, you tell me right now. Why did Fagan have Sally's purse? Why?
00:24:17Would have told you anyway like I fucking care good
00:24:21Was the first time I'd ever smuggled anything. I
00:24:24Didn't know what it was. I didn't want to know
00:24:27When we landed in Sydney, everything went wrong started feeling really sick. I didn't know if it was me freaking out of that bloody airplane food. I
00:24:35Just didn't think I could hold it together enough to get through customs, you know
00:24:39So I gave the purse to Fagan so she could get the elephant I just couldn't do it
00:25:03Hey, hey, what are you doing? It's leave it don't open them
00:25:14All right, they're mine they're mine hey
00:25:17You can have them when I get Sally back. I have to hand them over. I'm not fucking around. I hate them
00:25:22You can have them back when we get Sally. I don't want the diamonds you understand. I don't think you understand
00:25:39Do you know much about diamonds? No, that's why I'm here. This is a rough diamond and
00:25:45You don't have a Kimberley process certificate, I'm just after some help
00:25:50Can't point me in the right direction, that's cool. No, no, it's fine
00:25:56Stay on a sec
00:26:14Really feel it's time. We got the police involved. We've got the diamonds. Why not just give them to the cops
00:26:21Hold on to these
00:26:24Keep them well hidden, okay
00:26:26Wait, wait, you even think about stealing those diamonds. I'll make it my life's mission to find you and kill you
00:26:33I understand. Yeah, whatever Max. I don't feel good about this. What's the plan?
00:27:03Yeah, well look if anything comes up, will you let us know? Yeah, no matter how small
00:27:23Sorry Max front door was open
00:27:27It's okay, mate
00:27:28Any clues to what happened?
00:27:31Yeah, look I am
00:27:35I'm not coping so well with Sally's disappearance. I've got a bit upset
00:27:55You ever heard of a woman called fading smallman doesn't ring any bells
00:28:00She was found dead recently in her apartment
00:28:03Right. Is that?
00:28:05Related to Sally's disappearance. She was a member of a local chess club
00:28:10Yeah, how does that concern me? Apparently you made a visit to this chess club?
00:28:16So I had a game of chess you ever heard of conflict diamonds, yeah, I've been a lot of deaths over them
00:28:22Civil wars, mr. Raven. That's not something I want to get involved in. Yeah. Well, I reckon you are involved
00:28:26I think you're out there playing detective. I've just come back with this country for a couple of additions
00:28:31You think we're idiots? Of course. I'm looking for Sally. Just calm down
00:28:35You understand is that okay? Is there anything you want to tell us?
00:28:56Hope you know what you're doing. Mr. Ivan
00:30:05Mean I have to go
00:30:07Yeah, it's to do with Sally. I'm coming to talk about
00:30:13It's okay
00:31:12After after
00:31:13D5 is a night exchange and then black will have to retreat say to to be seven
00:31:19And there's a white tries to exploit the the weakness pawn weakness on the Queen side and back
00:31:26Too fast
00:31:29Sorry, I'm so good at this I'm not good at this teaching me you're passionate about it. That's all you need, right?
00:31:34Hey teacher good teacher you teach
00:31:38Yeah, yeah signs
00:31:40Let me use
00:31:46Actually, it's good to have a bit of time off and I call this a holiday
00:31:51Never tried to explain the laws of the university kids with behavioral problems
00:31:57Good at science such a shitty chess play. How does that work?
00:32:10Shut up
00:32:16Don't be stupid mate, I got the diamonds then just hand them over and let's end this man. I came here
00:32:22What do you want?
00:32:24my girlfriend
00:32:26You bring her. I'll give you your fucking diamonds way
00:32:32Hawthorne Canal under the West Lake two hours
00:33:05Just want to see
00:33:36Can't believe you didn't use it
00:33:38At least when they're in the car driving off you could have blown out a window or something. Hey, hey mate
00:33:43This is all new to us. Okay, we don't normally go around blowing out windows. He's right. I should have used it
00:33:48Oh, I'm so fucked
00:33:54You boys are completely fucked this up
00:33:56They have the diamonds your girlfriend and my money and what do we have nothing?
