Doctor Who: Children in Need Special (Born Again)

  • 2 days ago
Doctor Who: Children in Need Special (Born Again)


00:00I can see the whole of time and space, every single atom of your existence, and I divide
00:19them. Don't stay away! Tell me what's going on. I absorbed all the energy of the time
00:39vortex and no one's meant to do that. Time Lords have this little trick, it's all a way
00:44of cheating death. Except, it means I'm going to change. Hello. Okay. New teeth. That's
01:12weird. So where was I? Oh, that's right. Barcelona.
01:42Six p.m. Tuesday, October 5006. On the way to Barcelona. Alan, what do I look like? No,
02:10no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't tell me. Let's see. Two legs, two arms, two hands. Slight
02:16weakness in the dorsal tubercle. Hair! I'm not bald. Ooh, big hair. Sideburns. I've got
02:23sideburns. Oh, really bad skin. A little bit thinner. That's weird. Give me time, I'll get
02:29used to it. I have got a mole. I can feel it. Between my shoulder blades, there's a mole.
02:36Ooh. That's all right. Love the mole. Go on, then, tell me. What do you think?
02:44Who are you? I'm the Doctor.
02:49Where is he? Where's the Doctor? What have you done to him?
02:52You saw me, I changed. Right in front of you. I saw him sort of explode and then
02:59you replaced him like a teleporter, or a transnet, or a body swap, or something.
03:11You're not fooling me. I've seen all sorts of things. Nanogenes, gelf, slovene.
03:22Oh, my God, are you slovene? I'm not a slovene.
03:26I'm not a slovene. Send him back. I'm warning you, send the Doctor back right now.
03:32Rose, it's me. Honestly, it's me. I was dying. To save my own life, I changed my body. Every
03:40single cell, but still me. You can't be.
03:47Then how could I remember this? The very first word I ever said to you. Trapped in that cellar,
03:54surrounded by shop window dummies. Oh, such a long time ago. I took your hand.
04:03I said one word. Just one word. I said, run.
04:11Doctor. Hello.
04:14And we never stopped, did we? All across the universe. Running, running, running.
04:18That one time we had to hop. Do you remember? Hopping for our lives.
04:22Yeah? All that hopping. Remember hopping for your life? Yeah? Hop. Right there.
04:32Can you change back? Do you want me to?
04:34Yeah. Oh.
04:36Can you? No.
04:40Do you want to leave? Do you want me to leave?
04:44No, but... Your choice, if you want to go home.
04:47Cancel Barcelona. Change to London, the Powell Estate.
04:55Let's say 24th December. Consider it a Christmas present.
05:09What's going on? Up to you.
05:12Back to your mum. It's all waiting. Fish and chips, sausage and mash,
05:17beans on toast. No, Christmas. Turkey. Although, having met your mother,
05:23nut loaf would be more appropriate. Is that a smile?
05:27No. That was a smile.
05:29No, it wasn't. You smiled.
05:31No, I didn't. Oh, come on. All I did was change.
05:33I didn't...
05:42What? I said, I didn't...
05:47Uh-oh. Are you all right?
05:55What's that? Oh, the change is going a bit wrong.
06:02Look, maybe we should go back. Let's go and find Captain Jack. He'd know what to do.
06:06He's busy. He's got plenty to do. Rebuilding the island.
06:10I haven't used this one in years.
06:14What are you doing? You've got to get a speed.
06:16That's it.
06:18Oh, what a beautiful ship. Come on, faster, let her go.
06:24Stop it.
06:26Don't be so dull. Let's have a bit of fun.
06:28Let's rip through that vortex.
06:30Regeneration's going wrong.
06:32I can't stop myself.
06:34Oh, my head.
06:36Faster. Let's open those engines.
06:39What's that?
06:41Crash land.
06:43They're doing something.
06:45Too late. Out of control.
06:47You're going to kill her.
06:49All right, here we go. Christmas Eve.
