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if you want to boost your confidence by eliminating the root causes of your destruction then watch this video
00:00Video gamers burn thousands of calories playing championships,
00:03their heart rate beating at the pace of professional athletes in the field.
00:07Chess grandmasters use up enormous amounts of energy playing tournaments,
00:11but as described from their own mouths, it feels effortless to them.
00:14Have you ever wondered why you crave using TikTok and playing video games,
00:18and on the other hand, are not willing to put the same effort into something
00:21that could potentially change your entire life?
00:24What if you could make doing work exactly like playing video games?
00:28Using energy but feeling effortless.
00:30There's a part in our brain that makes activities feel stimulating and effortless,
00:34just like it does with video games and scrolling.
00:37You just need to learn how to use that for hard work, and I'm going to show you how.
00:41And I'm even going to give you not one, but multiple ways to do that.
00:45The first step to unlocking that monster-level motivation is to eliminate all the blockers.
00:50Before I explain what I mean by this, imagine this.
00:54You are a rat with a goal to reach the top of the mountain to achieve that big outcome.
00:58You begin your journey on the straightforward path to the top.
01:01Easy, right?
01:03But what if, on your way, there are plates of cheese at every step you take?
01:07The very thing you crave.
01:09Imagine what will happen inside the brain of that rat.
01:12He'll face a massive dilemma between staying focused on reaching the top
01:16and giving in to the temptation of the cheese.
01:19As he progresses through his challenging path, starved of dopamine,
01:23the temptation of giving in only increases as he anticipates the pleasure that will come from taking a bite,
01:29forgetting little by little that one bite could decrease his stamina to a point
01:33where it potentially could be the reason he doesn't reach his goal.
01:36If that feels relatable, this is exactly what drains your energy to work more and stay motivated.
01:42It's filled with dopamine that distracts us from our initial target,
01:46and every time you take a bite, you slow down and fall behind.
01:50In a research experiment, experimenters took two individuals
01:54and put them into separate rooms to complete the same task.
01:57They let subject number one do his work in full focus, blocking all interruptions that may occur.
02:03For subject two, while all other conditions were the same,
02:06they made him switch from his initial task A to task B.
02:10Later, what they found out was surprising.
02:12That simple act of task switching made subject two four times slower than subject one.
02:18Distractions are the biggest blockers of motivation and workflow,
02:21and your first step is to eliminate all the blockers.
02:25Think of those video gamers burning thousands of calories playing tournaments,
02:29and they don't even notice the effort they put in.
02:31They're just addicted to their work.
02:33It's not just because they're playing video games,
02:35but they're using a specific type of motivation from a different source.
02:39People who were able to tap into it, people who work harder than any of us,
02:43like professional athletes, speakers, and even one of the most hardworking celebrities, Mr. Beast,
02:48describe having the same feeling as video gamers.
02:51They don't notice how the time passes by.
02:53They just love doing the thing.
02:55They're addicted.
02:56How is a person, no different than you,
02:58able to get addicted to their work that feels so hard to you?
03:01Can you also get addicted to your work just like them?
03:04Let me explain what it takes to get addicted to your work just like scrolling.
03:08Experts looked closely at these winners
03:10and found that the source from which the winners were pulling their motivation is different from normal people.
03:15There are two types of motivation, extrinsic and intrinsic.
03:18Extrinsic motivation is when we are motivated to achieve an outcome.
03:22This is where all normal people get their motivation from.
03:25They want the outcome.
03:26Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, means you're motivated to do the process.
03:31It's like listening to a song to enjoy the song, not just to finish it.
03:35The most powerful way to tap into it is by simply changing your goals.
03:39So it's not about achieving an outcome, but becoming the type of person who could achieve that outcome.
03:44So when things get harder and there's no hope, you won't give up.
03:47Because if the point is to become that type of person, then the harder it is, the better you can build him.
03:53Now let's look at the science of getting motivated.
03:55Science tells us that we are wired to seek activities that give us pleasure.
03:59It is deeply ingrained in our neural circuitry.
04:02This strong craving for pleasure is driven by a neurotransmitter in our brain called dopamine.
04:07To understand why we're motivated to use TikTok so much rather than work and how to make working as pleasurable as TikTok,
04:13it's essential to understand that the release of dopamine is one of the powerful motivators for changing behaviors.