00:34:03I'm not scared of you
00:34:06Especially after you just handled that I mean if Sally's found that you can blame yourself after that balls up
00:34:10Hey, hey, hey, leave him that leave him
00:34:19You thought you could handle these blokes what a James fucking Bond you're a bloody actor probably a lousy one
00:34:27There are people I owe money to impatient people you're gonna protect me from them
00:34:41Should be busting your ass. I'm fucking this up
00:34:53Fuckin stay there
00:34:58What if she doesn't not a word what he wants to say very hey, hey
00:35:03I'm gonna ask to ask why or how you're a dead man. I can tell you this moment. I don't care man. Oh, fuck you, too
00:35:11and you make
00:35:14Hey, hey, hey, where you going? I let him go Perry
00:35:22Where you going
00:35:29We're behaving like people I don't know
00:35:33And I don't wanna know
00:35:39Guns might kidnap murder conflict diamonds drug smuggling
00:35:50Now the most exciting thing to happen me before this was getting my wisdom teeth out
00:35:54Ha ha
00:36:00Mike can we just open have a real hard think about what we're doing here
00:36:06Sorry man, I
00:36:11Need a place to stay
00:36:24Why not I just can't max
00:37:01Any news not really I'm hard max
00:37:19Gotta find it. It's the last thing I do. I'm gonna find it. Yeah, I know
00:37:35Listen I need to ask you something
00:37:38Okay, what I
00:37:47Need a place to stay
00:37:56Hello I
00:38:00I'm worried about Perry. I think he's gonna get killed man
00:38:03What's that? What's that got to do with us?
00:38:06Thanks, I don't want blood on our hands, okay, I'm calling the police now
00:38:11If there's anything you need to do right to protect yourself, you can't call the police
00:38:19We put it well fight again mate she was already dead
00:38:32What if Perry's telling the truth, okay
00:38:35And these guys are gonna kill him
00:39:03All right
00:39:06You in there Perry I
00:39:24Jesus I'll get the cops. Oh shit
00:39:32Hey, don't touch anything
00:39:44We're not action heroes might schoolteacher actor might that's it
00:39:57Fuck this guy
00:40:39Haven't told as much
00:40:42Well, it's nice to see you after such a long time
00:40:46Man, it's look. This is max
00:40:49You must be violent Sally's told me a lot about you
00:40:54So you can't sleep, huh, would you like me to read you a story?
00:40:57Okay, say goodnight
00:41:00No, I
00:41:15Joy would you know I'm doing everything I can to find your daughter. Oh
00:41:24Thanks, thanks, but I think we leave it all to the police
00:41:33Hi Sally, it's Bill here Jody's neighbor. I've just got a message. Hi, Sal. It's Jackie
00:41:41I really need to speak to you. So I'll try
00:41:44Hi, Sal. It's Victoria. You guys have probably landed. I can't wait to see you. Hope you had a good trip
00:41:48Give me a call. What's love?
00:41:53She told you everything yeah
00:41:56She involved in anything anything I didn't know about what do you mean?
00:42:07You just start to wonder whether you really knew somebody of course he did
00:42:14What about the last phone call is there anything that she said out of the ordinary anything stuck in your mind
00:42:23Well, she was still upset
00:42:27It must have been hard on both of you
00:42:31She wanted to keep the baby max I
00:42:35Mean she knew you didn't she understood that but it was really tough for her
00:42:43And she said she wished she hadn't chosen a name
00:42:50Nice yeah
00:42:55You okay
00:42:59Yeah, can I get you another yeah, maybe one more
00:44:13Had to talk to you
00:44:29Don't know the things you've spoken to them
00:44:36Even your little sister
00:44:52You know I never thought that you and Sally would stay together, but we did
00:45:02Come on I'm gonna let us South Africa to be with her. Maybe she's left you for someone else
00:45:09Obviously, it's a possibility
00:45:13It is yeah, well look I don't want to hear it anymore. I'm listening
00:45:22It's just a little
00:46:50All I want is Sally that's it
00:46:52What about that mate of his, the one I wear the diamonds under the bridge?
