We speak to Mr Doodle ahead of the release of his documentary.

  • 12 hours ago
You can't stop his doodling! He even draws while chatting to us on the sofa about his life as Kent's best doodler.
00:00Well, Sam is with me in the studio now, doodling away as well. I'll jump straight into it.
00:06Thank you so much for coming on to the show here, but tell me, why the documentary?
00:11So, basically, I wanted to make a film about the process of drawing on my house, and during
00:18that process, like, lots of different things happened, and whilst filming, it kind of took
00:23a different turn, and the final result ended up being more about, like, my life than just
00:28the house, so, yeah, sort of set it out to be like a ten-minute film for social media,
00:33and it ended up being this big, kind of full-length documentary about everything.
00:36I suppose that's quite reflective of the journey you go on as well. You start doodling, and
00:40then you do a huge house as well, so it reflects that journey too, but people look at the work,
00:46and you've said that you want it to provoke joy, and you want people to see the doodles
00:50and have this happiness from it, but there's sort of a darker side that unravels when watching
00:56the trailer specifically there, and I imagine the whole documentary where we're really looking
01:00inside your mind and seeing what that might be like, and the pressure, I suppose.
01:04Yeah, yeah, so, in sort of 2020, the work just kind of, there was loads of things going
01:12on, and I kind of tried to embrace the Mr Doodle character a bit too much, and kind
01:17of let it take over everything, and the film shows that process, and I think, yeah, with
01:23lots of creative projects and things, you kind of get so invested in it that you'd lose
01:27sight of everything else, and that's kind of what happened to me. I just couldn't stop
01:31thinking about the house and drawing over this house, and I thought it was going to
01:34be, you know, like, everything, and I was going to live in that, and I do live in it
01:39now, but it's just kind of, I just lost myself in it, really, and lost sense of reality in
01:44a way.
01:45And I have to ask, people would look at the house and think that would be so overwhelming
01:48for them. Of course, it's stark white there, but doodling on every single inch and every
01:53single surface, is it overwhelming? How do you and your wife manage?
01:56Yeah, we just really got used to it. I told her on the first day, you know, I met her,
02:01I was like, I want to draw in the house, and kind of warned her about what I was kind of
02:06hoping to do and stuff, and she just kind of got on board with everything, and we're
02:11really used to it. I mean, once you're in there, and you kind of live with it, it just
02:15feels nice, and it doesn't feel like how people might imagine it. They think it would
02:19give them a big migraine and make them dizzy, but you do get really used to it, yeah.
02:23In the documentary, you say you were born to draw, but you are a human being, so I suppose
02:28this is about your journey of trying to balance both those things?
02:32Yeah, I think, for me, like, kind of creating this character of Mr. Doodle, and kind of
02:38imagining I'm from Doodle Land and all these things, I've kind of built up this whole brand
02:43and persona, but just kind of spent so long doing that, that I didn't really spend enough
02:49time just being Sam, and through the journey I went on and making this film, it kind of
02:54helped me realise to not neglect that, and kind of spend time, you know, just being a
03:00normal person.
03:02And something that really fascinates me is you're talking about this personality, this
03:06persona of Mr. Doodle, and then also finding Sam within that as well, but if you were neither
03:10of those things, if you weren't Mr. Doodle, who would you be?
03:16I don't know, you mean if I didn't doodle at all?
03:21I guess, I don't know, I'd want to do something creative, something that feels like I'm putting
03:26some sort of expression into the world, maybe I'd be doing music or making films, I'm not
03:33sure really, animation or something, but it's hard to imagine I think, it's kind of, it's
03:38a huge part of my life, and I've lived with it for a long time now, so it's hard to think
03:43of anything else really.
03:44Amazing, and that documentary The Trouble with Mr. Doodle showing at the Ashford Cinema
03:48this weekend as well, just before we go as well, would you be able to hold that up to
03:52the camera so we can have a look at the last piece?
03:55It's a one line drawing, and it's just kind of weird things that come to my head, and
03:59I draw this way when I don't look at the paper, and this is kind of a little image of you
04:03in there.
04:04Amazing, we've got, Mr. Doodle drew me, amazing, thank you so much for coming in and sharing
04:10your story, of course airing this weekend your documentary, congratulations.
04:13Thanks very much.
