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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi everyone, I'm Alana, and I'm one of the smartest people in the world. Please do like and subscribe to MSA
00:06Okay, okay, not in the world
00:08But I am the smartest of my siblings straight A's winning debates and a pro at piano
00:14I had it all well
00:15I should have had it all but there's a saying the squeaky wheel gets all the grease and that's my siblings
00:21My parents only cared about my popular older brother Derek and his college future
00:26Then there was the other squeaky wheel my little sis Lisa
00:30She was adorable when she was younger, but recently she'd grown into a little grumpy attention-seeking grouch
00:36My point is I was the forgotten middle child even worse Derek aka
00:40Mr. Popular was as dumb as a doorknob always complaining about his phone not working
00:46Even though he didn't know how to use it eventually I lost patience and I decided to mess with him
00:51Maybe the battery is faulty. I read somewhere that you should rub the battery on your head. Apparently it helps recharge it
00:57That's not a thing fine. Don't believe me. Why would you trust the nerd?
01:01Anyways, wait, she is a total nerd
01:04Maybe she's right Derek walked around the entire day rubbing the battery against his hair dad
01:10Noticed his struggle eventually and bought him a brand new phone
01:13See what I mean?
01:14I've been asking dad for a new laptop for months because mine was literally hanging by a thread
01:20But all he said was I'll get it on the way home from your brother's game. Don't worry. Ah, dear. I forgot
01:26Anyways, I'm busy with your baby sister now, so I'll do it later later never arrived
01:32Eventually, I saved up my own money sort of technically
01:35I got the rest of it from mom by pretending that my laptop gave me an electric shock
01:39Sorry, but you got to be creative when people ignore you and that's the thing when you're overlooked as a child
01:45It becomes a full-time job just to get noticed like another time when I was 13
01:49I just won a massive science competition and I mean
01:53Massive every school in the area was there and I won with my project on how to make animal friendly leather out of mango skins
02:00When I got home to tell my parents about winning the competition
02:03They were completely fawning over pretty boy Derek his best friend Steve was there too God every time I saw him
02:10I felt my cheeks flush. I hated to admit it, but I had such a crush on him Alaina, honey
02:15Did you congratulate your brother his team won the game and he's in the running for prom king this year my star quarterback
02:23I'm so proud of you. That's nice. Um, I won the science competition for our entire district Wow
02:30Congratulations. You're really smart Alana. Oh
02:33Science I never understood that subject. It's always about worms somehow. We knew you'd always win Alana
02:38No big deal since when was entering for prom king or winning a game with your entire team helping you a big deal
02:46But my parents obviously thought so because they booked a beach resort just to celebrate Derek's
02:51Achievements and they invited the entire extended family great just great and as usual things didn't go my way
02:59When we got to the resort dad realized he forgot to put my luggage in the car
03:04Even though I was unpacking two days ahead of everyone else
03:08Typical. Oh, honey. Let's turn it into a positive. It's been so long since the two of us went out clothes shopping
03:15Careful with her mom
03:16She'll make you buy a jacket made out of mangoes or shoes made out of lemons
03:20When mom and I got back the entire family decided to go out for a fancy dinner
03:24I wore a dress mom bought me and secretly I felt cute then everyone started complimenting me and I knew I really looked good
03:33Okay, she's looking nice for once but anyone can look good on vacation
03:37Try doing it every single day of your entire high school career
03:41He couldn't handle losing the spotlight for a second while everyone was laughing at my brother's corny jokes
03:47I hit the beach grabbing my phone
03:49I opened the piano app to play my favorite song the music took me away to a special place
03:54But then I noticed someone watching me. It was a boy my age a really good-looking boy
03:59Huh didn't expect to find someone my age who liked older songs you play really well, um, thanks
04:05It's one of my favorite songs. He introduced himself as Wayne and we got to talking. We both had a lot in common
04:11We listened to similar music and even had the same favorite movie of all time the notebook
04:17Just don't tell me it's because of Ryan Gosling. Nah, he's too old. But the movie was awesome
04:22It stayed true to the book, which is what I love the most Wayne's face went blank