00:46:56Hey, you wouldn't take him, right?
00:46:58Yeah, hey, what did you do?
00:47:01What did you do?
00:47:02Alright, he's got a fucking family, alright? He'd never do it.
00:47:04Oh, he's got a family, and he won't go back.
00:47:07He won't go back?
00:47:16Jesus Christ.
00:47:22Come on!
00:47:37I'll kill you!
00:47:38Who has the fucking diamond? Huh?
00:47:41I'm going to dump plenty of holes into this fucker until someone's dead!
00:48:07You're not peeping. Ready?
00:48:14Hey, do you love that?
00:48:16Okay, you can have that.
00:48:17What are you going to call her?
00:48:19Isabella, lovely.
00:48:21Now look at this. Do you think that's pretty?
00:48:34What's this one?
00:48:39Fucking better be.
00:49:52Jackie, where are they?
00:49:55Where are they?
00:49:56I don't know what you're on about.
00:49:57I've got a bag of diamonds in your toilet with packets of diamonds in them.
00:49:59Now, one of the packets is missing. Don't fucking around. Where are they?
00:50:03Where are they?
00:50:04I sold them!
00:50:06You sold them?
00:50:07Yeah, I did.
00:50:08You sold them?
00:50:09Well, it's your fucking fault for hiding them in my toilet.
00:50:11My fucking fault?
00:50:12You've got this shitty, crappy life, and I come across them.
00:50:15What the fuck did you expect me to do with them?
00:50:17You're insane!
00:50:18You're insane!
00:50:19What are you involved in?
00:50:20What do you mean?
00:50:21Fuck that, right?
00:50:22Where's the money?
00:50:23Have you got the money?
00:50:24I spent it.
00:50:25You spent it?
00:50:26Yeah, on my shitty, crappy life.
00:50:27Your shitty, crappy life.
00:50:28To make it a bit better.
00:50:32That's fucking great.
00:50:34What were you doing hiding diamonds here?
00:50:36My place isn't safe.
00:50:37Well, I sold them.
00:50:40Well, we need to get them back. Where are they?
00:50:42Pawn shop.
00:50:43Pawn shop?
00:50:45Where are they?
00:50:46Pawn shop.
00:50:47Pawn shop, right.
00:50:48Get your things together.
00:50:49We're going there now.
00:50:50I was getting my life back on track,
00:50:51and then you started to come back and started to fuck it up again.
00:50:55Sally and Richard's life are in danger right now.
00:50:59So you're going to get your shit together,
00:51:01and we're leaving now.
00:51:10Max, please.
00:51:12I can't.
00:51:13I can't do it.
00:51:14He's not going to give them back.
00:51:15What do you mean he's not going to give them back?
00:51:16I'm going to put a gun in his face.
00:51:17Look, this is...
00:51:19I'm just going to go, okay?
00:51:22Look, they're conflict diamonds.
00:51:24He has bought conflict diamonds.
00:51:25He's not going to call the cops.
00:51:26I can't, Max, okay?
00:51:28You don't know about Richard.
00:51:29Don't worry about your sister.
00:51:30Give me your car keys.
00:51:32Good on you.
00:51:43Sweetie, my darling.
00:51:44It's okay, darling.
00:51:49Shh, it's okay.
00:51:51Are you alright, darling?
00:51:55Yes, Jackie.
00:52:12Don't you fucking move!
00:52:25What's Richard about?
00:52:29Yeah, you might find him down there.
00:52:34No, he's not in the car.
00:52:36Is he not home?
00:52:37He hasn't set foot inside this house for over three months, Max.
00:52:41There's a lot of things Richard hasn't told you.
00:52:50Is Felix okay?
00:52:51He's fine.
00:52:53Okay, um...
00:52:55Do you mind if I hang about?
00:52:56I might, though.
00:53:00And when you see him, tell him to move his bloody car.
00:53:02It's embarrassing.
00:53:25I'm sorry.
00:53:45I want Sally and Richard.
00:53:48I'm not fucking around!
00:53:49How the hell are we?
00:53:52The diamonds, mate.
00:54:00No tricks.
