UNSTOPPABLE FORCE! Goldberg vs Bobby lashley:WWE legends clash

  • 2 days ago
Witness two of WWE's most powerful forces collide! Goldberg, the iconic WCW legend, takes on Bobby Lashley, the Dominant Destroyer, in an epic showdown.
00:00Introducing the challenger from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 285 pounds, WWE Hall of Famer,
00:14And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by MVP, the Almighty, WWE Hall of Famer, Goldberg!
00:27And the Almighty, WWE Champion, Bobby Lashley!
00:42Two gladiators who radiate all things intensity.
00:47Two bulls ready to be uncaged and ready to tear each other apart.
00:54And that's what they are fighting for, the WWE Championship.
01:00Everything on the line, two giants, two gladiators.
01:05And don't expect a technical masterpiece, these two are going to throw hands and hit hard.
01:17Staring a hole through each other.
01:19Gentlemen, it is now time.
01:21WWE Championship on the line.
01:25You ever seen Shark Circle? It's a bit like that.
01:30Bobby Lashley versus the legend, Goldberg.
01:34Two powerhouses, neither man giving an inch.
01:38He's going to take that first backwards step.
01:42Not just about the physical power, both these guys are extremely strong.
01:45It's about the psychological warfare.
01:47They're also experienced, they're smart, they know how to win.
01:52Neither man knows the definition of the word fear.
01:56Oh, Lashley.
01:59Oh, how often does that happen?
02:04Try again, Bobby Lashley.
02:09The champion is down!
02:11Goldberg leaping off his feet for that shot.
02:14Beautiful body slam.
02:16Goldberg is looking to end this quick.
02:19Both these guys feed off their emotions.
02:22They feed off the intensity of the moment.
02:25Handling the WWE Champion is Goldberg.
02:28This is unfamiliar territory for Bobby Lashley.
02:31We have never seen this before.
02:35Bobby Lashley, a very fast starter, using the physical intimidator early in matches.
02:41He's being intimidated now.
02:44He's being manhandled.
02:46This isn't about intimidation, this is Goldberg imposing his own will on the WWE Champion.
02:51It's about physical execution.
02:54And right now, that is Goldberg.
02:56You're wondering in the mind of Bobby Lashley, maybe he's a little taken aback.
03:00You wouldn't expect this sort of early attack from the challenger.
03:03He certainly couldn't have.
03:06Now trying to get back in it with some thunderous shots.
03:10Lashley now just battering his opposition.
03:16As I was saying earlier, once he speared Bobby last week, did he anger him?
03:21Wait just a minute.
03:23Could we?
03:25Yes, I do!
03:27Lashley was going to try to jackhammer Goldberg.
03:30Goldberg might try to show Lashley how it's done.
03:35Got him up, couldn't keep him there.
03:37Nice first.
03:39Down goes Goldberg.
03:41Did that spear last week awaken the rage in Bobby Lashley that we saw unleashed on Kofi Kingston?
03:47Look at these strikes to the back of Goldberg's neck.
03:50Similar thing tonight.
03:53The all-time greats, the physical dominators decide to win when they turn it on.
03:58Bobby Lashley, you don't see this very often at all.
04:01Lashley perched on the top rope.
04:06Lashley might have just dislocated his shoulder.
04:09Just launched him to the canvas.
04:12Goldberg standing over a fallen champion.
04:15Goldberg in position.
04:18Eyeing down a WWE champion.
04:23An MVP!
04:26That is great wherewithal, that is invaluable.
04:29To have MVP in your corner.
04:31Looked like the spear was coming.
04:33Might still be coming!
04:36He hits it outside of the ring!
04:39An earth-shaking spear delivered by Goldberg.
04:42But Goldberg has to get Lashley back in the ring to become champion.
04:46Goldberg would allow no reprieve for the WWE champion.
04:51Goldberg now muscling Bobby Lashley back in the ring.
04:54Goldberg looking to finish this one once and for all.
04:58MVP may have just delayed the inevitable.
05:01Getting him out of the way of that spear.
05:03Because it looks like here comes another one.
05:05And oh! Bobby Lashley!
05:10Just plopped Goldberg in the back of the knee with his cane.
05:13Hit it me!
05:15Chop block from the champion!
05:17Bobby Lashley taking full advantage and Goldberg clutching that left knee.
05:22What we just saw just speaks to how worried apparently MVP was.
05:27It just speaks to how valuable MVP is to Bobby Lashley's career in reign as champion.
05:34But now the offense on the side of the almighty champion.
05:41Now the almighty ready to feast.