04:18Imagine you're scrolling on TikTok.
04:20Dopamine is released in your brain and you experience pleasure.
04:24Now your brain associates using TikTok with those good feelings and wants to relive them again and again.
04:30As a result, it craves TikTok.
04:32Then, every time you use TikTok and experience satisfaction, the reinforcement of that behavior only strengthens, making you addicted to it.
04:40Scary, right?
04:42But what if we can flip the table and make doing work just like TikTok?
04:46This is how you hack your dopamine supply to get motivated.
04:49We're constantly pursuing highly stimulating activities due to the nucleus accumbens in our brain.
04:54So when you starve your brain of dopamine by sitting in your room doing nothing,
04:58it will crave getting back to work.
05:00Because now, working suddenly becomes more stimulating than just sitting in a room.
05:04You have to decrease the bar of what's stimulating to you.
05:07Nowadays, it's so hard for people to feel satisfied.
05:10They're quick to reach for their phone and experience those quick hits of dopamine.
05:14The amount of stimulation it takes for them to feel satisfied only increases.
05:18In this state, working will never motivate them.
05:21But if you can lower the bar by being constantly bored, by staring at a blank wall, meditating, and not using your phone, working will suddenly feel stimulating to you.
05:30Here's how a simple adjustment made thousands of people motivated to act productively and how you can use it to feel motivated.
05:37In a hospital, they noticed that the patient's health was deteriorating at a massive rate due to their bad eating habits.
05:43No matter how much they'd been warned about the fatal consequences, their eating habits didn't improve.
05:48Then, an experienced doctor took charge of the matter.
05:51She and her colleagues designed the hospital cafeteria in a way to alter the patient's food choices.
05:56Originally, the cafe was filled with soda, so they also added water as an option there.
06:01Additionally, they placed baskets of water throughout the room.
06:05Now, water was more convenient and easy to grab.
06:08The result was quick, and they noticed that over three months, the soda sales decreased by 11% and water bottle sales increased by 25%.
06:16They also made some similar changes with food and saw similar results.
06:20Think of how powerful it is.
06:22They were able to change the behavior of thousands of patients without bringing the slightest change in their motivation.
06:28Your environment changes your behavior more effectively than motivation does.
06:32Because if I hold a gun to your head and ask you to work, you'd be motivated to work your ass off.
06:37So you just need to create an optimal environment to get the most work done.
06:41According to experts, if you want to make yourself act in a certain way, change what you see.
06:46A small shift in what you see can lead to a big shift in what you do.
06:50So you keep your phone away from your eyes.
06:52You procrastinate less.
06:54You keep that book always in front of you.
06:56You read more.
06:57Almost 80% of our sensory receptors are used on vision, so no wonder it's true.
07:02How does the world's toughest athlete, completing over 60 triathlons and ultra-triathlons, stay motivated?
07:08Every one of his days consists of brutal pain.
07:11But still, how does he manage to go through this consistently, where 99% of people even struggle to get out of bed?
07:18When you ask these elites, they tell you it's not about motivation but discipline.
07:22While some of them might be true, it's not entirely accurate.
07:25They're motivated.
07:26But their motivation is different from everyone else's.
07:29We pursue the things that spike higher levels of dopamine than not.
07:33Again, for most people, the reward spikes more dopamine for them than the pursuit.
07:38To have repeated wins, and to work hard consistently, your pursuit has to be more dopaminergic than the attainment of the reward.
07:45Goggins likes the pursuit.
07:47He gets more dopamine out of pursuit and doesn't care about the result.
07:50He gets pleasure from the friction itself.
07:52Goggins trained himself to push through pain, even when not motivated.
07:56Recently, scientists have identified a part of the brain called the anterior mid-cingulate cortex.
08:02This part focuses on the brain's willpower.
08:04And the crazy thing is, when people do what they hate, it increases its size.
08:09So the more you push through pain, the more you strengthen your will, and over time, it becomes easier for you to commit to the work.
08:16Hard work isn't fun and often not pretty.
08:18It's painful.
08:19But by having this great goal, you sign up for this.
08:22You acknowledge that, yeah, it's gonna suck.
08:25So you pay the price, you get the outcome.
08:27Otherwise, you don't get it.
08:29There's a reason it's called hard work.
08:31That's it.
08:32If you want more valuable content, you can join my free newsletter from the description.
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