00:54:02I want my girlfriend.
00:54:03I told you so many fucking times!
00:54:05Would you not fire her?
00:54:08Police! Don't move!
00:54:17Gunshot's been fired.
00:54:25Suspect's heading north on Sutton Avenue.
00:55:11What do you want, man?
00:55:13I'm really sorry I left you, mate.
00:55:17It'll take some time.
00:55:23Are you okay?
00:55:43You and Monica?
00:55:48You didn't want to tell me?
00:55:52I didn't ask.
00:55:54And what?
00:55:55You don't have anywhere else to live?
00:55:59No, not really.
00:56:04I'm used to getting sick feelings this way, hey?
00:56:14You really are fucked up, aren't you?
00:56:18I'm leaving.
00:56:19Yeah, right, mate. Okay.
00:56:21I'm leaving.
00:56:22What the fuck's wrong with your head?
00:56:23I don't know.
00:56:24Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:56:25I should be pissed at you.
00:56:27You put my life in danger!
00:56:29I know, man! I'm fucked!
00:56:32Sally knew it. Everyone fucking knows it.
00:56:34Don't, don't, don't do the poor Max routine.
00:56:36I'm not, mate. I'm not.
00:56:37You give me shit, mate.
00:56:38I'm not.
00:56:40I'm just telling you to get out of my life, man.
00:56:45You know what, mate?
00:56:46I realise what you're really good at.
00:56:50Weak as piss, mate. Weak as piss.
00:56:53Weak as piss.
00:57:24Is this yours?
00:57:26Yeah, a friend gave it to me.
00:57:28This friend of yours?
00:57:30Is he in the photo?
00:57:32That bloke.
00:57:35Good friends, are you?
00:57:37More acquaintances.
00:57:53Why'd you do Fagan, man?
00:57:55Is there something you want?
00:57:57Look, I've lost his details and I desperately need to get in touch with him.
00:58:00Can you help me?
00:58:01Well, why don't you give me yours?
00:58:03And if I see him, I'll let him know.
00:58:06Look, I gave you an address and a gun.
00:58:08Next thing you know, she's got her brains blown out.
00:58:10Don't take a super sleuth to see a connection now, huh?
00:58:12No, I really wanted to surprise him.
00:58:17He really doesn't like surprises.
00:58:19I didn't kill her.
00:58:21Look, what do you want from us, man?
00:58:23Why are you pressing us?
00:58:24The blokes that did kill Fagan, I need to find them.
00:58:28Are you going to give me your details?
00:58:29Because if you're not, there's nothing more I can do for you.
00:59:04I thought I told you to piss off.
00:59:07My hearing's gone, I reckon.
00:59:09You want me to say it louder?
00:59:11Mate, I've known you since I was seven.
00:59:13You reckon now you're going to get rid of me that easily?
00:59:21Got back to Monica.
00:59:24She doesn't want me.
00:59:26Neither do I.
00:59:33I'm sorry I've been such a shit to you.
00:59:46You okay?
00:59:49I don't know what to do.
00:59:51It'll be okay.
00:59:52It'll be okay.
01:00:15Just go, okay?
01:00:16I don't want you here, I don't want you in my life.
01:00:41If anything happens to you, it's not my fault.
01:01:28This is how it's going to be, is it?
01:01:30Just need to know if you have my woman.
01:01:33What's with this chick?
01:01:35You're a dumb fuck, we don't have your bitch.
01:01:37Calm down.
01:01:39Stay there.
01:01:40You stay there.
01:01:42You don't know what you're doing.
01:01:43You're fucking in over your head.
01:01:45So why don't you leave it and piss off before you get yourself killed.
01:01:49Don't come any closer.
01:01:50You tell me what's happened to Sally.
01:01:52You're weak as piss.
01:01:53Give us the fucking gun, eh?
01:01:54Fuck you!
01:01:57Fuck you!
01:02:11We gotta go.
01:02:15This is bad, mate, really bad.
01:02:21When do I get to kill you?
01:02:22You stay here.
01:02:40Help me.
01:02:42I don't know if this is a good idea.
01:02:44Are you kidding, mate?
