Katrina Law Breaks Down Knight’s Choice to Come ‘Home’ in ‘NCIS’ Season 22 Premiere — And What’s Next

  • 4 hours ago
Katrina Law Breaks Down Knight’s Choice to Come ‘Home’ in ‘NCIS’ Season 22 Premiere — And What’s Next


00:00I think ultimately Knight is a very ambitious person, and for any person with ambition,
00:06you take the job. You take the job that's going to bring you up the ladder, and even though it
00:11might be uncomfortable, it might not be where you want to be, ultimately, this is the ladder you
00:16climb. And Knight had just recently, for the first time in her entire life, decided to step out of
00:23the shadow of her very high-powered father, who she loves and adores, and they together had curated
00:30this path of how her career was going to go. But then she realized, I'm not on that path anymore,
00:37and I can't necessarily make you happy. And then with the breakup with Jimmy, she went,
00:44I can't make Jimmy happy either, so I'm just going to do my own thing and make a decision
00:49that's solely based on my wants and needs for this moment. And everything was basically telling her,
00:54take the promotion, move up, leave this current situation, because it was starting to become
00:58overwhelming. That being said, when she got to California, she was happy, she really loved the
01:05job, she loved her React team, she loved everything about it, but I think there was something that was
01:09ultimately gnawing at her that didn't come to light until she saw Parker's face walk into
01:15the React Clubhouse, and then it all became crystal clear to her. Yes, I love where I'm
01:20at right now, but ultimately, I want to go home, and home is in DC. Keeping the storyline straight,
01:26there's a lot of jumping back and forth that we don't necessarily do on NCIS, and so it was a lot
01:31of, okay, where am I at emotionally? What page are we going back to? But yeah, I think one of the
01:41other biggest challenges was having Knight discover throughout the episode that she wanted to go home
01:49to DC, and not have it be this immediate, oh, I know I just said that, but I think
01:58seeing Parker, and then having her go, oh, I miss this, and as she's doing the job realizing, you
02:03know, I'm actually an adrenaline junkie, and as much as I love training the React team, I really
02:08get my fulfillment out in the field, chasing bad guys, bringing them down, and finding justice.
02:15And I think between that, between going back to her team, and fighting for Torres,
02:20who's her partner, and she would literally die for this guy, just that camaraderie, and that
02:26teamwork that you create over four years through good and bad situations, I think she just thought,
02:34this is what I've been missing, and it's so hard to give this up, and yes, it's not a career
02:38climb up the ladder, and it's technically demoting myself, but this is where I want to be,
02:45and being how I'm no longer on my dad's career path, and I'm not trying to worry about my
02:48boyfriend's feelings, I'm just going to do what feels right in this moment,
02:53not necessarily what's best for the career path.