04:26Then he totally transformed into the movie's lead character
04:29I've spent each life before this one searching for you
04:33Not someone like you but you for your soul in mine must always come together
04:37I couldn't believe I was sitting with a boy alone on the beach and quoting Nicholas Sparks
04:43Finally someone noticed me. I spent the rest of the trips sneaking away from my family to meet Wayne
04:49I told him all about my family and he listened. He told me something that really stuck in my mind
04:54Don't hide your true self Alana do whatever you like doing even if your brother says it's nerdy
04:59I thought playing video games was a waste of time
05:01But now I'm pretty dang good at it and quite famous too on the last night of the vacation
05:07I was sad to say goodbye to Wayne
05:09He squeezed my hand and told me we'd keep in touch and we did we texted each other every day
05:14But when I hit school again, things had changed my shopping trip with mom had transformed my dress style
05:20And now I felt everyone's eyes on me even Steve's it became too much
05:25So I hid in the music room during recess then the most unexpected thing happened Elena. How are you? I'm good
05:32Derek's not here though. I know I wanted to talk to you. How's music class going? I couldn't believe it
05:38I did my best not to act like the other girls who screamed when Derek or Steve walked past them
05:43Steve and I talked for a while
05:45I told him about my vacation and showed him some of the beautiful pictures I took of the place
05:49That's when I noticed how he kept moving closer before I knew it. He was holding my hands
05:54You know, this new look is really cute on you. Um, do you seriously think so?
05:59Yeah, I do and I am the cuteness expert. Hey, listen, sorry
06:04I gotta take this as Steve talked into his phone
06:07I watched him walk away
06:08But all I could think about were his words this new look is really cute on you after that day
06:14Steve and I hung out quite a bit but only at school the more I got to know Steve the more I
06:19Told Wayne about him, but when I got home one day my numbskull brother Derek was waiting
06:23He turned my closet upside down and ruined my new clothes. He was angry
06:29Stay away from Steve nerd. You got it
06:32Finally someone takes an interest in me and you want me to stop Derek?
06:36I'm gonna ask Steve to be my homecoming dance date whether you like it or not
06:39And if you ruin all of my clothes for the night
06:42I just won't wear any Derek was shocked looks like the boring middle sister wasn't so boring after all Alana
06:49Please as if I was gonna listen to him of all people the next day. I went to find Steve
06:54I wanted to ask him to the homecoming dance
06:56But as I reached for the gym door, I heard Steve's voice inside my heart raced when I heard another girl's voice
07:02Come on, babe. There's no way I like Alana
07:05I just wanted to get close to her so she'd do all my assignments. I can even get her to do your assignments, too
07:10I couldn't believe it
07:12I wanted to yell at him, but I was way too upset if I confronted him
07:16I'd probably have puked on him when I got home. I jumped straight into bed and texted Wayne to tell him everything
07:22He cheered me up right away. He sent me a surprise package of brownies and some exotic flowers
07:28I'd never seen before and of course, my parents bombarded me with questions. Did a boy send you this stuff?
07:34Yeah, he's just a friend. Do we know him Derek? Do you know him? Come on dad. It's Alana. No boys chase her
07:42She's probably sending the stuff to herself
07:44First of all, the boy exists and no, he's not one of Derek's stupid football friends
07:49I met him at the beach actually and we've been best friends ever since see for yourself
07:55The phone battery died honey dad. You can't trust her with phone batteries. I'm not lying
08:01I promise whether you believe me or not isn't important to me
08:04I'm not trying to show off to the world who I'm dating or how cool I am
08:08That's not my priority says the girl who's running for prom queen, huh?
08:13Yeah, I saw it too. Someone entered your name for that thing the moment mom heard those two words prom queen
08:20She squealed and began planning a whole new dress to buy me
08:24It was nice to get her attention for once but I wasn't remotely interested in the thing
08:29Take it easy mom prom night events are so basic and fake like why even bother all the popular kids
08:35Just show up to try and prove how cool they are. It's so lame. No way
08:40That night Lisa walked into my room without saying a word I was the one who nominated you for prom queen Alana
08:47Seriously, but why because you're so much smarter and cooler than the other girls if you win
08:52It'll mean so much for girls like me. What do you mean?