01:02:45You were holding him when he was shot.
01:02:46I can feel it.
01:02:48You know how easy it is to leak into us.
01:02:51Fuck out of the way, mate, let's go.
01:03:17I don't think anyone saw us.
01:03:19Mate, have you fucking watched TV?
01:03:22Shit, they've got a truck that sounds like fucking CSI.
01:03:26Well, let's just get this fucking body out the boot.
01:03:46Come on.
01:04:16Come on.
01:04:47I think you're gonna win.
01:04:49Your go.
01:04:50I want number six.
01:04:51Number six.
01:04:55One, two, two, three.
01:04:57You can jump, four.
01:05:01I want to see mummy.
01:05:06I want to see mummy.
01:05:08I want to see mummy.
01:05:10I want to see mummy.
01:05:12I want to see mummy.
01:05:13I want to see mummy.
01:05:14I want to see mummy.
01:05:17Aren't we having fun?
01:05:20But I still miss mummy.
01:05:25Violet, listen to me, darling.
01:05:28Please, sweetie.
01:05:30Sweetheart, stop.
01:05:32Darling, I need you to listen.
01:05:35Mummy's not your real mummy.
01:05:40I am.
01:05:44Do you understand, sweetie?
01:05:48I know it's confusing, darling.
01:05:56I want to go home.
01:06:00Don't you want to spend some more time with me?
01:06:14I love you.
01:06:45You won't go on your own because you know I'm right.
01:06:48She gave her to me.
01:06:50You took her away.
01:06:52She couldn't have looked after her.
01:07:03She just wants to stay with me.
01:07:06I don't want to leave her.
01:07:08I don't want to leave her.
01:07:10I don't want to leave her.
01:07:12I don't want to leave her.
01:07:14She didn't start caring for her child.
01:07:16Well, she didn't care at the time.
01:07:18She didn't know what she wanted.
01:07:22We need to pull together.
01:07:27This family has never been together.
01:07:41You know I'm leaving?
01:07:50I can't stay.
01:07:54What's happening?
01:07:56It isn't again, huh?
01:08:00Just a few times. It's been fucking tough, okay?
01:08:04It's been tough.
01:08:06Max, we can be together.
01:08:08I'm going, Jackie.
01:08:10Wait. Max, please.
01:08:12Look, please.
01:08:15I made my decision back then, okay?
01:08:20I'm leaving tomorrow with Violet.
01:08:29Is Violet your daughter?
01:08:36She's ours.
01:08:44She's ours.
01:09:19I'm keeping her.
01:09:21I'll call the police.
01:09:23Do it.
01:09:25She's my child.
01:09:27She's mine legally.
01:09:29You took advantage of me.
01:09:33You gave birth to her on the bathroom floor.
01:09:35We've all lived through your drugs.
01:09:37I'm not allowing Violet to go through it, too.
01:09:39I have been clean.
01:09:41I have been honest.
01:09:42I'm not allowing Violet to go through it, too.
01:09:44I have been clean for a year.
01:09:46I've got a job and a unit.
01:09:48I'm ready to look after her.
01:09:50Have you told her anything?
01:09:52I will.
01:09:54Sally is missing.
01:09:58Why are you doing this now?
01:10:00Darling, stay away from that.
01:10:02Sweetie, get away.
01:10:04Is she okay?
01:10:06Let me speak to her.
01:10:08She's fine.
01:10:10I need your signature to get Violet a visa.
01:10:15Never. I'll never sign it.
01:10:17You will or you'll never see her again.
01:10:20Jackie, please.
01:10:22Please just bring her home.
01:10:26I just...
01:10:28I just want my daughter.
01:10:31Well, I'm not letting you take her.
01:10:40Sweetie, get away.
01:10:42I just...
01:10:55What's going on?
01:10:57Darling, are you okay?
01:10:59Can you wait outside?
01:11:04Are you okay?
01:11:06Just wait there, okay?
01:11:08Just wait there, okay?
01:12:08Help me!
01:12:26Max. Max!
01:12:28We need to talk.
01:12:34We think we may have found Sally.
01:12:37Her body washed up in Bordelais.