05:43Goldberg, this is where the dream ends.
05:48Looks ready to finish out the legend's career if he can just get his hands locked.
05:54Goldberg fighting with everything he has.
05:57Lashley unable to lock his grip to finish the hurt lock submission.
06:03And that tenacity, that grit he's known for.
06:06And again and Goldberg landed on top of his skull.
06:09It's a major uphill battle right now for Goldberg. Bad knee and all.
06:13Able to stay in it but not much more.
06:16Continuing to be stalked by the WWE champion.
06:20In all my years, I don't know that I've ever seen Goldberg retreat for any reason whatsoever.
06:27Rolling out of the ring.
06:28Goldberg might be seriously hurt.
06:29Again, Goldberg has not only had to contend with Lashley, but MVP did.
06:34Well, let's be, look, look.
06:35Goldberg's knee betrayed him, I mean.
06:38He can't even get to his feet.
06:40His knee is absolutely done, there's no other way to say it.
06:44Look at Lashley, look at the power of the almighty.
06:51And he's getting thud.
06:53Rams it into the ring post.
06:59There were tons left, they just got shredded.
07:05Lashley focused his attack on Goldberg's knee, the ring post.
07:09Goldberg's gonna be extremely lucky if he doesn't have long-term damage.
07:14He's gotta worry about the right now.
07:16Forget about long-term damage, I'm looking at short-term damage from the champion.
07:20Lashley is looking for it again.
07:22One more time.
07:26And again.
07:35Are the championship hopes of Goldberg beginning to fade?
07:40I think they've faded very, very far at this point, Saxton.
07:43I think this is about survival.
07:45The hopes of him walking to the locker room, I think, have faded.
07:50Everyone likes to romanticize a comeback, but let's be honest,
07:53Bobby Lashley's making every legend reconsider in the future.
07:58There's a message to the field.
07:59Goldberg can't even stand.
08:06Referee all over this.
08:09Time to get up, time to get up, time to get up.
08:11The official might want to stop this.
08:13Goldberg's not gonna quit, but the official might want to think about stopping this match
08:17for Goldberg's own well-being.
08:18Too tough for his own good.
08:20Too much pride.
08:22Goldberg's got too much pride.
08:24Goldberg can't even put any weight on his leg.
08:27That's it.
08:28Referee has called it.
08:32An injury to Goldberg, and this match is over.
08:35Therefore, the winner of this match is the almighty WWE champion,
08:41Bobby Lashley!
08:45This is a shame.
08:46It's a real shame that Bobby Lashley had to win this match,
08:50retain his WWE title under these circumstances.
08:55And now Lashley's got a steel chair.
08:58Oh, no.
08:59This match is officially over, but it doesn't look over in the eyes of Bobby Lashley.
09:06And again to the already damaged leg.
09:12Bobby Lashley trying to see through his promise to end the career of Goldberg.
09:20He might end more than his career if he keeps going at him with his chair.
09:24Oh, come on!
09:29Referee's saying no, but he can't stop him.
09:31I don't think anyone can.
09:37Goldberg's gotta get out of here.
09:38This assault is gonna continue!
09:40Are you kidding me?
09:43Nothing is stopping Bobby Lashley at this point.
09:49Certainly not Goldberg.
09:50Certainly not the referee.
09:53They gotta get some help in here to stop this.
09:56I agree with you.
09:58At this point, this is beyond competition.
10:00We mentioned how personal this issue has been, but...
10:07That sound I'm gonna remember for a long time.
10:10What does this prove?
10:11What does this prove for the WWE Champion?
10:14It proves dominance, Byron.
10:15This is the almighty WWE Champion who is physically dismantling one of the most intimidating superstars in history.
10:22It's still not done.
10:23In history.
10:25That's Gage!
10:28In the hard lock!
10:31Oh, no.
10:35Oh, Bobby, what have you done?
10:39He's out!
10:48This is unbelievable!
10:52Gage jumped in to try to help his brother stop this attack.
10:59I listen.
11:01There's no way that Bobby could have known that that was Goldberg's son.
11:07That could have been anybody.
11:10There's no way to know that.
11:15He didn't know who that was attacking him from behind.
11:19And still your winner, the almighty WWE Champion, Bobby Lashley!
11:31I don't care what MVP said, but Bobby Lashley just didn't have to be that horrible.
11:35Disgraceful in every way.
11:37Well, listen, it was brave what Gage Goldberg attempted to do to stand up for his father, but...
11:45Wasn't necessarily a bright decision.
11:47Emotions running extremely high tonight.