08:57Alana I really look up to you the prom queen stuff shouldn't just be for the popular crowd
09:02You're so smart. And in my opinion, you're already a queen. Oh god, stop it
09:07My moody little baby sister just said she looked up to me. There's no way
09:12I'm letting you go Lisa's words really got me pumped for the dance now. Not that I was a good dancer
09:17It was actually cuz all the nominated students were expected to give a speech at the dance
09:22This was my chance to finally tell the popular kids what I thought of them
09:26It took a couple of days to write the speech and then one more day to delete the really bad words
09:31But finally my speech was ready. I was gonna give Derek and Steve a major clap back in front of the whole school
09:38But when I told Wayne he thought it was a bad idea
09:40He tried to convince me that I should take the higher ground that Derek was my brother after all
09:45But I didn't care on the day of the speech. I was practicing at home and suddenly Derek barged in
09:51Did you forget how to knock or were you rubbing batteries on your head again Alana?
09:55I heard you're gonna tell the whole school how much you hate me and my friends. Really?
09:59Yeah, and you always get everything on a silver platter
10:02Don't you know how hard the rest of us work compared to you? You sound really stupid right now sure
10:08It's not easy for you nerds, but it's not easy for us either. Yeah, right
10:12There you go acting like, you know everything I fought with Steve today, you know because he lied to you
10:18Derek lifted his jacket to show me he had a bloody scratch from a fight
10:22Do you even know how much pressure there is on me every time I run onto the field?
10:25It's my whole college dream at stake. You don't even realize how much cooler you are than me in comparison
10:30You'll get into any university no matter what whereas I'm scared of failing every single day
10:36You think I'm cooler than you really that's all you heard Wow
10:41Derek's words really made me think I'd acted like the burden of the entire world was on my shoulders
10:47But here he was the most popular guy at school and he was struggling
10:51I found Derek sitting out on the porch later Derek
10:54I just wanted our parents to notice me as much as you and Lisa
10:57I'm tired of trying hard and still being nothing but a nerd to them
11:02Firstly Alana mom and dad do notice you in fact, they're always talking about how good you are all the freaking time
11:08It's just that they don't have to worry about you. And anyways being a nerd is great
11:13You can do anything like like I could tutor you. That's it Derek. How about I help you out by tutoring you?
11:19Well, actually I could really use your help for school, but nobody needs to know okay, not even your imaginary boyfriend
11:26He is not imaginary you I was about to punch my brother's arm, but then I saw him smiling
11:32He was joking. He could be pretty clever in his own way
11:35Sometimes the next day I rewrote my entire speech and on the day of the dance
11:40I gave the school the motivational speech of their lives
11:43I told every kid that whether they were popular or not, they should all just have fun and let go
11:48Don't put crazy pressure on yourself. We're young after all we should enjoy learning the things that are meaningful to us
11:55And that's how you achieve maximum coolness
11:58I'd like to think I convinced everyone in that hall or at the very least I convinced my little sis Lisa and Derek
12:04Of course when the dance finally started
12:06I thought I'd be left standing alone
12:08But my brother swept me in his arms and my sister joined in as we were having an amazing time
12:13Someone tapped on my shoulder Wayne. He looked better than I'd ever seen him
12:17I was so excited to introduce him to my school friends
12:20But the thing that excited me the most the look on my brother's face his jaw dropped to the floor
12:26See, I told you Wayne was real
12:29But but this is the Wayne you spoke of this guy's a legend
12:32Turns out Wayne was a much bigger gamer than I thought and Derek was a huge fan the way he behaved
12:39It was like he wanted Wayne to be his date instead of mine
12:42I didn't win anything at the dance, of course, but it's fine. That's not my main thing
12:47I did have an amazing time with Wayne and I felt more relaxed than I'd ever felt