01:12:39I think it's her.
01:13:07I think it's her.
01:13:37I think it's her.
01:14:07We didn't do nothing.
01:14:09We did everything we could, Max.
01:14:11I could have done more.
01:14:13There was nothing else we could have done, Max.
01:14:19I just...
01:14:21I'm gonna...
01:14:24I just really, really want to hurt her.
01:14:48I'm leaving now.
01:14:50What? Where?
01:14:51Just get out of my...
01:14:55I'm kind of busy right now.
01:14:56You have my car. You're bringing it back here now to get me and your daughter.
01:15:02Jackie, we know you're in there.
01:15:38Bye, Max.
01:15:42No, no, no, please.
01:15:44I'm leaving.
01:16:01Just go.
01:16:08Just go.
01:16:38Just go.
01:17:08Just go.
01:17:26We got it.
01:17:38I'll be in the car.
01:19:51It's alright.
01:20:00Let's go.
01:20:02Let's get the fuck out of here.
01:20:04Let's go.
01:20:08Let's go.
01:20:39Don't try and stop me.
01:20:42Jackie, what about Violet?
01:20:52Does the name Anais mean anything to you?
01:21:05I really want you out of my life.
01:21:07I really want you out of my life, Max.
01:21:12Did you know Sally had an abortion?
01:21:18Jackie, did Sally know Violet was ours?
01:21:22Did you tell her? Did you, Jackie?
01:21:24It's me.
01:21:26Are you alone?
01:21:27Yeah, what's wrong?
01:21:33Camilla, I need to know!
01:21:36I need to know!
01:22:06I need to know!
01:22:36I need to know!
01:22:37I need to know!
01:22:38I need to know!
01:22:39I need to know!
01:22:40I need to know!
01:22:41I need to know!
01:22:42I need to know!
01:22:43I need to know!
01:22:44I need to know!
01:22:45I need to know!
01:22:46I need to know!
01:22:47I need to know!
01:22:48I need to know!
01:22:49I need to know!
01:22:50I need to know!
01:22:51I need to know!
01:22:52I need to know!
01:22:53I need to know!
01:22:54I need to know!
01:22:55I need to know!
01:22:56I need to know!
01:22:57I need to know!
01:22:58I need to know!
01:22:59I need to know!
01:23:00I need to know!
01:23:01I need to know!
01:23:02I need to know!
01:23:03I need to know!
01:23:04I need to know!
01:23:05I need to know!
01:23:06I need to know!
01:23:07I need to know!
01:23:08I need to know!
01:23:09I need to know!
01:23:10I need to know!
01:23:11I need to know!
01:23:12I need to know!
01:23:13I need to know!
01:23:14I need to know!
01:23:15I need to know!
01:23:16I need to know!
01:23:17I need to know!
01:23:18I need to know!
01:23:19I need to know!
01:23:20I need to know!
01:23:21I need to know!
01:23:22I need to know!
01:23:23I need to know!
01:23:24I need to know!
01:23:25I need to know!
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01:23:29I need to know!
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01:25:02I need to know!
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01:25:24I need to know!
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01:25:26I need to know!
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01:25:28I need to know!
01:25:29I need to know!
01:25:30I need to know!
01:25:31I need to know!
01:25:32I need to know!
01:25:33I need to know!
01:25:34I need to know!
01:25:35I need to know!
01:25:36I need to know!
01:25:37I need to know!
01:25:38I need to know!
01:25:39I need to know!
01:25:40I need to know!
01:25:41I need to know!
01:25:42I need to know!
01:25:43I need to know!
01:25:44I need to know!
01:25:45I need to know!
01:25:46I need to know!
01:25:47I need to know!
01:25:48I need to know!
01:25:49I need to know!
01:25:50I need to know!
01:25:51I need to know!
01:25:52I need to know!
01:25:53I need to know!
01:25:54I need to know!
01:25:55I need to know!
01:25:56I need to know!
01:25:57I need to know!
01:25:58I need to know!
01:25:59Can't we stay a little longer, please?
01:26:02That's a good idea, actually.
01:26:03We'll just stay a little bit longer.
